In a very general context, communities in networks are defined as groups of nodes that have some common properties such that connections are stronger between the nodes in a community than with the nodes in the rest of the network. It is... more
The work explores the representation of socio cultural margins of caste and gender in Indian contexts in works of fiction written in various Indian languages in the twentieth century, taking representative samples from Hindi/Urdu,... more
- by Ajay Sekher
English translation of the songs and spirituals of Poykayil Appachan the early 20th century dalit leader of Kerala who organized the excluded under his 1910 movement called PRDS. Edited by V V Swamy and E V Anil and translated by Ajay... more
The first comprehensive anthology of Malayalam Dalit Poetry from Kerala. Published by Vikas Adhyayan Kendra, Mumbai. Edited by M B Manoj and George K Alex and Translated into English by Ajay Sekher. Foreword by K M Sherrif and... more
Critical reading of Malayalam popular film Urumi by Santhosh Sivan. Critiques the representation of minor subjects and women in the popular Malayalam cinema and analyzes the politics of filmic images and narratives in the cultural context... more
hm¡pIfpw hcIfpw: Pn. _nPphnsâ BßImhyNn{XWw Nn{X¯neqsS kXyw ]dbm³ Rm³ _m[yØ\mWv , Rm\Xp sN¿pIXs ¶ sN¿pw. skkm³ Nn{XIebnse kXyw F ¶ cN\bn ZcoZ Nn{X¯neqsS ZriyamIp ¶ kXys¯ Xncbp ¶p. Nn{X¯nse kXyw Xm³ temIt¯mSp ]dbpI Xs ¶ sN¿pw F ¶pÅ skkmsâ... more
- by Ajay Sekher