VMSbase is an R package devised to manage, process and visualize information about fishing vessels activity (provided by the vessel monitoring system-VMS) and catches/landings (as reported in the logbooks). VMSbase is primarily conceived... more
A number of restrictions envisaged by Council Regulation 1967/2006 (Mediterranean Regulation, MR) have been introduced to reduce the fishing effort and the catch of juveniles in the Mediterranean Sea. A large proportion of the purse... more
Analysis of data from vessel monitoring systems and automated identification systems in large-scale fisheries is used to describe the spatial distribution of effort, impact on habitats, and location of fishing grounds. To identify when... more
Disclaimer Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group, make every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information (the "Content") contained in our publications. However, Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis... more
The rationale applied for monitoring and managing fisheries is based on the implicit assumption that yield and stocks status is essentially determined by fisheries. Moreover, the fisheries yield is quantified and analyzed in terms of... more
Marine litter has significant ecological, social and economic impacts, ultimately raising welfare and conservation concerns. Assessing marine litter hotspots or inferring potential areas of accumulation are challenging topics of marine... more
The increasing use of tracking devices, such as the Vessel Monitoring System (VMS) and the Automatic Identification System (AIS), have allowed, in the last decade, detailed spatial and temporal analyses of fishing footprints and of their... more
1. Overfishing or exploitation patterns with high juvenile mortalities often negatively impact demersal fish stocks. Meanwhile, the increased availability and diffusion of georeferenced information is propelling a revolution of marine... more
Monitoring marine resource exploitation is a key activity in fisheries science and biodiversity conservation. Since research surveys are time-consuming and costly, fishery-dependent data (i.e. derived directly from fishing vessels) are... more
The Working Group on Fisheries Benthic Impact and Trade-offs (WGFBIT) develops methods and performs assessments to evaluate benthic impact from fisheries at regional scale, while considering fisheries and seabed impact trade-offs. WGFBIT... more
Current fishing practices often do not allow adequate selection of species or sizes of fish, resulting in unwanted catches, subsequently discarded, with the consequent negative effects on both marine communities and fisheries... more
The recent establishment of the “landing obligation” under the reformed EU Common Fishery Policy has the twofold objective of reducing the excessive practice of discarding unwanted catch at sea and encouraging more selective and... more