Showing posts with label Hispaniola. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hispaniola. Show all posts

Wednesday, 7 June 2023

Four dead following Magnitude 4.9 Earthquake in Haiti.

The United States Geological Survey recorded a Magnitude 4.9 Earthquake at a depth of 10.0 km roughly 9 km to the northeast of the commune of Les Abricots on the northern side of the Tiburon Peninsula, Haiti, slightly after 5.10 am local time (slightly after 9.10 am GMT) on Tuesday 6 June 2023. Four people are known to have died following this event, and injuring more than 25, including several children. Three of the deceased are reported to be members of the same family, killed when their house collapsed. 

The approximate location of the 6 June 2023 Haiti Earthquake. USGS.

Haiti forms the western part of the island of La Hispaniola, in the Greater Antilles. The island has a complex geological structure, with parts of it lying on three different tectonic plates, and two plate margins running east-to-west across the island. The northernmost part of the island lies on the North American Plate. This is divided from the Gonâve Microplate by the Septentrional Fault Zone, which runs through Rio San Juan, along the north coast of the Dominican Republic and the Tiburon Peninsula of Haiti, then across the Windward Passage and along the south coast of Cuba. The Gonâve Microplate is moving east relative to the North American Plate, pushed by the Mid-Cayman Spreading centre to the west of Jamaica. To the south the Gonâve Microplate is separated from the Caribbean Plate by the Enriquilo-Plantain Garden Fault Zone, which runs across Southern Haiti and the Dominican Republic. To the west the fault runs through central Jamaica. The Caribbean Plate is rotating clockwise, effectively moving east relative to the Gonâve Microplate.

Plate movements and fault zones around the Gonâve Microplate. Mike Norton/Wikimedia Commons.

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Thursday, 16 February 2023

Neoponera vejestoria: A Ponerine Ant from Miocene Dominican Amber, and its implications for the evolution of the ecological niches occupied by Ants in the Greater Antilles.

The makeup of modern ecological communities is determined by three factors, speciation, migration, and extinction. The first two of these can be largely understood through the examination of extant species, but our knowledge of past extinction events is entirely derived from the fossil record. Extinction events can create opportunities for surviving species to adapt into vacant niches, but can also lead to the vanishing of those niches, and of co-dependent niches and the organisms that occupy them. Island ecosystems are particularly vulnerable to extinction events, and their ecological communities are therefore particularly prone to being modified in this way. This makes the fossil history of island ecosystems, which are likely to have been shaped by numerous extinction events. of particular interest to evolutionary ecologists, although very few islands have fossil deposits that record past faunas in sufficient detail to be useful.

The island of Hispaniola in the Greater Antilles is home to 126 indigenous Ant species, drawn from a wide range of Neotropical groups which occupy different ecological roles. The island is also home to an excellent Fossil Lagerstätte, the Dominican Amber deposits, from which over 1100 species of Early Miocene Insects, including 86 species of Ants. The fauna recorded in this amber deposit is very similar to that of the modern Neotropics, with 84 of the described Ant species being placed in extant Neotropical genera. However, about a third of the genera found in the fossil fauna, while still present in the wider Neotropics, are absent from not just Hispaniola, but the wider Greater Antilles island group, implying that they have suffered local extinctions over the 16 million years since the amber was deposited. The ancient and modern faunas were studied by biologist Edward O. Wilson in the 1980s, who concluded that larger species and those with more specialize ecologies were more likely to have gone extinct. Since Wilson carried out his study, considerably more has been learned about both the fossil and living Hispaniolan Ant faunas, but Wilson's observations remain unchallenged.

In a paper published in the journal BMC Biology on 8 February 2023, Gianpiero Fiorentino of the Federated Department of Biological Sciences at the New Jersey Instituteof Technology, John Lattke of the Departamento de Zoologia at the Universidade Federal Do Paraná,  Adrian Troya of the Departamento de Biología at the Escuela Politécnica Nacional, Christine Sosiak, also of the Federated Department of Biological Sciences at the New Jersey Institute of Technology, Minsoo Dong of the Applied Biology Program at Kangwon National University, and Phillip Barden, again of the Federated Department of Biological Sciences at the New Jersey Institute of Technology, and of the Division of Invertebrate Zoology at the American Museum of Natural History, describe a new species of Ponerine Ant from Miocene Dominican Amber, and discuss its implications for the evolution of the ecological niches occupied by Ants in the Greater Antilles.

The new species is assigned to the Subfamily Ponerinae, one of the largest and most diverse Ant families, both in ecological and morphological terms, and to the genus Neoponera, which is one of the more diverse genera of Neotropical Ponerine Ants, with 58 extant species, divided among seven species groups. The majority of Neoponera species are arboreal in habit, which is unusual in Ponerine Ants, although the genus is quite ecologically variable, with individual species having lifestyle strategies which vary from generalist ground-dwelling hunters, to specialist Termite raiders, to mutuaslistic relationships with certain Trees, which they protect from herbivores in return for food and nesting spaces. Despite this ecological adaptability, the genus Neoponera does not appear to do well in island ecosystems, with a few species in the Lesser Antilles but none in the Greater Antilles or on other Neotropical islands.

