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Questions tagged [amazon-ec2]

Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) provides self-service, on-demand, pay-for-what-you-use computing infrastructure resources.

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AWS - EC2 Root Volume Change with another root volume

I have an AWS ec2 instance deployed by laravel forge. This instance was created about 5 years ago. Recently, my app went down, forge starting saying there is no more space left on this device. I ...
eleven0's user avatar
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Not able to connect EC2 through session manager

enter image description hereI am not able to connect to EC2 through session manager it's stating that plugin Standard_Stream not found I have expanded the root volume but it's of no use still not ...
EfDot NetCore's user avatar
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Managing EC2 instance IP assignment priority

I'm trying to get the primary IP setup correctly for an EC2 instance. The instance is created with terraform as follows: module "router" { source = "terraform-aws-modules/ec2-...
eof's user avatar
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Can I terminate this instance?

I have an app an I am using AWS for it. I have two instances. One is stopped and one is running. Each instance has one volume attached. I would like to terminate the stopped instance however I want to ...
Ni La's user avatar
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Volumes attached to instances in AWS

In AWS I have two instances. One is stopped and one is running. The instances are for an app that is currently live. Each instance has one volume attached. My question is since the app is running and ...
Amber Lange's user avatar
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Kube Controller Manager and Scheduler is restarting due to leader election

I used kubeadm to deploy Kubernetes on a single AWS EC2 machine, but I'm having trouble. The Kube Controller Manager keeps restarting because of the constant leader election. I tried to disable leader ...
Gautam Sharma's user avatar
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How to replace EC2 root volume with snapshot that has been attached to the instance in the future

I have an EC2 instance with a root volume (/dev/xvda1) and a device attached that is not root (/dev/xvdh1), but which is mounted to root: $ sudo lsblk NAME MAJ:MIN RM SIZE RO TYPE MOUNTPOINT ... ...
Alex Reynolds's user avatar
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Shrink Amazon Linux EC2 xvda instance

I know this has been asked before, but every solution I've tried so far hasn't worked. I have a 96GB volume with both boot and data on it (yes, I know... it was a mistake not to split them). I've ...
Robert Clouse's user avatar
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iptables Masquerade Rule Applying To Some Incoming Connections But Not All

Description I have an IP Tables rule NAT rule that I am attempting to apply to incoming connections. I have an OpenVPN server running on an EC2 instance using sudo iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -s ...
AlexLordThorsen's user avatar
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AWS Application Load Balancer sends traffic to unhealthy target group

I have 3 instances(node-0, node-1, node-2) running 2 services - one is a websocket and the other one an API (both services run in each instance). Target Group Setup: Target Group Instance Health ...
root69's user avatar
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Is it possible to access IPv4 services from my IPv6-only AWS EC2 instance?

So I setup a new server with only public IPv6. While setting up, I realized I couldn't access certain services from the server. After further investigation I finally found out those services do not ...
Luke Vo's user avatar
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Error from server (InternalError): Internal error occurred: failed calling webhook ""

I am setting up a k8s cluster in 2 ec2 instances. I install cert-manager: kubectl apply -f kubectl get node ...
Tuan Huynh's user avatar
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Access CodeArtifact from inside an EC2 instance

0 I'm experimenting with AWS Services to build my project, a backend Java using Docker for containers and Maven for dependencies, and Angular 16 for my front end, right now I have a VPC with 6 subnets,...
Alfredo Marin's user avatar
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MongoDB data in EC2 instance is erased automatically after after one day

I am facing an issue where data in MongoDB inside EC2 instance is erased after approximately one day. I use the AWS free tier service. In that I launch a t3.large ubuntu instance and gp3 8 GB volume. ...
Vaidehi Arbhi's user avatar
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My EC2 Linux Instance on AWS can't connect to internet

I deployed an linux image from amazon on EC2 instance and I wanted to install some dependencies like pip and selenium. But it seems like my instance is not reaching the internet. I made sure to have ...
beni14's user avatar
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EC2 instance is frequently unreachable

I host my website in an EC2 t2.micro instance with 1 CPU and 1 GB RAM. Currently, the instance is configured to run: Apache 2 server Spring boot Java application MySQL server After adding the MySQL ...
Gaurav kedia's user avatar
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SSH on an EC2 instance Could not resolve hostname

I have spun up an Ubuntu EC2 instance and I need to ssh from it to another non-aws server but I'm having DNS or hostname resolution issues. I have enabled both DNS hostnames and DNS resolution on the ...
Rooster242's user avatar
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Connect 3rd Party VPN on AWS EC2 Ubuntu

