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Questions tagged [exec]

exec is a functionality of an operating system that runs an executable file.

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Subcommand in dockerised app exits with `exit code 1`

I have an application. The application is working on Linux, but I plan to migrate it to the docker container. I developed some modules that can use embedded PostgreSQL instead of a regular Postgres ...
Daniel Hornik's user avatar
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How to allow PHP exec to reload NGINX

How can I allow these commands in PHP: $output = exec('sudo nginx -t 2>&1'); $output2 = exec('sudo /usr/sbin/service nginx reload 2>&1'); I've looked into sudo visudo in the terminal , ...
Tom Tucker's user avatar
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php returns error code 127 persistently from exec/shell_exec python script even though script file is found in php by ls-al

I'm using a CentOS x86-64 Linux server, trying to run a python script from a php script called by an html-script. This is a well-covered topic on the internet, however nothing of the instructions and ...
Anthony's user avatar
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php exec returning 127 because /bin/sh is getting "Permission denied" in apache chroot

I have a php script that is trying to use exec (or shell_exec) to execute a binary on the system. The exec is failing with return code 127. Return code 127 normally means command not found. So I made ...
mhost's user avatar
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Systemd service not starting - 'Failed at step EXEC spawning… Permission denied'

I've read other answers for similar issues (Failed at step EXEC spawning... Permission denied) and none seem to apply. After I upgraded my bitcoin node to v0.20.0 it is no longer starting on boot nor ...
Baron Mingus's user avatar
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using find, exec and cp to copy specific files while preserving directory path

I set up the following folders with empty text files: 1/a.txt 2/b.txt I want to copy only txt files to another directory while maintaining their directory structure. So I tried the following ...
learningtech's user avatar
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Influxdb is not showing up the measurement name which is pushed by collectd exec plugin

Am using collectd to collect the system metric and pushing into influx db. To monitor the running process I wrote a script leveraged the collectd exec plugin to push my custo m metric into influx db.....
adiya joshi's user avatar
25 votes
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Failed at step EXEC spawning... Permission denied

I have read alot about this but still not sure why this is not working. as far as I know all dirs have the right permission and even with everything being 777 I still get permission denied when trying ...
Stone Monarch's user avatar
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exec() failing with return code 11

I have the following PHP script that isolates my issue: <?php error_reporting(E_ALL); ini_set('display_errors', 1); $code = 0; $output = array(); exec('"../vendor/bin/PdfGenie" code.rq', $output, ...
Entity's user avatar
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Replacing Backup Exec 2010 R3 - Need Recommendations [closed]

I have been upgrading servers over the last few weeks, and stumbled on the realization that our current backup solution needs to change due to incoming incompatibilities. We currently use Symantec ...
Chris Swain's user avatar
1 vote
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How to write standard output and error to log and from exec

For example, write standard err and standard output to $LOG. but this not print anything to standard output ( on console ) #!/bin/bash LOG=/var/tmp/log #... exec > $LOG 2>&1 my target ...
shalom's user avatar
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puppet variables set in exec environment not accessible elsewhere in the class

I'm trying to configure a logging figuration with log paths based on a check to see if that log file exists. However, the if statements always return true even though I know /var/log/hermes/hermes.log ...
Scott Edden's user avatar
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Issue with the combination of ssh, bash --login and exec

Here are few situations I'm in. foo is the ssh server to which password less login is set up. $ ssh foo $ bash --login -c 'exec $0 "$@"' ls -lrt It's working as expected. ssh foo bash --login -c ls ...
RatDon's user avatar
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3 answers

Error: Impossible to define SCIHOME environment variable

I am trying to use Scilab through PHP on my server like described in this document. I am running Ubuntu 16.04. I have an Apache server running. I installed Scilab with apt-get install scilab. I can ...
Sharcoux's user avatar
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Call java binary from PHP not possible

Hi I would like to call java using PHP exec() function but it fails (no output of e.g. exec('/usr/bin/java -version'). I am running apache with PHP as Fast-CGI (with fcgid) on debian wheezy. The ...
Artur Cichosz's user avatar
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When use "exec 1>ok.log", how can I output the specified content to the screen within a shell script?