The new species is named Neoponera vejestoria, where 'vejestoria' derives from the Spanish 'vejestorio' meaning an old person or thing. The new species is placed in the genus Neoponera on the basis of its eyers, which are convex eyes placed at about head mid-length (found in all members of the genus), its well developed aroliae (a lobe on the leg to which the pretarsus attaches, again well developed in all members of the genus), and its slit-shaped propodeal spiracle (breathing opening, found in most members of the genus). It resembles members of the foetida and aenescens species groups, being assigned to the former group on the basis of its well developed malar carinae (ridges on its 'cheeks') and the positioning of its eyes.

Photomicrographs of Neoponera vejestoria (Holotype, MNHNSD FOS 18.01). (A) Head in frontal view. (B) Body in dorsal view. (C) Body in lateral view. Scale bars: (A) 1 mm; (B), (C) 2 mm. Fiorentino et al. (2023).

Based upon its morphology, Neoponera vejestoria is thought to have been a ground-dwelling generalist predator. It is the first known fossil species within the genus Neoponera, as well as the first known fossil member of the Pachycondyla genus group of Ponerine Ants from the Neotropics. It is also the largest predatory Ant known from the island of Hispaniola, either in the Miocene Amber deposits or today, although it would only be considered a medium-sized compared to a wider sampling of Ants; most modern Ants on Hispaniola are quite small, and while the size-range present in the Miocene Ants is larger, none of them are exceptionally large.

Neoponera vejestoria (Holotype BALDR0443): (A) Lateral view of mesosoma; (B) Dorsal view of posterior mesosoma and propodeum; (C) Lateral view of gaster; (D) Ventral view of mesosoma; (E) Metatarsi 1-5; (F) Arolium and metatarsal claws; (G) Metapleural gland. Scale bars: (A) 2 mm, (B) 1 mm, (C) 2 mm, (D) 2 mm, (E) 0.25 mm, (F) 0.125 mm, (G) 0.25 mm. Fiorentino et al. (2023).

Living Ponerine Ants are less morphologically variable and, on average, smaller than fossil species. This is less true if only Ants from Hispaniola are considered, where the largest Ponerine Ants other than Neoponera vejestoria, livening or fossil, all belong to the genus Odontomachus, which is the only Ant genus on the island today containing medium-sized species. However, it is likely that the Dominican Amber deposits do not represent the full range of Miocene Ants on the island, and that other larger Ants may have existed on the island at that time.

Computerized tomographic reconstruction of Neoponera vejestoria to illustrate difficult to view characters. (A) Head in front view; (B) Profile view of mesosoma and gaster; Dorsal view of head, posterior mesosoma, and propodeum as a computerized tomographic reconstruction (C) and as a photograph of the fossil (D). Fiorentino et al. (2023).

Fiorentino et al.'s study suggests that the fauna of Hispaniola has been shaped not just by the extinction of lineages of Ants, but also the loss of the ecological niches which they once occupied. Predatory Ants on the island have always tended to be on the small side, but the range of sizes was clearly greater in the Early Miocene than it is today. Furthermore, Ants with more specialized feeding strategies, such as the Blind Army Ants of the genus Neivamyrmex, the Trap-jaw Ants, Acanthognathus spp., and the subterranean predatory Ants, Acanthostichus spp., have also died out on the island. The discovery that the island was once occupied by the Ponerine Ant Neoponera vejestoria provides further evidence of the modification of the island's ecological community through the extinction of certain ecological traits. Neoponera vejestoria is at least a third larger than any living predatory Ant on the island, which is a conspicuous difference in size, and likely to have been a ground-nesting generalist predator, which is not in itself unusual.

Artistic reconstruction of Neoponera vejestoria. Minsoo Dong in Fiorentino et al. (2023).

The Ant fauna of the Miocene of the island of Hispaniola is likely to be severely under-represented in Dominican Amber. The amber was formed from a resin extruded by a Leguminous Tree, and therefore best preserves the Insects which lived on, or at least visited the canopy of these trees, as well as, to a lesser extent, species which lived on the ground beneath. Insects which lived elsewhere on the island are highly unlikely to have been preserved at all. This could well imply that the Miocene size-range of Ants on the island was wider than has been preserved in the fossil record. Other lineages of larger Ants besides Neoponera appear to have been lost on Hispaniola, such as the large-bodied genus Paraponera, which is found in Dominican amber, but absent from the Caribbean region today.

Mammals, and other Vertebrates, often face selective pressures against larger sizes when groups become isolated on islands, but this is much harder to demonstrate in Insects, although it has previously been demonstrated in Carabid Beetles on European islands.

Excluding Neoponera vejestoria, the largest Ant species found on Hispaniola in both the Miocene and modern faunas belong to the genus Odontomachus. These Ants are ground dwelling generalist predators, something they share with Ants of the genus Neoponera. Today, these two Ant genera are seldom encountered on the same island, with Odontomachus being found on Hispaniola and the other islands of the Greater Antilles, as well as Cocos, Barbados, and Tobago, while Neoponera is only found on the island of Margarita. Fiorentino et al. therefore consider it possible that the two types of Ant compete for similar niches, which may have been a driver of the extinction of Neoponera on Hispaniola.

The discovery of Neoponera in Dominican Amber highlights the fact that these deposits still have much to tell us about the Miocene fauna of Hispaniola, and the way in which the island's ecology has changed over time, despite over five decades of study on the subject.

