using nginx and php7.3-fpm I run into a huge problem. Using

watch -n 1 "ps -eo rss,cmd --sort=-rss | grep 'php-fpm' | awk '{cmd=\"\"; for(i=2; i<=NF; i++) cmd = cmd \$i \" \"; rss[cmd] += \$1} END {for (cmd in rss) printf \"%.8f GB: %s\\n\",  rss[cmd]/1024/1024,cmd}' | grep 'php-fpm: pool mydomain.com' | grep -v 'grep php-fpm'  | awk '{print \$1}'"

I monitor the memory usage of all my running php-fpm: pool example.com processes. It's dynamic, 150 idle processes and 1 running - so everything's not that bad.

Now the problem is, that the Memory consumption of my process increases every time I open a website like https://www.example.com/script.php, and the script has this code :


After running this code, the memory used by php-fpm: pool example.com processes increases and does not drop after the script is finished. So this looks like a memory leak to me. What is the reason behind it?

  • When debugging such problems, not using 6 year old software would be a starting point. Upgrade to a supported release.
    – vidarlo
    Commented May 9 at 9:14
  • you mean php-fpm version? my software is not ready for this (. But is this the only way? It can't be that 7.3 hat such a HUGE problem, right?
    – Kosha Misa
    Commented May 9 at 9:18
  • Who knows. It's not maintained any more, so problems are not fixed. EOL was in 2021.
    – vidarlo
    Commented May 9 at 9:26
  • ok I'll check another version, but maybe someone knows how to check or fix this problem here
    – Kosha Misa
    Commented May 9 at 9:30
  • Ok, I tried php8.1-fpm - same problem! the memory is not being released. So this is not related to the 7.3 version. Can someone help me?
    – Kosha Misa
    Commented May 9 at 9:56


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