Here is the wiki page for sharing information for Hatena Star, Hatena Star Everywhere Greasemonkey and compatible user scripts.
Please specify a host name and configurations for the host as JSON data in Text::Hatena's "Supre Pre Syntax" (>|| .. ||<).
You can specify as many configurations for a host as you like. Multiple configurations will be tried in the order written in here.
path: '^/[\w-]+/', // RegExp string. location.pathname.match(new RegExp(path)) will be executed against this string. entryNodes: { // This entry specifies which nodes should have stars. 'div.section': { // CSS selector for entry nodes. uri: 'h3 a', // Selector for entry's uri. element.href will be used. You can also use 'window.location' instead of a selector. title: 'h3', // Selector for entry's title. Scraped text from element.childNodes or element.title or element.alt will be used. container: 'h3' // Selector for container. Buttons and stars will be appended into this element. } }
entryNodes: { 'div.section': [ // Entry selectors can also be an array of selectors {uri: 'h3 a', title: 'h3', container: 'h3'}, {uri: 'h3 a', title: 'h3', container: 'parent'}, ] }
HatenaStar.js (Ten.js) supports some CSS1,2,3 selectors.
path: '^/', entryNodes: { 'h3.title': { uri: 'a', title: 'parent', container: 'parent' } }
path: '^/' , entryNodes: { 'div.entry': { uri: 'a.permalink', title: 'h3', container: 'h3' } }
path: '^/', entryNodes: { 'h3.title': { uri: 'a', title: 'a', container: 'parent' } }
path: '^/[\w-]+/\d+\.html$', entryNodes: { 'div.postdate': { uri: 'window.location', title: 'div.posttitle', container: 'div.posttitle' } }
path: '^/([\w-]+/|applet/[\w-]+/)', entryNodes: { 'div.postdate': { uri: 'div.postcommtb a:first-child', title: 'div.posttitle', container: 'div.posttitle' } }
path: '^/elem/\d+/\d+/\d+/\d+/', entryNodes: { 'div#contdefault': { uri: 'window.location', title: 'h1', container: 'h1' }, 'div.relatedarticle ul.relatedarticle li': { uri: 'strong > a', title: 'strong > a', container: 'strong > a' } }
path: '^/cate/15/$', entryNodes: { 'div.namegroups': { uri: 'h3 a', title: 'h3 a', container: 'h3' } }
path: '^/cate/\d+/$', entryNodes: { 'div.namegroup': { uri: 'h2 a', title: 'h2 a', container: 'h2' } }
path: '^/cate/\d+/$', entryNodes: { 'div.pickupsc': { uri: 'h3 a', title: 'h3 a', container: 'h3' } }
path: '^/\d+/article_\d+\.html', entryNodes: { 'div#blog-head': { uri: 'window.location', title: 'h2', container: 'h2' } }
path: '^/($|\d+/index\.html|theme/)', entryNodes: { 'div#postlist table tbody tr td:first-child': { uri: 'a:first-child', title: 'a:first-child', container: 'p.response' } }
path: '^/$', entryNodes: { 'div.entry': { uri: 'h3 a:nth-child(1)', title: 'h3', container: 'h3' } }
path: '^/monthly/.+/$', entryNodes: { 'div.entry': { uri: 'h3 a:nth-child(1)', title: 'h3', container: 'h3' } }
path: '^/category/\w+/$', entryNodes: { 'div.entry': { uri: 'h3 a:nth-child(1)', title: 'h3', container: 'h3' } }
path: '^/entry/\d+/$', entryNodes: { 'div.entry': { uri: 'h3 a:nth-child(1)', title: 'h3', container: 'h3' } }
path: '^/.*', entryNodes: { '.EntryInnerBlock': { uri: '.EntryTitle a:nth-child(1)', title: '.EntryTitle', container: '.EntryTitle' }, 'div.entry_table': { uri: 'h3 a', title: 'h3', container: 'h3' } }
