Calvin's Work by Yustinus Calvin Gai Mali

Indonesian Journal of English Language Studies (IJELS), 2024
Writing a literature review part might be a challenging task for university students as they have... more Writing a literature review part might be a challenging task for university students as they have to sit for some time to find recent literature that is closely relevant to their research topics. In that case, the authors spot the potential of utilizing SciSpace, Artificial Intelligence technology, to support the students in their literature review activities. In this study, the authors aim to review the potential benefits and challenges of using SciSpace to find recent literature relevant to students’ research topics, framed under the task engagement principles. To achieve that study goal, the authors used a recent technology review approach to do the review and conducted rigorous peer debriefing activities to ensure that the review results are credible and trustworthy. The review results showed the benefits of using SciSpace, which included fostering task authenticity, maintaining students’ interest, facilitating social interaction, supporting autonomy, and providing effective scaffolding. Meanwhile, the challenges of using SciSpace involved content accuracy and relevance, updating tailored content, handling complex queries and visuals, and offering context-specific feedback. Recommendations for maximizing the application's potential include improving content filtering, expanding interactive features, and providing specialized feedback. Future research agendas also are presented.

LLT Journal: A Journal on Language and Language Learning, 2024
This qualitative study delves closely into graduate students’ reflective-evaluative voices on tec... more This qualitative study delves closely into graduate students’ reflective-evaluative voices on technology-integrated classroom language tasks they found useful and challenging in Introduction to Digital Technology (IDT) class in an English as a Foreign Language (EFL) setting at a private university in Central Java, Indonesia. The study also focuses on exploring the students’ practical recommendations to improve the quality of teaching and learning activities in the class. To meet the research goals, seven EFL graduate students participated in this study by answering closed and open-ended questions in a Google Form. For data triangulation, three of them participated in an in-depth semi-structured interview to clarify their responses to the questionnaire. The research findings inform that writing the literature review discussing realities of technology use in schools and districts in Indonesia and writing the report for technology workshop activities for school teachers seemed to be the most useful activities for the students in the IDT class. Besides the writing parts, conducting the technology workshop for the school teachers was another useful activity for the students. Although useful, the students considered the writing activities as one of the most challenging tasks in the course. Other findings, including reasons why the students found the tasks useful and challenging, as well as practical ways to improve the teaching and learning activities in the class, were then discussed in light of the relevant literature. The overall discussions might tell the success and challenges of the integration of technology in language teaching and learning, research, and community service activities in a higher education context in Indonesia. Recommendations for future research are presented.

OKARA: Jurnal Bahasa dan Sastra, 2024
One of the factors that causes EFL speaking challenges is students’ lack of engagement in their E... more One of the factors that causes EFL speaking challenges is students’ lack of engagement in their English-speaking classes. In that situation, technology might have the potential to help EFL teachers engage their students to speak more enthusiastically. This study explores technology tools used by teachers in EFL speaking, how they use the technology to teach EFL speaking to different levels of students, and to what extent the use of technology by the teachers can engage their students when learning EFL speaking. To achieve those research objectives, the researchers approached the study qualitatively by conducting a semi-structured interview with three EFL teachers from a non-formal school in Salatiga, Central Java, related to the purposes of the study. Through a rigorous peer debriefing process between the researchers, the data analysis results indicated that the participants used simple and common technology tools (e.g., PowerPoint, an online website, Google Docs, and Zoom) to teach EFL speaking. Notably, the technology tools could support the participants in engaging their students in the class by providing authentic and interesting materials that are completed with pictures and related to the students' lives. Questions for future research explorations are presented.

Journal of English Teaching and Learning Issues, 2023
Indonesian schools in the post-pandemic situation and after the release of the national policy in... more Indonesian schools in the post-pandemic situation and after the release of the national policy in Indonesia encourage teachers to integrate technology into their teaching practices. This study involved 111 EFL teachers from 21 provinces in Indonesia to answer a set of questions in an online closed-ended questionnaire that specifically asked about the teachers’ frequency of using technology for EFL teaching and learning purposes, the kinds of technology they used, specific purposes of using the technology, and perceptions and challenges of using technology for the teaching and learning purposes. All the responses were exported and analyzed using Microsoft Excel to perform descriptive statistics to answer the research questions of this study. The data analysis showed that the teachers spend around 4 hours a week using various technology for their EFL teaching and learning practices. They also have positive perceptions towards the use of technology regardless of the limited time to use the technology and various external factors (i.e., limited school facilities, school policy about bringing phones to school, and students’ lack of technological skills) that might pose potential challenges when integrating technology in their classrooms. Notably, sharing English learning materials, giving tasks to their students, and finding material resources related to lessons are the most common reasons for teachers to use technology. Practical recommendations to enhance the teachers’ skills in using technology in Indonesian school settings and directions for future research are discussed.

