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multipart/mixed content type and boundary refused by Amavis

I'm writing a Ruby script that send SMTP email. The email is divided onto 3 parts: headers, body and attachment. Unfortunatly, I'm struggling to satisfy an Amavis requirement: properly writing the ...
Sumak's user avatar
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OSS Server Written in Javascript, Linux Based Needs MIME Configuration

Scenario: There is a popular OSS application named Potree, hosted in GitHub. I am getting minimum support from its author, a very talented but busy guy who does not know much Linux or Apache. This is ...
David Alarcon's user avatar
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1 answer

MIME database file on Windows Server 2019

I'm working with IIS 10, on a Windows Server 2019 and I'm trying to export the MIME database to another WS-2019. Is there any path where the database is stored? I can't find anything similar in ...
Christian D. Franco's user avatar
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nginx, wrong MIME type after rewrite removing file extension

I have a storage where files are stored with filename corresponding to their MD5 hash. The files are stored like this: ... /srv/storage/25/ /srv/storage/25/25D6D1AD130E4EB7D11F6AB48C09414E ... /srv/...
woky's user avatar
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2 votes
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8bit to Quoted-Printable encoding in Exim

Is it at all possible, and how, to configure the Exim4 mail server to convert outgoing messages (or message parts) from 8bit encoding to Quoted-Printable (or Base64, although I'd prefer QP) before ...
Ale's user avatar
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SPF check MIME FROM - how does the header differ and do I want to enable it?

On our email gateway SPF checks are enabled. There is an option though called SPF Check MIME FROM that I am unfamiliar with and what exactly it will do if the box is checked (enabled). I have ...
user53029's user avatar
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-1 votes
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Pass ASP as PHP on nginx

I have been trying to parse .ASP files as PHP, but no matter what I try (for hours), it just doesn't work. None of the tutorials/notes I find seem to work for me! Either file(s) get downloaded with ...
Hcktrox's user avatar
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Nginx serves php files as plain text (Mod_Rewrite)

There is no .htaccess (Mod_Rewrite) in Nginx.. So I've converted my .htaccess to a format which can be read and placed in the default.conf. Original htaccess: Options -Indexes RewriteEngine on ...
Jake's user avatar
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Under what conditions in Apache installations is AddHandler application/x-httpd-php .php required?

I am a security researcher who has been running into multiple cases where file upload forms can be exploited, allowing attacker-controlled PHP code to be interpreted by the server, leading to remote ...
some.hacker's user avatar
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Incorrect mime type for CSV returned by file -i

On debian the file -i command is returning incorrect information for CSV files, when I run it the mime type is returned as below. $ file -i courses.csv courses.csv: text/plain; charset=utf-8 I've ...
RyanMacG's user avatar
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1 answer

How to correct the MIME type from being recognized as text/x-asm to text/css?

The styles.css file is not loading on my web page, and I am hosting on Amazon S3. It appears that my styles.css file is being recognized as text/x-asm instead of text/css as stated in my index.html ...
modulitos's user avatar
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13 votes
2 answers

nginx mime types and gzip

Nginx allows you to map file extensions to mime types. As the documentation says, it even comes with a pre built list of mime types (pasted at the end of the question). I've always trusted this ...
tompave's user avatar
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Forcing apache to send correct Content-Type for docx files

This seems to be an old problem: Users retrieving docx files from apache are receiving them with a Content-Type header which claims they're zip archives. After a good deal of searching for solutions ...
Dave Sherohman's user avatar
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2 answers

Can I use regex or wildcard to set Apache's AddType Directive?

I manage an internal Apache2 system enabling HTTP browsing and downloads of a connected file system. I do not have control of the files, file types, or file names of the content being uploaded by the ...
mmond's user avatar
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2 answers

Applying Transport Rule only if the mail is text/plain and another if it is text/html

I've been at this for quite some time now, not really getting it to work. Unfortunately I am only able to test on our Office365 account and changes take forever to propagate so I can test after ...
hank's user avatar
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1 answer

How can you send mime encoded emails on systems that do only support uuencode

If you use e.g. Solaris without additional installed software to send MIME mails: how can you send mails with MIME attachments with standard command line tools?
Dr. Hans-Peter Störr's user avatar
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Do SMTP servers implement 8BITMIME with anything other than UTF-8?