I have subscribed a Dedicated IP of NordVPN and followed the official instructions to install necessary packages in my AWS EC2 Ubuntu instance. I normally access the instance via AWS admin console. ...
shole's user avatar
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Recommended way to handle and listen for UDP traffic on AWS server [closed]

We need to listen for traffic through UDP connection. There will be Garbage type & JSon objects received on an EC2 instance. I have configured a UDP port and enabled communication via EC2 public ...
Irfan Momin's user avatar
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AWS EC2 instance (Amazon Linux 2) keeps eating up RAM then becoming unreachable

My EC2 instance as of late keeps running out of RAM, to the point where I cannot even run command anymore, and the instance becomes unreachable, so I end up having to reboot it. I've run commands such ...
Amon's user avatar
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Connection times out for putty or openssh connection to ec2 instance(linux) from windows machine

I am unable to connect to my linux ec2 instance via putty or openssh from my windows machine. My instnce is on a public subnet, inbound rule is attached to security group to allow all traffic to port ...
Tamoghna Chakraborty's user avatar
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kex_exchange_identification or banner exchange causing time out issue while ssh into amazon ec2

I am trying to ssh into a amazon linux 2023. My colleague can log in fine using the same private key. It seems like it initially connects then times out. This is the command and output: % ssh -i my-...
nealous3's user avatar
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AWS SSM failing after implementing IP route over one interface

I have a EC2 instance in an autoscaling group that I add an extra network interface (ENI) to because I want it to have a static private IP address (By all means if someone has a tip to do this in a ...
Wealot's user avatar
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DB2 on CIS Amazon Linux 2023 Benchmark - Level 1

By following an tutorial blog of installing DB2 on Amazon Linux, after solving many dependencies error, in the end I'm facing an issue where I can't start the DB2. Some troubleshooting steps I did on ...
Yitasha's user avatar
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In aws linux how to get a breakdown of the memory used

I am running nginx in a container in my EC2 instance. I am not able to determine where all the memory is used. nginx only consumes about 23%. Where is rest of the memory being used? free -m ...
kumar's user avatar
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How to limit AWS VPC endpoint to to signed requests

We had a scan done recently of our AWS infrastructure, and one of the high risk level items that we need to address is to Identify any fully accessible VPC endpoints and update their access policy in ...
wonder95's user avatar
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Amazon EC2 OpenVPN connected but no Internet

Client is connected but there is no Internet connection. EC2 settings: Change Source / destination check - Stopped Security group: Inbound rules Outbound rules: ip a output 1: lo: <LOOPBACK,UP,...
Andrew's user avatar
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How to allow ssh-rsa with OpenSSH 8.7 on Amazon Linux 2023

I'm trying to enable ssh-rsa (eventually just for one host) but the changes I make don't seem to be working with OpenSSH 8.7 on Amazon Linux 2023. First, I added these lines to the bottom of /etc/ssh/...
Russell G's user avatar
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Certbot Renew Challenge fails with 404 not found

My domain is: I ran this command: sudo certbot renew It produced this output: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Processing /etc/...
Mikayel's user avatar
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ServiceMonitor Relabeling EC2 Instance Tags Not Working in Kube-Prometheus-Stack

I'm using the kube-prometheus-stack Helm chart to deploy Prometheus and configure ServiceMonitors for monitoring EC2 instances with the Node Exporter. I have configured the ServiceMonitor to relabel ...
TomerA's user avatar
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Scheduled tasks not launching in ECS using EC2

I have existing tasks that are scheduled to launch into a cluster that only supports Fargate. I created a new cluster that supports both Fargate and EC2, updated the task-definition to supported both ...
Dustin Oprea's user avatar
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Nginx: Not loading wordpress repo on EC2 instance - Getting 'This site can't be reached'

I've been trawling through forums trying to figure out why nginx won't point to my wordpress repo and loads the page 'This site can't be reached'. I followed the steps in this guide
Michael Such's user avatar
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Having issue with Route53, ec2, Apache Virtual host and wordpress working

I am having wordpress blog -, hosted on Amazon aWS EC2 instance and DNS is managed in Route53. Suddenly blog site stopped responding and couldn't figure out why? For testing ...
Devops Cloud's user avatar
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The EC2 connection was working fine but suddenly the connection timed out

`I have one bastion ec2, and I had no problem with connecting with putty, but when I tried to connect today, I couldn't connect with "Network Error : connection timed out". I also set the ...
이남웅's user avatar
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How to add tags automatically to AWS Volumes with Terraform

