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Receiving Destination Folder Access Denied error on new file server even though group has all necessary permissions

Recently set up a new file server to replace an old one. I copied all of the old files and permissions from the last file server using a script and everything seems correct just looking at it. However,...
randomsysadmin123's user avatar
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In Windows, how to add and verify execution permission to a file?

Here is a typical situation, assuming that I am the user desktop-6083m7k\pengc running powershell: PS D:\git\HMD-Air\Library\PackageCache\[email protected]\Editor\VSWhere> whoami ...
tribbloid's user avatar
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Windows NTFS filesystem - user cannot access file using Administrators group permissions

There is a shared folder on the computer running Windows 2012R2 with a NTFS filesystem. There is a local User X who is part of the local Group Administrators on the computer. The Shared folder is ...
rboy's user avatar
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pg_ctl start on Windows gives error: could not open file "global/pg_control": Permission denied

On Windows Server 2022, I am logged in as Administrator and trying to do a pg_ctl start on a Postgresql database that was initially created by user SYSTEM, but get the following error in the cmd ...
Lurch's user avatar
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How to set file permissions if user logged on using Smart Card or Windows Hello for Business

I have a hybrid joined Windows domain and have set up log-on with Smart Cards and Windows Hello for business. I would like to be able to set file server permissions based on whether a user logged on ...
Andy Haer's user avatar
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Automating NFSv3 File/Folder permissions in Windows

I'm a Windows/MSSQL DBA who is inheriting a quirky system through no fault of my own, and had a quick question. Background I have an Azure NFSv3 volume that is being exported to a Windows Server 2019 ...
Vocoder's user avatar
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How to set limited permissions using command line on windows?

user want to delete all permissions and keep only modify permission for everyone and full permission to system. Like this. But present with icacls command icacls "%ProgramData%\myfolder\...
user2331760's user avatar
-1 votes
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Limit drag & drop mess

I have a Windows Server 2016 acting as a file server with thousands of files in a well-defined tree. Different people have different access to different parts of the tree. The problem is that some ...
Fernando Suarez Ornani's user avatar
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2 answers

SSH connection issue : How to change folder / file permissions in Windows similarly to Linux?

I have hard times connecting my local PC through SSH to another remote PC. I set the public key on both machines in the authorized_keys folder following this tutorial :
Patrick Schulz's user avatar
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NTFS permissions with multiple user groups

I do not know how to search for this, so I am sorry if this has already been asked. Also, I am new to Windows administration so if I say something wrong do not hesitate to correct me! I have a folder ...
giuliom_95's user avatar
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Prevent deletion of other's files on a shared folder

We have a shared folder so all employees can upload and save file or create folders to it. But we want to prevent workers to delete other's files and folders. I assigned all permissions except "...
Lyrk's user avatar
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Does Windows Server 2019 behave different with NTFS then Server 2012R2?

Background info: The admin account of a key user needs unrestricted access to a folder on a server. -> he is working on the server per RDP or directly with the folder (shared) Said admin account is ...
Kevin's user avatar
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How to deny git pull and cd into a folder/file in Windows?

So I find myself being forced to use a Windows machine just because thats what the financial institution feels is more secure for an outside contractor. I am using powershell and I just received some ...
Daniel's user avatar
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Powershell returns access denied on non-os files used by IIS site

I am connected as a local administrator using RDP to my WIN2K16 server, and manage it using gui and powershell. Overall I have full control over the machine, and never had permission errors using both ...
Pizza's user avatar
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Check 'effective permissions', 'effective access' from command-line, Windows/NTFS

How do I mimic Advanced Security Settings 'Effective Access' tab in command line (Win10 notably)? Prefer built-in tools, I'm about to evaluate if sysinternals AccessChk can accomplish this icacls ...
gregg's user avatar
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Cannot write to local shared directory

I wondered if anyone has experienced this issue... We noticed a permissions error on a server that uses a case management system. It works by writing to locally hosted shared folders. After a reboot, ...
GSL2020's user avatar
3 votes
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Windows: How to fix broken permission-inheritance?