path: '^/$', entryNodes: { 'div.left': { uri: 'a:first-child', title: 'h3', container: 'h3' } }
path: '^/\w+/$', entryNodes: { 'div.entry': { uri: 'h2 a', title: 'h2 a', container: 'h2' } }
path: '^/.*html$', entryNodes: { 'div#main': { uri: 'h2 a', title: 'h2 a', container: 'h2' } }
path: '^/$', entryNodes: { 'div.blogbody': { uri: 'a:nth-child(1)', title: 'h2', container: 'h2' } }
path: '^/$', entryNodes: { '.entry_table': { uri: '.entry_title a:nth-child(1)', title: '.entry_title', container: '.entry_title' } }
path: '^/blog-(entry|date|category)-\d+\.html$', entryNodes: { '.entry_table': { uri: '.entry_title a:nth-child(1)', title: '.entry_title', container: '.entry_title' } }
path: '.*', entryNodes: { '': { uri: ' a', title: '', container: '' }, '.hentry': { uri: 'a.timestamp-link', title: '.entry-title', container: '.post-footer-line-1' } }
path: '^/.*', entryNodes: { 'div.entry': { uri: 'a.permalink', title: 'h3', container: 'h3' } }
path: '^/.*', entryNodes: { '': { uri: 'span.TIME a', title: 'div.POST_TTL', container: 'div.POST_TTL' } }
path: '^/.*html$', entryNodes: { 'div.left': { uri: 'a:nth-child(1)', title: 'h3', container: 'h3' } }
path: '^/bbs/\d+', entryNodes: { '': { uri: 'h2 a:nth-child(1)', title: 'h2', container: 'h2' } }
path: '^/[\w-]+/', entryNodes: { 'div.section': { uri: 'h3 a', title: 'h3', container: 'h3' }, '.hatena-section li': { uri: 'a', title: 'a', container: 'a' } }
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path: '^/$', entryNodes: { 'h2.title': { uri: 'a', title: 'a.mytitle', container: 'parent' } }
path: '^/index\.php?', entryNodes: { 'div#maincol div.content': { uri: 'window.location', title: 'h2.title', container: 'h2.title' } }
path: '^/one/\d+', entryNodes: { 'div.naka': { uri: 'h3 a:first-child', title: 'h3 a:first-child', container: 'h3' } }
path: '^/[a-z]+/articles/\d+/\d+/news[\d_]+.html$', entryNodes: { 'div.articles': { uri: 'window.location', title: 'h1', container: 'h1' } }
path: '/$', entryNodes: { 'h3, div.headline li, div.hl li, ul.linkset li': { uri: 'a', title: 'parent', container: 'parent' } }
path: '^(/$|/\??page=\d)', entryNodes: { ' li.presence div div': { uri: 'h3 a', title: 'h3', container: 'p.meta'} ,' li.comment div div' : { uri: 'p.meta a:nth-child(2)', title: 'p.comment', container: 'p.meta'} }
path: '^/presence/\w+', entryNodes: { 'div#current-stream': { uri: 'window.location', title: 'h2', container: 'h2'} }
path: '^/.*', entryNodes: { 'div.entry': { uri: 'div.entry_state a:nth-child(1)', title: 'div.entry_title', container: 'div.entry_title' } }
path: '^/$', entryNodes: { 'div.newest,div.item1,div.item2': { uri: 'h3 a', title: 'h3', container: 'p:last_child' }, 'li.arrow': { uri: 'a', title: 'a', container: 'parent' } }
path: '^/(headline|special)/archives/.+$', entryNodes: { 'li.arrow': { uri: 'a', title: 'a', container: 'parent' } }
path: '^/headline/\d+/index.html$', entryNodes: { 'div#headline': { uri: 'document.location', title: 'h3', container: 'li#sbm' }, 'li.arrow': { uri: 'a', title: 'a', container: 'parent' } }
path: '^/column/\d+/index.html$', entryNodes: { 'div#column': { uri: 'document.location', title: 'h3', container: 'p' } }
path: '^/$', entryNodes: { 'div.blogbody': [ { uri: 'div.posted a', title: 'h3.title', container: 'h3.title' }, { uri: 'div.titlebody h1.title a', title: 'div.titlebody h1.title', container: 'div.titlebody h1.title' } ] }