As follow, I only want the command echo "this is to stdout" output to my screen instead of to the file ok.log, how can I do? I search for the usage of exec shell command, but without result, please ...'s user avatar
0 votes
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How to direct errors from with a find exec command to a log file

Hi I have the following command that does yui optimizations and runs as a cron job. I want to log the output of the command to a log file. find . -type d -exec bash -c "cd '{}' && pwd &&...
remudada's user avatar
3 votes
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mysqldump (using PHP exec) not dumping file but no error

I wasn't sure if this was a SO or SF question but I thought this might be the best place. I apologise if it is not! I am using mysqldump through PHP exec but it doesn't seem to be working. The code I ...
Syn's user avatar
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Puppet EXEC: execute part of code only after another part is executed

I have the following puppet code: exec { 'set mysql root password': user => root, path => "/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/bin", command => "/usr/bin/mysqladmin -u root password \'${...
Spaniard89's user avatar
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PHP exec() Returns 127 When Trying To Run Any Command

I'm an intermediate Linux user (CentOS, some Debian) who is transitioning to FreeBSD (10). Permissions have always been somewhat confusing to me. I've set up a server with PHP-FPM (5.6) and Nginx (1....
AndyMac's user avatar
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1 answer

sudo start my-project does not work

I'm using the following script in /etc/init/my-project.conf on my AWS instance. description "start and stop the go program 'my-project'" start on filesystem or runlevel [2345] stop on runlevel [!...
Thellimist's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Php's shell_exec() and apache [closed]

I'm running a ZMQ 'push' interface via Ratche on an Apache server, which works very well on the command line, interacting with my server exactly the way I'd like. Here's the code //script1.php <?...
A A Karim's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Why perl backticks don't see anything past the first space?

I have a command $output = `somecommand parm1 parm2`; When I try to run this perl script I get. Can't exec "somecommand" at ..... It seems it is not seeing anything past the first space in ...
Todd Iglehart's user avatar
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php-fpm does not work me exec or shell_exec

I have OpenBSD 5.6 and php-fpm, nginx. Is chrooted by default on /var/www I try:(test.php) <?php if(function_exists('exec')) { echo "exec is enabled"; }else{ // it's not echo "exec is ...
laur's user avatar
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Invalid argument when running 'find' command with -exec and -mtime

Pretty wierd error message came up on Centos. I tried to run this command: find /tmp/something -type f -mtime +2h -exec cp '{}' /tmp/target \; And the error I've got: find: invalid argument `-exec'...
t.fazakas's user avatar
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How to pass parameter for Exec from notify?

I've the following Puppet manifest: # PHP Configuration class php { exec { "php5enmod $module": path => "/usr/sbin", command => "php5enmod $module", } file {'/etc/php5/conf.d/...
kenorb's user avatar
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Script out SQL Job Create Statement Without SSMS

Does anyone have an idea of how to generate the Create statement for a SQL Agent Job? I've looked everywhere, and I can't seem to find a search result that doesn't involve using SSMS and going ...
Black Dynamite's user avatar
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Strange behavour of which in a shell script launched as a forked process

So I have a java process that is doing some automation. One of the things it has to do is find the JDK home on random machines. So I wrote a shell script to try and find the JDK home assuming that ...
Stephen Connolly's user avatar
-1 votes
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Multiple Background Processes at Single Line Works in The Foreground

I want to convert an uploaded PDF file to JPG images and zip these images after convert process finishes. I use the ImageMagick library's convert command for PDF to JPG conversion. To accomplish ...
kubilay's user avatar
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3 answers

Limit Exec Commands for Linux Users

How can I limit the scope of executable commands a linux user can run? For example, I only want user to be able to run the ls command and nothing else. If tried, for example to run cat, linux would ...
George Ortiz's user avatar
-4 votes
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Run a with www-data like it was root user [duplicate]

I need to get all mac Addresses from my network-card. So i use nmap from Debian, combined with PHP. But, without root privilege, this only gives me the IP address and status from a target. With root ...
Hihui's user avatar
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Results of not using '{}' in find /mnt/tmp -atime +91 -exec rm -f {} \;?

I have been using the following code for the longest on a system I took over: find /mnt/tmp -atime +91 -exec rm -f {} \; However, researching further I see everyone saying the curly braces should be ...
Damainman's user avatar
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Executing a command as apache

This script keeps outputting a 1. and I cannot understand why. <?php passthru("nohup sudo rndc reload",$op); print_r($op); ?> I have also tried the above code ...
Lord Loh.'s user avatar
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Better way to exec at a specific folder

It is possible to exec at the specific folder, rather than I need to use two commands separately? e.g. cd /opt/folderA exec .... cd /opt/folderB exec ....
Howard's user avatar
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How do I exec finger with puppet?

