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Questions tagged [php-cli]

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2 answers

mysql not inserting through php cli

I have a simple php script which is ran from cli. I have tried many different variations of mysql code, but regardless, the line isnt inserted in the database even though php says it is.... <?php $...
Ben's user avatar
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Cronjob Files Not Closing and 100% CPU usage

I'm running a php file every 10 seconds with a cronjob. While the system was running fine, I noticed last night that php was using 100% of the CPU and crashing the system. When I checked with ps aux, ...
Burak.H's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

How to enable/disable PHP extension for PHP CLI if there is no loaded configuration file?

I just executed php -i | grep "Loaded Configuration File" to find out where the configuration file of my PHP CLI is stored, but I get: Loaded Configuration File => (none). So it loads the ...
Black's user avatar
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1 answer

Where to give index.php properly?

I have /var/www/html/moodle as my website directory. When in mysite.conf the settings are as follows: DocumentRoot /var/www/html DirectoryIndex "index.php" gives an Index of/ page since ...
Praveen's user avatar
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1 answer

/usr/bin/php vs /bin/php vs php in bash [closed]

We are running a php client command. php xx yy zz run just fine but not its counter parts (/usr/bin/php and /bin/php) which give very weird error. I am so confused row, given that : command -v php |...
Phung D. An's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Permission error from Supervisor when full PHP path not specified

I've compiled PHP from source on Debian Stretch in a docker container. I have added this entry to my Supervisor config: command=/bin/sh -c 'QUEUE=orders/create APP_INCLUDE=/var/www/html/jobs/...
Asa Carter's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

Set SERVER vars programatically from the CLI

I need a script to set the SERVER variables programatically when executing a PHP script from the CLI. The idea is to get the SetEnv lines from an apache config file and feed them into the cli ...
Matt's user avatar
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php performance issues between two servers

I know this question might be too broad but I'm desperate. Prenote: Here I'm testing php with CLI but same difference occurs with Apache+PHP too. But to avoid Apache caching and other stuff I used ...
Ergec's user avatar
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1 answer

Ec2 Cronjobs - High CPU usage

I have an EC2 Instance (micro) running a cakephp API. This instance serves quality validation before deploying into production. On this instance, we have 5 cronjobs that run once each minute. Those ...
Cafn's user avatar
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Do not use .htpasswd when env set to specific value

I have .htpasswd protection on my site that works fine. When I call a script that puts everything into cache via PHP CLI I get a 401 error. The problem here is the .htpasswd protection. In the CLI ...
Fabian's user avatar
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1 answer

CentOS 7 mysqli works on php apache but not on php-cli

I have php7.2 installed(from remi repository) in CentOS 7.5. I want to access mysqli from command line php. When trying, it shows the error: Call to undefined function mysqli_connect() The php ...
sariDon's user avatar
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0 answers

PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library php_soap.dll: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory in Unknown on line 0

After installing PHP soap when I run php via command line it throws an error: PHP Warning: PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library '/usr/lib/php/20151012/php_soap.dll' - /usr/lib/php/20151012/...
John Magnolia's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Pass environment variables to the PHP CLI and FPM

I want to use environment variables in my PHP applications both CLI and FPM. What I do is I: export some variables in /etc/environment. configure both php.ini (CLI and FPM) to variables_order = "...
Kolyunya's user avatar
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Where does echo end up when a php script is executed from a shell script?

I have a php script that I execute from a .sh file, and have some echoes in it. if I run the script from the terminal, I can see all the output, but where does it go when it is running in the ...
fpjxmqjtaw's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

Nginx + PHP maximum output limit

I have php 5.5 (fpm) and nginx 1.10 installed (gzip configured to 1). Running on ubuntu. When I am "echoing" a large output (over 2 mb), it stops abruptly at around 520 kb. But same program when I ...
hakacadera's user avatar
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PHP 7 Module already loaded warnings

I have a machine running Ubuntu 14.04.3 LTS that is deployed via Ansible. I've got PHP 7 installed using Ondřej Surý's PPA for PHP. $ dpkg -l | grep -i php ii libapache2-mod-php7.0 7.0.3-...
DanielGibbs's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

