I'm configuring a server with Bacula to manipulate backups on a Dell TL4000 connected to the server via Fiber.

During the configuration of the Bacula Director I've accessed the bconsole to see if the configuration was being applied. Once I've exited the console, the lsscsi stopped showing the mediumx (changer) on the list. It shows the two drives, but nothing about the changer and, before entering the console it showed the changer.

I've tried restarting the TL and using rescan-scsi-bus, but nothing too. Anyone have a clue about this?

I'm using Ubuntu Server 16.04.3, and installed Bacula via apt-get.

1 Answer 1


I just found out that, on the Library Type configuration on the TL are two options: Random and Sequential. I've changed it to sequential, thinking that it was going to force the Library to use the tapes in the numbered order. This option make the changer disappear on the server. I tested change this option back and forth and everytime it is on Sequential the changer disappear.

  • 2
    Yes. This is intended behaviour. If you have an application that cannot handle a tape changer sequential means that once you unmount a tape the next one will be loaded automatically. In that mode you cannot manage tapes via the mediumx changer, so it isn't exposed to your host. Commented Feb 28, 2018 at 12:17

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