The United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) has added seven new sites to its World Herritage List, according to a press release issued on 26 July 2021. Four of these sites have been added for their natural herritage: Amami-Oshima Island, Tokunoshima Island, northern part of Okinawa
Island, and Iriomote Island (Japan), Getbol, Korean Tidal Flats
(Republic of Korea), Kaeng Krachan Forest Complex (Thailand) and Colchic
Rainforests and Wetlands (Georgia); while three have been added for the cultural significance: Arslantepe Mound (Turkey), Extension of Defence Lines of Amsterdam,
henceforth to be known as Dutch Water Defence Lines (Netherlands) and
the transnational site of Colonies of Benevolence (Belgium and
The Amami-Oshima Island, Tokunoshima Island, northern part of Okinawa Island, and Iriomote Island site emcompasses 427 km² of subtropical rainforests on four islands on a chain located in the
southwest of Japan, the serial site forms an arc on the boundary of the
East China Sea and Philippine Sea whose highest point, Mount Yuwandake
on Amami-Oshima Island, rises 694 metres above sea level. Entirely
uninhabited by Humans, the site has high biodiversity value with a very
high percentage of endemic species, many of them globally threatened.
The site is home to endemic Plants, Mammals, Birds, Reptiles, Amphibians, inland water Fish and Decapod Crustaceans, including, for
example, the endangered Amami Rabbit, Pentalagus furnessi, and the
endangered Ryukyu Long-haired Rat, Diplothrix legata, that represent
ancient lineages and have no living relatives anywhere in the world.
Five Mammal species, three Bird species, and three Amphibian species in
the property have been identified globally as Evolutionarily Distinct and Globally Endangered (EDGE) species. There are also a number of
different endemic species confined to each respective island that are
not found elsewhere in the site.
Mangrove forest (Nakama River, Iriomote Island), of the World
Heritage site 'Amami-Oshima Island, Tokunoshima Island, northern part of
Okinawa Island, and Iriomote Island'. Ministry of the Environmen, Japan. The Getbol Tidal Flats of Korea are situated in the eastern Yellow Sea on the southwestern and southern coast of the
Republic of Korea, the site comprises four component parts: Seocheon
Getbol, Gochang Getbol, Shinan Getbol and Boseong-Suncheon Getbol. The
site exhibits a complex combination of geological, oceanographic and
climatologic conditions that have led to the development of coastal
diverse sedimentary systems. Each component represents one of four tidal
flat subtypes (estuarine type, open embayed type, archipelago type and
semi-enclosed type). The site hosts high levels of biodiversity, with
reports of 2150 species of flora and fauna, including 22 globally
threatened or near-threatened species. It is home to 47 endemic and five
endangered marine invertebrate species besides a total of 118 migratory Bird species for which the site provides critical habitats. Endemic
fauna includes Mud Octopus, Octopus minor, and deposit feeders like
Japanese Mud Crabs, Macrophthalmus japonica, Fiddler Crabs, Uca
lactea, and Polychaetes (Bristle Worms), Stimpson’s Ghost Crabs, Ocypode stimpsoni, Yellow Sea Sand Snails, Umbonium thomasi, as
well as various suspension feeders like Clams. The site demonstrates the
link between geodiversity and biodiversity, and demonstrates the
dependence of cultural diversity and Human activity on the natural
Autumn in Suncheonman Bay. World Heritage Promotion Team of the Korean Tidal Flats.
The Kaeng Krachan Forest Complex of Thailand is located along the Thailand side of the Tenasserim mountain range,
part of a north-south granite and limestone mountain ridge running down
the Malay Peninsula. Located at the cross-roads between the Himalayan,
Indochina, and Sumatran faunal and floral realms, the property is home
to rich biodiversity. It is dominated by semi-evergreen/dry evergreen
and moist evergreen forest with some mixed deciduous forest, montane
forest, and deciduous Dipterocarp forest. A number of endemic and
globally endangered plant species have been reported in the property,
which overlaps with two Important Bird Areas and is noted for its
rich diversity of Birdlife, including eight globally threatened
species. The lpcality is home to the critically endangered Siamese
Crocodile, Crocodylus siamensis, the endangered Asiatic Wild Dog, Cuon
alpinus, Banteng, Bos javanicus, Asian Elephant, Elephas maximus,
Yellow/Elongated Tortoise, Indotestudo elongata, and the endangered
Asian Giant Tortoise, Manouria emys, as well as several other
vulnerable species of Birds and Mammals. Remarkably, it is also home to
eight Cat species: the endangered Tiger, Panthera tigris, and Fishing
Cat, Prionailurus viverrinus, near-threatened Leopard, Panthera pardus,
and Asian Golden Cat, Catopuma temminckii, the vulnerable Clouded
Leopard, Neofelis nebulosi, and Marbled Cat, Pardofelis marmorata, as
well as Jungle Cat, Felis chaus, and Leopard Cat, Prionailurus
The International Union for the Conservation of Nature has acknowledged the World Heritage Committee’s decision to inscribe the Kaeng Krachan Forest
Complex onto the World Heritage List, and the commitment expressed by
the Government of Thailand to continue the work in progress relating to
the site. The organisation has expressed willingness to support the Thai Government in its work with local communities and other concerned stakeholders to
address the Committee’s decision, and uphold the World Heritage
Convention’s own policies and high standards of conservation practice. However, it has also raised concerns about Human rights issues around the site which have yet to be resolved, in particular the need for indigenous Karen communities to provide their consent, and for their concerns to be resolved.
