Njuikes sisdollui


Siidosisdoallu ii dorjo eará gielaide.

Article request

Greetings Yupik!

Can you please kindly help me create a stub for this article - based on the English article?

Just 2-6 lines would be sufficient enough and your help would be very gratefully appreciated. Thankyou.

Requested by -- Joseph, 05:28 lávvordat 17 geassemánu 2006 (UTC)

Bures boahtin

Somá go leat álgán bargat sámegielat Wikipediain. Sáhtášitgo don jurddašit álgit hálddašeaddjin? Don orut máhttimin sámegiela hui bures. Hálddašeaddjin don sáhtašit jorgalit erenomáš siidduid namaid ja vuođuid sihke divvut daid. Lean eanas ráhkadan siidduide álgguid ja geahččalan jorgalit Wikipedia "vuođđoteavsttaid". Mun in máhte čállit bures sámegillii inge bargat Wikipediain, de in iešalddes leat bargan measta ollenge. Mu mielas livččii hui vuogas jus sámegielat Wikipedias livččii ollu hálddašeaddjit geat máhttet sámegiela. De siidduid vuođuid jorgaleapmi ja jorgalusaid divvon ii livččii dušše moadde olbmo duohken. --Skuolfi 21:01, 18 geassemánu 2006 (UTC)

Ollu lihku! Leat dál okta dán Wiki hálddašeddjiin. --Skuolfi 06:48, 15 njukčamánu 2007 (UTC)
Donge! Sorry, ahte čállen dus "him". Mus maid giinu čálii "he" ja de fertejin lasihit dohko s. :D --Skuolfi 15:40, 16 njukčamánu 2007 (UTC)
Dál fahkka in gal fuomaš mii dat livččii. Dienhan ferte smiehttat! :)--Skuolfi 21:43, 16 njukčamánu 2007 (UTC)

In beassan Hevimestai álbmotbeaivve. Livččin gal hálidan, muhto skuvlabargguid geažil fertejin leat ruovttus. --Skuolfi 13:35, 6 njukčamánu 2007 (UTC)


Puhutko saamea? Jos puhut voisitko kertoa mikä on uskonto saameksi? Mikäli sellainen sana löytyy. Tabasco 16:09, 29 njukčamánu 2007 (UTC)


Bures! Are you Saami? It is good to meet saami people, I am learning this beautiful language myself. When I learn enough, I will begin to create articles! But I want to ask you, isnt it better to use for USER (like in User talk, User page, and USer in the category of babels) to use the saami word geavaheaddji? If you want to use this and it is correct, I can begin changing the category boxes all over from User to geavaheaddji? --Ice201 12:21, 15 cuoŋománu 2007 (UTC)


Sáhppesjieret on mustaherukka. Sáhppes tarkoittaa sinertävää tai sinervää. Mutta käyhän se čáhppesjieretkin varmaan. --Skuolfi 23:01, 5 miessemánu 2007 (UTC) PS: kiva että sinuakin "näkee" täällä

Eiköhän se čáhppesjieret ole parempi kuin sáhppesjieret. Mie en taas mutoa jierit ole kuullut aikaisemmin. Sammallahden saamelais-suomalainen sanakirjani kyllä tuntee sanan ja samaa se tarkoittaa kuin jieretkin. Jieret on Norjan puolella ilmestyneessä Ruoktumet-kirjasta sekä Šattut Sámis -kirjassa. Pitänee siis laittaa redirect kaikista mahdollisista muodoista :D --Skuolfi 23:22, 5 miessemánu 2007 (UTC)
Hmm... Jos sitä Jierit-muotoa on noin paljon käytetty uusissa kirjoissa ja ihan koulukirjoissa, niin ehkä sitä sitten olisi parempi käyttää. Tosin tuo Ruoktumet on Norjan puolen eräänlainen "kotitalouden" kirja. Šattut Sámis on vuonna 1992 ilmestynyt kirja, jonka tekijät ovat kyllä Suomen puolelta. --Skuolfi 23:33, 5 miessemánu 2007 (UTC)
Öitä! Pitää minunkin jossain vaiheessa suunnata nukkumaan. --Skuolfi 23:55, 5 miessemánu 2007 (UTC)


Mukava "nähdä" (lukea) että sinäkin olet täällä. :) --Skuolfi 20:57, 14 miessemánu 2007 (UTC)

Hehe :D Ehkei kaksituhatta tynkää ja minitynkää ole lehdistötiedotteen arvoinen asia. Mutta kaksituhatta on kyllä tavoitteena, jos vain tarpeeksi löydän kasvien nimiä saameksi. --Skuolfi 21:07, 14 miessemánu 2007 (UTC)
Hyvä kysymys. Samaa olen itsekin pohtinut. No... Itselläkin tulee toisinaan pitkiäkin hiljaisia kausia täällä, joten sallittakoon se muillekin. Tuo oli ihan hyvä peruste lehdistötiedotteelle, mutta voisi ehkä kysellä muualtakin mielipiteitä asiaan. Tai sitten lehdistötiedotteessa on mainittava artikkelien olevan pääasiassa tynkiä ja minitynkiä sekä se, että uudet tekijät ovat enemmän kuin tervetulleita. On minulla vielä jonkin verran noita kasveja tuossa tiedossa, mutta kiitos linkeistä. Pitää katsella paremmalla ajalla. --Skuolfi 21:18, 14 miessemánu 2007 (UTC)
Kyllähän se hieman häiritsee. Pitäisi varmaan kysyä sen laittaneelta perusteluja siihen miksi se piti noin näkyvälle paikalle laittaa... Tai sitten vain tylysti ottaa se pois. --Skuolfi 21:51, 14 miessemánu 2007 (UTC)
Dodii. Tämäkin pöllö taitaa painua koisimaan. Kaksituhatta täyttyi. :) --Skuolfi 23:22, 14 miessemánu 2007 (UTC)


Hei. Nyt on vuorossa lintutyngät eli aloittelen linnuista kertovia artikkeleita. Mietin, että mitä mieltä olet siitä, että laitan lintujen nimet myös eri saamenkielillä artikkelin alkuun? Esim. Gáhkkor. Tiedän ettei se ole käytäntö missään muussa Wikipediassa, mutta kun saame on hieman erikoistapaus muutenkin. Pohjoissaame kun tuppaa olemaan sitten taas se, joka "jyrää" muut saamet ihan jo puhujamäärien takia, niin noin voisi tuoda esille myös muita saamen kieliä paremmin. --Skuolfi 20:55, 17 miessemánu 2007 (UTC)

Hei jos sulla on aikaa ja tahdot kans aloitella noita lintuartikkeleita, niin http://www.kirjasto.oulu.fi/saamilottit/ tuolta löytyy lintujen nimiä saameksi. Mie lopettelen tältä yöltä. --Skuolfi 22:22, 17 miessemánu 2007 (UTC) PS: Enää vajaat 8000 artikkelia/artikkelin alkua ja saamenkielinen wikipedia "nousisi" ylemmälle tasolle Wikipedioiden etusivulla. Pitäisikö alkaa urakoimaan oikein kunnolla? ;D

Interwiki bots

You and Skuolfi and Trondtr was just made byrokráhtat here. Maybe you could look into giving the interwiki bots bot flag, that would hide their edits in Special:Recentchanges. At least these are interwiki-bots here:

--Jorunn 00:40, 16 geassemánu 2007 (UTC)


Hei ja anteeksi että aiheutan pientä vaivaa kielivaikeuksien suhteen. Satutko tietämään onko mitään suomi-saame sanakirjaa netissä, josta voisin katsoa sanoja/apua? Tabasco 11:55, 20 suoidnemánu 2007 (UTC)


Voisiko kuvan Jiella oulu universitehtas.jpg siirtää Wikimedia Commonsiin? Tabasco 08:38, 4 borgemánu 2007 (UTC)

Końskowola - Poland

Could you please write a stub http://se.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ko%C5%84skowola - just a few sentences based on http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ko%C5%84skowola ? Only 3-5 sentences enough. Please.

P.S. If You do that, please put interwiki link into english version. 123owca321 20:35, 20 juovlamánu 2007 (UTC)

Yupik, could you help me please?

Merry Christmas Yupik!

How are you? I congratulate you for your efforts regarding to the Northern Sámi project.

