Was born in Çanakkale (the city of peace) in June, 1991. Living with my beautiful wife and two lovely cats in Ankara, Turkey. Loving all the living, children and elders. Believe in humanity, reason and conscience.
Interested in areas as Full Stack, Front-End or Back-End Engineer, Financial Software, Mathematical Modeling, Computational Software, Database Design, JavaScript Library Development, Intelligence & Analytics.
Being literate and experienced in information/web technologies. Having knowledge about object oriented, procedural, scripting and markup programming languages, operating systems and parallel processes.
Being comfortable with database design as well as creating user interfaces, web applications as well as desktop applications using commercial or open-source software.
Not obsessing with control, but tending to know how 3rd party programs do what they do. Prone to use libraries having accessibility to the whole code or create my own library.
Preferring codes and the software itself simple and modest, also well documented. Not fond of starting a project before documentation or programming an unknown project.
Desiring to be competent with the theory behind the subject which the software would applied to. Capable of learning any subject regardless to its field.
Gaining insight about positive science as well as social sciences.