Good morning! The sun is shining {kind of} and I declare myself HEALTHY!!! No more plague…yahoo!
So yesterday I told you about my love {ok fine, unnatural obsession} of Pinterest. Well, today I am going to share a yummy recipe that my friend Stacy pinned!
Have you jumped on the quinoa band wagon yet? Until yesterday, I hadn’t either! It’s a grain somewhere between brown rice and cous cous. It’s kind of nutty tasting and it is YUM. Super filling and packed with protein and vitamins.
Quinoa & Black Bean Salad with Avocado
This makes tons. I had it for lunch and dinner yesterday and there is still enough for at least 3 more portions. I am back to Weight Watchers full force to get back to goal before the little man gets out of school. With yummy recipes like this…I’d say I’m well on my way! If you are on Weight Watchers…it’s 8 PP. If you’re not…it’s just super healthy and good for you!
Have a happy day friends!