Neoponera vejestoria is clearly a distinct species, but nevertheless is morphologically very similar to extant species in the same genus, something which has been observed in other Ants from Miocene Dominican Amber. Most modern members of the genus Neoponera inhabit specialist niches, and the group is predominantly arboreal today, but some members are still ground-dwelling generalist predators, and it has previously been suggested that this is likely to be the ancestral state for the genus, a hypothesis supported by the discovery of Neoponera vejestoria, although the alternative hypothesis, that Neoponera vejestoria had secondarily adopted a ground-dwelling generalist lifestyle as an adaptation to island life, cannot be excluded.

The discovery of Neoponera vejestoria also sheds light on the history of the wider  Pachycondyla genus group (which includes Pachycondyla, Neoponera, and Dinoponera, among others), which are important members of Neotropical ecosystems, being the first fossil Ant confidently placed within the group, and the first fossil member of an extant genus in the group. Other fossils have previously been referred to this group, but none of them with confidence, and  Fiorentino et al. suggest that all of these specimens need re-examination, to shed better light on the history of the group. Molecular clock estimates of the age of the genus Neoponera have suggested that it first appeared between 26 and 12 million years ago, while the foetida species group has been thought to be no more than 12 million years old. A better understanding of the fossil record of the Pachycondyla genus group would clearly lead to better calibration of these molecular estimates.

The discovery of Neoponera vejestoria provides a rare example of island extinction in the fossil record. This is almost certainly linked to the body size of the species, which is likely to have placed it at greater risk of extinction in an island ecosystem. As the ecological niche occupied by Neoponera vejestoria is still in existence, this demonstrates that a large size in itself is a threat to Ant species on islands.

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Saturday, 17 December 2022

Major Cholera outbreak in Haiti contributes to ongoing Humanitarian crisis.

Haiti is experiencing a resurgence of Cholera, with the outbreak initially reported on 2 October 2022 after more than three years with no reported cases of the disease, according to a press release issued by the World Health Organization on 13 December 2022. The epidemic appears to be evolving rapidly, and spreading to all parts of the country. There is also an ongoing complex humanitarian crisis that is rapidly deteriorating due to gang violence, socio-political conflicts, insecurity, fuel shortages, and economic instability. This has resulted in limited access to healthcare and essential services, including water, food, sanitation, and supply services. This situation makes the population of Haiti highly vulnerable to the ongoing Cholera outbreak.

Between 2 October and 6 December 2022, a cumulative total of 13 672 suspected Cholera cases, including 283 deaths (giving a case fatality rate of 2.05%) have been reported by the Haiti Ministry of Public Health and Population from all ten departments in the country. Eighty-six percent of all reported cases (11 751 people) have been hospitalised. The Ouest Department accounts for the highest percentage (89%) of suspected cases (12 112 individuals). Of the 13 672 suspected Cholera cases reported, 59% are male and the most affected age groups are children aged 1 to 4 years (19%), followed by adults aged 20 to 29 years (15%) and 30 to 39 years (15%).

A total of 1193 confirmed cases have been reported. Three departments account for 94% of these: Ouest (79% or 943 cases), Centre (13% or 156 cases), and Artibonite (2% or 28 cases). Laboratory confirmation was by rapid diagnostic test and stool culture was done for identification of Vibrio cholerae. Of the confirmed Cholera cases with available information, 57% (680) are male and the most affected age groups are those aged 1 to 4 years (19%) followed by 30 to 39 years (15%) and 5 to 9 years (14%).

Geographical distribution of suspected cholera cases (n=13 276) reported in Haiti, 29 September to 6 December 2022. Haiti Ministère de la Santé Publique et de la Population/World Health Organization.

By November 2022, a total of 368 suspected cases, including 14 confirmed cases and 14 deaths had been reported from the Port-au-Prince Prison. These cases are included among the cases reported in the Department of Ouest. Additionally, on 21 November 2022, the Ministry of Public Health of the Dominican Republic it had reported two confirmed imported cases of Cholera, both from Haiti.

Cholera was first reported in Haiti in October 2010. Nationally, a total of 820 000 cases of cholera including 9792 deaths were reported between October 2010 and February 2019. The last confirmed case in this outbreak was reported in January 2019 in I’Estère in the Artibonite Department of Haiti. The country did not report a single case of Cholera in the three years from January 2019 to January 2022. The current outbreak is also occurring in the context of a complex Humanitarian crisis that is exacerbating the burden of disease and hindering response measures.

Number of suspected Cholera cases (13 672) reported in Haiti from 2 October to 6 December 2022. Haiti Ministère de la Santé Publique et de la Population/World Health Organization.

Cholera is an acute enteric infection caused by ingesting the Bacterium Vibrio choleraea Gram-negative, comma-shaped Gammaproteobacteria, related to other pathogenic Bacteria such as Yersinia pestis (Bubonic Plague), and Esherchia coli (food poisoning), which present in contaminated water or food. It is mainly linked to insufficient access to safe drinking water and inadequate sanitation. It is an extremely virulent disease that can cause severe acute watery diarrhoea resulting in high morbidity and mortality, and can spread rapidly, depending on the frequency of exposure, the exposed population and the setting. Cholera affects both children and adults and can be fatal if untreated.

