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Mapping drive in Azure

My client has a virtual machine deployed in Azure. Now they want to map a drive from the virtual machine to their local machine. I remotely helped them connect to the VPN, but when I attempted to map ...
Patrick Shen's user avatar
3 votes
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How can I Persist connections to Microsoft Azure Files for all the users?

I have created file share in azure and mapped it to Virtual Machine entitled VM_01. I have used CmdKey command to persist the credentials. C:\>cmdkey /add:<yourstorageaccountname>.file....
kudlatiger's user avatar
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Mapped drive not reconnecting with other credentials on login (Server 2003)

We have an old 2003 server (I know, we should have decommissioned this a long time ago), and we have a user who has an issue with a mapped drive. The server and the user account are on our old domain,...
James Edmonds's user avatar
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ByPass credential prompting on drive map - windows server 2k3

I have 2 windows server 2k3 machines - server A and server B, Server A is on the company domain, and Server B is not. I have a need to bypass the credential prompting that happens every time I map a ...
Tone's user avatar
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