Kaeng Krachan Forest Complex. Sunee Sakseau/Department of National Parks, Thailand.
The International Union for the Conservation of Nature further states that respecting the rights of indigenous peoples and local communities in
conservation is a clearly stated policy of the World Heritage Convention
and is central to the International Union for the Conservation of Nature mission and values. The International Union for the Conservation of Nature’s membership,
composed of government, civil society and indigenous peoples’
organisations, sets the policies that guide the International Union for the Conservation of Nature’s wider work. In this
regard, The International Union for the Conservation of Nature’s Resolutions emphasise that nature conservation must
respect the rights of indigenous peoples to the territories they have
traditionally owned and used.
Herd of Gaurs, Bos gaurus, in the Kaeng Krachan Forest Complex. Sunee Sakseau/Department of National Parks, Thailand.
The Colchic Rainforests and Wetlands of Georgia site comprises seven component parts, within an 80 km long corridor along
the warm-temperate and extremely humid eastern coast of the Black Sea.
They provide a series of the most typical Colchic ecosystems at
altitudes ranging from sea level to more than 2500 metres above it. The
main ecosystems are ancient deciduous Colchic rainforests and wetlands,
percolation bogs and other mire types of the distinct Colchic mire
region. The extremely humid broad-leaved rainforests comprise a highly
diverse flora and fauna, with very high densities of endemic and relict
species, with significant numbers of globally threatened species and
relict species, which survived the glacial cycles of the Tertiary. The
site is home to approximately 1100 species of Vascular and non-Vascular Plants, including 44 threatened Vascular Plant species, and almost 500
species of Vertebrates, and a high number of Invertebrate species. The
site also harbours 19 threatened Animal species including Sturgeon,
notably the critically endangered Colchic Sturgeon, Acipenser persicus. It is a key stopover
for many globally threatened Birds that migrate through the Batumi
Arslantepe Mound is a 30-metre-tall archaeological tell located in the
Malatya plain, 12 km south-west of the Euphrates River in Anatolian Turkey. Archaeological
evidence from the site testifies to its occupation from at least the 6th
millennium BC up until the late Roman period. The earliest layers of
the Early Uruk period are characterized by adobe houses from the first
half of the 4th millennium BC. The most prominent and flourishing
period of the site was in the Late Chalcolithic period, during which the
so-called palace complex was constructed. Considerable evidence also
testifies to the Early Bronze Age period, most prominently identified by
the Royal Tomb complex. The archaeological stratigraphy then extends to
the Paleo-Assyrian and Hittite periods, including Neo-Hittite levels.
The site illustrates the processes which led to the emergence of a State
society in the Near East and a sophisticated bureaucratic system that
predates writing. Exceptional metal objects and weapons have been
excavated at the site, among them the earliest swords so far known in
the world, which suggests the beginning of forms of organized combat as
the prerogative of an elite, who exhibited them as instruments of their
new political power.
Overview of Arslantepe mound in the Orduzu plain. MAIAO.
The Dutch Water Defence Lines represents a defence system extending over 200
km along the edge of the administrative and economic heartland of
Holland. It is comprised of the New Dutch Waterline and the Defence Line
of Amsterdam. Built between 1815 and 1940, the system consists of a
network of forts, dikes, sluices, pumping stations, canals and
inundation polders, working in concert to protect the Netherlands by
applying the principle of temporary flooding of the land. It has been
developed thanks to the special knowledge of hydraulic engineering for
defence purposes held and applied by the people of the Netherlands since
the 16th century. Each of the polders along the line of fortifications
has its own inundation facilities.
Dutch Water Defence Lines (extension of the Defence Line of Amsterdam). Fortified town of Gorinchem. New Dutch Waterline. The transnational Colonies of Benevolence encompasses four settlements; cultural
landscapes with one colony in Belgium and three in The Netherlands.
Together they bear witness to a 19th century experiment in social
reform, an effort to alleviate urban poverty by establishing
agricultural colonies in remote locations. Established in 1818,
Frederiksoord (the Netherlands) is the earliest of these colonies and
home to the original headquarters of the Society of Benevolence, an
association which aimed to reduce poverty at the national level. Other
components of the property are the colonies of Wilhelminaoord and
Veenhuizen, in the Netherlands, and Wortel in Belgium. As the colonies’
small farms yielded insufficient revenues, the Society of Benevolence
sought other sources of revenue, contracting with the State to settle
orphans, soon followed by beggars and vagrants, leading to the creation
of 'unfree' colonies, such as Veenhuizen, with large dormitory type
structures and larger centralised farms for them to work under the
supervision of guards. The colonies were designed as panoptic
settlements along orthogonal lines. They feature residential buildings,
farm houses, churches and other communal facilities. At their peak in
the mid-19th century, over 11 000 people lived in such colonies in the
Netherlands. In Belgium their number peaked at 6000 in 1910.
Frederiksoord Colony of Benevolence. Province of Drenthe.
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