Can you please help me create a stub of this article?. I would really anticipate any help you may provide. Thanks so much!!!

Femme Poeta Tropical 22:15, 28 juovlamánu 2007 (UTC)


Ii giitámuš! Vaikko lean "divvon" daid teavsttaid, de in leat vissis leatgo dat riekta. Ja somás álgán jagi dutnje maid! --Skuolfi 19:27, 5 ođđajagimánu 2008 (UTC)

Bot status for Purbo T

Hi Yupik, would you please have a look at Wikipedia:Gáffestohpu#Bot_Status_for_Purbo_T, and possibly grant a bot flag for Purbo T? Btw., there is also SilvonenBot waiting for a bot flag. There are no objections regarding either. Thank you. -- Purodha Blissenbach 12:15, 5 njukčamánu 2008 (UTC)

Main Page

Hi! I create concept for new main page. I save it on my user page. But I want to your help with translate to northern sami. And what are you thing about this?. Thank for answer. --Orange.man 11:27, 23 njukčamánu 2008 (UTC)

Is there any particular reason you want to change it? Please give me a couple of weeks to form an opinion on it :) -Yupik 23:19, 24 njukčamánu 2008 (UTC)
OK. ;) --Orange.man 12:12, 25 njukčamánu 2008 (UTC)

Bot flag request for User:WOPR

  • Bot operator: User:White Cat (Commons:User:White Cat) - En-N, Tr-4, Ja-1
  • List of botflags on other projects: Bot has a flag on wikimedia (meta,commons) wikipedia (ar, az, de, en, es, et, fr, is, ja, ku, nn, no, ru, sr, tr, uz, simple) (See: m:User:White Cat#Bots)
  • Purpose: Interwiki linking, double redirect fixing, commons delinking (for cases where commonsdelinker fails)

-- Cat chi? 12:41, 15 miessemánu 2008 (UTC)

Usurpation request

Hi, I'm en:User:Roosa and I'd like to usurp the username "Roosa" on this wiki for shared user login. It was taken by a known troll and wiki-stalker and thus it is preventing me from completing my login unification. Could you please do the renames? Thanks in advance! --Roosaa 12:56, 29 miessemánu 2008 (UTC)

This is now done. --Thogo 08:30, 17 geassemánu 2008 (UTC)
Thanks! My editing is a bit limited right now as I don't have an Internet connection at home. -Yupik 11:30, 19 geassemánu 2008 (UTC)

Hei Yupik

fi.Wikipediassa on ongelmana fi:Aslak Juuso. Hänestä haluttaisiin tietoa, sillä joku ehdotti artikkelin poistamista. Osaisitko laajentaa ja löytäisitkö lähteitä, tai tiedätkö jonkun joka voisi auttaa? terv. Ulrika eli --Ufinne 18:01, 2 čakčamánu 2008 (UTC)


Goodmorning, evening. I am writing an article about the area Duobdi in the north of Sweden. On the map I saw something like Duoptevárážat. As there is a Duoptečohkka too, varazat must mean something different. Can you help me? See my userspage and clinck on + . nl:Overleg_gebruiker:Ceescamel. Thank you in advance. Ceescamel


Doaivvu mielde basit mannet bures. Lihkolaš ođđa jagi!


Hi! Please delete this categories:

I move it to Category:Wikipediija. It is my mistake. --Orange.man 10:46, 28 guovvamánu 2009 (UTC)


De rien, cher Yupik.
And thank you for writing in french too! I think it's nice to know which languages are spoken especially in a small wp, that's why I worked steadisly on Babel. You can need some help and not knowing who to ask. As sadly I can't speak same, I just can help in a few domains but I'll try to help as I've a strong belief in the necessity to protect the minorities. Have a nice day. Birdie 07:30, 19 miessemánu 2009 (UTC)


Kiitos vain, mutta tämä on vain hetkellinen piipahdus tänne. Piti keksiä jotain tekemistä yöksi, etten nukahda. Olen menossa seuraavaksi yöksi, minkä vuoksi tässä sitten yritän pysytellä hereillä mahdollisimman pitkään, että saisin nukuttua päivällä... Karmaisevaa ajatella, että minä olen paras saamen kielen kirjoittaja täällä. Ei mene hyvin kyllä saamenkielisellä Wikipedialla... :D Ymmärrän käännösongelmasi oikein hyvin. Mukavaa, että olet sinnikkäästi jaksanut tehdä töitä pohjoissaamenkielisen Wikipedian eteen. Olen alkanut kallistumaan sille kannalle, että tämä oli hieno ajatus, mutta mahdoton toteuttaa. En tiedä pitäisikö jo kohta ilmoittaa jonnekin korkeammalle taholle tai laittaa äänestys pystyyn tämän Wikipedian tarpeellisuudesta. --Skuolfi 22:00, 8 suoidnemánu 2009 (UTC)

Moi! Ajattelin sinulle kertoa, etten ole enää byrokraatti tässä Wikipediassa. En enää halua olla ylläpitäjä vaan ihan peruskäyttäjä, joten voisitko poistaa minulta myös admin-oikeudet? Mukavaa kesän jatkoa sulle! Ja suuri kiitos kaikesta työstäsi saamenkielisen Wikipedian parissa. --Skuolfi 21:00, 14 suoidnemánu 2009 (UTC)


You're more than welcome. I will try to help out from time to time. I apologize about the months. I am familiar with European languages, so I should have known better. If ever I make a mistake, please let me know. There don't seem to be any North Sami dictionaries or tutorials on-line.

I glanced at your user page and saw you went to U of I in Champaign. I went to U of I @ Chicago. Small world. Jhendin 18:27, 31 borgemánu 2009 (UTC)


Thanks for all those links! I saved them as 'my favorites'. I saw one of them is by Kimberli Mäkäräinen, whose work I'm somewhat familiar with. In fact, because I saw you have a background in Catalan (as she does) I wondered if you might be her in drag. Yes, I'm from Chicago, and I believe she is too!

Sometime when you have a moment I'd love to hear how you developed such an extensive knowledge of Finnish. Finlandia University in Hancock, Michigan? Linguists usually focus in on Lithuanian, but you only have Latvian listed among your languages, which has been greatly influenced by the Germanic and Slavic languages. Jhendin 21:07, 31 borgemánu 2009 (UTC)


Hello. If you need to block several IPs at once, you can block i.e to block every IP starting with 79.25.*. You can't block the entire 79.*-subnet as that would be too large. Sincerly Laaknor 09:45, 6 čakčamánu 2009 (UTC)

Thanks, that would explain why I couldn't block it with 79.* . Thanks again! -Yupik 05:29, 7 čakčamánu 2009 (UTC)


Thanks Geo Swan 21:33, 14 čakčamánu 2009 (UTC)


En oikein nyt äkkiseltään osaa artikkelia parannella, kun aihe on melko vieras. Pitäisi ensin opiskella suomeksi, miten tuo Ranskan aluehallinto oikein pelaa :D. --Skuolfi 18:42, 20 čakčamánu 2009 (UTC)

Luultavasti sieltä löytyy ainakin kielioppivirheitä aika kasaa :) -Yupik 18:45, 20 čakčamánu 2009 (UTC)
Ja giitu giitu giitu! :) Nyt vähäksi ajaksi takaisin käsikauppalääkeiden kääntämisen pariin :p -Yupik 18:53, 20 čakčamánu 2009 (UTC)

Translation request

Hi Yupik! Would you be so kind to help me translate this article into sámegiela? Please. It's about a Chinese philosopher and is listed as one of the articles every Wikipedia should have. If you think that article is too long, here is a short version: "Confucius was a Chinese thinker and social philosopher, whose teachings and philosophy have deeply influenced Chinese, Korean, Japanese and Vietnamese thought and life. His philosophy emphasized personal and governmental morality, correctness of social relationships, justice and sincerity." Thanks a lot and best regards:) --Amaqqut

Hi again. Thanks for you answer. Hope you will find his name in sami soon. (Maybe you can borrow the name from the norsk version "Konfucius", I guess?) And best wishes:)--Amaqqut 15:08, 16 golggotmánu 2009 (UTC)


Hello. Could you translate some words into Northern Sami to help with localization of your Wikipedia?

