We voted Thursday. Woot. Woot. The line wasn't bad. I'm not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing. For those in the states, let us know when you cast your vote.
This is such a hoot. When you are working, it's easier to track days. Especially if you work Monday-Friday. What's normally running through your mind is: How many more days till Friday. Right? Once you retire, as the HH says, "Every day is a Saturday.":) Or as the cat folks say, caturday. So he bought, what I'm going to call a retiree's clock. It's great:) It tells you what day it is, what date it is and even if it's: morning, afternoon or night. 😁
Remember this guy, we picked up at one of the grocery stores a couple of weeks ago?
Last week they were giving them away.
Which is definitely better than pitching them, but I can't help thinking a little bit of water would have gone a long way towards keeping them saleable.
I gave them a good soaking then put them in the ground. We'll see if they are still around next spring.
The last Irises of the year.
A hydrangea's fall color.
From Colorado
Thanks, Julie.
From Illinois
Thanks, Jan.
Have a grand one, Blogger Buds.