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Questions tagged [caldav]

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Migration of ICS calendar data incomplete, looking for alternative ways to migrate

I am trying to migrate calendar data from iCloud to a Kerio Mailserver. The customer environment is mac based, so I tried using the mac integrated calendar app to export an ICS file from iCloud and ...
Ovski's user avatar
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Thunderbird Cal/Card-DAV autoconfiguration with Radicale and nginx reverse proxy

I'm running Radicale Cal/Card-DAV server with nginx as reverse proxy. Authentication in Radicale is via htpasswd/bcrypt. This is the snippet from my nginx config: location /radicale/ { # The trailing /...
roughnecks's user avatar
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.ics files provided on a URL for synchronization

The ERP I am working with can be configured to regularly export scheduled events for each user to an .ics file. In order for the updates to appear in the calendar client of the user, they need to re-...
Deyan Marinov's user avatar
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BAIKAL reset admin password [closed]

I installed Baikal and worked with it happily, now I want to enter the Dashboard, and I found out that the admin password does not work any more. Is there a way to reset the admin password in Baikal ?
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Horde Kronolith Authentication using IMAP

I have set up a Horde Groupware Webmail Edition server, primarily to use webmail (provided by the hosting provider) and calendar (provided by us). Authentication is set up using IMAP authentication ...
Moshe Katz's user avatar
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Baikal Server 0.4.5 Sync-Error 403 Forbidden

I have some troubles using Baikal Server 0.4.5 getting always some errors, when I want to set up the sync in an app. Environment: CentOS 7 Apache 2.4.6 PHP 5.5 SELinux Enforcing (but same on ...
Johannes's user avatar
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What is the meaning of CalendarServer's sudoers.plist?

Apple's CalendarServer requires a file called "sudoers.plist". According to the vast majority of installation tutorials, this file is to be taken from the examples without any further modification. ...
Mantriur's user avatar
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Publishing Outlook Calendars. What is the server-side setting for sync frequency?

I'm working on a custom implementation of a server (VERY basic WebDAV) that accepts Outlook's published calendars. Outlook seems to have a setting (see the screenshot below) where it accepts a ...
Mihail Russu's user avatar
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CalDav/CardDav on Open-Xchange

I just installed CalDav/CardDav support to OX 7.6.2 on two machines, one with Debian Stretch (x) and another with Debian Jessie (y). I see this behaviour: I can access (with Dolphin file manger) ...
Matteo's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

How to sync two CalDAV servers

My work calendar is stored on my employer's Horde server. I also have my own owncloud instance running. What I would like to do is store also my work calendar on my owncloud instance, and have a ...
andreas-h's user avatar
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I can not use calendars hosted on the server with Thunderbird and Lightning [closed]

I am trying to use Thunderbird and Lightning to use caldav calendars. Still does not work. I have no experience with calendars, you likely have some things wrongly configured. I installed cyrus-...
Maria José's user avatar
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AgenDAV and Baikal -- Can't login

I have a Baikal DAV-Server running and it is already working fine with roundcube (contacts) and my Android phone. Now I wanted to setup AgenDAV as web-client. So far so good but when I try to login ...
user195697's user avatar
4 votes
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What ports need to be open for Calendar and Contacts services to facilitate calendar resources on Mac OSX Server 10.8

We use Mac OSX 10.8 with Server 2.2.1. When creating a calendar appointment on a client connected to the OSX server from within our local network (behind our firewall) we can select calendar ...
mlambie's user avatar
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2 votes
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Bandwidth Usage: ActiveSync vs IMAP/CalDAV/CardDAV

I have been trying to find bandwidth usage information how the technologies compare. I understand that ActiveSync is instant, and new changes get "pushed" to subscribers. But IMAP/CalDAV/CardDAV is ...
7wp's user avatar
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9 votes
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OSX SL Server CalDav/DirectoryServices Authentication Error [closed]

I have a OSX SL Server (Version 10.6.8) that has been in production with about 40 users for approximately a year now. Since day one I have had problems where occasionally a users iCal client throws ...
digitaladdictions's user avatar
2 votes
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UNIX based calendar solution that works with Mac, iPhone, and Linux

I wonder what open source group calendaring solution people are using that works with Apple devices and Linux. ATM we use Apple's CalendarServer but this one seems to have trouble with the existing ...
rockpiper's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

How to resolve "HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden" errors from iCal/CalDAV server after upgrade to Snow Leopard Server?

We recently upgraded our Open Directory Master & Replica to Mac OS X 10.6.4 Snow Leopard Server. We had a mismatched server FQDN & LDAP Search Base/Kerberos Realm, so we exported all users &...
morgant's user avatar
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How can I sync Nokia smartphones' calendars with Snow Leopard Server's iCal Server?

I've just installed and configured a Mac Mini Server for a customer who wanted to stop using Google Apps for their email. The plan was to also use the new server's calendaring service but we've hit a ...
Joe Carroll's user avatar
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open source web application for viewing .ics calendars

I need an open source web application that allows users to view .ics calendars I am hosting a calendar with DAViCal, and users can view/edit calendars with their own clients (like Apple iCal or ...
aaron's user avatar
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Can admin edit a user’s “Manage Account Access” (ical)

As a server administrator, can I edit a user's "Manage Account Access" settings. This is where a user sets who can see their calendar. Whenever we add a new user, we have to go to every person's ...
Louis W's user avatar
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How to bidirectionally sync Oracle Calendar (SyncML) with Apple's

I'm administering a number of Macs, whose users would like to be able to make use of (and hence iPhone sync) to view and edit Oracle Calendar events. Is there a good way to bidirectionally ...
smokris's user avatar
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