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Parse embedded XML in the log with Logtash

logs are from filebeat to logstash and I write a pattern to parse them.developers added logs that have embeded xml inside logs and here is a sample : 2024-07-08 15:18:35,608 INFO |body=<?xml ...
Ali farahzadi's user avatar
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Grok filter is not working properly

I have Filebeat-7.1 installed in a Debian server, this Filebeat send data from files in this Debian server to server with Logstash 7.6 , here are the files config Filebeat.yml: #=====================...
Ankit's user avatar
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How to apply grok to logs from syslog in telegraf?

In my current setup I am using Telegraf to ingest nginx logs from syslog and spit them out into influxdb. This works great. Telegraf has support for grok log parsing. As far as I can tell it can be ...
Mr. Developerdude's user avatar
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Grok filter for Cisco ASA

How can i get port from cisco ASA syslog using grok pattern. I have tried some methods and its not working . We are using graylog for collecting log data. Eg Log : %ASA-6-301014: Teardown TCP ...
James Arems's user avatar
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ELK Logs from application disappearing when grok rules are enabled

We have two instances of an application (same application, different database), lets call them app1 and app2. The route the logs take is: appX runs filebeat, which picks up the applications log file ...
GeoSword's user avatar
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Logtash grok / multiline confusion

My real patterns are more complex but I have tried to boil the problem down to the core issue. Something I don't understand. Please try this out on I'm ...
spoovy's user avatar
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Logstash multiline codec for Java stacktraces

The logstash documentation indicates that you can collapse the multiple indented lines in a Java stacktrace log entry into a single event using the multiline codec:
Garreth McDaid's user avatar
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Logstash syslog filter not applying to logs?

I'm looking through some syslog logs files in my ELK stack and noticed that all the syslog_severity fields are 'notice', when I can verify in the log files that they are not 'notice'. Seems like ...
Celi Manu's user avatar
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Logstash Grok Parsing Failed

I need to match this entry 2015/10/30 23:58:21 pid 22223 [email protected] [p4/2012.2/LINUX26X86_64/536738] 'test-monitor show' To match this I wrote this Regex P4_DATE (?...
Prashant Lakhera's user avatar
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Logstash Grok Filter

I'm sure there is a simple solution to this but I'm new to working Logstash. The filter I'm trying to apply is for some firewall logs and I have a field that will either have a single or two values ...
CCoombes83's user avatar
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F5 High Speed Logging and Logstash GROK

Im trying to format logs straight from our F5 using HSL and Logstash. I've copied the example configuration exactly from the site as it contains the majority of the information I wanted logstash ...
Dan's user avatar
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Logstash grok match pattern not working even though grok constructor says it is okay

I've been building some grok patterns to parse the /var/log/secure log file and everything has been working fine. I create the grok patterns at and even then test ...
OneTrueBob's user avatar
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Grok Issue with Multiple IP's in NginX Logstash

i've got an issue with logging from my webservers, which has an elb and then a varnish layer in front of nginx layer. varnish is setup properly for X-Forwarded-For and logs come through normally with ...
geniestacks's user avatar
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Logstash is not processing MySQL logs correctly

As you can see, the message is not just the message, but also contains the date and timestamp. . . This is the MySQL Log: /var/log/mysql/error.log 150630 9:01:29 [Warning] Access denied for user '...
ujjain's user avatar
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Logstash matching ceph client and server separation

So I have a fresh logstash install and I am trying to deploy logstash to get a handle on the logs. I am going through and will eventually segment the logstash filters based on subsystem and ...
Lookcrabs's user avatar
7 votes
4 answers

nginx error log Grok pattern

I am having trouble getting the following nginx error log message to parse in the grok debugger. I have a feeling there is a stupid trick that I should use but can't figure out what it may be. ...
jmreicha's user avatar
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Logstash continued grokking after _grokparsefailure

Goodday, (using logstash 1.4.2) I'm trying to do something like: filter { if type == "feed" { grok { match => [ "message", "%{COMBINEDAPACHELOGS}" ] add_tag => [ "grokked", "web"...
Hevisko's user avatar
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Logstash Grok Pattern

First of all I apologize for this,I am pretty bad in regular-expression and try to wrote custom pattern(as I am unable to find something in existing grok pattern or may be I am missing something) for ...
Prashant Lakhera's user avatar