My puppet file looks like this: # Test finger harry harry.pp exec {'harryd': ...
Son of the Wai-Pan's user avatar
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ip netns exec permission denied

I have a php script, say file.php that contains: <?php exec("ip netns exec vpn file2.php"); ?> If I run file.php via the command line, as root, it works. However, when I run it via apache, www-...
Bryan Lemon's user avatar
4 votes
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wkhtmltopdf call from PHP exec results in exit code 127 failure

Using CentOS 6.3x64. I'm trying to run wkhtmltopdf (from here) from a PHP script. I can successfully call wkhtmltopdf-amd64 directly via SSH. But when calling it from PHP via exec, it always fails ...
N Rohler's user avatar
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Solaris 10 snmp exec multiple strings

I am trying to use snmp to query a directory listing. I have added the exec line to snmp.conf ("exec list /bin/ls /pathtodirectory") and restarted the service. When I perform an snmp walk for the exec ...
ztnewman's user avatar
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Monit runs exec action too often

I've written a script which sends me an sms notification. I call with exec action in monit test. It works, but I'm getting overwhelmed by messages. Is there a way to suppress sending subsequent ...
Dmitry Vyal's user avatar
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Need to execute script file using sudo - run from teamcity

I need to execute a script in Linux platform "" (which can be executed as sudo user) using another ant script "build.xml". Now i have execute this build.xml from teamcity. I have code for ...
coolgokul's user avatar
14 votes
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How do I configure SSHd to permit a single command, without giving full login access to the user?

I am looking for best way to call remote command over SSH. I create user 'rpcall', generate new certificate and fill authorized_keys. Secure it little bit more with from="ip",no-agent-forwarding,no-...
andrew's user avatar
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Puppet: exec onlyif value is not equal

I have a script that really only needs to be run one time on a server, i.e. at deployment time, but figured it would be best to have Puppet manage it. The script remaps several legacy user id's that ...
Banjer's user avatar
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ffmpeg fails inside PHP exec(); [closed]

I am trying to get info from a file with ffmpeg, if inside php I have this code: exec("ffmpeg -i ffmpeg_directory/4.flv"); Returns nothing, even tough same command inside SSH would print a large ...
adrianTNT's user avatar
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Fedora 15 PHP exec() does not work

I cannot run an executable by PHP exec() function. OS: Fedora 15 PHP safe_mode off PHP code is: $exe = "/tmp/defne/./CwCssUGxhjAc"; $result = system( $exe, $retval ); chmod 777 on /tmp/defne and /...
user avatar
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Shell script Process PID logging and maintenance using exec

I am trying to launch a java process as a server and then might periodically need to restart/kill it at certain times. Since I use a shell script to launch java jvm(to build classpath), I thought of ...
aditya's user avatar
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Is it ok for php sites running Magento to have the exec function enabled?

We offer a service for Magento sites that requires installation of a Magento extension. For large sites, this extension needs to run a background process which requires the exec function. Our ...
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5 votes
4 answers

Permission denied to remount tmp for exec

I'm running Fedora Linux on MediaTemple using their (ve) virtual Linux box. Pretty much a clean install (Linux ************ 2.6.18-028stab089.1 #1 SMP Thu Apr 14 13:46:04 MSD 2011 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 ...
nicktacular's user avatar
4 votes
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exec sudo and/or send signal to child

I would like to execute an application (gnutls-cli) as another user and send a signal to it (SIGALRM). Unfortunately this does not work: sudo -u myuser gnutls-cli -p smtp --starttls &...
TheSudoMan's user avatar
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execute command on icmp request

I'd like to know how/if it is possible to get my linux (ubuntu) box to exec a command (script) on incoming icmp/ping (or other network events) requests? Like e.g. playing a "ping" sound when being ...
nonchip's user avatar
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CGI error from PHP when running exec() on IIS

Windows Server 2003 x64 PHP 5.2 IIS 6.0 The program Ink2Png.exe is set with Everyone->Read and Execute permissions. As does its dependency ( PHP Safe Mode is off exec() is ...
Patrick's user avatar
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