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Questions tagged [garbage-collecting]

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Windows Server 2016 Deduplication garbage collection error

I have Windows Server 2016 with a 3,5 TB volume that has Windows Deduplication enabled. Savings are 50% according the console. Issue: Garbage collection run gives an error: The Data Deduplication ...
der_roedie's user avatar
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Ruby process inconsistently hitting 100% CPU Usage

It's somewhat of a shot in the dark, but I'm dealing with a tough problem with a Ruby process that I just can't seem to make any progress on. I have a non-Rails Ruby process that does a decent amount ...
Tennesseej's user avatar
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java + how to tune ParallelGCThread for G1GC

tuning the Java Virtual Machine is very challenging and from our last investigation we saw improvement when increasing the value of ParallelGCThread but in fact we want to know the formula that gives ...
King David's user avatar
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Hive metastore + Hiveserver2 + what is the prefered Garbage Collectors – Serial vs. Parallel vs. CMS vs. G1

From time to time we see messages as jvm pause defected from HiveMetastore & Hiveserver2 logs in spite we increased the heap size to the right size ( according to number of connection to HIVE ...
King David's user avatar
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PHP5 to PHP7 unexpected increase in memory usage inside container

Last week we updated several wordpress sites which are running Alpine Linux as containers inside a host (Ubuntu 20.04) through LXD. A summary of the update is as follows: Alpine Linux v3.8 -> 3.14 ...
lepe's user avatar
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Why is the max heap much smaller than the value I set in Xmx (with -XX:+UseParallelGC -XX:+UseParallelOldGC)

I am running a SolrCloud on k8s with the following setting: Heap params: -server -Xms280m -Xmx312m Other params: -XX:+UseParallelGC -XX:+UseParallelOldGC -XX:+UseAdaptiveSizePolicy -XX:...
John the Traveler's user avatar
1 vote
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Possible Linux page table issue/huge load average with large heap JVM that results in significant sys time in GC logs

Our service runs on AWS on m5.12xlarge nodes (48 cores, 192 G RAM) on Ubuntu 16.04. We use Java 8. For our service we allocate about 150G as max heap size. We have no swap on the node. The nature of ...
devurandom's user avatar
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tomcat8: 'free(): corrupted unsorted chunks'

We upgraded from Ubuntu 16LTS to Ubuntu 18LTS a couple of days ago and since then have had Apache Tomcat crash completely twice (once per day, about 25 hrs apart). The java process stops running. One ...
Oliver Kohll's user avatar
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Tomcat 7 server experiencing a sudden (order of magnitude) increase of the Young GC frequency after upgrade of Ubuntu and OpenJDK

What is the issue? After upgrading instances to Ubuntu 16.04 LTS and OpenJDK 8 the GC frequency can, after hours of normal operation, suddenly increase by orders of magnitude ending up using less ...
Daniel Sandberg's user avatar
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PHP script causes server shutdown

I have a centos server with 4Gb RAM. I'm doing a PHP console batch process that may take some hours... however it doesn't finish as the server shutdown after 1 or 2 hours from lauching the process... ...
John's user avatar
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-1 votes
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Empty LAMP Sessions [closed]

I have a LAMP server. Users log in and authenticate against the MySQL database. After successful authentication, session_start() is called. At no point is regenerate_session_id() called. I'm ...
mahbad's user avatar
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4 votes
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Monitor the Garbage Collector of an SSD

The SSD controller triggers the garbage collection routines on a specific ship or block when a certain threshold of either invalid pages or written pages is met, based on the GC policy (my guess is ...
SamTh3D3v's user avatar
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WebLogic server seems to freeze after CMS Garbage Collection run

We're using Java Hotspot 1.6 with a 10.3.6 WebLogic Cluster with 2 nodes running OSB behind a physical load balancer: java version "1.6.0_91" Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_91-...
Franco's user avatar
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-1 votes
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High CPU being caused by garbage collection in w3wp.exe [closed]

I am having a problem with High CPU happening on my my website in IIS8. This happens randomly and not very often but it does happen especially when the load is heavy on the site. The only way to ...
exposure's user avatar
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How to disable automatic garbage collection on an SSD?