RFC 5321 specifies that the body of an email be encoded as 7 bit, US-ASCII. The 8BITMIME extension allow the body to be encoded as 8 bit. An SMTP server can advertise that it supports 8BITMIME in ...
james.garriss's user avatar
2 votes
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Incorrect MIME type - pulling my hair out

I have a problem with CSS files being incorrectly marked text/html by Apache. The file type is mismatched in the browser, and is ignored causing display failures. I'm using Apache 2.2.3 on a RHEL 5 ...
a coder's user avatar
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Server reporting incorrect mime type for css files

We have a VPS server that we host our websites on. I have written a CMS using CodeIgniter. On one of the interfaces, I am attempting to upload a css file to the system. This worked correctly when we ...
Becky's user avatar
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11 votes
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Apache delivering CSS and JS files, but browsers don't render them

A webpage is being hosted by apache2, CentOS 6.2. It Gets HTML, CSS, JS files ok to the client side. But CSS and JS don't render, What can be hapenning? Since they should run 100% on client side...
jacktrades's user avatar
11 votes
3 answers

Does the presence of a Content-ID header in an email MIME mean that the attachment must be embedded?

Two different third-party email products we have are reacting differently to the presence of a content-id header in the MIME source of an email. This is resulting in an inconsistent user experience ...
Mike B's user avatar
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What is the mime type for ashx

I am trying to move a legacy app to iis7. I have found hundreds of posts on how to setup mime types, but not one on what exaclty the mime type for .ashx is. Also, I don't understand how aspx is being ...
Roger Guess's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Cannot load IMG without specifying extension

I just moved to a new server. All my site is including images without extensions. () but the new server doesn't seem to recognize this files unless I add each file's extension which I don't know so I ...
Lisandro Vaccaro's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Is there a command line MIME extractor shipped with RHEL 5?

It looks like mpack is not shipped with RHEL. Is there a command line MIME extractor (i.e. something that can be used from a shell script) shipped with RHEL 5 that does not require installing a third ...
ConcernedOfTunbridgeWells's user avatar
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Perl sendmail attach log files match date format

I want to send log files matching date format, e.g. YYYY-MM-DD-*.log as attachments in Perl script. In BASH, this can be easily done by: [ -f $DIR/explog/$(date "+%Y-%m-%d")-*-host1.log ] && ...
Andrew's user avatar
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1 answer

How can I edit web.config to have a different MIME type for a single XML file not others?

I am trying to set the MIME type for Flash's cross domain file in web.config. Since this file has an extension of .XML the following command will edit the MIME type of all XML documents in my site (...
makerofthings7's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

How to specify proper mime for javascript in apache?

I'm trying to set up mod_mime for javascript. My webserver returns this content-type for js files: Content-Type:application/x-javascript; charset=utf-8 so obviously the directive ExpiresByType ...
zerkms's user avatar
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20 votes
3 answers

Making libmagic/file detect .docx files

As seen elsewhere, docx, xlsx and pttx are ZIPs. When uploading them to my web application, file (via libmagic andpython-magic) detects them as being ZIP. I store the contents of the file as a blob ...
Jonatan Littke's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

Apache returning text/html on some png files

I have an Apache web server that has a sub folder for images. For some reason, a few of the .png files are returned as text/html and not as image/png. There is nothing indicating a permission ...
Oren's user avatar
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1 answer

Get MIME type of files served by Apache

I use an Apache server to make available J2ME application files (namely a *.jad file and a *.jar archive). Now I know that to properly serve these files you need to tell Apache what their MIME type ...
Aabaz's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

Delivery status notification, invalid header: bad MIME

Each email that is generated by the shop web application is returning: Delivery status notification, invalid header: bad MIME From looking at the error message it look like it is complaining about ...
John Magnolia's user avatar
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Outlook Meeting Requests Not Being Re-encoded from Base 64 by Receiving Clients

Exchange 2010 + Outlook 2007. Users send outlook meeting request to a list of recipients both interanlly and externally to the organisation. Some recipients report receiving 'garbled' messages instead ...
Jayden's user avatar
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How to make IIS7 recognize specific file extensions?

I'm attempting to embed .mp4 and .webm video files in a webpage and IIS doesn't appear to be recognizing the file extensions. I read that I needed to add the MIME types for each extension in IIS. I ...
payling's user avatar
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How can I make all unrecognized file types as binary in Apache2?

