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Questions tagged [security-theater]

DO NOT USE THIS TAG AS A GENERIC SECURITY TAG!! Security theater is a term that describes security countermeasures intended to provide the feeling of improved security while doing little or nothing to actually improve security. The term was coined by computer security specialist and writer Bruce Schneier for his book Beyond Fear.

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1 vote
0 answers

What is a term for ineffective security measures that don't prevent any realistic attack? [closed]

Is there a term for when you a particular system design might prove to have some advantages, but doesn't actually qualitatively change the potential attacks on the system and thus ends up as redundant,...
tau's user avatar
  • 417
0 votes
0 answers

Do `Signature` headers have real benefits? [duplicate]

I'm working with an HTTPS API that requires me to include a Signature header, the signature is calculated as codeBase64(hmacWithSha384(key, body)). I'm wondering if it provides any real-life benefits ...
hangyas's user avatar
0 votes
3 answers

Security in depth vs security theatre

If some security measure serves only to add an extremely small barrier to an attack, are there generally accepted principles for deciding whether that measure should be retained? Does defence in depth ...
benjimin's user avatar
  • 195
2 votes
2 answers

How can I, as an enduser, put pressure on corporations and discourage password strength theater? [duplicate]

For work and other official matters, I am often forced to use websites and apps which clearly have some kind of cargo cult going on in their security department, given that they impose extremely ...
Artimithe55's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Over-the-top (?) security practices for CVV inputs

On some internet banking websites, I've seen some CVV input fields that seem strange to me. Here is an example: The field works as such: You can not input a CVV code using a keyboard. The numbers ...
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-1 votes
1 answer

Why do people, even programmers and geeks, seem to almost feel the urge to "give hackers a fair chance" at stealing their data? [closed]

I once heard that the author of the early NES emulator "Nesticle", clearly a very intelligent person, baffingly used some kind of exploitable "Samba" or "SMB" server ...
Arlin's user avatar
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1 vote
0 answers

Does Snowflake Data Sharing add any real security?

Snowflake is a cloud database like Google BigQuery or Amazon Redshift. Unlike them, however, it markets a "Secure Data Sharing" feature. They go to some effort (including a full "Data ...
Seamus Abshere's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

How exactly does Windows Defender in Windows 10 determine when to upload your local files to Microsoft?

Every time I install Windows 10, I painstakingly go through every setting that can be found in any GUI setting for the OS, disabling everything that sounds creepy. One of the most disturbing things I'...
Panayiotis Mealing's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

What attacks are prevented using Session Timeout or Expiry?

OWASP recommends setting session timeouts to minimal value possible, to minimize the time an attacker has to hijack the session: Session timeout define action window time for a user thus this window ...
gregmac's user avatar
  • 543
2 votes
0 answers

Benefit of authentication with a gateway

Given... a public web service with enabled SSL/TLS the web service enforces authentication using JSON Web Tokens a client on a LAN without an Internet connection a proxy on the LAN that grants point-...
Reiner Rottmann's user avatar
86 votes
6 answers

How am I ever going to be able to "vet" 120,000+ lines of Composer PHP code not written by me? [duplicate]

I depend on PHP CLI for all kinds of personal and (hopefully, soon) professional/mission-critical "business logic". (This could be any other language and the exact same problem would still stand; I'm ...
Paranoid Android's user avatar
14 votes
1 answer

What would happen if some random webpage made an Ajax request for

I run a localhost-only webserver (PHP's built-in one) for all my admin panels and whatnot on my machine. I'm worried that, if any random webpage has a JavaScript snippet which makes an Ajax call to ...
ParanoidAndroid's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

When a closed-source company hires somebody to audit their code, is the auditor forced to do it in the company's office?

Let's say that ACME, Inc. is making closed-source software. It's closed for a reason (they don't want it leaving their building other than in compiled form). Now, they are hiring some company/person ...
Marvin the paranoid android's user avatar
77 votes
8 answers

If we should encrypt the message rather than the method of transfer, why do we care about wifi security? Is this just security theatre?

Most answers to this question about the security of satellite internet boil down to: encrypting the message is more important than encrypting the method of transfer. However, there seems to be a lot ...
gerrit's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

What is the difference between exploitable security measures and security theater?

As an example, the US no-fly list is commonly referred to as a security theater given that it is easy to work around. However blurring license plates when posting a picture online is not considered a ...
JonathanReez's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Forcepoint secure email

I just got an email from a financial institution in answer to a question I raised with them. It came in the form of a "secure email" from Forcepoint, which requires you to open an HTML document and ...
Alfred Armstrong's user avatar
2 votes
4 answers

Does allowing a user to know their own authorized capabilities decrease security?