path: '^/archives/\d+\.html', entryNodes: { 'div.blogbody': [ { uri: 'window.location', title: 'document.title', container: 'h3.title' }, { uri: 'window.location', title: 'document.title', container: 'div.titlebody h1.title' } ] }
path: '^/' , entryNodes: { 'div.entry': { uri: 'a.permalink', title: 'h3', container: 'h3' } }
path: '^/entry/[\w]+', entryNodes: { 'div.entry h2.entry-title': { uri: 'window.location', title: 'parent', container: 'parent' } }
path: '^/$', entryNodes: { 'div.entry-inner': { uri: 'h2.entry-title a', title: 'h2.entry-title a', container: 'h2.entry-title' } }
path: '^/status/$', entryNodes: { 'dl.past-doing': { uri: 'dt span a', title: 'dd', container: 'dd' }, 'dl.newest-doing': { uri: 'dt span a', title: 'dd div', container: 'dd div' } }
path: '^/a/content/\?id=?', entryNodes: { 'div.box11_r_in': { uri: 'window.location', title: 'p.music_title wordbreak', container: 'parent' } }
path: '^/member\.php$', entryNodes: { 'div.profile-unit': { uri: 'window.location', title: 'document.title', container: 'ul.badges' }, 'li.image-item': { uri: 'a', title: 'h1', container: 'parent' } }
path: '^/member_illust\.php$', entryNodes: { '': { uri: 'window.location', title: 'document.title', container: 'ul.share-button' }, '': { uri: 'window.location', title: 'document.title', container: '' } }は1枚表示(... /member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id= ...)のとき。はログインしていないとき。
path: '^/', entryNodes: { '': { uri: 'a:nth-child(1)', title: 'h3', container: 'h3' } }
path: '^/.*', entryNodes: { 'div.blogbody': { uri: 'h3.title a:first-child', title: 'h3.title', container: 'h3.title' } }
path: '^/.*', entryNodes: { 'div.entry': { uri: 'a.permalink', title: 'h3', container: 'h3' } }
path: '^/.*$', entryNodes: { '': { uri: 'a:nth-child(1)', title: 'h1', container: 'h1' } }
path: '^/[\w-]+$', entryNodes: { 'div.log': { uri: 'h3.title a', title: 'h3.title', container: 'h3.title' } }
path: '^/[\w-]+/\d+$', entryNodes: { 'div.log': { uri: 'h3.title a', title: 'h3.title', container: 'h3.title' } }
path: '^/.*', entryNodes: { 'div.entry': { uri: 'a.permalink', title: 'h3', container: 'h3' } }
path: '^.*/\d+/\d+/.*\.html$', entryNodes: { 'div.entry': { uri: 'window.location', title: 'h3', container: 'h3' } }
path: '^/', entryNodes: { 'div.entry': { uri: 'h3.entry-header a', title: 'h3.entry-header a', container: 'h3.entry-header' } }
path: '^.*/\d+/\d+/.*\.html$', entryNodes: { 'div.entry': { uri: 'window.location', title: 'h3', container: 'h3' } }
path: '^/', entryNodes: { 'div.entry': { uri: 'h3 > a', title: 'h3 > a', container: 'h3' } }
path: '^/library/post/', entryNodes: { 'div.asset-name-outer': { uri: 'window.location', title: 'h1', container: 'h1' } }
path: '^/', entryNodes: { 'div.asset-header': { uri: 'h2 > a', title: 'h2', container: 'h2' } }
path: '^/$', entryNodes: { 'div.entry': { uri: 'h3 a', title: 'h3', container: 'h3' } }
path: '^/\w+/$', entryNodes: { 'div.entry': { uri: 'h3 a', title: 'h3', container: 'h3' } }
path: '^/\w+/\d+/\d+/.+\.html$', entryNodes: { 'div.entry': { uri: 'window.location', title: 'h3', container: 'h3' } }
path: '^/watch?', entryNodes: { 'div#baseDiv': { uri: 'window.location', title: '#vidTitle', container: '#vidTitle' } }