I have the following Terraform script to deploy an EKS cluster (tags left empty to hide values) provider "aws" { region = var.region profile = var.profile default_tags { ...
user23627827's user avatar
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Yum update package awscli requries python3

I have an EC2 instance with Rocky Linux 9 (Official) - x86_64 and Cpanel installed. I'm receiving notifications daily about this issue when the system tries to update packages or when I run /scripts/...
Dev's user avatar
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Remove public IPv4 from AWS EC2 instances

Since February 1, 2024, AWS started charging for public IPv4 and I have several EC2 instances. Some instances I can having only public IPv6, for others I need to keep public IPv4. I disabled Elastic ...
TNT's user avatar
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AWS EC2 Autoscaling Group timeout during scale up from 0 to 1 then "Failed to find readiness information for" until manual termination

I have an AWS EC2 Auto Scaling Group for GPU accelerated g4dn-2xlarge instances. Recently we've had a couple of days where the ASG times out after 5 minutes scaling from 0 to 1 and the instance it ...
Shanteva's user avatar
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TeamCity agents on burst EC2 instances

I am playing with TeamCity and I have a cloud agent profile setup to use an AMI in my account from a previous project (basic Linux machine) TC can launch a new instance when a build is queued but I ...
Mr Pablo's user avatar
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Creating an ssh keypair for AWS Lightsail/EC2 instances doesn't work as expected

I've created a fair few SSH keypairs in my days but AWS seems to handle them differently. I'm using AWS Lightsail and it has a notion of 'default' keypairs. This is fine for the 'normal' user that AWS ...
Alistair Ross's user avatar
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Windows server spot instance shuts down randomly (status failed / bad-parameters)

I've been using AWS for decades at this point and I started using spot instances for various reasons including professional reasons such as testing software I develop, etc. I mostly use Windows Server ...
Tommy B.'s user avatar
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k8s's pod in EC2 get disabled every hours

I'm running k8s on my ec2(t3.medium, not eks node) as masternode for webapp. I thought t3.medium could handle k8s, but.. my api server just not works(nginx shows 502 bad gateway) every hours and I ...
bucky2's user avatar
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EC2 network burst credit balance

How do I know my usage of network credit balance? I have a t4g.small instance and periodically I face timeout issues on the networking services hosted there. As it stated here: An instance receives ...
mega.venik's user avatar
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Not able to FTPS to another server from EC2 under ALB and WAF

I'm having an issue whereby I'm not able to ftps to another server from my EC2. If I run a simple command lftp username:password@serverurl:2121 then proceed to ls, I will be stuck at ls at 0 [...
user774150's user avatar
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dns problems in self managed aws ec2 cluster with aws-vpc-cni

I'm new to k8s and I've been trying to learn it. I faced a problem with trying to setup aws-vpc-k8s-cni on my fresh k8s cluster with coredns. Here's the problem in detail. Cluster & Network ...
Ayush's user avatar
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Upgrade mysql 5.6 to 8 not working on AWS Linux based EC2

I am working with EC2 for MySQL DB. The OS of EC2 is AWS Linux-based Ubuntu. The current version of MySQL is 5.6.50. I am going to upgrade it to 8.0. I tried to upgrade it with this command: sudo yum ...
Cardoso's user avatar
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Error "The connection to the server was refused - did you specify the right host or port?"

I'm new to K8s. I'm configuring a K8s cluster on EC2 and I've started by installing docker, then started: systemclt start docker Installed kubeadm on the EC2 instance: (
M.rob's user avatar
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AWS EC2 Ubuntu 22.04 LTS session timeout not working (ClientAliveInterval, ClientAliveCountMax)

I installed an AWS EC2 instance using Ubuntu: ubuntu@ip-aaa-bbb-ccc-ddd:~$ lsb_release -ds Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS I was using the following simple tutorials to set the ClientAliveInterval and ...
Kawu's user avatar
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API Errors on AWS management console

I am seeing these API Errors on the AWS management console (EC2 & VPC dashboards). Sometimes refreshing will allow it to work for a short time. This only seems to happen when accessing from our ...
Denham's user avatar
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Got read permissions but not write permissions in aws SFTP in EC2

I'm a bit new to aws and especially SFTP but I'm trying to set up an EC2 instance with SFTP so I can access it with FileZilla and I've set it up and can copy files from it into my own directories but ...
Fitchings's user avatar

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