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27 votes

SSH into a box with a frequently changed IP

A lot of the answers here will work - but technically they're workarounds. OpenSSH already has a built-in feature with this in mind: HostKeyAlias. In your .ssh/config file, add HostKeyAlias <alias&...
zaTricky's user avatar
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5 votes

Generate fingerprint with PGP Public Key

The --with-fingerprint is an option, not a command. This option modifies the output of the --list-keys (for keys in the keyring) or --show-keys (for keys in files) command to include the fingerprint. ...
Simon Richter's user avatar
4 votes

How to change a SSH host key?

Debian 10.7 user here. Mixing the two best answer was the cleanest way to solde the problem : ( As root or sudo it yourself ) server A.B.C.D : Mooving old keys in a "backup" folder mkdir -p ...
inattendu's user avatar
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4 votes

Can I find local ssh private key from remote fingerprint?

The ssh-keyscan command is for scanning the host keys (/etc/ssh/ssh_host_*.pub), not the keys present used for authentication/authorization of users. You would need to connect to the remote host and ...
Zoredache's user avatar
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3 votes

Can I find local ssh private key from remote fingerprint?

I think I avoid your dilemma by simply defining a priori which keypair to use for what host in my ~/.ssh/config Host www HostName IdentityFile ~/.ssh/key1 Host dev HostName dev....
HBruijn's user avatar
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1 vote

pam: reducing auth method timeout

Timeout minimum value is 10s. See manpage: timeout=TIMEOUT The amount of time before returning an authentication failure. The default timeout is 30 seconds, with 10 seconds being the minimum.
Cirelli94's user avatar
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1 vote

Generate fingerprint with PGP Public Key

Found this answer for you and I believe it's the same issue you are having:
Cerberton's user avatar
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1 vote

Guess current date/time on remote server

The HTTP protocol has the Date header (RFC 7231, for the date and time at which the message was originated. That's typically the time on the server in UTC. When a Date header field is ...
Esa Jokinen's user avatar
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1 vote

Verify SSH Fingerprint about DNS SSHFP record fails

StrictHostKeyChecking yes prevents openssh from automatically adding new HostKeys to the known_hosts file. You will need to add it to known_hosts manually or set StrictHostKeyChecking no for your ...
lsmooth's user avatar
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1 vote

How to change a SSH host key?

On AWS Linux & thus likely other Red Hat derivatives, the result from restarting sshd and using ssh-keygen -A are not the same. You get different keys and different group ownership. Restarting ...
Alan's user avatar
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