  • Robot -
  • Adding -
  • Modifying -
  • Removing -

Thank you! Hugo.arg 16:46, 7 skábmamánu 2009 (UTC)

Sorry, but my Southern Sámi is pretty poor and I don't know what those would be. -Yupik 19:16, 8 skábmamánu 2009 (UTC)

Ah, I'm sorry I was confused I thought this wiki is in Southern Sami. Now I realized that it's Northern... I just need translation for bot summaries in your wiki like

10:35, 30 ođđajagimánu 2009 VolkovBot (ságastallan | rievdadusat) u (2,935 ) (robot legger til: hif:6 November) (šluhtte) 

So, sami words will be instead of Norwegian. Regards and sorry about my unwariness, Hugo.arg 19:40, 8 skábmamánu 2009 (UTC)

Sorry, I still have no idea what they would be in Southern Sámi. And no problem :) -Yupik 20:40, 11 skábmamánu 2009 (UTC)

Could you give translations, in the language of this wikipedia, please? Northern Sami, not Southern. I just made a stupid mistake when writting my request. I'm collecting translations from all active wikipedias (see lt:Naudotojas:Hugo.arg/Vertimai) to improve their localisations. These translations later will be added to pywikipedia script. It would be great if Northern Sami also would be represented there. Again sorry for my unclear English, Hugo.arg 12:23, 12 skábmamánu 2009 (UTC)

Hi! What means hálddahusguovddáš and eará? Please, answer me for finnish, but english is OK too. Thanks! – EtäKärppäkhihi 14:30, 11 skábmamánu 2009 (UTC)


Hi! I got a hint that you could maybe help me. For some reason i control User:MGA73 on every wiki but one [1]. Can you help me? My home wiki is here da:Bruger:MGA73. -- 23:13, 29 skábmamánu 2009 (UTC)

Hi! Perhaps you did not notice this request? :-) -- 13:19, 5 čakčamánu 2010 (UTC)


you are welcome! but for what? :) --Egmontaz 09:22, 23 guovvamánu 2010 (UTC)


Always there are exceptions. I have made the changes. Thanks for pointing that out to me. I've gone through and through the links you provided me with, but it's a challenge not being able to work with some sort of grammar book.Jhendin 11:18, 9 cuoŋománu 2010 (UTC)

I encourage you to pursue that interest in writing a Sami grammar. All dialects of that group are endangered. You're probably familiar with Volapük, which is a constructed language that was developed a century ago. It never gained the popularity of Esperanto and Interlingua. It amazes me that the Volapük Wikipedia has, to date, 118,795 articles, yet there are only 20 active speakers in the world. 118,795 articles is a lot of reading for 20 speakers (well, if you also want to include the 200 Volapük Yahoo group members). Sami is a living language and needs to be preserved so that it can continue for years to come. Sub note: I listen to Swedish Radio all the time over the Internet and it just amazes me how Swedes pepper their Swedish with English. They never did that years ago when I lived there. As a joke I used to tell people Swedish was just another dialect of English. It pretty much is now. Jhendin 12:49, 10 cuoŋománu 2010 (UTC)

It very interesting that there are so many non-native speakers who work with the different Wikipedias. I do some work for the Rhaeto-Romance version. Through that site I've been in contact with one of its admins who lives in Germany and whose native language is German. If I remember correctly he only claims a level one of Rhaeto-Romance on his user page.
I do work for the Lithuanian Wikipedia as well (I took it at the University of Illinois @ Chicago). Many times I run into the challenge of translating something into Lithuanian. By doing what research I can on the Internet I eventually can find a way that doesn't make my article sound like a hack job. So far, few corrections have been made by native speakers. Sami is another matter, I realize. There just isn’t that much out there that's written in Sami.Jhendin 14:14, 10 cuoŋománu 2010 (UTC)


Hello! can you please create this article Selena on this wiki? please and thank you! (en:Selena, the English version). AJona1992 18:16, 14 suoidnemánu 2010 (UTC)

Hello/Bon dia, could you please help us!

Sorry, I apologize for this intrusion and the fact that I don't speak Sami (nor understand it...). My name is Claudi Balaguer (User Capsot from the Catalan Wikipedia or the Occitan Wikiccionari) and I'm currently working on a campaign to get support from diverse Wikipedians in order for our association "Amical de la Viquipèdia" to obtain a Chapter (some kind of intermediate superstructure between the Wikipedias and the Wikimedia Foundation) which hasn't been accepted up to this moment because Catalan doesn't have a/one state. I'd like to ask you if it would be possible to have the following template translated to Sami (you can translate where there is the Bashkir version) so I could ask support from other users later on? I wish you a wonderful, warm and pleasant summer. Take care! Thank you very much for your attention! Capsot 23:56, 7 borgemánu 2010 (UTC)

M'encantaria ajudar-te, però em pareix que no hi ha cap usuari sami aquí :( . El projecte té tot el meu suport. Espero que algun dia puguem tenir el mateix tipus de projecte per el sami septentrional i les altres llengües sami. -Yupik 01:18, 8 borgemánu 2010 (UTC)
Bon dia, gràcies pel teu suport incondicional/thanks for your unconditional support! I'm not too sure that you speak Catalan (though it seems probable or if not your translator is really good!) so I prefer using English (I really apologize if you know Catalan). I hope you'll get more people here to help your good work! If you need something from me (/us) just let me know I'll be real glad to help you the best I (/we) can. I wish you, your wikipedia and the Sami language all the best and hope it will grow and flourish soon so it can apply for a Chapter some day. Take care, your friend, Claudi/Capsot 10:50, 11 borgemánu 2010 (UTC)

Leatgo yupikalaš?

Yupik er en av flere arktiske urbefolkninger. De bor i Alaska og de østligste delene av Russland. Yupik-språkene tales av ca. 16 000 mennesker. Yupik snakkes mest av nomader og i små bosetninger; i større bosetninger i Alaska, hvor de er i minoritet, snakker yupikfolket hovedsakelig engelsk. Yupikfolket kaller seg selv yupik eller eskimoer, når de vil vektlegge sin tilknytning til et større eskimofolk.

--Margget 14:43, 28 miessemánu 2011 (UTC)


Mii leat dál geahččame daid kategoriijaid dáppe ja jurddašit ahte iigo Humanisttalaš kategoriija sáhte bidjat váldokategoriiai iige kultuvrra vuollái? (Mis lea dappe oslos wikipedia kursa čállit sámegillii)

saamenkieli myös suomen wikepediassa

Hei yupik

oot ehkä adm suomen wp:ssa?

olemme nyt wikipedia kursilla oslossa opimassa laitta kaikki tiedot saameksi mutta voisitko sinä laitta suomenkielisen wikipedian ensisivulle linkki myös että näkesi siellä myös saamenkieli kieliryhmä

--Margget 10:38, 29 miessemánu 2011 (UTC)


Giitu dan ovddas maid leat bargan gielda-artihkkaliin ja giellatempláhtain. Diekkár barggut mis eai noga goassege. :) Gálaniitoluodda (ságastallanrievdadusat) 14:43, 16 geassemánu 2012 (UTC)

Giitu dutnje :) -Yupik (ságastallan) 15:03, 16 geassemánu 2012 (UTC)

Hello. I'm sorry if this is not the right place to request it, but I request renaming my following accounts:

  • محمد الجداوي → Avocato
  • GedawyBot → AvocatoBot
  • Confirmation link: [3]
  • Reason: Privacy reasons

Please, delete all my userpages and talk pages of these accounts before renaming and I will create them later .Thanks in advance.--M.Gedawy 15:16, 15 suoidnemánnu 2012 (UTC)


Tiedoksi, että aloitin kahvihuoneesen keskustelun siitä, että pitäisikö meillä byrokraateilla olla oikeus poistaa admineiden ja byrokraattien oikeuksia, ettei tarvitsisi hoitaa sitä Metan kautta. Mielestäni se olisi helpompaa (Wikikontiki, Biret, Tsujigiri, joiden oikeuksista on jo päädytty tulokseen "oikeudet pois"). Sitten jos myös Trondtr kannattaa, niin joku Metassa tai Jeblad voi säätää meille oikeuksia. Gálaniitoluodda administráhtor ja byrokráhta (ságastallanrievdadusat) 16:42, 26 suoidnemánnu 2012 (UTC)

Viestien lukeminen?