SEM image of Vibrio cholerae Bacteria. Kim et al. (2000).

The incubation period is between 12 hours and five days after ingestion of contaminated food or water. Most people infected with Vibrio cholerae do not develop any symptoms, although the Bacteria are present in their faeces for 1-10 days after infection and are shed back into the environment, potentially infecting other people. Among people who develop symptoms, the majority have mild or moderate symptoms, while a minority develop acute watery diarrhoea with severe dehydration. Cholera is an easily treatable disease. Most people can be treated successfully through prompt administration of oral rehydration solution.

Cholera can be endemic or epidemic. A Cholera-endemic area is an area where confirmed Cholera cases were detected during the last three years with evidence of local transmission (cases are not imported from elsewhere). A Cholera epidemic can occur in both endemic countries and in non-endemic countries. Uninfected dead bodies have never been reported as the source of epidemics.

The consequences of a humanitarian crisis – such as disruption of water and sanitation systems, or the displacement of populations to inadequate and overcrowded camps – can increase the risk of Cholera transmission, should the Bacteria be present or introduced.

A multi-sectoral approach including a combination of surveillance, improving access to clean water, sanitation, and hygiene promotion, rapid access to treatment, risk communication and community engagement and oral Cholera vaccines is essential to control cholera outbreaks and to reduce deaths.

The current cholera outbreak in Haiti, combined with the ongoing crisis related to gang violence, social unrest, and insecurity, has strained the health system’s response capacity. The overall risk for this outbreak in Hispaniola is assessed as very high, due to the current socio-economic situation, ongoing humanitarian crisis, food insecurity and poor health conditions are affecting a large proportion of the population, leaving them vulnerable to the risk of Cholera infection and recurrence of Cholera, the limited access of the general population to safe drinking water and to sanitation facilities, the violence and insecurity prevalent in many parts of Haiti, which leaves the public health system and international partners with limited human resources, reducing the capacity to respond to the crisis, and the lack of access to fuel and insecurity lead to difficulties to import supplies and challenges to access the affected areas.

These challenges further increase the risk of undetected cases and delayed response efforts. The insecurity and access to fuel hinders the population's access to health care, leading to delayed treatment and potentially severe outcome. Considering the magnitude and widespread nature of the Cholera epidemic that is ongoing in Haiti, in conjunction with the complex Humanitarian crisis the country is currently facing, the limited resources to control the epidemic, as well as the constant migration flows towards the Dominican Republic, the risk in Hispaniola is assessed as very high.

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Tuesday, 25 January 2022

Magnitude 5.3 Earthquake beneath the Tiburon Peninsula, Haiti.

The United States Geological Survey recorded a Magnitude 5.1 Earthquake at a depth of 10.0 km roughly 4 km to the south of the commune of Anse-à-Veau on the northern side of the Tiburon Peninsula, Haiti, slightly after 8.15 am local time (slightly after 1.15 pm GMT) on Monday 24 January 2022. Two people are reported to have died in the incident, with dozens more injured and damage reported to hundreds of buildings. The initial event was followed by a number of significant aftershocks, including a Magnitude 5.1 Earthquake 50 minutes after the initial quake.

 The approximate location of the 24 January 2022 Haiti Earthquake. USGS.

Haiti forms the western part of the island of La Hispaniola, in the Greater Antilles. The island has a complex geological structure, with parts of it lying on three different tectonic plates, and two plate margins running east-to-west across the island. The northernmost part of the island lies on the North American Plate. This is divided from the Gonâve Microplate by the Septentrional Fault Zone, which runs through Rio San Juan, along the north coast of the Dominican Republic and the Tiburon Peninsula of Haiti, then across the Windward Passage and along the south coast of Cuba. The Gonâve Microplate is moving east relative to the North American Plate, pushed by the Mid-Cayman Spreading centre to the west of Jamaica. To the south the Gonâve Microplate is separated from the Caribbean Plate by the Enriquilo-Plantain Garden Fault Zone, which runs across Southern Haiti and the Dominican Republic. To the west the fault runs through central Jamaica. The Caribbean Plate is rotating clockwise, effectively moving east relative to the Gonâve Microplate.
Plate movements and fault zones around the Gonâve Microplate. Mike Norton/Wikimedia Commons.
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Saturday, 9 May 2020

Acropora cervicornis: Assessing the success of Staghorn Coral restoration in the southeast Dominican Republic.

