Papers by Uğur Cevdet Panayırcı
As the Internet and the World Wide Web proliferate, a new form of communication and interaction h... more As the Internet and the World Wide Web proliferate, a new form of communication and interaction has been made possible. People live increasingly hybrid lives where the physical and the digital, the real and the virtual interact. Massively multiplayer online role-playing games (MMORPGs), i.e. online role playing games, are a special medial and social phenomenon of our time and experienced a massive growth of players. Studies reveal that mmorpg players compose a heterogenic population and spend considerable amount of time in the virtual world. Extensive interest in the virtual world makes way for a new entertainment market and supplementary environments such as game forums, chat points and specialized web sites. On the other hand while the market shares of game based networks are increasing dependence and addiction become an important issue. This research concentrates on game oriented social life and related markets in this phase and tries to describe the framework of internet based virtual communications, game based online markets, game memberships, forums and virtual chat points with regard to effects on social life in the global frame as well as mentioning Turkey's position.
-New developments in communication field also affect the services which are closely related to te... more -New developments in communication field also affect the services which are closely related to technologies. Electronic government workings which provide services to their citizens are open to new developments. At the same time, the adoption of the state in carrying out their work in the field of mobile technologies by citizens is a revolution. Researchers briefly defined the concept as, "m-government" of this approach and can be summarized as the mobility, speed and accessibility with new developments in this field. This approach will take place the e-government concept. Mobile phone penetration rate is 90% in Turkey and m-government applications between government and citizens can support fast and healthy way of communication. The aim of this study is to provide a framework for governmental mobile promotion efforts and focus on new opportunities while reaching government's citizens with new technologies and mobile applications.
Toplumsal ve teknolojik değişimler tüketicilerin sosyal ve demografik yapılarında dolayısıyla da ... more Toplumsal ve teknolojik değişimler tüketicilerin sosyal ve demografik yapılarında dolayısıyla da tüketim alışkanlıklarında değişime neden olmuştur. Tüketiciler geçmişe göre artık ulaşılması ve ikna etmesi daha zor bireyler olmuşlardır. Bu değişim özellikle moda sektörü gibi rekabetin yoğun olduğu sektörleri etkilemektedir. Moda markaları çoğunlukla ilgi çekmek amaçlı şok yaratıcı temaları kullanmayı ve tüketicileri duygusal anlamda sarsmayı ve sorgulatmayı amaç edinmişlerdir. Bu çalışmanın amacı shockvertising yaklaşımını benimseyen markaların reklam çalışmalarını eleştirel bir bakış açısıyla irdelemektir.
Kendine yönelik şiddet, şiddetin diğer türleri arasında farklı bir yerde durur. Kendine yönelik ş... more Kendine yönelik şiddet, şiddetin diğer türleri arasında farklı bir yerde durur. Kendine yönelik şiddet kapsamında kişilerin kendilerini aç bırakma edimi ortaçağın çilecilik anlayışından bu yana görülen bir davranıştır. Bu çalışmada insanların kendine yönelik uyguladıkları şiddetin bir şekli olarak beslenme bozuklukları ve buna yönelik hastalıklar irdelenmiş
ve reklamların etkisi tartışılmıştır. Çalışma kendine yönelik şiddet, çilecilik ve beden imgesi kavramlarını incelemekte ve tüketim kültürü içinde beden-iktidar ilişkisine değinmektedir. Ayrıca toplum da farklı
yansımalarını gördüğümüz iktidar ve küçük burjuvazinin beden kontrolü üzerindeki rolü ele alınmıştır. Devamında da çağdaş reklamcılığın ve reklamların bireyin kendi bedeniyle ilişkisine ve bedensel etkilere odaklanan araştırmalara yönelik literatürün taranmasını temel alan bir yorum sunulmuştur.
The purpose of this study is to review previous research studies focused on computer mediated com... more The purpose of this study is to review previous research studies focused on computer mediated communication and spiral of silence. Considering this ever-evolving climate of change, communication theories have to be revisited and efforts of critical thinking should be made by scholars in order to keep theories up-to-date or determine them as not capable of explaining contemporary conjuncture. Results show that spiral of silence may occur despite characteristics of computer mediated communication that can liberate individuals from social sanctions.