Hei, olen lähettänyt fb:n kautta ja sähköpostina seuraavan viestin:


Tutustuin tässä aiemmin talvella yhteen dokumenttifilmien tekijään, Kira Jääskeläiseen, kun mun luo tulleet kodiakilaiset päätti ottaa sen mukaan.

Kira on tehnyt dokumentin Chukotkasta (Tagikaks — Once Were Hunters; tällä nimellä on fb-sivu), ja aikoo tehdä tän ja ens vuoden kesänä dokumenttia nuvuqaqlaisista (nuvuqaghmiit), siis East Capen entisistä asukkaista.

Se on opetellut askartelemaan lohennahasta jotain (Alutiiq Museumin johtajan Sven Haakansonin neuvomana), ja mulla on sille pari isoa lohennahkaa pakastimessa. Se on ilmeisesti tulossa hakemaan niitä, ja ehkä syödään yksi lohifilee lisää ja tulee siis yksi nahka lisää.

Oisitko kiinnostunut liittymään seuraan?

t. Panu”

Mitä viestikanavia luet eniten? Tätä? Olis kiva tietää, minne kannattaa kirjoittaa. Panu Hallamaa (ságastallan) 01:34, 15 cuoŋománnu 2013 (UTC)

Hei! Anteeksi, etten ole ollut yhteydessä. Laitan sinulle tänä iltana FB:ssa viestin. -Yupik (ságastallan) 13:44, 18 cuoŋománnu 2013 (UTC)

Hi, sorry for writing in English. I'm writing to ask you, as a bureaucrat of this wiki, to translate and review the notification that will be sent to all users, also on this wiki, who will be forced to change their user name on May 27 and will probably need your help with renames. You may also want to help with the pages m:Rename practices and m:Global rename policy. Thank you, Nemo 17:08, 3 miessemánu 2013 (UTC)

Hi, sorry for writing in English. I'm writing to ask you, as a bureaucrat of this wiki, to translate and review the notification that will be sent to all users, also on this wiki, who will be forced to change their user name on May 27 and will probably need your help with renames. You may also want to help with the pages m:Rename practices and m:Global rename policy. Thank you, Nemo 17:08, 3 miessemánu 2013 (UTC)

Kielilinkkiuutuus — Wikidata

Hei. Näyit lisänneen perinteisen [[fi:Muikku]]-tyylisen interwikilinkin sivulle máivi tämä on edelleen OK, ja botit siirtävät sen wikidata.org-nimiselle sivustolle, joka on pari kuukautta sitten aloittanut käyttönsä. Vaihe 1 otettiin käyttöön maaliskuussa, ja sen idea on se, että kaikki wikipedia-artikkelit eri kielillä on "kohde" Wikidatassa, ja sivulla, jota ei vielæ ole linkattu Wikidataan niin on Eará gielaide -tekstin alla Lasit liŋkkaid- painike, ja siitä klikkaamalla enempi ohjeita. Wikidatasta voi myös hakea tietynlaisilla koodeilla tietoja infobokseihin, tämä (vaihe 2) tuli käyttöön pari viikkoa sitten. Wikipediat, joita minä seuraan (no, nn, fi + tämä) ei ole vielä kovin laajasti ottaneet tätä tietolaatikko-ominaisuutta käyttöön. --Gálaniitoluodda (ságastallanrievdadusat) 12:49, 12 miessemánu 2013 (UTC)

Terve ja kiitos tiedosta! Olen lisännyt ne Wikidataan suoraan, mutta lisään ne [[fi:Muikku]]-tyylillä, kun olen tippunut Wikidatasta pois, enkä halua kirjautua sisään taas. Toi uudistus jotenkin ärsyttää, koska se on niin paljon enemmän vaivaa... -Yupik (ságastallan) 19:19, 12 miessemánu 2013 (UTC)

Using the gallery-function might be a better way to present images in an article with very little text, but feel free to revert me if you disagree. Best regards, Finnrind (ságastallan) 16:59, 19 geassemánnu 2013 (UTC)

You're right, thanks. I had been planning on adding more text and then got distracted by something else. -Yupik (ságastallan) 18:22, 19 geassemánnu 2013 (UTC)

An important message about renaming users

Dear Yupik, My aplogies for writing in English. Please translate or have this translated for you if it will help. I am cross-posting this message to many places to make sure everyone who is a Wikimedia Foundation project bureaucrat receives a copy. If you are a bureaucrat on more than one wiki, you will receive this message on each wiki where you are a bureaucrat.

As you may have seen, work to perform the Wikimedia cluster-wide single-user login finalisation (SUL finalisation) is taking place. This may potentially effect your work as a local bureaucrat, so please read this message carefully.

Why is this happening? As currently stated at the global rename policy, a global account is a name linked to a single user across all Wikimedia wikis, with local accounts unified into a global collection. Previously, the only way to rename a unified user was to individually rename every local account. This was an extremely difficult and time-consuming task, both for stewards and for the users who had to initiate discussions with local bureaucrats (who perform local renames to date) on every wiki with available bureaucrats. The process took a very long time, since it's difficult to coordinate crosswiki renames among the projects and bureaucrats involved in individual projects.

The SUL finalisation will be taking place in stages, and one of the first stages will be to turn off Special:RenameUser locally. This needs to be done as soon as possible, on advice and input from Stewards and engineers for the project, so that no more accounts that are unified globally are broken by a local rename to usurp the global account name. Once this is done, the process of global name unification can begin. The date that has been chosen to turn off local renaming and shift over to entirely global renaming is 15 September 2014, or three weeks time from now. In place of local renames is a new tool, hosted on Meta, that allows for global renames on all wikis where the name is not registered will be deployed.

Your help is greatly needed during this process and going forward in the future if, as a bureaucrat, renaming users is something that you do or have an interest in participating in. The Wikimedia Stewards have set up, and are in charge of, a new community usergroup on Meta in order to share knowledge and work together on renaming accounts globally, called Global renamers. Stewards are in the process of creating documentation to help global renamers to get used to and learn more about global accounts and tools and Meta in general as well as the application format. As transparency is a valuable thing in our movement, the Stewards would like to have at least a brief public application period. If you are an experienced renamer as a local bureaucrat, the process of becoming a part of this group could take as little as 24 hours to complete. You, as a bureaucrat, should be able to apply for the global renamer right on Meta by the requests for global permissions page on 1 September, a week from now.

In the meantime please update your local page where users request renames to reflect this move to global renaming, and if there is a rename request and the user has edited more than one wiki with the name, please send them to the request page for a global rename.

Stewards greatly appreciate the trust local communities have in you and want to make this transition as easy as possible so that the two groups can start working together to ensure everyone has a unique login identity across Wikimedia projects. Completing this project will allow for long-desired universal tools like a global watchlist, global notifications and many, many more features to make work easier.

If you have any questions, comments or concerns about the SUL finalisation, read over the Help:Unified login page on Meta and leave a note on the talk page there, or on the talk page for global renamers. You can also contact me on my talk page on meta if you would like. I'm working as a bridge between Wikimedia Foundation Engineering and Product Development, Wikimedia Stewards, and you to assure that SUL finalisation goes as smoothly as possible; this is a community-driven process and I encourage you to work with the Stewards for our communities.

Thank you for your time. -- Keegan (WMF) talk 18:24, 25 borgemánnu 2014 (UTC)

--This message was sent using MassMessage. Was there an error? Report it!

Welcome back

Hi Yupik. I'm very glad to see you back again in Northern Sami Wikipedia. As nobody was active here since last summer I've tried to help with the articles of the week on main page (see Wikipedia:Gáffestohpu#Templates of article of the week). Furthermore, I've started to revise all artciles on municipalities in Finland (for instance see this article). Unfortunately my knowledge of Northern Sami s very low - so I would be pleased if you could help me. Best regards. --Holder (ságastallan) 05:23, 3 guovvamánnu 2016 (UTC)

One sentence of Sami

(eaŋgalsgillii) It is great when an editor returns.

Sami is missing from this page:
Can you help?
Thank you, Varlaam (ságastallan) 05:55, 7 guovvamánnu 2016 (UTC)

beatnatjokŋa of the month


Hi Yupik

For your huge efforts on Sámegiel Wikipedia I want to present you the beatnatjokŋa of the month.

