Showing posts with label winner. Show all posts
Showing posts with label winner. Show all posts

Friday, May 27, 2011


It’s time to announce the winners of the Freschetta sponsored giveaway and the Sew Mama Sew giveaway!

According to the winner of the FREE pizza a pretty bamboo cutting board is…


#12 Karin!!!

and the winner of the Sew Chatty shop credit is…


# 22 Stephanie from All Things Beautiful!

Congrats ladies! I will be contacting you shortly!

Have a happy day!


Saturday, March 19, 2011

Wardrobe Challenge Project 3 & Giveaway Winners!

Happy weekend friends!

For Project 3 of my Wardrobe Challenge, I am making some simple A-line elastic waist skirts! I found some really great fabric at M&L Fabrics in Anaheim last week.


A fun bright tropical print that will be perfect for BBQ’s this spring/summer, a lightweight denim that will go with EVERYTHING, and an Amy Butler floral {from her Soul Blossoms line}.

The denim one is done and I’ll be finishing up the other two soon. So quick and easy to make!

And now on to the giveaway winners chosen by random number generator…


The winner of the PurseBling giveaway is #11 Heather. Congrats Heather! You will LOVE your Purse To Go Pockets Plus!


The winner of TWO super cute hair accessories from Funky Polka Dot Giraffe is #4 Mare. Enjoy your hairclips! So cute! Makes me want a girl in a major way!

Congrats to my winners! Make sure you come back Thursday to see my new skirts! Have a great weekend everyone!

Friday, February 25, 2011

Shop Update {and some other goodness}

Happy Friday friends! This week has been kind of a whirlwind and I am really ready for the weekend. Especially because I get to go on a marriage retreat with the Hubbs. It’s going to be awesome :)

Lots of fun things happening at Sew Chatty today!


First item of business…how about a FREEBIE FRIDAY???? Take 10 % off your order in the shop when you use the code HAPPYDAY at checkout!

Next…are you a fan of Sew Chatty on Facebook?


If not you totally should be because I am having a fabric de-stash sale for my fans today. To become a fan, just click on the little FB widget on my sidebar. I’ll be posting the details of the sale on the fan page this morning!

The big winner of the Rock A Bow giveaway is……


Erica from B is for Boy. Congrats Erica!


I’ll be contacting you shortly to let you know how to claim your fancy new Children’s Artfolio!

So let’s recap…10% off in the shop, Facebook de-stash sale, big winner! Well, that’s it for now. Make sure to visit the fan page later if you like pretty fabric :)

Saturday, January 22, 2011

And the winner is…

Good morning friends! Thank so much to everyone that entered the FREEBIE FRIDAY fabric giveaway!


The winner is picked by the Quick Random Number Generator app on my phone and it says the winner is…#19 Lesley from Five Seconds From Crazy!!! Congrats Lesley! Your pretty fabric will ship out today!

Friday, November 12, 2010

And the winner is....!!!

And the winner of my fall giveaway for a Grab & Go Wristlet and Ruffley Snap Wallet is.....
Kristen from Ladybug Blessings! Congratulations Kristen! Enjoy your new ruffley goodies :)

Check out Kristen's blog too...super cute!

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