Showing posts with label mums. Show all posts
Showing posts with label mums. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Ketch-Up Day


We voted Thursday. Woot. Woot. The line wasn't bad. I'm not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing. For those in the states, let us know when you cast your vote.


This is such a hoot.  When you are working, it's easier to track days. Especially if you work Monday-Friday.  What's normally running through your mind is: How many more days till Friday. Right? Once you retire, as the HH says, "Every day is a Saturday.":) Or as the cat folks say, caturday. So he bought, what I'm going to call a retiree's clock.   It's great:) It tells you what day it is, what date it is and even if it's: morning, afternoon or night. 😁


Remember this guy, we picked up at one of the grocery stores a couple of weeks ago?


Last week they were giving them away. 

Which is definitely better than pitching them, but I can't help thinking a little bit of water would have gone a long way towards keeping them saleable.

I gave them a good soaking then put them in the ground. We'll see if they are still around next spring.


The last Irises of the year.


A hydrangea's fall color.


From Colorado

Thanks, Julie.

From Illinois 

Thanks, Jan.


Have a grand one, Blogger Buds.


Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Ketch-up Day

 How was your weekend and the beginning of your week?

We finally went to visit the grands. With the HH's back issues it had been a year since we'd been there.  We got to see the granddaughter play volleyball.( She shot the winning ball over the net.) Watch Thor with the grandson. Play with the youngest grandson AND the cat and dog:) And enjoy our son and DIL AND lunch with a dear friend. Oh, Oh, nearly forgot, while we were at the restaurant, we started chatting with the woman behind us in line. Turns out she was the aunt of Chicago Bull's Coby White. 

Did you see the Harvest Moon? Got a couple of shots, that don't do it justice..



We finally got the support posts and wires up for the blackberry bush and grapevine. They were relieved:)


Has anyone gotten any  Food Lion mums? They're huge and VERY reasonably priced.


This is a tree at my son and his families' house. Notice anything odd about it?

It has at least two little trees of different varieties growing in it. There's a third as well, but I'm not sure if it's a plant or tree.


Frank's book pick of the week is by David Baldacci.


From Colorado.

Thanks, Julie.


From Illinois

Thanks, Jan.


From Illinois

Thanks, Jan.

That's it for today. Have a grand one, bloggers.

Tuesday, October 10, 2023

It's Tuesday, Ketch-up Day


How was your weekend? Did anyone attend the NC writing webinar? I went to two sessions. One was extremely well done. One could have been better. But since it was free, I can't complain. Fall is definitely in the air here. A sure sign: the mums are blooming.


October calendar pics:

AND FL pic.

Thanks, Shane.

Have a great week.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019


Mums The Word
Unfortunately, I don't remember what color this guy is.
A black swallowtail.
Just for fun.
I jumped on the pumpkin spice bandwagon. I've been using it on my peanut butter toast.
This is probably the closest I'll ever get to Nora aka J.D. Robb. Heh.


Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Fall Gardening and Promised Pictures

My gardening shopping genes went into hibernation for the hot months of summer then fall rolled around and I made my annual pilgrimage to the Growers' Outlet  in Pineville and those shopping genes, which used to be much more focused on shoes, have kicked back in and I'm binging on mums. For me they make fall worthwhile.
My shopping cart (buggy). Do you recognize what's in it?

Another picture of my white mum that I planted last year. Looks like two there, but only one. Someone with four paws, who shall remain nameless but not blameless, walked through it. 
A little bit of gardening trivia: Mums supposedly have a better chance of survival if planted in the spring instead of the fall. I ask you, can you even buy mums in the spring?

The baby hydrangea is trying to bloom. Do you think he'll make it before it frosts?


Pictures, as promised, of the lovely and talented Diane Wolfe.

Monday, September 26, 2016

It's A Miracle. It's A Miracle.

Look! Look!  Not only did my mum survive the kitten, the flowers came back purple!  Not buying that? Well, it was worth a shot.  Yes, I did buy a new one and replaced the poor, mangled yellow mum. The injured flower went into the relocation program where it can recover at its leisure. 

If you are wondering what's under the screen, it's my tulip bulbs. The terminator seems hellbent on watering and fertilizing my new tulip bulbs, hence the screen.  I'll let you know if it works.

Got any terminators in your garden?