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Apache2 - Prevent access to .php files if the php module is not enabled or in any case in which the php files are not parsed

I would like to prevent php files from being displayed in case they are not parsed as php, in Apache2. For example, at the moment, if there's a failure in mod_php or its configuration, the files would ...
VelDev's user avatar
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ProxyPass response translate http to https [duplicate]

We have an external Apache server that proxies a https url to an internal http site <VirtualHost *:443> ServerName external.domain ServerAlias www.external.domain ProxyRequests Off ...
Smock's user avatar
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1 answer

Apache config to proxy entire site with 1 exception

I have a website on a hosting provider. We use that provider because it has a simple site builder my wife uses to maintain the site. Moving off of it isn't an option for this ...
John Oliver's user avatar
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How to replace response code sent to client when using Apache httpd to reverse proxy

I have a database that accepts HTTP POST requests with JSON payloads and correctly returns an HTTP 201 Created status response and some JSON content. Garmin has a service that will POST JSON to a ...
Amos's user avatar
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Apache custom rewrite rule, using code

I would like to have Apache handle some custom URL rewrite code that I have. This code rewrites the following urls: into urls pointing to PHP pages. ...
andynewman's user avatar
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Virtual Host SSL and nonSSL with Proxy

I have 1 nonSSL server and many SSL with Proxy in Apache. Configuration SSL server: <VirtualHost *:443> ServerName ServerAdmin [email protected] ErrorLog ${...
Jo K's user avatar
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mod_proxy_hcheck causes apache-2.4 startup-crash

I would like to create a load-balanced environment using Apache 2.4.43 (windows) and two Tomcats servers. Using the "mod_proxy_hcheck" module some basic healthcheck operations should be ...
schlomm's user avatar
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How to change HTTP-status based on origin's header?

I'm dealing with a proprietary HTTP-server, which always responds with code 200 -- even when an error occurred. The indication of an error, if any, can only be found in the custom header, for example: ...
Mikhail T.'s user avatar
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Apache virtualhosts conf let wrong servername requests going through proxy

I have moved a server configuration to a new server and at the same time configured it with apache mod_proxy to access a gunicorn/django webserver (inside a docker container on port 8000). Previous ...
yo_e-h's user avatar
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Apache module proxy_html not working

I have a Joomla 4 site running in a Ubuntu 22.04 server (hostname = web-02). The Internet facing web server running in a Ubuntu 20.04 server (hostname = web-01) has configured as a reverse proxy for ...
cpliu338's user avatar
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Change the script path in an Apache proxy handler

I'm developing my application with 2 containers: apache and php-fpm. Apache serves requests, and delegates PHP execution to the php-fpm container in its vhost: <FilesMatch .php$> ...
amacrobert's user avatar
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apache proxy an URI to a backend server

I want to proxy one URI of my domain to a specific backend server. I have a public domain name external.lan and a private one lets say internal.lan. I want http://external.lan/gogs be served by ...
philippe's user avatar
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Apache httpd: mod_proxy_hcheck URL based HTTP basic authentication

I am trying to use mode_proxy_hcheck to do health checks and failover for an application that requires HTTP Basic authentication. <proxy balancer://serverpool> BalancerMember http://username:...
theeGwandaru's user avatar
3 votes
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Apache2 mod rewrite extremely slow, on one server only

I have a site on my local ubuntu dev box with some mod rewrite rules, which we are attempting to use to force google and other bots to index the correct page, rather than our ajax snippets as they ...
sgc's user avatar
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How to enable SSL Proxy only on certain Locations in Apache

I am trying to use Apache as reverse proxy. For some locations I want to convert the client's HTTPS request to HTTP requests on the server. For another location I want to keep the client's HTTPS ...
Hendrik Jan's user avatar
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reverse proxy Apache that redirects filtering by ip and path

I am trying to create a reverse proxy with apache that if it receives a request with /thisismypath as path and the ip address that make that request is the it should redirect to 192.168.1....
P00's user avatar
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Apache reverse proxy to site using NTLM authentication fails with mod_rewrite but not mod_proxy

We have a reverse proxy server in front of an Exchange server and would like to lock down more of the paths. Minimized examples: Fails (but works for all pages that don't require authentication): <...
melds's user avatar
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Apache 500 Error when proxying api subdirectory

