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Questions tagged [mac-address]

A Media Access Control address (MAC address) is a unique identifier assigned to network interfaces for communications on the physical network segment.

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2 answers

If I did MAC filtering whitelist, what will happen with devices that weren’t add to list?

In my home WIFI router, I set MAC filtering for me and my family’s devices (about 6 devices). If some devices that weren’t in my MAC filtering whitelist, and they know my WIFI password and try to ...
Zensu TESUTO's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

Tracing the email's MAC address

Can someone trace the MAC address of an email to the point of origin if the email address has been deleted? I received an email from an unknown sender regarding an issue at my work, and when I tried ...
nida ejaz's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

How to block personal devices on corporate network

Currently we are working to secure our internal LAN and due to this we are planning to stop mobile devices (such as personal laptops and mobile phones) to connect on corporate network. Our key area of ...
ZAHID HASEEB's user avatar
25 votes
4 answers

Identification of a laptop using a spoofed WiFi MAC address

I own a small coffee shop in a highly-populated area. We've noticed that several computers are connecting to our WiFi network using spoofed MAC addresses (e.g. 11:22:33:44:55:66). Is there any way of ...
Moth Yelby's user avatar
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Preventing internet access for smart devices using MAC filtering

If I use MAC filtering on my router to prevent internet access for a smart device e.g. IP camera, could it feasibly change the MAC address to get around this and leak data to a remote server? If so, ...
sed1's user avatar
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What do unkown MAC addresses mean in this context? [duplicate]

I've recently begun learning about Cyber Security related to Bluetooth. I toggled the "Show Bluetooth devices without names" (or something similar) in my phone in developer mode and went to ...
Basti's user avatar
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Tracing MAC addresses found in router logs [duplicate]

How can I trace the following MAC addresses and find out who they are or belong to: 68:B9:D3:73:00:2F 98:E2:34:05:BD:8E When checking my router, these MAC addresses were in the drop-down menu.
user251805's user avatar
5 votes
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Should or shouldn't I show a serial number, MAC address and other product ID when I sell it online?

I want to sell online some of the electronic stuff that I don't need anymore, such as my ASUS Wi-Fi router, and I'm wondering when I upload photos of it should I leave its serial number, MAC address, ...
Trueman's user avatar
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Would it be possible to create an external mac address spoofer?

I was wondering if it would be possible to create some sort of ethernet passthrough device, but this device also functions as a layer 2 mac address spoofer, which can be used with any device without ...
Alexm's user avatar
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MAC address of router changes when i connect to VPN

If I connect to my VPN and then run arp -a the MAC address of my router changes to 00:00:00:00:00:02. Is this normal behaviour? What is the reasoning behind this? Furthermore a MAC address spoofing is ...
joshnow's user avatar
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SSL: MAC address tampering detecting? [closed]

Suppose that in some scenario using SSL, a hacker has succeeded in obtaining the MAC address, but not the encryption. Can this be detected? Also, suppose he changes the MAC address: what should he ...
user270124's user avatar
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2 answers

How do we protect from the assignation of an unknown MAC-address to the network interface?

If person Y sticks his adapter device into a fixed computer, person Y will be able to bypass MAC related restrictions since the inserted device has an unknown MAC-address. How do we protect from this ...
CriticalSYS's user avatar
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When MAC flooding, why would an attacker specify IP addresses and/or TCP ports?

I'm specifically referring to the macof tool (part of the dsniff package). As I understand it, MAC flooding is meant to overload a switch's CAM table, which maps MAC addresses to switch ports. Where ...
Nadim Hussami's user avatar
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Suricata and rules based on MAC address

I'm working on a project to implement SDN in a network. One of my flows is redirecting to the Suricata IDS and the flow works in layer 2 with MAC address. Since I've read that Snort only works in ...
loi219's user avatar
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Are there security reasons for prohibiting universal mac address modification?