The notion of “ideal body” is vital for any and every culture. Every historical period h... more Abstract
The notion of “ideal body” is vital for any and every culture. Every historical period has had its own perception of ideal body and our contemporary culture moves it to another level of importance since the social deterministic value of human body is important for society both for defining its identities and also for sustainibility. Consumer culture primes the context where individuals perceive their bodies as projects to work on thus feeling obligated in a sense of self-control.
Acknowledging that the concern for appearance is largely connected with women through out history, It must be noted that this relation tends to change with emerging globalization and consumer culture where a new concept of men was introduced: appearance savvy and concious about his body. Despite this men's increasing frequency in advertisements, men and portrayal of masculinity have been virtually ignored in academic literature.
In this study we aim to analyse the ways men and masculinity are depicted on advertisements. Elements of masculinity, changes in masculinity and representations of masculinity are also other points of interest. Content analysis is adopted as the methodology. Advertisements of beauty and grooming products targeted to men are selected as the focus of the analysis. As the source, men magazines are to analyzed in order to gather reasonable amount of data. The findings are discussed in the light of postmodern debate. The study aims to contribute to the limited body of research focused on intersection of human body and marketing communications.
Turkish Studies, 15:1, 2014,pp.62-80
This article examines political leaders’ framing strategies during times of public diplomacy cris... more This article examines political leaders’ framing strategies during times of public diplomacy crisis. By focusing on the nexus of domestic–international politics, it argues that during public diplomacy crises, policy-makers would like to utilize their speech acts on foreign policy issues to manage expectations of domestic public opinion. This paper’s main contention is to demonstrate that the head of AKP (Adalet ve Kalkınma Partisi) government, Recep Tayyip Erdog ̆an, has instrumentalized his foreign policy speeches with the label of “honorable” to legitimize AKP’s practices at the domestic level.
Medya günümüzde çevre duyarlılığının ve bu duyarlılığa yönelik mesajların yoğunlaştığı alanlardan... more Medya günümüzde çevre duyarlılığının ve bu duyarlılığa yönelik mesajların yoğunlaştığı alanlardan biri olarak karşımıza çıkmaktadır. Küresel boyutta gündemin ilk sıralarında olan çevre ve çevresel sorunlar doğal olarak ulusal boyutta da yansımalarını ülkemiz medyasında bulmaktadır. Medyadaki bu yükselen ilginin temel sebeplerinden biri de sivil toplum örgütlerinin dikkat çekici faaliyetleri olarak görülebilir.
SSCI Publications by Uğur Cevdet Panayırcı
International Journal of Communication , 2019
How does a highly polarized media system respond to a catastrophic event? The July 2016 coup atte... more How does a highly polarized media system respond to a catastrophic event? The July 2016 coup attempt in Turkey provides fertile ground to examine how a catastrophic event has shaped the editorial policies of news media outlets in a highly polarized media system. This article hypothesizes that, mainly due to the peculiarities of the Turkish media system, even at the time of a catastrophic event, the framing strategies of media outlets converge only to a limited degree on a sphere of consensus. Adopting a content analysis methodology, we analyze the framing strategies of four national newspapers affiliated with specific sociopolitical camps (the pro-government Sabah, the moderate Hürriyet, and the oppositional Sözcü and Cumhuriyet). We reach the counterintuitive conclusion that these news outlets used different framing strategies in the immediate aftermath of the coup attempt and that the gap between them widened over the period of analysis.
International Journal of Communication, 2019
How does a highly polarized media system respond to a catastrophic event? The July 2016 coup atte... more How does a highly polarized media system respond to a catastrophic event? The July 2016 coup attempt in Turkey provides fertile ground to examine how a catastrophic event has shaped the editorial policies of news media outlets in a highly polarized media system. This article hypothesizes that, mainly due to the peculiarities of the Turkish media system, even at the time of a catastrophic event, the framing strategies of media outlets converge only to a limited degree on a sphere of consensus. Adopting a content analysis methodology, we analyze the framing strategies of four national newspapers affiliated with specific sociopolitical camps (the pro-government Sabah, the moderate Hürriyet, and the oppositional Sözcü and Cumhuriyet). We reach the counterintuitive conclusion that these news outlets used different framing strategies in the immediate aftermath of the coup attempt and that the gap between them widened over the period of analysis.