The apache2handler SAPI is not supported by pthreads

It has been weeks now that I cannot install pthreads. I am going to list the error logs then I will list my configuration options. These are the errors I get:(Apache Error Log) The apache2handler ...
D.elp's user avatar
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3 votes
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PHP CLI not loading IMAP extension

When I try to run a script that uses imap in my browser, it works fine (it is loaded from a Ubuntu 14.04 server on my network with the extension installed). However, when I try to use PHP CLI on said ...
captainGeech's user avatar
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Configuring php7.0 with apache2

I'm running the newly released php7.0 on debian jessie. By now it works all fine. Enabling the pdo_mysqli, I have found mutliple configuration directories for php7. There are: apache2 cli fpm I'm ...
simon's user avatar
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How to run 5 php processes, which uses different eth interfaces?

I'm using cron to run everyday script, which has to run 5 php-cli processes. I need them to use separate interfaces. I have 5 devices, eth0, eth1, eth2, eth3, eth4. How can I call php to make sure ...
michail_w's user avatar
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Bus error during PHP5 is running a simple script - what?

When working with PHP scripts, I usually do not have to bother with the underlying system. Today, I have to. A PHP script (cronjob) that has worked fine is crashing since 2 days ago. The cronjob mail ...
BurninLeo's user avatar
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3 answers

PHP cli uses different php.ini file when run by cron

My CakePHP console script is having problems executing under cron. It complains about missing Mysql connections and such. After a little investigating I found that php run by cron uses a different ...
Jelle De Loecker's user avatar
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What are the affects of disabling CGI on my server to enable PHP CLI

I have a DS WHM - cpanel running apache / with litespeed I have a number of websites running on this server I need to run CLI on one of the sites the CGI module is enabled in the apache build. The ...
Ledgemonkey's user avatar
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PHP CLI: Call to undefined function mysql_connect() even with mysql module enabled

I try to run a PHP script from the command line, but get the following error: Call to undefined function mysql_connect() However, the mysql module is loaded: root /var/www/scripts # php -m | grep ...
Matthias's user avatar
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2 answers

Enable coloured PHP CLI messages on console [closed]

How to enable coloured messages for PHP CLI on console (Mac OS X, latest PHP/Apache from MacPorts)? export CLICOLOR=1 export LSCOLORS=gxfxcxdxbxegedabagacad doesn't seem to be enough, all PHP CLI ...
Ain's user avatar
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5 votes
4 answers

Apache executes HTML, but not PHP; PHP CLI works

I am running php 5.3.3 on rhel 6.2 with Apache 2.2.15 and am failing to get PHP code interpreted by Apache. There are no errors (in the system log, httpd/error_log, or php_errors.log) - I have ...
geoweaser's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

PHP-CLI cannot execute scripts on Samba Share (using cifs) inside a guest VM (Centos 6)

I have a centos 6 VM running as a guest within Virtualbox. I've set up a LAMP stack which I am able to access from the host (Windows) environment. I've mounted a SMB share using 'mount -t cifs' and I'...
calumbrodie's user avatar
-1 votes
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PHP CLI error: Could not startup

I just installed the php5-cli package in Ubuntu 11.04. If I run: /usr/bin/php5 -a # The -a is for interactive mode I get the output: Could not startup.. However, if I add the -n option, which ...
Vinicius Braz Pinto's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Changes made to cli's php.ini not taking effect

I have two php.ini files - /etc/php.ini which loads in case of cli /opt/lampp/etc/php.ini which loads in case of browser. I am able to use PHP's Mailparse extension after adding the line ...
Sandeepan Nath's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

PHP Warning: PHP Startup: apc.shm_segments setting ignored in MMAP mode

Any ideas on how i can fix this warning? Getting this while executing it from shell, on FreeBSD 8.x # /usr/local/bin/php --run 'echo "test";' PHP Warning: PHP Startup: apc.shm_segments setting ...
Phliplip's user avatar
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4 answers

Do PHP files need read permission to be executed in CLI?

I have a php file test.php #!/bin/php <?php echo "test"; ?> This file owned by root and its permissions are these -rwxr-x--x so 'others' can execute, but cannot read. When logged in as ...
Pedro Carvalho's user avatar
-2 votes
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enabling php-cli in php5

i wanted to install php-cli in php5.2.11..does it come built-in or should i install it?
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