E-DIMAS: Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat, 2023
This community service activity (PkM) aimed to train 35 students of "Pendidikan Profesi Guru Dala... more This community service activity (PkM) aimed to train 35 students of "Pendidikan Profesi Guru Dalam Jabatan" program (hereafter called PPG) in English language subject at Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana, about the utilization of three websites (i.e., Sinta, The Internet TESL Journal, and Edutopia) to find reliable literature in the Internet. The activity was also to train the students in writing endtext references following the American Psychological Association 7th edition (hereafter called APA 7 th ed) based on the Purdue Online Writing Lab website guidelines. This community service was a part of teaching and learning activities in the online PPG class held via Zoom application and taught by the author on Saturday, July 23, 2022. Overall, the PPG students in the class could successfully find the literature (i.e., related to causes of English language teaching and learning-related problems in their language class) from those three websites. However, around 70% of the students still made minor mistakes in writing the endtext references of their readings. The author presented suggestions to follow up on this PkM. This article should benefit English language teachers in Indonesia looking for practical and simple ways to use websites to find reliable literature and to write the end-text references of their readings following APA 7 th ed.

Abdimas Altruis: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat, 2023
This article reports a community service program held by the Master's Program in English Language... more This article reports a community service program held by the Master's Program in English Language Education at the Faculty of Language Arts, Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana, in collaboration with the Salatiga Education Department. The program was in the form of teachers' training about best practices of implementing the Merdeka Belajar curriculum in the English language teaching and learning practices. Thirty-six (36) English teachers in junior high schools in Salatiga participated in this training from July 31-August 1, 2023. There were five main sessions in the training, namely (1) critical thinking and Merdeka belajar, (2) differentiated instruction in the ELT contexts/EFL classrooms, (3) digital text-based learning for teaching English in secondary schools, (4) best practices in technology-enhanced language learning, and (5) the implementation of Merdeka Belajar curriculum: A reflection. Brief descriptions of what the presenters discussed in each of their sessions, directions for future community service programs, and research are presented.
Uwais Inspirasi Indonesia, 2023
This chapter aims to introduce riddle-based speaking activities for English as a Foreign Language... more This chapter aims to introduce riddle-based speaking activities for English as a Foreign Language (EFL) students. By solving the riddle, the students have opportunities to practice their problem-solving, collaboration, and creativity whilst practicing some English language expressions of giving and asking for suggestions. The lesson plan presented in this chapter should interest EFL teachers who are looking for supplementary technology-enhanced speaking activities for their EFL students.
Satya Wacana University Press, 2021
The lesson plan presented in this chapter will allow students to practice their creativity by des... more The lesson plan presented in this chapter will allow students to practice their creativity by designing a website using a free website builder, site 123.
iTELL, 2021
Bab ini membahas landasan teori dan cara praktis membuat podcast sederhana.
Beyond Words, 2023
This recently published book might add to our understanding of conducting case study research and... more This recently published book might add to our understanding of conducting case study research and eventually writing a high-quality case study paper. In general, chapter one defines a case study and when and why a researcher needs to conduct that study. Chapter two suggests ways to formulate a research question, select a case, and ensure rigor for the research. Chapters three and four similarly discuss various data collection procedures and why those procedures need to be done. Chapter five presents practical strategies to do quality data analysis. The last chapter is about tips to report a case study research. Readable vocabulary and supporting figures should help readers (e.g., novice researchers, college or graduate students, and teachers) easily comprehend the persuasive information presented in those six chapters.

