I have two Windows Server 2019 servers (in AWS) running Apache httpd 2.4.62, PHP 8.3.11 and SQL Server. One is Dev/Test, the other Production.
I typically leave remote-desktop session open on both servers, and tail the PHP and Apache log files.
Due to programming errors, the PHP error log existed; and I was monitoring to see if further errors occurred after making fixes.
A few days ago, the php-errors.log file vanished on both servers, on the same date. The file no longer exists.
I see no evidence of hacking. Searching the web I cannot find any reference to the error-log file disappearing.
Any suggestions about what might have happened, or how to investigate this problem? Unfortunately I did not have Window Server Audit Policy enabled, so I cannot use that to determine who deleted the file.
Also there is nothing at all unusual in Windows Event Log, nor in Apache server log, nor in Apache access logs.