Best regards, --Holder (ságastallan) 19:58, 8 cuoŋománnu 2016 (UTC)

Aaa, mèrci viilmols, Holder! -Yupik (ságastallan) 21:55, 10 cuoŋománnu 2016 (UTC)

Local files

Could you delete these duplicates:

? 09:21, 5 borgemánnu 2016 (UTC)

Nikolai Noskov

Hei rakas Yupik! En tiedä Sami, mutta minun täytyy tehdä tilauksen: voit tehdä oman artikkeli Sami kallio laulaja Nikolai Noskov? Jos teet tämän artikkelin, olen hyvin kiitollinen! Kiitos! -- 12:05, 24 geassemánnu 2017 (UTC)


Don leat čeahppi systematiseret Wikipedia ja dagat deaŧálaš barggu min binná bánna sámegiel wikipediaža ovddas. In leat ieš ain oahppan buot Wikipedia funkšuvnnaid muhto giitu go viididat mu artihkkaliid ja lasihat guoskevaš liŋkkaid. -SámiTranslator

Ollu giitu! Ja ollu giitu dutnje, go leat čállán deike nu buriid artihkkaliid! Fiinna ovttasbargu dát lea! -Yupik (ságastallan) 16:56, 5 juovlamánnu 2016 (UTC)

Vahku gilvvohallan

Gullu suohtas gáhpustallamijn, eŋgu gå la huj fijnna buojtobálkká! Valla mån lav julevsáme ja máhtav beru vehi dávvisámegielláj tjállet. Danen iv diede gåk mån luluv máhtdtet viehkedit. --MagnusAntaris (ságastallan) 18:26, 29 skábmamánnu 2016 (UTC)

Ursäkta, jag kan inte skriva på lulesamiska. Jag skriver på svenska för jag vill att Jon Harald Søby från Wikimedia Norge kan delta i diskussionen. Jag tror att det måste bli möjligt att man kan delta i veckans tävlingen också på lulesamiska (eller också på andra samiska språk, om någon vill) för det är ett språk också i Norge. Visste du att vi har en lulesamiska provwikipedia här? Det vore underbart om vi kunde ha två (eller mera) samiska wikipedia! Det är jättefint att du skriver på nordsamiska wikipedia. Tack för det! Yupik (ságastallan) 16:41, 5 juovlamánnu 2016 (UTC)
Og jeg svarer på norsk fordi jeg ikke er god nok til å skrive (riktig) svensk, og kan dessverre ikke noen samiske språk…
Jeg synes det er en veldig god idé å ta med de språkene i ukens konkurranse når det er mulig, ja! Når jeg først leste dette tenkte jeg «ja, men det kan bli mye kodejobb», men når jeg tenker meg om så er jo egentlig grunnlaget i koden allerede, man trenger bare å sjekke mot Category:Wp/sma og Category:Wp/smj på Incubator, så det er kanskje ikke så mye arbeid. Jeg skal høre med Danmichaelo om det går an å sette opp. :-) Jon Harald Søby (ságastallan) 17:41, 5 juovlamánnu 2016 (UTC)
Jon Harald Søby: Ja, arbeidet er jo å sette opp alle malene, så hvis vi bare inkluderer incubator.wikimedia.org i konkurranser på nowiki (eller fiwiki) på samme måte som vi har inkludert nnwiki og sewiki, så skulle det være enkelt tror jeg. Var det en slik løsning du tenkte på? Da må bare de som arrangerer konkurransene huske på å inkludere Category:Wp/sma og Category:Wp/smjDanmichaelo (ságastallan) 22:07, 5 juovlamánnu 2016 (UTC)
Hei! Det är jättefint att det kan bli möjligt! Tack så mycket/Takk så mye! (Och ingen fara, jag kan inte skriva svenska så bra, men min norsk är sämre :D ) -Yupik (ságastallan) 22:47, 14 juovlamánnu 2016 (UTC)

You are invited!

You are invited...

The Celtic Knot: Wikipedia Language Conference - Programme now live.

  • Hosts: The University of Edinburgh and Wikimedia UK
  • Supporting: Celtic & Indigenous Languages.
  • Objective: The main objective for Celtic Knot 2017 is the coming together of practitioners in the same room at same time; strengthening the bonds of those working to support language communities into a 'knot' and leading into action. Attendees can expect to learn about and discuss innovative approaches to open education, open knowledge and open data that support and grow language communities.
  • Date: 6 July 2017 - Booking is now open.

Stinglehammer (ságastallan) 22:16, 22 miessemánu 2017 (UTC)

Rievdadit siiddu


Siidu Alitnásti ferte rievdaduvvot. Dát čujuha gaskariikkalaš liŋkkaide mat leat Fjällgentiana/Gentiana nivalis. Alitnásti lea blåklocka/sinivuokko. Muohtacivzza lea fas Gentiana nivalis. In lihkostuvvan rievdadit dán. In dieđe ferte go leat admin. Giitu --SámiTranslator (ságastallan) 10:04, 27 geassemánnu 2017 (UTC)

Giitu, giitu! In dieđe, leago Norggas alitrássi seammá go muohtacivzza vai leago gova teavsttas meattáhus. -Yupik (ságastallan) 15:45, 27 geassemánnu 2017 (UTC)
Lea várra sihke meattáhus ja generella moivi daid šaddonamahusain. Oainnán don leat iskan veahá girjjalašvuođas maid. :) Lukkari girjjis "Šattut Sámis" lea alitnásti synonyma muohtacivzagii muhto Sammallahti ja Aukio šaddonamahusaid dieđuid mielde eai leat synonymat. Sammallahti sátnegirjji Duiska-sámi sátnegirjji čuožžu ná: "Gewöhnliche Leberblümchen (Hepatica nobilis) - alitnásti. --SámiTranslator (ságastallan) 15:57, 27 geassemánnu 2017 (UTC)

Hi, sorry to write in English. Is the language in this text correct ... "Madrida olmmošlohku lea 3,165,541 (2016) ja viidodat 606 km²" ? If it is I can add it in other European capitals by modifying the population and area data. Thanks DARIO SEVERI (ságastallan) 03:42, 8 suoidnemánnu 2017 (UTC)

New project of Wikimedia Norge

Hi Yupik. Wikimedia Norge has started a new project to revitalize sewiki. Have a look here: [4] and [5]. A bit strange that they didn't inform sewiki itself. Best regards. --Holder (ságastallan) 07:01, 3 borgemánnu 2017 (UTC)

Sorry for not replying earlier. Thanks for the headsup on that project! It's really not that unusual for us not to be informed about these things (or I just keep on missing the notifications about them). -Yupik (ságastallan) 18:58, 20 čakčamánnu 2017 (UTC)
Hi! Sorry about that. We really haven't had too much to share yet, as the project is still in the early stages, and because the activity on se.wiki has been so low in general I didn't think to post about it here. But in hindsight, of course we should have! If you want to read more about the ideas we have, you can check out our APG grant proposal where we have a preliminary project plan (see the section "Program Outreach"). I'm currently in the process of making a survey that I will send to currently and previously active contributors asking for input, ideas, etc., hoping to bring some currently inactive users back as well.
If you'd like to have a chat about it one day (Skype/Google Hangout or even just instant messaging), feel free to send me an email on [email protected]. I'd love to have your input!
(Oh, and also: Astrid Carlsen is trying to get in touch with you about the weekly contest you won, the tickets to the Nobel Peace Prize Concert, but hasn't had a reply yet – maybe she has the wrong e-mail address, or you didn't notice it yet? But you should contact her as soon as you can so we can set up travel, etc. :-) ) Jon Harald Søby (WMNO) (ságastallan) 11:04, 25 golggotmánnu 2017 (UTC)

Suomi 100

The 100 years of Finland
This is for your truly valuable contribution to the 100 years of Finland collaboration and to the multilingual development of Wikipedia. Our sincere thanks - kiitos ! --Tappinen (ságastallan) 18:04, 1 juovlamánnu 2017 (UTC)

Share your experience and feedback as a Wikimedian in this global survey

WMF Surveys, 18:40, 29 njukčamánnu 2018 (UTC)

Reminder: Share your feedback in this Wikimedia survey

WMF Surveys, 01:39, 13 cuoŋománnu 2018 (UTC)

Your feedback matters: Final reminder to take the global Wikimedia survey

WMF Surveys, 00:48, 20 cuoŋománnu 2018 (UTC)


