Happy Friday friends! This week has been kind of a whirlwind and I am really ready for the weekend. Especially because I get to go on a marriage retreat with the Hubbs. It’s going to be awesome :)
Lots of fun things happening at Sew Chatty today!
First item of business…how about a FREEBIE FRIDAY???? Take 10 % off your order in the shop when you use the code HAPPYDAY at checkout!
Next…are you a fan of Sew Chatty on Facebook?
If not you totally should be because I am having a fabric de-stash sale for my fans today. To become a fan, just click on the little FB widget on my sidebar. I’ll be posting the details of the sale on the fan page this morning!
The big winner of the Rock A Bow giveaway is……
Erica from B is for Boy. Congrats Erica!
I’ll be contacting you shortly to let you know how to claim your fancy new Children’s Artfolio!
So let’s recap…10% off in the shop, Facebook de-stash sale, big winner! Well, that’s it for now. Make sure to visit the fan page later if you like pretty fabric :)