path: '^/.*$', entryNodes: { 'div.blogbody': { uri: 'a:nth-child(1)', title: 'h2', container: 'h2.title' } }
path: '^/(music|images)\/.+$', entryNodes: { 'div.colmask.doublepage': { uri: 'h2 strong a', title: 'h2', container: '#media_actions' } }
path: '^/.+/.+/addon/\d+$', entryNodes: { 'div.addon-feature': { uri: 'document.location', title: 'h2', container: 'h2' } }
path: '^/.+/.+/browse/.+$', entryNodes: { 'div.addon-listitem': { uri: 'a', title: 'h2', container: 'h2' } }
path: '^/.+/.+/recommended$', entryNodes: { 'div.addon-listitem': { uri: 'a', title: 'h2', container: 'h2' } }
path: '^/blog/$', entryNodes: { 'div.metadata': { uri: 'h2 a', title: 'h2 a', container: 'h2' } }
path: '^/.*/entry-\d+\.html$', entryNodes: { 'div.entry': { uri: 'window.location', title: 'h3.title', container: 'h3.title' } }
path: '^/', entryNodes: { 'div.entry': { uri: 'div.foot > a:nth-child(1)', title: 'h3.title', container: 'h3.title' } }
path: '^/', entryNodes: { 'article': { uri: '.skinArticleHeader2 h1 a', title: '.skinArticleHeader2 h1', container: '.skinArticleHeader2 h1' } }
path: '.*', entryNodes: { 'div.section': { uri: 'h3 a', title: 'h3', container: 'h3' } }
path: '^/elem/\d+/\d+/\d+/\d+/', entryNodes: { 'div#contdefault': { uri: 'window.location', title: 'h1', container: 'h1' }, 'div.relatedarticle ul.relatedarticle li': { uri: 'strong > a', title: 'strong > a', container: 'strong > a' } }
path: '^/cate/15/$', entryNodes: { 'div.namegroups': { uri: 'h3 a', title: 'h3 a', container: 'h3' } }
path: '^/cate/\d+/$', entryNodes: { 'div.namegroup': { uri: 'h2 a', title: 'h2 a', container: 'h2' } }
path: '^/cate/\d+/$', entryNodes: { 'div.pickupsc': { uri: 'h3 a', title: 'h3 a', container: 'h3' } }
path: '^/\w+(/best)?$', entryNodes: { 'div.questionBox': { uri: '', title: 'div.question > span > span', container: 'div.question' } }
path: '^/\w+/answer/\d+$', entryNodes: { 'div.questionBox': { uri: '', title: 'div.question > span > span', container: 'div.question' } }
path: '^/Yuichirou/', entryNodes: { 'dl.bookmarklist': { uri: 'dt.bookmark a', title: 'dt.bookmark', container: 'dt.bookmark' } }
原理的にはできるのにおかしいなと思ったら、Hatena.Starオブジェクトが上書きされているのでこれでは動きません_| ̄|○ by Yuichirou (2007/09/28)
path: '^/bookmarklist', entryNodes: { 'dl.bookmarklist': { uri: 'dd.bookmarker a', title: 'dt.bookmark', container: 'dd.comment' } }
# deleted
path: '^/makoto/articles/.+\.html$', entryNodes: { 'div.newart': { uri: 'document.location', title: 'h1', container: 'h1' } }
path: '^/perfume/p/archive/\d+/\d+-\d+-\d+\.php', entryNodes: { '': { uri: 'window.location', title: ' > h2', container: ' > h2' } }
path: '^/perfume/p/item/\d+', entryNodes: { '': { uri: 'window.location', title: ' h2', container: ' h2' } }
path: '^/blog$', entryNodes: { 'div#mgbp_title': { uri: 'window.location', title: 'h2.title', container: 'h2.title' } }
path: '^/[\w-]+', entryNodes: { '': { uri: 'span.TIME a', title: 'div.POST_TTL', container: 'div.POST_TTL' } }
path: '^/', entryNodes: { 'div.entry': { uri: 'h2 a', title: 'h2', container: 'h2' } }