Hello! May I ask you for a translation of the code placed on this page into davvisámegiella? Can you put in under the English version. Thank you very much! :) -XQV- (ságastallan) 19:42, 17 geassemánnu 2018 (UTC)

I apologize, but I'm not really the best person for doing that since I'd have no idea how to translate those, but the people who are have been inactive for quite some time here. -Yupik (ságastallan) 01:15, 18 geassemánnu 2018 (UTC)
Would you be able then to translate only Automatic refresh? -XQV- (ságastallan) 21:24, 20 geassemánnu 2018 (UTC)

Problem with page moves


I don't think this user is up to any good. See also https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Wikidata:Administrators%27_noticeboard#Heads_up_about_a_strange_account_behavior

Bovlb (ságastallan) 23:04, 2 suoidnemánnu 2018 (UTC)

Also mentioned here Bovlb (ságastallan) 04:36, 3 suoidnemánnu 2018 (UTC)
User is now locked. Pages need to be moved back manually one by one. Stryn (ságastallan) 10:04, 3 suoidnemánnu 2018 (UTC)
Thanks for all the help! -Yupik (ságastallan) 13:40, 3 suoidnemánnu 2018 (UTC)


Hello. I would like to write new article. Could you tell me what Basshunter contained? Eurohunter (ságastallan) 08:51, 2 čakčamánnu 2018 (UTC)

It contained nothing but links. -Yupik (ságastallan) 14:53, 2 čakčamánnu 2018 (UTC)
Basshunter is Swedish. Category has been added mistakenly. I changed it to Musihkkárat. Thanks. Eurohunter (ságastallan) 20:18, 3 čakčamánnu 2018 (UTC)
I should as how to write "is a Swedish singer, record producer and DJ" too. Eurohunter (ságastallan) 09:45, 7 čakčamánnu 2018 (UTC)
Singer is lávlu, but I've no idea what record producer (musikproducent) or DJ (discjockey) is in Sámi. Maybe SámiTranslator would know? (Also 'Swedish' before a word in Northern Sámi is ruoŧŧelaš.) -Yupik (ságastallan) 12:17, 7 čakčamánnu 2018 (UTC)
Hi. Record producer is skearrobuvttadeaddji or musihkkabuvttadeaddji. Everyone just says DJ (dee-jee like in English). Also, regarding adjectives one can say "ruoŧŧelaš lávlu". It can sometimes be more idiomatic to use the genitive case of the country "Ruoŧa lávlu". For example the music group "Máze nieiddat" uses this type of construction. --SámiTranslator (ságastallan) 16:54, 7 čakčamánnu 2018 (UTC)
I wrote "ruoŧelaš lávlu, musihkkabuvttadeaddji ja DJ". I think it's the simplest version like in the English. Question is which "skearrobuvttadeaddji" or "musihkkabuvttadeaddji" is the main one? Just how you call music producer in Sami? Eurohunter (ságastallan) 18:26, 7 čakčamánnu 2018 (UTC)
Musihkkabuvttadeaddji (literally music producer) is used when referring to a single artist or band. If somebody would say skearrobuvttadeaddji the first thing that comes to mind is "label, record label". Skearrofitnodat is also used when referring to a company that produces music.--SámiTranslator (ságastallan) 09:07, 8 čakčamánnu 2018 (UTC)
Thanks. I'm glad you created also article. Eurohunter (ságastallan) 13:37, 8 čakčamánnu 2018 (UTC)

(eaŋgalsgillii) Wikidata has no Sami word for ...

Hmmh, it shows me that it is there. There word is 'psykologa'. -Yupik (ságastallan) 09:27, 9 guovvamánnu 2019 (UTC)
(At Wikidata, the relevant phrases are
"languages", followed by
"sco Psychologist", followed by
"simple Psychologist"

"se Psykologa", should be "squeezed between",
"sco", and
"simple". )

Thank you for confirmation about the spelling. Cheers! 07:27, 10 guovvamánnu 2019 (UTC)

(eaŋgalsgillii) new user ( presenting myself, and "thanks for welcoming me")

Mayors/ ordførere

i am willing to add to articles,
"Former mayors include (...)" / "Tidligere ordførere inkluderer (...)".
If those relevant words in Davvisam_giella, can be written in this discussion, then fine.

(I am not asking for information about how I can help with infoboxes.
However, a secondary priority might be for me to find relevant templates:

  • "Template: Update Needed".)
  • "Template: Citation needed"

When I expectedly will write,
"Former mayors include (...)",
then that (arguably) will not lead to extra work for you.

Other points [7], one hopes to deal with in other articles (and perhaps not today).
Cheers! 00:27, 5 njukčamánnu 2019 (UTC)

Fint om du (eller andre) kan komme med nordsamisk ordlyd for

  • "... er ordførar (i 2019), og har vært det siden 2015."
    Jeg håper å hjelpe Madrid- og Paris-artikklene og andre artikler - med nevnte ordlyd.

(I noen tilfeller har man bedre referanser, og kan skrive for eksempel,
"... ble i 2014 valgt som borgermester til 2020".

Å legge til ordfører-informasjon i infobokser?
"Jeg håper å kunne bidra på andre måter", er mitt enkle mantra.
Mvh 02:22, 5 njukčamánnu 2019 (UTC)/ 02:37, 5 njukčamánnu 2019 (UTC)/ 03:31, 5 njukčamánnu 2019 (UTC)

Don't worry about "nobody adding mayor"! ("Ting ordner seg etterhvert", or things will somehow work out.)

The top three wikipedia-users, should consider "disciplining themselves", and to let someone else "add mayor", in my opinion.
Please consider to use "an extra second" to show leadership on any more important issue, at Gáffestohpu.
A shortened article, with no mistakes, is sometimes/ often better than a larger article! Cheers! 10:38, 5 njukčamánnu 2019 (UTC)

double-checking long-term strategy with admin Trondtr

Hi, please check some of your edits, with admin Trondtr.
[9]. 03:38, 8 njukčamánnu 2019 (UTC)

Please stop vandalizing the site. If it continues, you will be blocked like everyone else who vandalizes Wikipedia. -Yupik (ságastallan) 06:06, 8 njukčamánnu 2019 (UTC)

Everyone is responsible for not introducing misinformation in articles.
Knowingly doing that, is against guidelines.
(Administrators and patrollers do not have a free pass, in regard to violating guidelines.
Thank you for your otherwise fine contributions on Wikipedia! 06:16, 8 njukčamánnu 2019 (UTC)

Thank you; I do know what the guidelines are. What you are doing is against the guidelines. We're trying to fix the problem with the template as fast as possible, but right now the little time I have is going to reverting the edits you are making and not to fixing the problem, so please stop. -Yupik (ságastallan) 06:20, 8 njukčamánnu 2019 (UTC)
For your information:
Expectedly one will pass on information to Jimbo Wales, regarding this incident.
Leaving wrong information in an article (or the infobox of an article), is one form of disruption of Wikipedia.
You and I are on different pages, it seems. It is important that you do not "show traits of a poisonous personality". The same goes for me. 06:32, 8 njukčamánnu 2019 (UTC)
The information you are deleting is autogenerated and is not being "left in the article" on purpose. Like I've repeatedly said, your actions are taking away from the time that could be used to fix the template. -Yupik (ságastallan) 07:07, 8 njukčamánnu 2019 (UTC)
I expect to wait for admin Trondtr to weigh in.
(It is not acceptable for misinformation in the infobox (Bergen) to stand for one month.
We are 4 days into "sort of defining that there is a problem".)
And today I have notified an esteemed wikipedia-user, who has (perhaps) never edited on North Sami wikipedia. Regards! 07:22, 8 njukčamánnu 2019 (UTC)
  • The Bergen article (and its infobox), now seem in order.
    If further discussion is needed, then fine.
    Personally, I prefer to use my time, removing outdated text (from articles). Regards! 08:23, 8 njukčamánnu 2019 (UTC)

Kategoriijat, "Places in Skolt Sami area" (Steder i skoltesamisk språkområde)

(eaŋgalsgillii) Hi, do you think that it would be appropriate for Čeavetjávri and other places in "Skolt Sami language zone/area", to belong to such a category?
I think such a category might be useful.
(A Norwegian name for such, might be "kategori:Steder i skoltesamisk språkområde".) Regards! 13:18, 19 njukčamánnu 2019 (UTC)


Hi Kimberli,

We met at the Celtic Knot conference in Cornwall, and i mentioned you to a journalist ive been talking to about the conference and minority languages on Wikipedia, and he is keen to have a quick chat to you about your work with Sami Wiki. If you are interested, could you drop me an email? - Jason.nlw(at)gmail.com. Thanks! Jason.nlw (ságastallan) suoidnemánu 10 b. 2019 dii. 16.14 (UTC)

article:"Juovllat" and potential edit-warring

I will leave edit-warring in that article, for someone else. Enjoy! Sju hav (ságastallan) juovlamánu 22 b. 2019 dii. 10.27 (UTC)


Hello. I saw you deleted a page about Bambi, an American animated film released in 1942. Could there still be an article about the topic in the right language? The old page was in Spanish, could you write a new page in Northern Sami? Something like:

Bambi is an American animated film produced by Walt Disney and released in 1942. It is the fifth animated feature film from The Walt Disney Company.

