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Running Linux commands execute hidden command to regenerate Backdoor [duplicate]

My CentOS server compromised, the backdoor uploaded in /var/www/html/, I have deleted the backdoor and browsed the backdoor - to be sure it's deleted - it's surly deleted, but when I run any command ...
Dany Burgos's user avatar
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Best way to update a binary?

So I'm making a load balancer that compiles to a binary. This will be scaled across multiple servers. To update, the program itself will check a GitHub repo for a new release every 5 minutes, if there ...
KIVOX's user avatar
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How to run binary file using vagrant and keep it running in the background?

I have a binary file which I need to deploy or run on my linux server. Currently I'm using a vagrant, here is my Vagrantfile : VAGRANTFILE_API_VERSION = "2" Vagrant.configure(...
Gujarat Santana's user avatar
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Does rsnapshot save binary diffs?

I use rsnapshot for some years under Kubunt/Linux. But I am not sure how it (and underlying rsync) handles binary diffs: Image a large Thunderbird mailbox file or a 10 MB jpg photo and I change the ...
tardis's user avatar
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11 votes
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How can I get information about a binary file that won't execute?

When I run one of my user's applications named "myfile". $ ./myfile I receive the following output bash: ./myfile: cannot execute binary file My user expects the binary file to run. I assume ...
Eric's user avatar
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linux pseudo files for rotating streams

i've got some problem with rotating files. Situation is next: one program like wireshark or vlc dumps all to one file, say netstream.bin If i mv netstream.bin to netstream.bin.rotate program will ...
MealstroM's user avatar
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how to find mysql binary in redhat

I am working with a Redhat distribution. The network admin is inaccessible so I have no ability to request information. Using bash, how do I find the mysql binary so that I can run sql commands? ...
Roy Hinkley's user avatar
-2 votes
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Does Source Based Linux Distro's Have Lower Download Size for Packages Rather Than Binary? [closed]

I looked all over the internet and couldn't find the answer to my question. If you use a source based distro, does that lower download sizes, compared to binary? If so, how significant is it? (Provide ...
Joe Anderson's user avatar
0 votes
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Executing a linux binary [closed]

Well I've run across a very weird thing today and I don't know if its something to do with my OS or Virtualization. I've been running game-server binaries and they've always worked. A simple ./binary +...
Asad Moeen's user avatar
17 votes
2 answers

what is the point of stripping a binary/elf program?

I'm just wondering if stripping a program file has more benefits than just saving disk space.
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56 votes
6 answers

Linux Command to find Strings in Binary or non ascii file

Is there any linux command to extracts all the ascii strings from an executable or other binary file? I suppose I could do it with a grep, but I remember hearing somewhere that such a command existed?
Ethan Heilman's user avatar