International Journal of Indonesian Education and Teaching, 2023
This paper mainly aims to explore issues and challenges in using technology to support teaching a... more This paper mainly aims to explore issues and challenges in using technology to support teaching and learning in various schools located on three different islands in Indonesia, such as in Kalimantan, Nusa Tenggara, and Papua islands. The exploration was done through a holistic literature review of 30 national and local newspapers and online articles relevant to the aim of the study. We performed a peer-debriefing activity to present our review analysis to each other, comment on it, and made necessary revisions to our analysis to ensure the credibility of our review. While the results communicated various things, we could highlight some
commonalities: unequal distribution of technology support or facilities in schools, creative ways to support teaching and learning practices regardless of the very minimum facilities that schools have, and continuous support from the Indonesian government and private sectors to improve school technology-supported facilities. We then discussed those commonalities in light of the relevant literature and their implications for teaching and learning to benefit school teachers or educational practitioners planning to teach in schools outside Java with minimal technologically related school facilities.

LLT Journal: A Journal on Language and Language Learning, 2023
This qualitative study delves closely into students' challenges of writing specific sections (i.e... more This qualitative study delves closely into students' challenges of writing specific sections (i.e., introduction, literature review, and method) of their research proposal and coping strategies to deal with those challenges, specifically in online learning environments amidst the Covid-19 pandemic. Data were garnered from six Indonesian EFL undergraduates taking a research design course at a private university in Central Java, Indonesia. Selected based on the intensity sampling technique, these students were involved in an in-depth semi-structured interview session with the researcher to share their voices on the writing challenges and coping strategies as well as parts of the course they found useful and practical suggestions for class improvement. The data analysis results indicated that writing a good research proposal might be challenging for the research participants, considering the various challenges they experienced when writing sections of their research proposal. Different coping strategies to deal with those challenges, useful parts of the course and suggestions for class improvement were presented and discussed in the discourse of the reviewed literature. The paper ends with some directions for future research.

International Journal of Education, 2023
To date, there have been very few studies that map the major research trends in English as a Fore... more To date, there have been very few studies that map the major research trends in English as a Foreign Language (EFL) contexts, such as those in Indonesia. To address that gap and to benefit undergraduate and graduate students, EFL researchers, or practitioners looking for a current research topic and theories to frame their studies, this paper reviews the past research studies (n=53) published in four Indonesian national journals to explore Indonesia's EFL research trends in 2020, including research topics, theoretical frameworks, and research methods. The journals were selected because of their focus and scope related to English language teaching and education as well as their rank in Sinta 1 and Sinta 2 (two of the highest levels out of six Sinta levels) of the Indonesian web-based research information system. Based on a holistic review of the articles checked by the peer-debriefing strategy to ensure the review's credibility, the analysis results show that the previous studies mainly explore English teaching strategy and education technology research areas and use fairly old theories as their theoretical framework. As for the research method, most of the studies use a qualitative research method, take place in university settings, and involve university students as their research subjects. The meanings of the analysis results, teaching implications for a research class, and directions for further research are presented.

Journal of Foreign Language Teaching and Learning, 2023
The literature has overwhelmingly explained challenges in writing the undergraduate thesis from s... more The literature has overwhelmingly explained challenges in writing the undergraduate thesis from students' perspectives. Yet, there is a scarcity of research that presents the perspectives of thesis supervisors about the challenges experienced by their EFL students and, at the same time, on possible solutions to solve them. This qualitative study presented two English as a Foreign Language (EFL) lecturers' narratives on challenges EFL students experienced when writing their undergraduate thesis and on solutions to deal with those challenges. The research data was collected through a reflective essay written by the lecturers, who then met in an online synchronous meeting to discuss what they wrote in the essay. While the data analysis communicated various things, the students' challenges in writing their undergraduate thesis were commonly about finding a research topic, writing the literature review, and using various academic vocabulary. In light of the results, possible solutions to solve the challenges, practical recommendations for EFL thesis writing and teaching activities, and guiding questions for further research were presented. This study should benefit EFL thesis supervisors to reflect on their own experiences, find areas for improvement and enhance their thesis supervisory practices. This study also hopes to benefit EFL students who wish to learn practical strategies to progress with their undergraduate thesis.