Background In a standard 48-bit MAC address, the 7th (most significant) bit specifies whether it is a universally-administered address (UAA) or a locally-administered address (LAA). If it is 0, then ...
ManRow's user avatar
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How to find out if MAC-Filtering is active on a router

Is it possible to find out when a wifi router has MAC filtering activated for e.g. by airmon-ng or other tools?
sno0z3's user avatar
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Using MAC Filtering in addition to WPA2 Encryption

I've been trying to find some answers regarding using MAC filtering on my router in addition to having WPA2 encryption but I couldn't find any clear ones. I understand that using MAC filtering solely ...
Martino Nikolovski's user avatar
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Why does my MacBook air have so many MAC addresses, according to my router?

I am investigating some strange issues with my home network, and decided to have a look at my device history. I only have one Macbook Air, but my device history is showing ten, all with different MAC ...
JMK's user avatar
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How can a VPN circumvent MAC address filtering?

My DSL-WiFI router provides MAC address filtering. This is used for access restrictions, e.g for parental controls to keep certain devices off-line during certain hours. A device on the restriction ...
P2000's user avatar
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MAC Flooding detection

I am interested in the metrics of the attack. Is there any packet rate that can be considered a reasonable threshold to detect this attack from traffic perspective? Or this is completely connected to ...
ystv's user avatar
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Smart Lightbulb Using Common IRC port found in NMAP - anything to worry about?

UPDATE: Looking at the product again, I don't think this even has built in Wi-Fi (it uses bluetooth for the connection). I don't know what I am looking for here in Wireshark, but I added the host ...
SBB's user avatar
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Unkown ip adress in my lan [duplicate]

While scanning my LAN with Angry IP Scanner, I found an ip @ that I didn't recognise IP Ping Hostname MAC Address MAC Vendor ...
Ron Swanson's user avatar
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Is it possible to track by Bluetooth headphones

Is it possible to find bluetooth device if I have MAC of the device.
Stan's user avatar
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How can I hide my mac address when using a public wifi? [duplicate]

As a new student of cyber security, I have started to see in real-time how an individual can actually scan and view the mac addresses on a public wifi connection. How can I hide my mac address when ...
Daniel's user avatar
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How do computers store printer presets?

When you connect to a printer on MacOS or Windows, the system stores the printer so you can connect to it later. Does anyone know which criteria is referenced to validate it is the same printer when ...
iamPres's user avatar
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4 answers

How can I avoid getting exposed while travelling to Russia?

UPDATE: There is a similar question, but my question is different because it is very narrow and about a very specific security concern. In short, I used a laptop to make posts on a Russian social ...
Mitsuko's user avatar
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MAC/IP address hiding

I am doing some experiments with wireless protocols on ns-3. What I want to ask is how can I hide MAC address/IP address, because I need it for my experiments? Is it possible to use encryption on ...
user958473's user avatar
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MAC Spoofing - Keep victim out

I have successfully done a MAC Spoofing Attack on my open (ad-hoc) network using the macchanger tool (OS: Kali linux). I would like to know what are the common techniques to keep the connection alive ...
catsking's user avatar
-1 votes
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What type of information does a MAC address provide exactly? [duplicate]

For instance if someone had my MAC address would they have my name and address location or would they just have the name of my device. Also could they track me down by having the MAC address or would ...
miche's user avatar
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Does a browsers' vpn feature securely modify my ipv6 address?

If I use inbuilt vpn feature of a browser, does it modify my ipv6 address, making me safe as far as my mac address is concerned ? OS - Ubuntu 16.04. Browser - Opera
Sir Nutcase's user avatar
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How to prevent a DHCP Starvation attack in a wireless network

Is there any way to prevent a DHCP Starvation attack when using a wireless network with anonymous users? Port security cannot be used since maxing the number of clients that can connect on a port ...
Keanu's user avatar
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What information for identification does a WiFi router get from a connecting device (Android)? What information can be spoofed?

When I want my device to connect to a WiFi router and make the router not recognize the device I have to change the MAC and the hostname. Is this right? And what information will also be usually ...
spoofquestion's user avatar
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What if I alter my MAC address to my gateway's MAC address?

Can I listen anyone in the same network? I've tried, but it doesn't work(if I've done it right).I can't see something valuable in wireshark on my laptop.
Dean Chong's user avatar
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How I can get MAC address of devices using passive wifi?