I am trying to redirect PUT request for a specific endpoint to another host. The said endpoint resides under /internal and accepts only PUT requests. The other endpoints under /internal will continue ...
argyrodagdileli's user avatar
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POST requests fail after updating Apache load balancer ("empty stream")

We have an apache configured as a load balancer (mod_proxy_balancer afaik) distributing the load to several wildfly application nodes. This was working fine until we updated the operating system from ...
Lonzak's user avatar
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Apache Reverse Proxy rewrite rule for complex URL. "Too Many Redirects" error

I am trying to configure a reverse proxy to my backend server. This is my previous configuration which is working. Define REMOTE_ADDR <VirtualHost *:443> ...
Renegade's user avatar
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502 on redirects from http to https on GCP

I'd like to start by saying that I know there are quite literally hundreds of topics about this, which I've followed before to get things working. Yet, this configuration, which I had working for ...
Jetto Martínez's user avatar
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Apache ProxyPass to Shared Ip Address for Domain

I have a case where I need to proxy pass a domain ( to a different domain ( hosted on a shared ip address (, but DNS is pointed other than the ...
user2341534's user avatar
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Apache2 websocket proxy fails

I'm trying to proxy websockets through Apache 2.4. I found an online demo, and this is my config based off of it. I'm running an app that uses websockets on port 8089 and am using apache to proxy the ...
x43's user avatar
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2 answers

Can not access Tomcat servlet using httpd ajp proxy in Docker

Docker, httpd and tomcat is new to me. What I want to do: Access tomcat servlet through httpd ajp reverse proxy. I am making two containers under same bridge network, one runs httpd, another tomcat. ...
Mirza Prangon's user avatar
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Apache reverse proxy - URL without / is refused

I use reverse proxy to show backend server content for a subdomain. The (server A) should display content of server with IP port 1111 (server B). Virtual host of ...
klor's user avatar
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Setted Apache subdomain redirect to another subdomain

I'm trying to set up two subdomains, for a and b in I use two .conf files, which look pretty much the same with according changes to ServerName and ProxyPass: <VirtualHost *:80> ...
Jetto Martínez's user avatar
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Apache 2.4 Subdomain Proxy Balancer and Reverse Proxy

I have a Next.js application running on two ports 3000 and 3001, and I want to use apache 2.4 reverse proxy to achieve this:* -> localhost:300x/** -> ...
user2662879's user avatar
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Incorrect Location in response header on Apache server

While trying to set-up apache as the Reverse Proxy, I see that I get incorrect location in the Response Headers ( Location is sent as "/" whereas it should be "backend/auth/api/token&...
userx's user avatar
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HTTP CONNECT requests in Apache web server log

I have an Apache webserver which serves the domain and I found these entries (and more like these) in access log. - - [28/May/2021:08:56:29 +0000] "CONNECT ...
Gfour's user avatar
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How to rewrite urls using ProxyHTMLURLMap?

My urls are in this form /sites/site-name/Subpath-2/ /sites/site-name/Subpath-3/Subpath-4/ And this should be rewritten as /sitename/subpath/pagename (the extention .page is ...
Gaurav-Reddy's user avatar
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Apache WebSockets "400 proxy error"

We're trying to present the WebSocket-enabled interface from a remote device on our website. I've configured the WebSocket tunnel in Apache, but I'm getting a "400 Proxy Error" in Firefox (...
Roger Dueck's user avatar
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how to config apache reverse proxy for multiple jboss remote instances?

I need to setup an apache reverse proxy with multiple jboss instances as target server (with different IP). I've already set in my DNS an url and i would like to redirect ...
Beps's user avatar
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Apache Proxy URL exclusion wont work

we are running an Apache/2.4.6 on CentOS. i am trying to setup an Proxy Endpoint on the Apache which is passing requests to internal Servers (target servers). So far the Endpoint does what it should, ...
Rolski's user avatar
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is this configuration correct?

I try to configure an apache load balancer to manage how server status becomes error and how the server status becomes OK. The apache version is 2.4 . I understood that a server state is error when a ...
apache_user's user avatar
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Apache 2.4 ignores mod_proxy?