Electronic Journal of Foreign Language Teaching [e-FLT], 2022
Teaching evaluation mechanisms are often a process of isolated reflection on teaching. In some ca... more Teaching evaluation mechanisms are often a process of isolated reflection on teaching. In some cases, university lecturers also do not have support systems for their teaching development. Feelings of isolation and the absence of support systems, when taken together, hinder positive teaching-related changes in university instructors' future classrooms. In this paper, the authors promote the idea of forming a critical friendship (CF) through the successful building of trust. This qualitative case study reports on a CF between an associate professor (as an observed lecturer) and a doctoral student (as a critical friend) at a state university in the USA. More specifically, the paper explores teaching lessons that both participants can gain from the CF. Data were garnered from video recordings of teaching practices from a course on methods for teaching English language learners, observation notes, and semi-structured interviews. This study reports on the CF's success based on explicit principles around trust, reflection, peer observation, and interaction between the observed lecturer and the critical friend. Limitations of the current study and directions for further research are discussed.
Majalah Rohani, 2021
Oleh-oleh refleksi dari Amerika Serikat

Diseminasi: Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat, 2022
This community service aims to inform various technology to support teaching and learning activit... more This community service aims to inform various technology to support teaching and learning activities in an online English classroom. This community service, which was an online training, was conducted on April 11, 2022, from 1.00-to 2.30 p.m. through the Google Meet platform. Seventeen lecturers of the English Language Education Program at Universitas Bunda Mulia Jakarta joined the training. In the presentation session, the author first emphasized the essence of formulating learning objectives to achieve by students before a lecturer decided to integrate technology into a classroom. The author then informed factors that could support students’ engagement in a learning process; those factors could later be used as a foundation to design English language learning activities supported by technology. The session was continued by presenting various technology, such as Whiteboard.Fi, Famous People Lesson, TED-Ed Riddle, Newsela, Lesson Writer, Screencast-o-Matic, dan Google Docs. At this session, the training participants were invited to try the technology together with the author. Then, to optimize the use of technology in a learning process, the author suggested the participants always reflect on their teaching practices, see learning activities that did not work well, then find solutions or coping strategies to deal with those issues. The author also suggested the participants have a regular monthly meeting where they can meet and try together any technology that might be used to support students to achieve their learning objectives. The training ended with a discussion and question and answer session on the author’s presentation.
Sanata Dharma University Press, 2022

LLT Journal: A Journal on Language and Language Learning, 2022
This study explores university students' perceptions of the usefulness of technology, the frequen... more This study explores university students' perceptions of the usefulness of technology, the frequency of using technology, a technology tool that the students like the most, and perceptions if the technology they like the most helps them meet the characteristics of good writing. To meet the research goals, sixty-seven undergraduate students of a private university in Indonesia were asked to respond to a close-ended online questionnaire that surveyed their perceptions of using technology in their academic writing classroom. The findings indicate that an online dictionary, Google search engine, and Google translate are the technology that the students frequently use and consider useful to enhance their writing. Further, an online grammar checker is found to be a technology tool that the students like the most, and they feel that the tool can help them meet the characteristics of good writing. Recommendations for teaching practices using the technology and directions for further research are discussed.

Bahasa dan Seni: Jurnal Bahasa, Sastra, Seni, dan Pengajarannya, 2022
Although previous studies have given so much attention to exploring the students’ attributions in... more Although previous studies have given so much attention to exploring the students’ attributions in various settings and academic levels, there is a scarcity of research that presents and compares findings on the attributions of Indonesian university students, specifically in the reading (receptive skill) and writing (productive skill) courses. This study researched students’ attributions in their English as a Foreign Language (EFL) writing and reading classrooms at a private university in Indonesia. The research participants were 161 students who responded to an online questionnaire that explored their attributions for the success or failure in achieving the learning objectives of the classes. The study revealed that most of the students in both courses could successfully achieve the learning objectives, and there were no attribution differences in the courses. Their effort and positive teacher’s performances were mostly cited attributions for the success, whereas low ability and lack of effort were the primary attributions for some students’ failure in achieving the learning objectives of the classes. Practical strategies to support teaching and learning in the EFL reading and writing classes and directions for further research were presented.
Calvin's Work by Yustinus Calvin Gai Mali
commonalities: unequal distribution of technology support or facilities in schools, creative ways to support teaching and learning practices regardless of the very minimum facilities that schools have, and continuous support from the Indonesian government and private sectors to improve school technology-supported facilities. We then discussed those commonalities in light of the relevant literature and their implications for teaching and learning to benefit school teachers or educational practitioners planning to teach in schools outside Java with minimal technologically related school facilities.
commonalities: unequal distribution of technology support or facilities in schools, creative ways to support teaching and learning practices regardless of the very minimum facilities that schools have, and continuous support from the Indonesian government and private sectors to improve school technology-supported facilities. We then discussed those commonalities in light of the relevant literature and their implications for teaching and learning to benefit school teachers or educational practitioners planning to teach in schools outside Java with minimal technologically related school facilities.