Solid State Drives (SSD) have a garbage collection functionality which makes space from deleted files available. It is triggered automatically by the drive via a TRIM command sent by the OS Is there ...
WoJ's user avatar
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Monitoring Java garbage collector and memory status

I'm running some Rails applications on Jboss with JRuby. Sometimes the Java garbage collector can't free memory and the jvm consume all the available memory. I'm trying to create a custom metric ...
Felipe Rojas's user avatar
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GC taking big pause and ParNew (promotion failed)

One of our java application is taking big pause while doing GC, it seems because of "ParNew (promotion failed)" it takes time. Java version: $ java -version java version "1.6.0_21" Java(TM) SE ...
Deepak Deore's user avatar
6 votes
3 answers

PHP on Windows - ps_files_cleanup_dir error

I am occasionally getting the following error when loading a PHP page: PHP Notice: session_start(): ps_files_cleanup_dir: opendir(C:\Windows\TEMP) failed: No error (0) in C:\server\default.php on ...
Mooseman's user avatar
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Tomcat CPU and GC going crazy [closed]

Having some major issues with our Tomcat 7 installation. It used to run fine for over a year, but now the CPU is mainly at 400% - 700% (8 core machine) and in the logs I see tones of these: 2015-04-...
Nitai's user avatar
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What could cause Ruby's free heap slots to rapidly increase?

I'm diagnosing why our Rails servers seem to leak memory. In looking at New Relic today, I noticed that "Free heap slots" of our Ruby VMs seems to jump from almost nothing up to the baseline level of ...
Ross's user avatar
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High CPU utilisation w3wp.exe - GC issue?

I've inherited a website that uses a lot of session state. We've recently experienced continuous high CPU ~95-100% for prolonged period of times. When debugging using DebugDiag, it shows that there ...
Steve's user avatar
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JVM crash with segmentation fault

We have a cluster of tomcat servers, just upgraded to debian7/openjdk7/tomcat7 (all from stock debian). Now we had two JVM crash on different machines. Both servers having identical hardware and are ...
Janning's user avatar
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Discrepancy in java Garabage Collection between jconsole and log files

I'm having an odd problem: my garbage collection log file (as defined by -Xloggc) will show n number of garbage collections have taken place, but jconsole will show n+6 garbage collections have taken ...
Richard D Lawson's user avatar
2 votes
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Why are Full GCs not running on my gcInterval I set?

ColdFusion 10 Update 10 Windows Server 2008 R2 Java 1.7.0_21 I am trying to figure Full GCs to run every 10 minutes. I have used the gcInterval JVM arg in the past on earlier versions of ColdFusion ...
Brad Wood's user avatar
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31 votes
2 answers

Why does Debian clean php sessions with a cron job instead of using php's built-in garbage collector?

Debian and derivatives (Ubuntu) don't use the php session garbage collector session.gc_probability = 0 instead they use a cron /etc/cron.d/php5 09,39 * * * * root [ -x /usr/lib/php5/maxlifetime ] &...
nulll's user avatar
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When the JVM is doing a complete GC, is it expected to see a large number of page fault/sec?

It is Window 2003 server. We are running some performance test, and what we see is: 1. In first 5 hours, the page fault/sec is very small, like 10 or 20 In the last 1 hour, the page fault jumps to ...
performanceuser's user avatar
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JVM garbage collection: What is the difference between "survivor 1" and "survivor 2"?

In Oracle's Java Virtual Machine's Garbage Collector, what are the respective roles of "survivor 1" and "survivor 2" ? Are the objects always moving like: Eden → Survivor 1 → Survivor 2 Or can an ...
Nicolas Raoul's user avatar
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Periodic unresponsiveness in tomcat

I am experiencing periodic unresponsiveness in tomcat in our production environment. I cannot reproduce this in a test environment, and nothing appears in the logs prior to or during the event. ...
tangent's user avatar
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Frequent occurence of FULL GC

There is a frequent occurence of FULL GC in our system. We are using Java application running on Tomcat server. Our application is running using internal load balancer setup. We are seeing lot of ...
Viji's user avatar
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Tomcat intermittent slowdowns, unresponsive, hangs

I've been trying to track down the cause of intermittent slowdowns of our Tomcat server. We get the slowdowns several times a week, where Tomcat will stop responding or take several minutes to ...
ecto's user avatar
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is it safe for the Apache to be the owner of the session directory (php)

Since I have upgraded to php 5.3 I have issues with the session GC. Seems he can't access the directory which is owned by root, Although I see sessions are being created there. Is it safe to change ...
Itay Moav -Malimovka's user avatar
5 votes
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JAVA_OPTS -XX:+PrintGCDetails affect on performance?

Does anyone know if the PrintGCDetails affects java performance much? I've been monitoring our java garbage collecting on a staging server with the same setup as the production server. I assumed ...
brad's user avatar
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