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IIS 6.1 Handlers for HTML, ASP, INC files

I have a legacy website in which .HTML, .ASP, and .INC files are being used. Problem is all pages have VBScript code not parsed by IIS and thus written on page as static text. I want to fix it. All ....
user138897's user avatar
-4 votes
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IIS 6.0 file upload [closed]

I am using IIS 6.0. I want to setup a folder where user can upload some files. Can anyone suggest a step by step procedure for that?
musfiqur's user avatar
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Secure classic ASP hosting - similar to ASP.NET medium trust

We had a major server compromise over the christmas period when a comprimised FTP account was used to upload a .net back door which gave it access to the entire machine account and comprised ...
Deku-shrub's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Orphaned SQL Recordsets/Connections with IIS

I have an IIS 6 site running on Windows 2003 Server x86 with MS SQL2005 Enterprise edition running ASP Classic (no choice). The site runs very fast with about 8000 page views per hour. All of my SQL ...
Damian's user avatar
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Looking for some IIS redirect help/ideas

Right now we have a site with a LOT of static asp pages such as, This is due to how our current site's CMS builds it's pages by default. I don't have an exact count but we have ...
CoreyT's user avatar
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Administrating Multiple Websites (ASP.NET & ASP)

Scenario I am having 30 applications built using Classic ASP, and 25 applications built using ASP.NET. Currently, they are hosted in a single IIS. Each application is configured as a website. So, ...
Kirtan's user avatar
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2 answers

IIS where ASP pages aren't working

ASP pages don't seem to be working if they contain any ASP code. Is there a way to test the setup of IIS6?
digiguru's user avatar
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IIS6 - Classic ASP - Comma to point

There are some classic asp pages we are serving, which require a float to be like 1.5 instead of 1,5. So the comma should be a point. Any ideas? Thanks.
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3 votes
14 answers

Issues moving an IIS site from w2k to w2k3

Old server is windows 2000, and the original setup guy's answer to pretty much everything was C:\ --> Everyone --> Full Control. However, there WAS a setup doc, that seemed to work up to a point. ...
Kara Marfia's user avatar
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5 answers

New Session Failed

We've started to see instances on our Intranet server where for any page the server just responds with the error page 'HTTP/1.1 New Session Failed'. It seems we can fix it by running IISRESET but this ...
PhilPursglove's user avatar