Comprised of 368 species, the genus Acropora is the world’s most abundant coral group. Of these species, only Acropora cervicornis, Acropora palmata, and the hybrid Acropora prolifera are found in the Caribbean and Western Atlantic. Historically, Acropora cervicornis and Acropora palmata have dominated the region, building shallow reefs with branched structures that provide crucial habitats for reef organisms. The interactions and complex flows of energy around these species lead to high levels of primary productivity and interspecies interactions. The early 1980s saw a loss of up to 97% of both Acropora cervicornis and Acropora palmata cover caused by several factors: White Band Disease, hurricanes and storms, corallivorous predation, thermal stress, pollution, and, in the case of A. palmata, mean sea level increase. To this day, these issues continue to prevail with no significant signs of recovery Both species have been listed as Critically Endangered by the International Union for Conservation of Nature and included in Appendix II of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora. Proposed recovery efforts for this genus at regional and local levels have included the implementation of Marine Protected Areas, Coral restoration, and the control of Coral-degrading terrestrial sources of pollution. Pioneering work on coral restoration began in the 1970s and 1980s in the Indo-Pacific Ocean and Red Sea. In the 1990s, these same areas saw the first large-scale restoration projects, and a Coral gardening technique was soon implemented. In the initial phase, Coral are grown at an in situ nursery and are outplanted in the second phase. Coral gardening has higher success rates than direct transplanting because it avoids mechanical damage, predation, and competition for space with nurseries during propagation. Acropora Coral gardening restoration started in the 1990s and 2000s in Puerto Rico.However, few published studies have focused on the long-term success of restoration projects since it is difficult to assess the performance of propagation efforts.

In a paper published in the journal PeerJ on 17 April 2020, Johanna Calle-Triviño of the Departamento de Recursos del Mar at the Unidad Mérida, and Wave of Change Iberostar Hotels & Resorts, Renata Rivera-Madrid of the Unidad de Bioquímica y Biología Molecular de Plantas at the Centro de Investigación Científica de Yucatán, María Geovana León-Pech of the Department of Biological Science at the University of Rhode Island, Camilo Cortés-Useche, also of the Departamento de Recursos del Mar at the Unidad Mérida, Rita Inés Sellares-Blasco of the Fundación Dominicana de Estudios Marinos, Margarita Aguilar-Espinosa, also of the Unidad de Bioquímica y Biología Molecular de Plantas at the Centro de Investigación Científica de Yucatán, and Jesús Ernesto Arias-González, again of the Departamento de Recursos del Mar at the Unidad Mérida, report on the success of an Acropora restoration program on the southeast coast of the  Dominican Republic.

In the Dominican Republic, Acropora cervicornis is disappearing from areas where it was once common. In 2011, the Fundación Dominicana de Estudios Marinos created the Coral Restoration Program in Bayahibe which is located on the southeastern part of the island. Initially, the restoration program worked with Acropora cervicornis fragments from one of the Punta Cana Ecological Foundation nurseries and fragments rescued from the Bayahibe area. Later, the first nursery was expanded and new nurseries were created to take advantage of the species’ fast growth and high survival rate.

Calle-Triviño et al.'s study offers a temporal assessment of the Coral restoration program since its implementation in 2011–2017, in addition to a preliminary analysis of the strong cyclonic seasons that struck the Greater Caribbean region in 2016 and 2017.

The two main objectives of this study were: (1) to assess the coral restoration program over time, analyzing the results within the context of the 'regional restoration benchmarks for Acropora cervicornis'; and (2) to determine the genetic diversity of Acropora cervicornis colonies in the 'main nursery' for use in future regional restoration efforts.

Calle-Triviño et al. conducted the study in eight coral nurseries and six outplanting areas in the Santuario Marino Arrecifes del Sureste located in the Dominican Republic’s Bayahibe Municipality along the southeastern Caribbean coast. This area was declared a Marine Protected Area by Decree 571-09 on August 7, 2009. This Marine Protected Area attracts 2000–2500 tourists daily, with an annual average of 600 000 visitors and generating a US$250 million in revenue. Tourism’s impact on coastal marine ecosystems is significant, mainly due to local stress factors such as the constant flow of boats and visitors, snorkeling activities, water sports, and 'artisanal' fishing.

Study area in Bayahibe coast, Dominican Republic. Nurseries: FUNDEMAR-N1 (the 'mother nursery'), Catalonia-N2, Dreams-N3, Scuba fun-N4, Viva-N5, Catalina-N6, Iberostar-N7, Canoa-N8. Outplanting reefs: FUNDEMAR-T1, Coralina-T2, Pepito I-T3, Pepito II-T4, Atlantic Princess-T5, Costa Romántica-T6. Calle-Triviño et al. (2020).

The pilot project began in 2011 with one nursery, the 'main nursery', comprised of four structures, each supporting approximately 30 fragments. Most of the Acropora cervicornis fragments came from one of the Punta Cana Ecological Foundation’s nurseries (with multiple genotypes collected in Punta Rusia, Samaná, Bávaro, Punta Cana, and La Caleta National Submarine Park), while other fragments were collected from the Bayahibe region. Since its beginning, the restoration program’s design involved the local community, and included local volunteers such as fishermen, boat captains, tourism service providers, park rangers, diving instructors, divers, university students, and hotel owners. All received comprehensive training and contributed their time, equipment, materials, and boats at different developmental stages of the restoration program.

In 2012, the main nursery was expanded using 2nd and 3rd generation corals propagated within the nursery (FUNDEMAR-N1). Twenty-two structures, holding over 600 fragments, were added. Seven frames were built with welded electromesh measuring 1.30 m long and 2 m wide, eight domes, a table build with metal corrugated rod approximately 1 m high, and six ropes 5.5 m high and 2 m wide. This nursery was the prototype for the remaining seven nurseries and six outplanted areas that were in use until 2017.

Structures used in the Bayahibe nurseries. (A) Table type structure, capacity for 50 fragments (B) Frame type structure, capacity for 30 fragments (C) Dome type structure, capacity for 20 fragments (D) Rope type structure, capacity for 30 fragments. Calle-Triviño et al. (2020).

