I have a dedicated server with 2 3TB SATA HDs. I use the server to create and share torrents. Recently I got the following error message when trying to create a torrent based on files on that server.
Notice: fread(): read of 8192 bytes failed with errno=5 Input/output error in /var/www/rutorrent/php/Torrent.php on line 449
The torrent creation is cancelled after this. What I did next was to boot the server in rescue mode and execute fsck
. This led to some errors that were fixed.
As you can see in the screenshot there were errors like "inodes part of the orphaned inode list", and some other things that were fixed. I then rebooted the server and could create the torrent again. However, a few days later the same issue appeared again. And now I am a bit worried that there is an issue with my HD.
I therefore installed smartmontools
and let it run with the following results of the 2 HDs. HD1 Smart results and HD2 smart results.
My question is: Are the fsck
results concerning? Why did the error occur again? What do the SMART results say? And ultimately: Should I replace the HDs?