I am on a dedicated server with my site hosted in a virtual directory. There are few other sites hosted in different virtual directories. I have APC and APCu installed. When i restart PHP-FPM i get the following error:
PHP Warning: Module 'apc' already loaded in Unknown on line 0
My APC and APCu configuration are as following:
- APC.ini configuration
; Enable apc extension module extension = apc.so ; Options for the APC module version >= 3.1.3 apc.enabled=1 apc.shm_segments=1 apc.shm_size=2024M
- APCu.ini configuration
; Enable apcu extension module extension = apcu.so
; Options for the APCu module version >= 4.0.0 apc.enabled=1 apc.shm_segments=1 apc.shm_size=2024M ..and so on
I am on Centos with PHP 5.4.27 and APC 3.1.13 running
I have ben having infrequent crash problem on my site, so have to unfortunately restart PHP-FPM many times. I am still groping in dark to what could be issue. Could APC and APCu being together installed be an issue? If so, what is the correct approach?