In a system with a complex set of computed authorizations, does conveniently allowing a given user access to view all of their own authorizations decrease security? In a "Policy as Code" system ...
Nathan Basanese's user avatar
235 votes
3 answers

Why did I have to wave my hand in front of my ID card?

I recently had to authenticate myself online to use an internet-based service. The authentication process was done via video call with me holding my ID card in front of my laptop camera beside my face....
Tom K.'s user avatar
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How much of a visible deterrent is IT security?

While looking at this question, one of the comments made me think. In the comment, the user asserted that "one must invest a lock that cost $40, the insurance company just want to make sure that it ...
krillgar's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

how does your standard security system work? [closed]

Do they have lasers motion sensors etc.. more looking for the type of security system you would see in a basic house not rich / well endowed one.
John doe's user avatar
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0 votes
2 answers

Is the common recommendation to obscure the existance of a username on login just security theater? [duplicate]

It is a common recommendation to return "Username or password is incorrect" instead of "Username does not exist" when the given username does not exist and "Password is incorrect" when username exists ...
JustinLovinger's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Does storing two components of a secret in two places increase safety?

Let's say I have a secret integer X, and so I don't risk losing it, I store it encrypted on some cloud service. But I think there's a small probability that it gets hacked. So to help allay those ...
user42541's user avatar
  • 121
2 votes
3 answers

What is Security Theater?

Security Theater, or Security Theatre in British English, has been mentioned in many posts on this site. What does Security Theater mean? What are some examples? Is it the greatest threat to ...
NH.'s user avatar
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Electronic store security [closed]

Iam not sure if this is the right place to ask this question. I would like to know what security features an electronic store should have besides the general alarm system monitored by a security ...
steve's user avatar
  • 11
0 votes
3 answers

Should we use Microsoft security or defender for securing our WAN network [closed]

I would like to understand much about Microsoft Security Essentials or another antivirus which build in or developed by Microsoft. I'm planning to set up the network for my company and use Microsoft ...
Heng Sopheak's user avatar
10 votes
1 answer

Implications of prominent *secure messaging apps* requiring phone number identifiers

More specifically and also generally than this related question, I'm curious about the privacy implications of prominent secure messaging apps (marketing themselves as protecting users' privacy) ...
Dan Dascalescu's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Why does oAuth and oAuth 2 have access tokens at all?

I am trying to implement a system for third-party apps to access data that a user stores on a provider. We have a robust access control system, with separate read/write/etc. levels for each "stream" ...
Gregory Magarshak's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Cleanware. What does it do and are there security risks involved?

So I get these questions quite a lot recently from friends or family. And I thought this could be a good question for Security Exchange, because I couldn't find this kind of question here. I recieved ...
Ludisposed's user avatar
18 votes
8 answers

Are 7-Zip password-protected split archives safe against hackers when they are password-protected a couple of times?

Imagine I wish to upload my sensitive personal information (photos, document scans, list of passwords, email backups, credit card information, etc.) on Google Drive (or any other cloud service). I ...
Neli's user avatar
  • 239
1 vote
1 answer

Does my host machine stay completely safe if I'm browsing the dark web using virtual box or vmware on bridge network connection? [duplicate]

I'm just asking if my host machine stays safe when browsing the dark web darknet using Tor on a virtual machine with bridge connection through the host machine ? Since the virtual machine will be ...
Osama Al-Banna's user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

Does mixing in keystrokes of Backspace, Arrows and Delete add any security to password typing?

It is well known that the analysis of the keyboard sound can reveal/hint at what keys were pressed when a password is typed. One could mix in wrong characters (not belonging to the password) with ...
Mindwin Remember Monica's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

NFC Security for Payment

During an offline transaction, the Point-of-Sale has no internet connection, and so the payment terminal cannot verify if the client’s payment device has been revoked. A malicious person can use a ...
Alyaa's user avatar
  • 31
3 votes
1 answer

Handwriting/cursive education is on the decline. How does this affect signature-based authentication?