Subsequent dives were initiated to select outplanted sites, which were chosen based on the following criteria: depth, presence of wild Acropora colonies, low sedimentation, low Macroalga cover, and the presence of Calcareous Coral Algae. Before outplanting, the substrate was cleaned using different hand tools (brushes, chisels, hammers) to remove Algal mats, sediments, or Macroalgae, but the Calcareous Coral Algae was left alone. Once the substrate was prepared, steel nails were driven directly into the substrate, leaving an approximate distance of 0.5–1 m between the nails. Plastic straps were used to attach the Coral colonies as tightly as possible to the nails to prevent ocean currents from causing friction or loosening the nails. Over time, Coral tissue covered the straps and the colonies healed completely.

(A) Acropora cervicornis outplanting sites (B) Coral colonies attached to nails with plastic straps (C) Tissue covering straps on the base of the Coral. Calle-Triviño et al. (2020).

In 2013, the first two outplanted projects were carried out across zones T1 and T3 for a total of 214 outplanted colonies. In 2014, a new nursery (N2) was installed and two more outplanted sites were established (T2 and T4) for a total of 529 Acropora cervicornis outplanted colonies. In 2015, another four nurseries were established (N3, N4, N5 and N6) and a total of 743 corals were outplanted. After Hurricane Matthew in September 2016, two sites (T3 and T4) were closed and two new outplanted sites (T5 and T6) were established in protected areas. In 2017, a total of eight nurseries were established, with more than 26 000 cm of tissue, six outplanted sites, and 1446 outplanted colonies.

Each propagating Coral nursery had different ropes, frames, domes, tables, and figure structures that were maintained every 2 weeks to remove Coral competitors such as Macroalgae, Hydroids, and Bivalves and predators like Fireworms. Nurseries and outplanted sites had a depth of 12.5 m and occupied an area of approximately 200 m² except for the N6-Catalina nursery and T2-Coralina, both of which were between 2 and 5 m deep, respectively.

Calle-Triviño et al. used a methodology developed to determine restoration success elsewhere in the Caribbean by evaluating the growth, survival, and productivity of colonies installed in the nurseries and outplanted sites. They monitored sites during the 12-month period after their creation to compare them with the benchmarks provided for six programs in Florida and Puerto Rico. They proposed the following reference points for measuring the first year of Acropora cervicornis restoration: (1) the survival of Corals in the nursery must be greater than 80%, and (2) the survival of outplanted corals must be greater than 70%. Average productivity should be over 4.4 cm per year for Corals in nurseries and over 4.8 cm per year for outplanted Corals.

The methodology also considered a stop-light model based on the relative performance (mean) of each nursery and outplanted zone for each restoration criteria. In this model, values within 10% of the overall mean are considered green (desirable benchmark: no actions or improvement need to be made); values between 10% and 20% below the mean are considered yellow (caution: some adjustments must be made); and values 20% below the mean are considered red (action must be taken to improve methods, design, or site selection). These measures are proposed for sites in years without large-scale disturbances such as temperature anomalies or hurricanes. The authors suggested that these reference points, and possible subsequent adaptative management, are necessary to fully evaluate the long-term success of coral restoration and species recovery programs.

Growth and survival data were taken quarterly, and coral from both nurseries and outplanted sites were individually labeled. Each of the branch fragments were measured to the nearest centimeter with a flexible ruler. Growth was expressed as Total Linear Extension in cm. The change in Total Linear Extension in one year (growth) was estimated as Total Annual Growth, which was considered to be equal to the Final Measure minus the Initial Measure.

Colony survival was determined by counting the number of colonies with some percentage of living tissue at the start of the study, and then 12 months later. If a colony was completely dead (100% dead tissue), we noted the presumed cause of mortality.

Annual productivity was considered to be the Total Annual Growth divided by the initial Total Linear Extension). This was calculated by only grouping together fragments that were alive during the entire 12-month period that grew positively; fragments with partial tissue loss were not measured. 

To describe the clonal diversity of the main nursery, samples were collected from three different structures: rope (60), frame (70), and dome (15). Since the Corals were was not arranged or divided by potential genotype, random Corals were sampled for genetic analysis. Calle-Triviño et al. collected 1 cm2 tissue samples from 145 colonies for genotyping. Collections were permitted by the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources. Samples were placed in vials with 95% ethanol, stored, and taken to the Center for Scientific Research of Yucatan (CICY) for analysis. Once there, DNA samples were extracted using a DNeasy Blood & Tissue Kit (Qiagen, Hilden, Germany).

The mean survival of the fragments during the 12 months across all nurseries was 87.45%, with a range of 80.6–94.8%; sample sizes were 119 for N1, N2, N4, N5, N7, and N8; 98 for N3; and 102 for N6. The most common cause of mortality in nurseries was the presence of an accelerated tissue loss syndrome. Competition from Algae, Sponges, and Hydroids was less prevalent due to nursery maintenance practices.

