SUNY: Stony Brook University
Computer Science
Abstract. In this paper we describe the design and implementation of the Prolog interface to the Unstructured Information Management Architecture (UIMA) and some of its applications in natural language processing. The UIMA Prolog... more
Addressing dynamics and notifications in the Semantic Web realm has recently become an important area of research. Run time data is continuously generated by multiple social networks, sensor networks, various on-line services and so... more
Complex Event Processing as well as pattern matching against streams have become important in many areas including financial services, mobile devices, sensor-based applications, click stream analysis, real-time processing in Web 2.0 and... more
Complex Event Processing (CEP) is concerned with timely detection of complex events within a stream of atomic occurrences, and has useful applications in areas including financial services, mobile and sensor devices, click stream analysis... more
- by Paul Fodor
In several applications of logic programming and Transaction Logic, such as, planning, trust management and independent Semantic Web Services, an action might produce incomplete facts and leave existential values in an incrementally... more
Dialog interaction in conversational applications is subordinated to the goal of completing a domain-specific task. In this paper we present a basic architecture, a knowledge representation system, and a planning algorithm for dialogue... more
Complex Event Processing (CEP) deals with processing of continuously arriving events with the goal of identifying meaningful patterns (complex events). In existing stream database approaches, CEP is manly concerned by temporal relations... more
In this work, we present an automatic way to parallelize logic programs for finding all the answers to queries using a transformation to low level threading primitives. Although much work has been done in parallelization of logic... more
The search for a standardized optimum way to communicate using natural language dialog has involved a lot of research. However, due to the diversity of communication domains, we think that this is extremely difficult to achieve and... more