Hi friends! Happy Friday and happy long weekend! My husband is off today so we get four days to play! Whoo hoo! Headed to Disneyland in a bit!
So I have been wanting to make something to house all of my hair accessories and jewelry and pretty things FOREVER and finally did something about it this week! Look at this mess I had going on…eww.

Thanks once again to Pinterest, I found a great tutorial HERE for how to take an old yucky frame and make it into a lovely organizer!
Check it out…
First, I hit up the Goodwill and found this gem.

Apparently this is a painting of Mary and the baby Jesus snoozing the sphinx on their way to Egypt? And the original hangs at Hearst Castle. Thanks to my nerdy husband for Googling that for me…
It was the only frame I could find that had any detail on it. And by the way, my Goodwill is NOT cheap. I paid $6 for that. My sister wants the print though so I guess it’s a cheap gift and crafty project in one! SCORE.
I just followed the tute which was super simple {ok fine my husband attached the chicken wire for me}! And here’s is how it turned out!

I love it! See that pretty tray that has all my headbands? I made that too. It’s a tray made of FABRIC. I have a few tweaks to make before they are ready for the general public but they will be hitting the shop ASAP!

Hope you all have a lovely weekend with time to make something pretty! Have a happy day!