More and more schools are not teaching cursive handwriting, and many are considering it more of an art, or optional in the curriculum. I assume this will have an impact on the ability to forge a ...
makerofthings7's user avatar
-4 votes
1 answer

Tendency towards security-is-binary in cryptography [closed]

In the real (physical) world, we seem to feel secure with just enough security, e.g.: Our door lock isn't the most secure. Anyone can lock-pick / break with force. Our car isn't the most robust. ...
bradnoriega's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Capturing text messages on the fly

Suppose your phone is not connected to any network. You are sitting in a cafeteria with 50 other people, everyone is communicating to each other via text messages. Is it possible through any device or ...
Johnny's user avatar
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14 votes
2 answers

Is LastPass secure enough? [closed]

They said: Private Master Password: The user’s master password, and the keys used to encrypt and decrypt user data, are never sent to LastPass’ servers, and are never accessible by LastPass. ...
AsimRazaKhan's user avatar
4 votes
0 answers

Is there any way a website can show it hasn't been "hijacked" by the authorities? [closed]

I heard about warrant canaries and thought the idea was interesting. My understanding of what they are is a website or online service publishes a statement periodically that they have not been served ...
Celeritas's user avatar
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8 votes
1 answer

Database table name prefixes and security by obscurity

One of the most common pieces of advice with respect to securing WordPress, Magento, and other widely-used pieces of software is to add a prefix to database table names or change the default prefix. ...
elixenide's user avatar
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16 votes
2 answers

Is adding a supplementary credit transaction something that could improve online payment security?

An online company from which I regularly buy goods apparently recently upgraded their security policy. Let's say I bought something for 73,31€. As usual this company uses 3D-Secure for the checkout ...
WhiteWinterWolf's user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

How to choose a linux for learning? [closed]

I am beginner in Security. My first assignment is about "Linux firewall using IPTABLES" . I know about Ubuntu, backtrack and kali Linux. How to choose a Linux distribution to learn about security?
furusiyya's user avatar
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1 vote
3 answers

How to Stop DDoS Attacks by simple function on web server?

I have an overview ideas of the preventing ddos attacks, in a simple way. Please clarify me, if my thinking is wrong. Option 1 From the basic understanding of the DDOS attacks is that the attacker ...
Cin Sb Sangpi's user avatar
12 votes
4 answers

Would making an IIS web server appear to be running Apache instead improve security?

As you can see from the tag, I know that security by obscurity is not true security. So consider a server available to the Internet on port 443 (SSL) of a fixed IP address in the dialup range of a ...
Alexander's user avatar
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Vulnerability NTP:Traffic amplification in clrtrap feature of ntpd affect or not affect to Cisco device?

I am using CCSVM tool SCAN for Network devices (Cisco). Below you can find the scan result: Title vulnerability: NTP: Traffic amplification in clrtrap feature of ntpd Solution fix: Disable NTP ...
Caothu's user avatar
  • 21
14 votes
3 answers

Is it safe to auto-fill credit card numbers using Chrome?

Is it safe to auto fill credit card numbers using Chrome? Does it safely store the credit card information? As far as my understanding goes, it just shows asterisk values but on click it reveals the ...
BlueBerry - Vignesh4303's user avatar
4 votes
5 answers

Do I need to secure a computer from physical attacks when attackers can already harm in many other ways?

Recently, I was working on a computer system for a model railroad club. This computer system is capable of monitoring and controlling the positions of all the (physical) trains which could be ...
Stack Tracer's user avatar
2 votes
4 answers

Preventing phishing of few critical websites

Suppose $S$ is a set of known websites which are very important. Assume there is an anti-phishing tool company $A$ which is aware of such websites. Can the company A reliably develop an anti-phishing ...
Curious's user avatar
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-5 votes
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How to disable a trail camera with a laser [closed]

My neighbor presently has a version of a Stealth Cam P12 6 MP Trail Camera 9 (see link below) pointed directly into my windows. Rather than get into a legal argument (the authorities where I live won'...
Sonja's user avatar
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1 vote
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What question(s) can someone ask an individual to quickly determine their 'hacking ability'?

Scenario: You are on Craigslist searching for cheap electronics and come across an add for cheap E-reader. It's a bit of a deal with about 20-40% off the retail price so you contact the seller and all ...
Matthew Peters's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Firewall egress filtering / quick whitelisting

Suppose your Aunt or Uncle is easily fooled by phishing attempts and their computer has multiple root kits and key loggers running. Assume their computing habits will never change. Looking at his ...
user584583's user avatar
0 votes
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What is the severity if someone read the ConnectionStrings_Prod.config?

I was doing an pen test in a website and the programmer did a big mistake and I was able to read any file. So I read the web.config and see the password for database was in ConnectionStrings_Prod....
Rodrigo's user avatar
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