On our network-shares, we have all kinds of broken permission-inheritance. Just one example: The folder "D:\Shares\PublicRelations" has full access for the groups "PublicRelations" and "HR" (both ...
Andreas's user avatar
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Where do these NTFS permissions actually live? How are they created?

Alrighty, not sure how to word this but: Where do the NTFS permissions themselves get created? For example, I can set "Full Control" or "Read", but where are those programmed at? Here is why I ask: ...
Ryan's user avatar
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What could prevent me from renaming a file locked?

I've run into a very weird issue on a build server where it won't let me rename any file 'locked' on the entire D drive as it throws a permissions error. I have local admin rights which allow me to ...
Inverted Llama's user avatar
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Windows permission - Deny sub-folder creation but allow files editing

I'm currently trying to setup a folder on a file server (Windows Server 2012 r2) where some users can create and edit files, but not create sub-folders. I assumed it would be easy with advanced ...
Bekoj's user avatar
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Are there any versions of Windows where the default permissions for the %LOCALAPPDATA% directory give access to other users?

The application that I'm developing assumes that files that we create under a user's %LOCALAPPDATA% directory being accessible only by (1) that specific user, (2) adminstrators, and (3) LOCALSYSTEM. ...
HansA's user avatar
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SeBackupPrivilege, but cannot read all files

I am trying to read full directories independent of the current file-permissions. But even though I do have "SeBackupPrivilege", the following code leads to an "UnauthorizedAccessException". How can ...
Andreas's user avatar
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Modify permissions on files without taking ownership

There's a windows machine sharing a folder over samba and multiple users are leaving their files there. I can access as the machine's local administrator. Is there a way that I can access all the ...
RedNano's user avatar
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Grant access to user for all user folders and subfolders in c:/users

We have an RDS server with dozens of user profiles and I am trying to run cleanup scripts to get rid of some old software folders from the users C:\users*username\appdata\local\softwarenamedfolder ...
Gummby8's user avatar
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Windows file permissions - Admin permissions don't seem to work as expected / access denied

I have just inherited a server and I have an issue accessing some folders. I usually get this solved "in the end", usually by forcing a takeown command and then starting from scratch - but, it's ...
wil's user avatar
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Folder redirection GP and CREATOR OWNER inheritance/scope

We use the folder redirection group policy to place users' My Documents folders on a network share. We have configured the share with Microsoft's recommended NTFS permissions, as defined here: https:/...
morbiD's user avatar
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SMB issue- Access denied

i have a windows server 2012 R2 for file sharing purpose, clients are using win 7 64 bit. network drives are mapped on profile. Issue: some user drives disconnect suddenly with the message of Access ...
Farrukh Khan's user avatar
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Domain Admin can not take ownership of files

I have a very strange issue where a domain admin can not see the permissions of a file i.e. has no read permissions. This means I can not use takeown or icacls (even running as administrator) to ...
Myles Rowley's user avatar
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What are my options in terms of controlling document management

In REF to Shared network drive with Office and delete permissions disabled leads to not being able to save We have several businesses that are now pushing over 30+ employees and many of these ...
Jason's user avatar
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how to reset original owner after assigning permissions to Windows specific folders using ICACLS and takeown?

For a specific requirement i need to assign permissions to "Starks" for C: and C:\Windows C:\Windows\System32 and few other windows specific folders on a Win7 machine without tampering existing ...
GhostSpeaks101's user avatar
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Program started with Task Scheduler can't open file for writing

i have a C# program that executes some commands and writes output to a txt file. It has to run indefinitely so i added it to Task Scheduler to start it every ten minutes if it isn't running already. ...
Mustafa Yılmaz's user avatar
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How do I provide read-only permission for a user on a Windows File Share?