There is a project at the university, there are a lot of mobile phones where the wifi works in passive mode and is not connected to an access point. Is it possible to get the MAC address of these ...
Nafe Kzir's user avatar
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what exactly we can do with a MAC address? [duplicate]

I have searched a lot about exactly how the MAC address can be useful for hacking and security testing but I didn't find anything. In movies it is like a key to the gate but I didn't find any tutorial ...
Amir Hossein's user avatar
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NAC bypass with MAC spoofing

I just started my job as a penetration tester. Me and my mentor got to the client's office and our first order of business was to bypass the NAC system. Searching for a printer or other similar ...
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How does the "Control Frame Attack" bypass the MAC-Randomization on Smartphones?

In this Study regarding MAC-Randomization of different Smartphone Manufactures on page 15 the so called Control Frame Attack is described. I'm not sure whether I understand this correctly. Are they ...
Yoshi's user avatar
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Could my pc's mac address be guessed and thereby stored by websites? [duplicate]

If I don't use a vpn, should I disable IPv6 to avoid my pc's mac address be guessed ? While paying online, once I saw a bill that included my IPv6, should I be concerned at all?
lmao's user avatar
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MAC randomization for Bluetooth?

Companies, governments, etc. can track Bluetooth and WiFi network scans passively by looking at a same MAC address over space and time (Bluetooth/WiFi Identity tracking in public spaces - How to ...
raphael's user avatar
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Why are USPS, the Washington Post, Oracle, and MailChimp blocking our home network from accessing their sites?

The problem seems to be that our home network is being blocked from high-profile sites that have really good security measures in place. For example, when I go to the Washington Post's website I get ...
Brent's user avatar
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2 answers

Logged into same network of residence, owner knows my Mac address.. what can they see? [closed]

Logged into same network of residence, owner knows my Mac address.. what can they see? They are techy and know my Mac address for my phone and PC. Can they see text message to and from me? My email? ...
Jina's user avatar
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Can I see the MAC address of a router on an encrypted Wi-Fi network?

Say that I am within range of a Wi-Fi network that is encrypted using WPA2, but I don't know the password. Is it possible for me to learn the MAC address of the Wi-Fi router that is broadcasting the ...
Joe Mornin's user avatar
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How does Gmail detect if my email account is accessed from another computer?

How does Gmail detect when my mail is accessed from another computer? Does it keep track of my MAC address to check whether a new device is used? I think it doesn't have anything to do with IP address....
child's user avatar
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Is it enough to change only the MAC address of a VM to enhance anonimity?

I'm learning a bit about Kali linux, and I heard that it is a good practice to change the MAC address of your Kali VM so that no particular action can be traced to you (at the link level). However, as ...
Daniel's user avatar
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Use MAC Address to Identify Laptop Model? [closed]

Is it possible to use the first 6 characters (D8:9D:67) of a MAC address to learn the model/version of the device? For example, this MAC address belong to Hewlett Packard. But they manufacture ...
user188531's user avatar
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2 answers

why MAC address can not be used as session identifier instead of session ID? [duplicate]

why MAC address can not be used as session identifier instead of session ID? why the physical address (MAC address) cannot be used as a session identifier during the communications between servers ...
Hiba Media's user avatar
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Why do people redact MAC addresses? [duplicate]

What are the security implications of sharing a MAC address online? How important is it really, to redact this information; and why? I see it a lot, and I'm in the habit of doing it myself. 1. ...
voices's user avatar
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Verify my scenario of Internet infrastructure security [closed]

I have read a bit about Internet infrastructure recently. I have figured out how the IT crimes are easy to cover and quite confident way to perform any attack without traces. I got suprised that is ...
GuessMe's user avatar
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Bypassing blacklisted MAC address filtering (that prevents certain MAC address to access router)

PROBLEM OVERVIEW I have a access to a large WLAN network (in a hostel); where lot of students have access to wifi password. So, to prevent sharing this password to others I used MAC address white-list ...
umair mughal's user avatar
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Can Whatsapp be MAC spoofed if the victim's device isn't on the same local network as the hacker's device?

I realize that MAC addresses are only used to tell different devices apart if they are on the same local network. So, what if they're not? Is MAC spoofing in Whatsapp still possible? Even if the ...
Jean Dieu's user avatar