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Questions tagged [vestacp]

The Vesta Control Panel is an open source hosting control panel. WARNING: Questions involving web hosting control panels are generally off-topic at ServerFault and more appropriately asked on

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TLS connection Error from exim4

My mail server, which is operated with myVesta, has a problem when I want to send mails. (Receiving works) Unfortunately I only get the error from Thunderbird mailnews.send: Sending failed; The ...
Lars Jänsch's user avatar
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cannot find mysql folder in /var/lib/mysql in rescue mode

I have I have a server fault. So I have boot to rescue mode and logged in using ssh as root. I have mounted all the disk and in fact I can see files, users etc. (I was using Vestacp as Control Panel). ...
Tim's user avatar
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How do I detect why PHP requests to external servers are slow?

For the last two months, some days, my requests(get/post) to external links are working with a delay. However, this issue only occurs in my code running on a server that I use heavily. I have three ...
ose's user avatar
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Exim established many connections to strange ips

I installed VestaCP and used their mail server for my domain mails. But when I run netstat on my server,it shows some strange connections. There are no problems with my mail server until now, I just ...
Huynh Vinh Phat's user avatar
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Nginx disable https redirect for 404+http uri

I have HTTPS redirect in nginx.conf But if the requested URI is HTTP and 404 - I don't need a redirect. Is there any solution for this specific configuration? Also is there a possibility to turn off ...
allwillburnn's user avatar
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php geoip not working on ubuntu 18.04 [closed]

I can't get the GeoIP PHP extension working on Ubuntu 18.04 with PHP 7.2 i have intalled it by the cli: sudo apt-get install -y php7.2-geoip Its enabled in system but not working: php7.2 -i | grep ...
Mitra's user avatar
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How to optimize memory with Fail2Ban, Journal and Clamav

I use VestaCP on Debian 9. Yesterday I received 3 email alerts related to cron. All three contain the same error message: /bin/sh: execle: Cannot allocate memory. So, I started with the free --mega ...
cyclone200's user avatar
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Exim + Dovecot sending or receiving an email occurs the error: Unknown user

I'm running a mail server with CentOS 7 + Exim 4.92 + Dovecot 2.2.36 and RoundCubeMail as web interface, and have the following problem: when I send to or receive from emails which is not admin@ or ...
holycreeper's user avatar
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2 answers

How to use CNAME to load webapplication

I've built an application and planning to host it at I have about 10 customers who want the application to be hosted on their brand name (White labeled). Instead of deploying the same ...
Harry's user avatar
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Your ClamAV installation is OUTDATED

I'm running Vesta on Centos 7 and recently I've got this error. server#: freshclam current working dir is /var/lib/clamav ClamAV update process started at Fri Dec 13 12:36:40 2019 Using IPv6 aware ...
Itamar Zimmerman's user avatar
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IP address showing on my web server together with the domain [closed]

Recently I installed VESTACP and nginx, added domain name and everything is fine, I can access my website with domain but also when I type an IP address from server ( I can access ...
Edgar's user avatar
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GoDaddy: exim4 receiving emails but fails to send on "No route to host" error

On an Ubuntu 16.04 VPS, hosted by GoDaddy, I want to be able to send email using my domain name. I created a mail user [email protected] through Vestacp, installed Roundcube and checked that ...
AlexAngc's user avatar
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Spring endpoints work with IP but not domain name. How to fix?

I have a Spring Boot application deployed in a VPS. I packaged it as a war and deployed it through the Tomcat manager (<IP>:<Tomcat port>/manager/html). It works if I access the endpoints ...
GuiRitter's user avatar
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Dovecot Aborted login user=<>

I have a problem with Dovecot configuration. I installed full pack VestaCP (Hosting Control Panel), it's included Dovecot. (Early, i configure many servers with this panel, and everything works ok) ...
user2048346's user avatar
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2 answers

Others users can change root password?

I've disabled root SSH login and I wanted to change my root password for a strong one. I was logged in with an admin user and used the following: sudo passwd root I expected it to ask for my root ...
cyclone200's user avatar
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How to know the current running version of VestaCP? [closed]

I have VestaCP on My Linux VPS and I want to know what is the version of the current VestaCP. How do I this?
Mohammed Shannaq's user avatar
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Mysql service stop suddenly in VPSMysql

need your help to identify whats going on in my VPS. I provide this mysqld.log to help us examine the problems.. 180420 22:42:06 [Warning] IP address '{HIDDEN IP}' could not be resolved: Temporary ...
Nasihun Amin Suhardiyan's user avatar
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Changing the name of a YUM repository (or aliasing it)? [closed]

I'm trying to install Vesta panel on Amazon Red Hat AMI. At some point of install script Vesta try to install its software: yum -y --disablerepo=* --enablerepo="*base,*updates,nginx,epel,vesta" \ ...
gremo's user avatar
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