This article aims to determine the stances of media outlets during crises in a polarized media sy... more This article aims to determine the stances of media outlets during crises in a polarized media system such as Turkey. Adopting a content analysis methodology, this article analyses the framing strategies of three national newspapers affiliated with certain sociopolitical camps (namely, the pro-government Sabah, the anti-government Kemalist Sözcü and the pro-Gülen Zaman) to observe possible similarities/differences during the critical 17 December corruption probe. The findings not only confirm earlier studies on ‘press-party’ parallelism but also reveal ‘press-sociopolitical camp parallelism’ in Turkey’s polarized media system.
Papers by Uğur Cevdet Panayırcı
ve reklamların etkisi tartışılmıştır. Çalışma kendine yönelik şiddet, çilecilik ve beden imgesi kavramlarını incelemekte ve tüketim kültürü içinde beden-iktidar ilişkisine değinmektedir. Ayrıca toplum da farklı
yansımalarını gördüğümüz iktidar ve küçük burjuvazinin beden kontrolü üzerindeki rolü ele alınmıştır. Devamında da çağdaş reklamcılığın ve reklamların bireyin kendi bedeniyle ilişkisine ve bedensel etkilere odaklanan araştırmalara yönelik literatürün taranmasını temel alan bir yorum sunulmuştur.
The notion of “ideal body” is vital for any and every culture. Every historical period has had its own perception of ideal body and our contemporary culture moves it to another level of importance since the social deterministic value of human body is important for society both for defining its identities and also for sustainibility. Consumer culture primes the context where individuals perceive their bodies as projects to work on thus feeling obligated in a sense of self-control.
Acknowledging that the concern for appearance is largely connected with women through out history, It must be noted that this relation tends to change with emerging globalization and consumer culture where a new concept of men was introduced: appearance savvy and concious about his body. Despite this men's increasing frequency in advertisements, men and portrayal of masculinity have been virtually ignored in academic literature.
In this study we aim to analyse the ways men and masculinity are depicted on advertisements. Elements of masculinity, changes in masculinity and representations of masculinity are also other points of interest. Content analysis is adopted as the methodology. Advertisements of beauty and grooming products targeted to men are selected as the focus of the analysis. As the source, men magazines are to analyzed in order to gather reasonable amount of data. The findings are discussed in the light of postmodern debate. The study aims to contribute to the limited body of research focused on intersection of human body and marketing communications.
SSCI Publications by Uğur Cevdet Panayırcı
ve reklamların etkisi tartışılmıştır. Çalışma kendine yönelik şiddet, çilecilik ve beden imgesi kavramlarını incelemekte ve tüketim kültürü içinde beden-iktidar ilişkisine değinmektedir. Ayrıca toplum da farklı
yansımalarını gördüğümüz iktidar ve küçük burjuvazinin beden kontrolü üzerindeki rolü ele alınmıştır. Devamında da çağdaş reklamcılığın ve reklamların bireyin kendi bedeniyle ilişkisine ve bedensel etkilere odaklanan araştırmalara yönelik literatürün taranmasını temel alan bir yorum sunulmuştur.
The notion of “ideal body” is vital for any and every culture. Every historical period has had its own perception of ideal body and our contemporary culture moves it to another level of importance since the social deterministic value of human body is important for society both for defining its identities and also for sustainibility. Consumer culture primes the context where individuals perceive their bodies as projects to work on thus feeling obligated in a sense of self-control.
Acknowledging that the concern for appearance is largely connected with women through out history, It must be noted that this relation tends to change with emerging globalization and consumer culture where a new concept of men was introduced: appearance savvy and concious about his body. Despite this men's increasing frequency in advertisements, men and portrayal of masculinity have been virtually ignored in academic literature.
In this study we aim to analyse the ways men and masculinity are depicted on advertisements. Elements of masculinity, changes in masculinity and representations of masculinity are also other points of interest. Content analysis is adopted as the methodology. Advertisements of beauty and grooming products targeted to men are selected as the focus of the analysis. As the source, men magazines are to analyzed in order to gather reasonable amount of data. The findings are discussed in the light of postmodern debate. The study aims to contribute to the limited body of research focused on intersection of human body and marketing communications.