The mean productivity value was 4.01 cm per year for the eight nurseries. The study did not evaluate the differences in growth metrics for fragment size (large, medium, or small), or the type of platform (floating or fixed). The mean survival of the six outplanted sites during the 12-month period was 71.55%, with a range of 57.3–83.3%. The most common cause of mortality during this period was sedimentation and predation by the Bearded Fireworm, Hermodice carunculata. The six outplanted sites’ mean productivity value was 3.03 cm per year; of these, T2 and T4 were the least productive.

The Bearded Fireworm, Hermodice carunculata, the most important predator of Staghorn Corals,  Acropora cervicornis, during Calle-Triviño et al.'s study. Fabrizio Fabroni/World Polychaeta Database.

Cyclonic activity was substantially high in 2016 and 2017, and three hurricanes impacted the study zone: category 4 Matthew (2016), and Irma & Maria (2017), both category 5. Hurricane Matthew caused damage to many of the nursery structures, with a loss of 35 structures in total in 2016.

The mean survival of all nursery fragments after the 2016 and 2017 cyclonic seasons was 35.06%, with a range of 16.96–52.07%. The main cause of mortality was the loss of nurseries structures, which hampered fragment rescue.

The mean survival of the outplanted colonies in four outplanted sites operating after Hurricane Matthew (2016) was 28.68%, with a range of 5.49–51.78%. Due to damage sustained from Mathew in 2017, the T3 and T4 outplanting sites were closed by the program managers. However, T2 was rehabilitated with fragments rescued from the same area, and two new outplanted zones were created (T5 and T6). The mean survival of the outplanted colonies after Hurricanes Irma & Maria (2017) was 61.57%, with a range of 46.66–83.17%.

Hurricane Irma, a catagory five storm, passing over the Dominincan Republic in 2017, imaged by the Geos 16 Satellite. NASA.

The results of Calle-Triviño et al.'s genetic analyses showed that the main nursery contained 32 multilocus genotypes in the 145 sampled colonies.

To assess the performance of the Acropora cervicornis restoration program in the Dominican Republic, Calle-Triviño et al. evaluated the growth and survival of nursery and outplanted Corals between 2011 and 2017. Theur analysis and interpretations were based on the relative yielding (mean) of each nursery and outplanted zone, based upon the stoplight model. Calle-Triviño et al. documented the results of the program during non-stress conditions and under stress caused by the strong 2016 and 2017 cyclonic seasons in Bayahibe. Additionally, the genotype characterization of coral propagated in nurseries suggest the presence of enough genetic diversity to continue program development.

Calle-Triviño et al.'s results showed high survival (over 80%) for 12 months across the eight nurseries. This indicates that the standards used for selecting coral nursery farming sites were appropriate. The methods used to propagate Corals (transport, structuring, implementation) have efficiently promoted survival and productivity and did not cause mortality. The frequency and methods used for maintenance and monitoring during the first year were also appropriate.

The annual productivity values for the six nurseries were over 4.4 cm per year. Calle-Triviño et al.'s results confirmed that the yield of each of these nurseries was optimal and growth rates were higher than those reported for wild Staghorn Coral, fulfilling the main objectives of the nurseries to maximize growth rates and minimise mortality.

However, considering Calle-Triviño et al. randomly collected the genotypes used for all nurseries and used the same propagating structures (fixed and floating), nurseries N3-Dreams (1.28) and N6-Catalina (1.30) had the poorest performances in terms of Coral growth (i.e., over 4.4 cm per year), indicating that the sites chosen for these two nurseries did not foster Coral growth. These results may be due to the fact that the N3 nursery site had low water circulation and high sedimentation, factors that may influence Coral growth. After Hurricane Matthew, N3 was moved a few meters offshore so its Corals could increase their growth rates. The N6-Catalina nursery site receives a large number of daily tourists and watershed discharges with large quantities of sediments, nutrients, and urban wastes from La Romana city.

N6 was one of the nurseries most affected by Hurricane Matthew, losing 84% of its structures. Since it is a shallow and unprotected site, it had a survival rate of 15% after the 2017 hurricane season. Additionally, the time between these two hurricane seasons was very short, and the surviving Corals failed to adapt and recover.

Three of the eight nurseries and two of the four outplanted sites suffered significant damage from the strong cyclonic seasons. Although the survival of the eight nurseries averaged 35.07%, Calle-Triviño et al.'s results are encouraging when compared to the mortality reported for Puerto Rico’s nurseries and outplanted sites (over 90%) after Hurricanes Irma and Maria. 

Calle-Triviño et al.'s results indicate that the Coral nurseries are genotype reservoirs better adapted to the strong environmental changes occurring in 2016 and 2017. Nurseries have served as havens in the face of disease outbreaks, storms, and extreme temperatures. They also serve as production sites for Coral larvae, Fish, and other organisms, contributing to overall ecosystem diversity.

In 2015 and 2016, restoration activities were supplemented by assisted fertilisation, suggesting that Acropora cervicornis colonies from the main nursery can reach sexual maturity and release their gametes. Likewise, gametes and larvae raised from nursery populations can provide key resources for research on assisted evolution and genetic engineering. Nurseries can generate thousands of planula larvae to act as larvae dispersion centres, which in turn could establish larvae connectivity routes between Coral patches.

Calle-Triviño et al.'s data indicate that genetically diverse populations within a nursery are valuable due to the assisted fertilisation success they provide to nursery and outplanted stock. It should be noted that additional studies and information are needed to determine the compatibility of the known genotypes and the success of their offspring.