The film is one of the most well known of Disney's animated films, I think it deserves a proper article.

The other four of Disney's first five (Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, Pinocchio, Fantasia, and Dumbo) are also well known animated films. Can they have articles too?

Again, I understand the old page had the wrong language, but a proper stub in Sami shouldn't be too hard to do, should it?

Thank you for understanding. 2602:306:83A9:3D00:A9A8:3AF9:3A7B:C410 ođđajagimánu 18 b. 2020 dii. 0.21 (UTC)

There is actually a Disney movie dubbed in Northern Sami, Jikŋon II (Frozen II). See this reference. If you must know more about the topic of the film Frozen II, please visit en:Frozen II. Also visit en:Bambi and en:Dumbo about two of the other movies mentioned. They are among the best along with en:The Lion King, en:The Fox and the Hound, en:Lady and the Tramp, en:Oliver & Company, en:The Rescuers, and some more. 2600:1700:53F0:AD70:8935:3E14:2017:1943 geassemánu 12 b. 2020 dii. 3.13 (UTC)
I recreated Bambi based on the Spanish text and added a stub for Frozen II. Can they be translated or improved? 2600:1700:53F0:AD70:8935:3E14:2017:1943 geassemánu 12 b. 2020 dii. 3.26 (UTC)
I also added more info to Jikŋon II based on fi:Frozen II. 2600:1700:53F0:AD70:8935:3E14:2017:1943 geassemánu 12 b. 2020 dii. 3.37 (UTC)
Thank you for creating the articles, but as they are not in Northern Saami, they will both be deleted by Monday at the latest. I unfortunately do not have the time to translate them into Northern Saami, but perhaps you could approach someone else to translate them. -Yupik (ságastallan) geassemánu 12 b. 2020 dii. 3.41 (UTC) 
Well, who else could translate them if you can't? If you can tell me, I will ask whoever can do it so that the pages can stay. 2600:1700:53F0:AD70:40FC:DADD:16C1:5FC0 geassemánu 12 b. 2020 dii. 18.36 (UTC)
I asked Geavaheaddji:SámiTranslator for help on this. I'm hoping he can fix the pages so that they don't have to be deleted. Otherwise, who else should I ask? 2600:1700:53F0:AD70:40FC:DADD:16C1:5FC0 geassemánu 12 b. 2020 dii. 18.59 (UTC)


Bures! Livččii go vejolaš sirdit Málle:Gielddat jagi 2020 -> Málle:Romssa ja FInnmarkku gielddat? Dálá namma ii heive nu bures. Tynnoel (ságastallan) njukčamánu 22 b. 2020 dii. 13.15 (UTC)

Giitu, dat lea buorre idea! Dál dat lea Málle:Romssa ja Finnmárkku gielddat :) -Yupik (ságastallan) njukčamánu 25 b. 2020 dii. 7.45 (UTC)
Giitu! Tynnoel (ságastallan) njukčamánu 28 b. 2020 dii. 20.55 (UTC)

Nyhetsbrev fra Wikimedia Norge

Jon Harald Søby (WMNO) cuoŋománu 28 b. 2020 dii. 17.22 (UTC)


I report that Sund4nym0uz should be deleted. Regards--ValeJappo (ságastallan) miessemánu 31 b. 2020 dii. 8.16 (UTC)

Interface administrator

Hiya! Could you please make me a temporary interface administrator for one month? I need it to set up the new main page properly. :-) Jon Harald Søby (WMNO) (ságastallan) geassemánu 17 b. 2020 dii. 10.25 (UTC)

Nope, but I can for 6 months :D -Yupik (ságastallan) geassemánu 17 b. 2020 dii. 11.14 (UTC)

New landing page

Hello, I heard about the new landing page and I need to set up the corresponding parameters for the Kiwix scraper. I really have one quick question though: what is the difference between the Málle: and Portála: spaces, and is Málle:Ovdasiidu going to be default at some point or will it keep this configuration of Portála:Ovdasiidu being the default landing for non-registered users? (I should probably ping user:Jon Harald Søby (WMNO) as well for that one) Thanks! The other Kiwix guy (ságastallan) geassemánu 26 b. 2020 dii. 6.43 (UTC)

Hi The other Kiwix guy! Málle is the template namespace; when we switch to the new one I think I will do it by just replacing everything on Portála:Ovdasiidu with {{Ovdasiidu}}, and keep things in Málle:Ovdasiidu page. Is there anything in particular I can do to make your job with this easier? Some designated IDs or classes to use, for instance? geassemánu 26 b. 2020 dii. 10.46 (UTC)
Nope - I just need to input which page is the default landing one, but if we don't say anything it will take the regular one. Bottom line: nothing to do for either of us, it will eventually take care of itself. Thanks! The other Kiwix guy (ságastallan) geassemánu 26 b. 2020 dii. 12.56 (UTC)
So everything's resolved? :) -Yupik (ságastallan) geassemánu 26 b. 2020 dii. 16.30 (UTC) 

Nyhetsbrev fra Wikimedia Norge

Jon Harald Søby (WMNO) čakčamánu 1 b. 2020 dii. 12.50 (UTC)

Wikimedia Norgga ođasreive

Jon Harald Søby (WMNO) golggotmánu 20 b. 2020 dii. 9.56 (UTC)

Nyhetsbrev nr. 19 fra Wikimedia Norge

Jon Harald Søby (WMNO) ođđajagimánu 15 b. 2021 dii. 14.11 (UTC)

Nyhetsbrev nr. 20 fra Wikimedia Norge

Jon Harald Søby (WMNO) cuoŋománu 20 b. 2021 dii. 14.40 (UTC)

Lean váldán bottu

Buorre beaivi! In leat dal guhkes áigái čállán deike go lean álgán ođđa bargui ja lea unnán dilli. Muhto fargga boađán fas ruovttoluotta! --SámiTranslator (ságastallan) cuoŋománu 26 b. 2021 dii. 15.35 (UTC)

Ipmel atti! Lihkku ođđa barggus! <3 Lean dáppe, go boađán fas ruovttoluotta :) -Yupik (ságastallan) cuoŋománu 29 b. 2021 dii. 23.00 (UTC)

Nyhetsbrev nr. 21 fra Wikimedia Norge

Jon Harald Søby miessemánu 28 b. 2021 dii. 12.40 (UTC)

Nyhetsbrev nr. 22 fra Wikimedia Norge

Jon Harald Søby (WMNO) borgemánu 12 b. 2021 dii. 13.59 (UTC)

Nyhetsbrev nr. 22 fra Wikimedia Norge

Jon Harald Søby (WMNO) borgemánu 13 b. 2021 dii. 10.50 (UTC)

Suojauksen poisto

Jos haluat minun vastaavankin jotain keskustelusivulleni jättämääsi viestiin, niin suosittelen poistamaan suojauksen. Kaikella kunnioituksella --Vyörykkä (ságastallan) golggotmánu 2 b. 2021 dii. 21.28 (UTC)

Kiitos, kun kerroit, että se oli vielä suojattu. Luulin, että se oli jo mennyt umpeen. Nyt pitäisi olla kondiksessa, mutta laita vaan viesti tänne, jos ei ole jostain syystä. -Yupik (ságastallan) golggotmánu 2 b. 2021 dii. 22.01 (UTC)
Kiitos. Keskustelusivuani tuskin on syytä siirrellä, joten siltä osin suojaus voisi olla tiukempikin. Lisäksi vainoojani ilmestyi näemmä takaisin (kuvan perusteella tuo on hän) heti, kun suojaus poistettiin, joten kannattaa pitää silmät auki. Vyörykkä (ságastallan) golggotmánu 3 b. 2021 dii. 8.16 (UTC)

Nyhetsbrev nr. 23 fra Wikimedia Norge

Jon Harald Søby (WMNO) skábmamánu 3 b. 2021 dii. 15.16 (UTC)


Voisitko poistaa käyttäjäsivuni? Olen luonut Meta-Wikissä järjestelmänlaajuisen käyttäjäsivun, ja haluan että se näkyy myös täällä Wikissä. -- (ságastallan) skábmamánu 23 b. 2021 dii. 8.19 (UTC)

Dieđusge :) -Yupik (ságastallan) skábmamánu 23 b. 2021 dii. 12.56 (UTC)

How we will see unregistered users


You get this message because you are an admin on a Wikimedia wiki.

