I'm trying to get a virtual server running using Vagrant and VirtualBox. For the VirtualBox I'm using scotch/box
which got all the basic stuff for running a ubuntu server with some components (apache, mysql, php etc.) more on scotchbox can be found here.
Now I got the server up and running (running a Yii2 application) but as soon as the application starts I get an Yii error message sh: 1: sass: not found
and because of that a SASS file couldn't be converted to CSS. So I went back to my server to check if sass was installed, it wasn't so I ran the command gem install sass
and after that sass was installed. gem list sass -i
returned true.
But still the problem stayed, sass couldn't be found. I went back to my console and of course apache is ran by user www-data and I logged in to ssh with the vagrant user. And this is were it gets a bit vague for me. In the environments variables of the apache service I added the paths to both ruby and the gems. The but still the www-data user cannot find the sass command or the gem command or even the ruby command.
I also tried to change the owner of the apache service from www-data to the vagrant user but that did kinda help but thats not the solution I want to accept. I want a solution that the apache service stays owned by the www-data user and not a root user like vagrant.
If more data needs to be added please let me know.