I'm building a web server distributing variety kind of binary files. (with Ubuntu) They have vary extensions and sometimes has wrong extension. But currently, my Apache server serves unknown files as ...
Eonil's user avatar
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What MIME type should I put for Windows shortcut file (.URL)

If I want to have a Windows shortcut file (foo.URL) to be saved for the users, what MIME type should I assign for it? Default text/plain causes Windows to suggest it to be saved with .txt added as ...
Touko's user avatar
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3 votes
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Set MIME type of PHP generated JavaScript file

I have a dynamically created .js file by PHP. For this to work I added the following to an Apache .htaccess file: AddHandler application/x-httpd-php .js AddType application/javascript .js But the ....
pimvdb's user avatar
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What are the default MIME types for IIS 7?

Is there a list of the default MIME types for IIS 7 somewhere? The one I am most concerned with right now is that for .zip files. I know application/zip will work, but IIS 7 has something else by ...
ubiquibacon's user avatar
1 vote
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Do file extensions matter if you're sending the right MIME type?

I vaguely recall reading that for some audio and video file types, some browsers check not only the HTTP Content-Type header but also the file extension in the URL. Is that so? And what would happen ...
TRiG's user avatar
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ogg files return wrong mime apache. breaks firefox audio player

Hi my site is server ogg files with the mime application/x-unknown-content-type instead of application/ogg which breaks firefox's audio player. How do i get apache to serve the right mime? would it be ...
user avatar
11 votes
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nginx, x-accel-redirect and mime types

In my nginx 0.8.34 setup I'm using the X-Accel-Redirect feature to control file downloads in the application code while not having the application handle the download itself. After much pain this now ...
Tomas Kohl's user avatar
2 votes
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Considering MIME Expansion bloat, how does that affect settings for Exchange 2003/2007/2010 message size limits?

Since the mime encoding can increase a message's size by 33%, what is the correct math I need to do to filter messages larger than 45Mb? Is the math needed at all? Does the math change among ...
makerofthings7's user avatar
2 votes
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Space a valid delimiter for email addresses in email header?

Is it syntactically correct to delimit multiple email recipients in the "To" header of an email with spaces only or do I need to use another delimiter (a semicolon or the like)? Example (MIME data ...
semanticalo's user avatar
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Does Microsoft Exchange automatically rewrite incoming HTML e-mails as multipart/alternative?

Given: If you're sending an HTML e-mail, and you'd like to avoid spam filters, it's advisable to compose your e-mail as a multi-part message and include a plain text version. My Question: Does ...
Jim G.'s user avatar
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Adding a signature with an image/logo and *not* creating an attachment icon

My company uses Outlook 2003/2007 on Exchange, and they want to standardize on a signature format. What is the best way to add an image to a signature with these features (in order of priority): Not ...
makerofthings7's user avatar
6 votes
6 answers

Why are MIME types needed if we can identify file types by their extensions?

If people's computers can decide what to do with files based on their extensions (.pdf, .mp3, .docx, .dotx, etc.), why do web servers and email apps need to also specify a MIME type? I can see this ...
RexE's user avatar
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Wrong MIME-type while uploading files

I have a problem with MIME-type while uploading a file to server from the web-interface. I used CI as engine for my website. I have FreeBSD with Apache 2.2.15 on the board. The problem is: While i ...
kirillorloff's user avatar
0 votes
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Force Tomcat6 to server all *.manifest files as text/cache-manifest?

How do I configure tomcat to server all .manifest files as text/cache-manifest? I'm trying to create an offline cache, and this is tripping me up.
Stefan Kendall's user avatar
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Difference between adding MIME types in IIS via Websites vs Local Computer?

What is the difference between adding MIME types in these 2 different situations? When in IIS 6 manager... Right click on the computer name (local computer) > properties > mime types Right click on ...
Alex KeySmith's user avatar
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.docx issue in Apache servers

What I have to write to the .htaccess file so that the visitors will be able to download .docx files?
ilhan's user avatar
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Apache2 MIME types for js and xml

Would there be any functionality/serving problems on an Apache2 by changing the following default MIME types... .js : application/x-javascript .xml : application/xml To this... .js : text/...
Jeff's user avatar
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