I am trying to provide read-only permission to folder/sub-folders for particular users in windows NAS server with following scenarios: if user already has some permission remove all of that. provide ...
Hitesh Kumar's user avatar
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Trouble with windows permissions

I've a folder, in which there is a file. I want user to have full control on a specific file, and should be denied every access to the other files. The first thing I did was to disable inheritance of ...
Deyan Georgiev's user avatar
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Permissions with NFS and native windows file sharing of same folder

I have a folder shared via NFS, and also via native windows file sharing. I'm using username/uid mapped via AD and I thought it was working all OK. I've now found that all files created via a windows ...
I Miller's user avatar
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Properly Created Windows Share with Different Permissions

In my network, I have 3 workstations and 1 server. I want the user at each computer to be able to save their files to a share on the server. Each user should have their own directory. As the names ...
neogeomat's user avatar
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allow file attributes to be read without allowing content to be read

I have a shared folder with with files separated into folders by department (e.g. accounting, IT, etc.) and have permissions set up so people who need to can access those folders. Is there a way to ...
Tony Brix's user avatar
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Windows Administrators cannot write files

I need two accounts on a Windows 2012 Server which can act as equally as administrators via Remote Desktop. Let's say I have created accounts Alice and Bob and they are both members of the the Group ...
AndreasS's user avatar
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5 answers

NTFS Write-Once Files

for backup purposes I have an external HDD, an I'm on Windows. What and how should I set (up?) so that files can be written to the drive once but there should be no way they can be deleted or ...
fastcatch's user avatar
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Why do I sometimes get numbers back from the FileSystemRights access field when checking the ACL Access?

Sometimes I'll run a command like this, and I'll get back some easy to read, easy to interpret text: PS D:\test> (get-acl test.txt).Access | Select FileSystemRights FileSystemRights ----...
leeand00's user avatar
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Windows: add user group to file created by a specific process

In our (mixed) Windows network we have a machine with a shared folder. This shared folder can be accessed by anyone belonging to the group User. However, in this folder, there are files that are ...
fritzmg's user avatar
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Prevent non-privileged user from changing file extension and invocation parameters

On an office LAN, I want to install an MS-Access database. I will place the database in its own hidden folder. On another folder (folder1), I will place a link to the hidden db file in folder1 (hidden ...
NoChance's user avatar
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IIS_IUSRS Can Access a File, but Application Pool Identity User Cannot

I am trying to understand IIS file permissions. A given file has "full control" permissions for IIS_IUSRS. But it seems all Application Pool Identity users cannot access the file. (I have noticed ...
user1325179's user avatar
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dcpromo /forceremoval as a file server

I'm working on a customers infrastructure where most of the DCs were not replicating with each other. I managed to bring up another two DC's, bring them to the domain and switch over the FSMO roles. ...
Danny's user avatar
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How to add new text,but unable to modify old text [closed]

how do I set permission for a file on Windows such as .docx so that network user can ONLY add new text into the file.They must NOT be able to edit the old text,but the CAN add new ones. What I'm ...
Fay Zan's user avatar
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Windows Server 2012R2 access denied when changing files [closed]

I have been running Windows 2012r2 in testing for a while. One of the things keeping the OS from going into production is "Access Denied" message when changing config settings in either Program Files ...
mikedopp's user avatar
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NFS mount in Windows - can't copy files with 600 permissions

I have a Netapp with some NFS exports for VMware storage. I want to mount the snapshots on a Windows 2012 R2 server in order to copy all of the virtual machine files to tape. I can mount the share ...
Charles Burge's user avatar
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What is the most suitable path on Windows workstations to store admin scripts? [closed]

We have a need for a GPO to store admin scripts locally on Windows workstations (7 and above), and I was wondering if Microsoft has any recommendations or if you have any experience or thoughts on ...
optic's user avatar
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Share Permissions: Why can a group access a share, but not members of that group (Windows Server Environment)?

This is a Windows Server 2012 environment. Several 2012 DCs with just one 08. I have one primary share for everyone. Through "Advanced Sharing", the groups have full permission, including ...
Dylan Madigan's user avatar
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Folder Permissions for AD Users

When giving users permissions to specific folders, it applies those permissions to every single file and folder. I do want this but it takes a while for these permissions to be applied to every single ...
arealhobo's user avatar
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How to deny directory listing on C:\Windows?

I created a special user who should never be able to CD into several system directories like program files, Windows directory, etc. Whilte I can use icacls to setup the permissions on most of them, I ...
Zoltán Tamási's user avatar