The main objectives of the nursery phase include minimising Coral mortality and maximizing productivity. However, outplanted sites’ primary purpose is to establish genetically diverse populations.

The challenge is to ensure that degraded reefs increase their structural complexity by outplanting Corals that have been raised in nurseries. These Corals can reproduce sexually, thereby increasing genetic diversity and support for the establishment of other species. Calle-Triviño et al. expect the formation of biological corridors, essential for ecosystem connectivity and indispensable for increasing functional biodiversity and reef resilience.

Calle-Triviño et al.'s results showed high survival rates (over 70%) during the first 12 months for four of the six outplanted sites. These rates match the benchmark proposed for the survival of outplanted Corals during the first year). Only two of the outplanted sites (T3 and T4) were more than 10% lower than the mean. Mortality in these two zones was associated with the presence of predators, mainly Fireworms. These two zones are adjacent, separated by less than 500 m. It is possible that ineffective maintenance and cleaning of these two zones allowed the fast growth and spread of Fireworms.

As for annual productivity, four outplanted zones were within the benchmark (4.8 cm per year) suggested for Florida and Puerto Rico. However, two outplanted sites were at high risk (i.e., under 4.8 cm per year), indicating that the selected sites did not provide a favorable environment for Coral establishment and growth. Zone T2-Coralina is particularly vulnerable because it is very close to the urban zone (500 m) and is thus directly impacted. Moreover, boats travel through and dock in the area. Although water in this zone is in constantly moving and circulating, the site is shallow (about 2–5 m). The fragment genotypes were collected in deeper areas and were maintained at the same depth in nurseries. Calle-Triviño et al. could not predict the nursery yield because it did not always correlate with yield of the outplanted sites. Additionally, genotypes may have very different growth rates in different environments.T2-Coralina was the zone most affected by the strong 2016 and 2017 cyclonic seasons.

Calle-Triviño et al.'s results suggest that the main nursery had higher genotypic diversity (32 different genotypes) compared to other nurseries in the Dominican Republic (13 genotypes in the Punta Cana Ecological Foundation) and Florida (24 genotypes). The high genotypic diversity represented within this nursery, as well as the compatibility of those genotypes successfully demonstrated by the assisted fertilisation initiatives in 2015 and 2016, confirm that the restoration program in the Dominican Republic should be expanded to maintain and increase diversity.

These results are ecologically important because the main nursery populations represent a functional unity (source of Coral) for Coral Reef recovery through an active conservation response. Coral can be very useful in increasing genetic diversity and population density when outplanted to degraded or disturbed sites, and they can also contribute to increased sexual reproductive success.

The dominant reproduction mode of a specific population of species is crucial as it influences environmental stress management with long-term permanence. This must be considered when developing management and restoration strategies to protect and preserve species. The distribution of the clonal individuals identified in the main nursery, as well as the high diversity of genets found in this study, suggest that genotypes can help develop and improve the restoration program in the southeastern part of the island. Different genotypes planted with enough proximity can allow cross-fertilisation during massive spawning events. This is also relevant for restoration programs.

Moreover, restoration efforts should include information on the management and handling of species produced by genetic studies. Genetic patterns can guide conservation actions to obtain more resistant individuals able to cope with dramatic environmental changes, diseases, and pollutants, thus increasing genetic viability and preserving adaptive potential. Calle-Triviño et al.'s genotype identification established a baseline that will allow for the future spatially distributed selection of colonies in outplanted sites. This is also useful for future studies on genotype resistance against different stressors, such as high sedimentation, temperature increase, and predation by Fireworms.

Calle-Triviño et al.'s work documented the growth and survival of Acropora cervicornis Coral nurseries and outplants in southeast Dominican Republic. Calle-Triviño et al. believe that working together with researchers, practitioners, students, community volunteers, environmental authorities, and the tourism industry creates a higher level of Coral Reef conservation efforts in the region. They recommend that these alliances be strengthened for the sake of Coral Reefs, and that the systematic long-term monitoring of outplanted sites be continued, to build a scientific model helpful for studying spawning, improve the understanding of current functional aspects of these habitats, and provide information on the system’s stability and resilience.

When considering the predicted persistence, recovery, and extinction risk of Acropora cervicornis, intrinsic characteristics and external threats are important factors to consider. This species is at risk because of its continuous decline in abundance and the permanence of its threats. 

Although Acropora cervicornis has persisted at extremely low levels of abundance, the recovery of this species may not be possible due to the permanence of its stressors. Therefore, active restoration efforts like the one described in Calle-Triviño et al.'s study are necessary.

The restoration program examined in Calle-Triviño et al.'s case study has provided a number of benefits for the local ecosystem and economy, such as: (1) maintaining genetic diversity in nurseries with 32 available genotypes, (2) creating outplanted sites that have contributed to the rapid creation of fish and invertebrate habitats that would otherwise take decades to form, (3) providing a sustainable source of Corals for experimental research, and (4) providing unique volunteer and employment opportunities for local communities interested in participating in the restoration process.

Calle-Triviño et al. believe that the regional restoration benchmarks for Acropora cervicornis used can be widely applied in the comparison of programs across the Caribbean.

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