When someone edits a Wikimedia wiki without being logged in today, we show their IP address. As you may already know, we will not be able to do this in the future. This is a decision by the Wikimedia Foundation Legal department, because norms and regulations for privacy online have changed.

Instead of the IP we will show a masked identity. You as an admin will still be able to access the IP. There will also be a new user right for those who need to see the full IPs of unregistered users to fight vandalism, harassment and spam without being admins. Patrollers will also see part of the IP even without this user right. We are also working on better tools to help.

If you have not seen it before, you can read more on Meta. If you want to make sure you don’t miss technical changes on the Wikimedia wikis, you can subscribe to the weekly technical newsletter.

We have two suggested ways this identity could work. We would appreciate your feedback on which way you think would work best for you and your wiki, now and in the future. You can let us know on the talk page. You can write in your language. The suggestions were posted in October and we will decide after 17 January.

Thank you. /Johan (WMF)

ođđajagimánu 4 b. 2022 dii. 18.19 (UTC)

Nyhetsbrev nr. 24 fra Wikimedia Norge

Jon Harald Søby (WMNO) guovvamánu 3 b. 2022 dii. 15.03 (UTC)


Please modify the article Qaem Shahr and link it to the wiki data item. Viera iran (ságastallan) njukčamánu 27 b. 2022 dii. 8.26 (UTC)

Please modify the article Sari and link it to the wiki data item. Viera iran (ságastallan) cuoŋománu 9 b. 2022 dii. 17.14 (UTC)

(EN) Ideas

Hello Yupik! Sorry for writing in English, I write to you since you are the most active admin on this Wiki. I had some ideas that came across my mind for this Wiki, here are the ideas that I wanted to tell you.

1st idea: As far as I know, the Sami languages are one of the most endangered in the world. So I was thinking that, wouldn't be a great idea to have "spoken" articles featuring an audio-file with the en:Template:Spoken Wikipedia on this Wiki (and also for Inari Sami Wiki if possible)? I personally think that it may be a good way to keep the Sami language alive :-).

2nd idea: I was thinking that there are users who aren't admins but you can still consider trustworthy that can have the possibility to have a/some dedicated user rights, so users don't need to become directly administrator to gain some specific rights. I suggest to have 2 new user rights created for this wiki (and also for Inari Sami Wiki if possible), specifically:

  • Quickly rollback the edits of the last user who edited a particular page (rollback)
  • Have one's own edits automatically marked as patrolled (autopatrol)
  • Mark others' edits as patrolled (patrol)
  • Move pages with their subpages (move-subpages)
  • Move files (movefile)
  • Not create redirects from source pages when moving pages (suppressredirect)

These rights can be assigned by an administrator (or else bureaucrat)

3rd idea: This is about the timezone for this Wiki. I noticed that this Wiki, uses the UTC (London/Greenwich Mean Time) and not CET/CEST or EET/EEST. So wouldn't be better for this Wiki to be set on CET/CEST that includes the summer time? I know that the Northern Sami is also spoken in Finland according to File:Sami languages large.png that uses EET/EEST, but I think that CET/CEST would be more suitable for this Wiki. For Northern Sami speaking users in Finland they can be just an hour ahead with CET/CEST instead of two hours ahead with UTC (or they can just go and change the date and time preferences to "Europe/Helsinki" on the user's settings).

How does these ideas sound to you? I can forward these ideas on the Community portal later on if you want.

Have a good evening and cheers! :-) --S4b1nuz ᴇ.656(SMS) skábmamánu 5 b. 2022 dii. 17.37 (UTC)

Nyhetsbrev nr. 25 fra Wikimedia Norge

Jon Harald Søby (WMNO) skábmamánu 22 b. 2022 dii. 13.51 (UTC)

Nyhetsbrev nr. 26 fra Wikimedia Norge

Jon Harald Søby (WMNO) cuoŋománu 5 b. 2023 dii. 13.38 (UTC)

Translation notification: Admin activity review

Hello Yupik,

You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to nuõrttsääʹmǩiõll on Meta. The page Admin activity review is available for translation. You can translate it here:

The priority of this page is medium. The deadline for translating this page is 2023-06-02.

This is a test that can be safely ignored. MediaWiki message delivery (ságastallan)

Your help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community.

You can change your notification preferences.

Thank you!

Meta translation coordinators‎, miessemánu 30 b. 2023 dii. 7.36 (UTC)

Translation notification: WWC2023/Scholarship

Hello Yupik,

You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to nuõrttsääʹmǩiõll, Inari Sami da Northern Sami on Meta. The page WWC2023/Scholarship is available for translation. You can translate it here:

The priority of this page is medium. The deadline for translating this page is 2023-10-22.

this page is available for translating, you can start working on it

Your help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community.

You can change your notification preferences.

Thank you!

Meta translation coordinators‎, geassemánu 26 b. 2023 dii. 21.41 (UTC)

Translation notification: Wikimedia Foundation elections committee/Nominatons/2023/Announcement - new members

Hello Yupik,

You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to nuõrttsääʹmǩiõll, Inari Sami da Northern Sami on Meta. The page Wikimedia Foundation elections committee/Nominatons/2023/Announcement - new members is available for translation. You can translate it here:

The priority of this page is medium.

We are hoping to send this message globally using MassMessage once the Board made official announcement, which will be linked later.

Your help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community.

You can change your notification preferences.

Thank you!

Meta translation coordinators‎, geassemánu 27 b. 2023 dii. 5.15 (UTC)

Translation notification: Category:Moved to Wikimedia Foundation Governance Wiki

Hello Yupik,

You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to nuõrttsääʹmǩiõll, Inari Sami da Northern Sami on Meta. The page Category:Moved to Wikimedia Foundation Governance Wiki is available for translation. You can translate it here:

The priority of this page is medium.

Many WMF policies have been moved to foundation wiki and their local counterparts are blanked and redirected. This category should be created to keep everything together.

Your help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community.

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Thank you!

Meta translation coordinators‎, geassemánu 29 b. 2023 dii. 16.12 (UTC)

Hello Yupik,

You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to nuõrttsääʹmǩiõll, Inari Sami da Northern Sami on Meta. The page Wikimedia Foundation Legal department/2023 ToU updates/Proposed update is available for translation. You can translate it here:

The priority of this page is high.

Massive changes to the pages. Would require a review to keep information updated as per the English version.

Your help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community.

You can change your notification preferences.

Thank you!

Meta translation coordinators‎, suoidnemánu 23 b. 2023 dii. 4.45 (UTC)

Translation notification: Movement Charter

Hello Yupik,

You are receiving this notification because you signed up as a translator to nuõrttsääʹmǩiõll, Inari Sami da Northern Sami on Meta. The page Movement Charter is available for translation. You can translate it here:

The priority of this page is medium.

Requires an update/review.

Your help is greatly appreciated. Translators like you help Meta to function as a truly multilingual community.

You can change your notification preferences.

Thank you!

Meta translation coordinators‎, suoidnemánu 27 b. 2023 dii. 6.34 (UTC)

Nyhetsbrev nr. 27 fra Wikimedia Norge

Jon Harald Søby (WMNO) čakčamánnu 18 b. 2023 dii. 7.21 (UTC)[vástit]

Nyhetsbrev nr. 28 fra Wikimedia Norge

Jon Harald Søby (WMNO) njukčamánnu 6 b. 2024 dii. 7.39 (UTC)[vástit]