I am installing a new server with Debian 10. I configured a virtual host to direct some requests to a TomEE (8.0.6) server. This server is responding on port 8080. The Apache configuration looks as ...
Marco's user avatar
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Apache ProxyPass + RewriteRule?

I've set up an apache config to try to redirect /login and to ProxyPass all other requests: RewriteEngine on RewriteCond "%{REQUEST_URI}" "^/login$" RewriteRule "^/login$"...
Jellicle's user avatar
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Apache rewrite proxy only homepage

I've tried various regular expressions (^/$, ^index.php$, ^$) to rewrite/proxy just the homepage of a WordPress website through .htaccess. For the record I have the appropriate modules loaded to ...
user1791914's user avatar
3 votes
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How to use UNIX domain sockets behind Apache / mod_proxy_uwsgi?

On my development system I'm running a Flask WSGI application with uwsgi and nginx. However on the production server I need to use Apache instead of nginx, so I'm trying to do that. In nginx the site ...
musbur's user avatar
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Apache: Dynamic Reverse Proxy

is it possible to have an Apache server dynamically proxy all requests defined by a subdir? Like: ->
Zitronenhai's user avatar
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Apache graceful stop waiting for rewrite requests

I am using Apache as a reverse proxy, and mod_rewrite to pass on the requests to backend services for handling. I want to use Apache graceful stop, to allow in-flight requests to complete, however, it ...
rhinds's user avatar
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Intermittent proxy error in Apache: "Partial results are valid but processing is incomplete" with "AH01110: error reading response"

I'm using Apache 2.4.43 on CentOS 7.8 with Varnish 6 and PHP-FPM to serve a Magento 2 website. Varnish listens on port 80. Apache listens on 8080 to serve content to Varnish, and also port 443 which ...
WackGet's user avatar
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Apache forward proxy with mod_rewrite

The Story: I've to (forward) proxy a request - whith certificate checking - to a site which has more than 96 character long URL. The Apache mod_proxy implementation doesn't work URLs that longer 96 ...
user579214's user avatar
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Apache ProxyHTMLURLMap with string substitution from LocationMatch

I am trying to build an Apache reverse proxy to make a set of servers accessible through a single point of access. The servers all offer a web admin interface on port 3000, and I intend to present all ...
Tilman Schmidt's user avatar
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Apache2 mod_substitute not working in <Location>

I have a working Reverse Proxy that is active only on a specific Location in my site, in this case for example: I am reverse proxying site1. I want to replace some ...
Paul_Rent's user avatar
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Configure Apache Web Server (shared hosting) to provide simultaneous Web and Websocket Access

I'm trying since some days to find a way to configure simultaneous websocket and web server connections with one same Apache Web Server I have on a shared hosting basis. Now, before giving that up and ...
DevelJoe's user avatar
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how to fix apache2 "proxy_http:error" AH01102: error reading status line from remote server localhost:4382

how to fix apache2 "proxy_http:error" AH01102: error reading status line from remote server localhost:4382. I have an apache2 webserver which is being used to serve few nodejs applications in the ...
devops-admin-jacky's user avatar
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Does Apache reverse-proxy pipeline requests to origin servers?

When configuring Apache as a reverse proxy (i.e. using ProxyPass or RewriteRule [P]), does it ever pipeline the requests to origin servers, or are they always sent non-pipelined? This is important to ...
Simon Pickup's user avatar
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No protocol handler was valid for the URL / (scheme 'ws')

Trying to setup a websocket proxy using apache2, I get the following error: No protocol handler was valid for the URL / (scheme 'ws'). If you are using a DSO version of mod_proxy, make sure the proxy ...
Mohsen Saberi's user avatar
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Apache mod_proxy not mapping incoming port to local IP address

I'm trying to allow another device on the same network to access an app running on my local machine within a VM. The local IP of the app within the VM is accessable at If I load ...
Martyn's user avatar
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504 Gateway timeout cause 70007 on Apache 2.4 + mod_proxy Ubuntu 18.04

I am tired of so many tries to fix 504 Gateway timeout from mod_proxy in Apache 2.4 using PHP-FPM. So i try to find a solution here. Actual i plan to migrate a Software from an old Apache Server to a ...
Norbert Sehm's user avatar