path: '^/[\w-]+', entryNodes: { 'div.art_title, div.entryTitle, div.etBar, div.etTitleKazari, h2.entryTitle, h3, td.entry > table > tbody > tr:nth-child(2) > td, td.entry > table > tbody > tr:nth-child(4) > td, td.entryTitle, td.et2 div, td.etBg > div:nth-child(2), td.etTitle, td.etTitlebg': { uri: 'a.etTitleLink', title: 'a.etTitleLink', container: 'parent' }, 'div.entry h2, div.entry_title, div.entry-top h2, div.entry-top h3, div.entry_tt p, div.eTitle, h2.etTitle, h3.title, p.title, table.entryHead, td.entry_top': { uri: 'a', title: 'a', container: 'parent' } }
path: '^/[\w_-]+/e/[\w\d]+$', entryNodes: { 'td.tbg03': { uri: 'a.etTitleLink', title: 'span.etTitle', container: 'span.etTitle' } }
path: '^/dankogai/$', entryNodes: { 'div.blogbody': { uri: 'h3 > a.aposted', title: 'h3', container: 'h3' } }
path: '^/dankogai/archives/\d+\.html', entryNodes: { 'div.blogbody': { uri: 'window.location', title: 'h3', container: 'h3' } }
path: '^/[\w-]+/$', entryNodes: { 'div.blogbody': { uri: 'div.posted a', title: 'h3', container: 'h3' }, 'div.article-title-outer': { uri: 'h2 a', title: 'h2', container: 'h2' } }
path: '^/[\w-]+/archives/\d+\.html', entryNodes: { 'div.blogbody': { uri: 'window.location', title: 'h3', container: 'h3' }, 'div.article-title-outer': { uri: 'window.location', title: 'h2', container: 'h2' } }
path: '^/[\w-]+/', entryNodes: { 'h1': { uri: 'document.location', title: 'parent', container: 'parent' } }
path: '^/$', entryNodes: { 'div#pixiv div#leftcolumn div.entry_post': { uri: 'h3 a', title: 'h3 a', container: 'h3' } }
" path: '^/ws/$', entryNodes: { 'div.entry': { uri: 'h2 a', title: 'h2 a', container: 'h2' } } "
path: '^/\w+/', entryNodes: { 'div.entry': [ { uri: 'div.permaLink a', title: 'div.entryTitle', container: 'div.entryMetaInfo' }, { uri: 'div.permaLink a', title: 'div.entryTitle', container: 'div.permaLink p' } ] }
path: '^/service/', entryNodes: { 'div.entry-body-wrap': { uri: 'document.location', title: 'h2', container: 'h2' } }
path: '.*', entryNodes: { 'div.entry-body-wrap': { uri: 'h2 a', title: 'h2', container: 'h2' } }
path: '.+', entryNodes: { 'div.main_block': { uri: 'div.main_title a', title: 'div.main_title a', container: 'div.main_title td' } }
# 対応したので削除したよ に変更
path: '^/product/\d+_\d+.html', entryNodes: { 'div.meta_box_site': { uri: 'h1.site_name a', title: 'h1.site_name', container: 'h1.site_name' } }
path: '^/source/view/', entryNodes: { 'div#main': { uri: 'h2.detail_tit a', title: 'h2.detail_tit', container: 'h2.detail_tit' } }
path: '^/mymemo/[\w-_]+/blog/.*html$', entryNodes: { 'div.ytrvTmMdTdArticle': { uri: 'window.location', title: 'h3', container: 'h3' } }
path: '^/mymemo/[\w-_]+/buzz/.*html$', entryNodes: { 'div.ytrvTmMdRepArticle': { uri: 'window.location', title: 'h3 span.span02', container: 'h3 span.span02' } }
path: '^/[\w-]+/', entryNodes: { 'h3': { uri: 'a', title: 'a', container: 'parent' } }
path: '^/(?:keyword|asin)/', entryNodes: { '': { uri: 'h2 > span.title > a', title: 'h2 > span.title > a', container: 'h2 > span.title' } }
path: '^/(?:keywordlist|hot.*|gourmet/)', entryNodes: { '.keyword-list li': { uri: 'h3 a', title: 'h3', container: 'h3' } }
path: '^/themesample', entryNodes: { 'div.section': { uri: 'h3 a', title: 'h3', container: 'h3' } }
path: '^/[\w-]+/(?!edit)', entryNodes: { 'div.commentshort p': { uri: 'span.timestamp a', title: 'parent', container: 'span.commentator' } }
path: '^/url/[\w]+', entryNodes: { 'h4.nomb': { uri: 'a', title: 'a', container: 'parent' } }
path: '.*', entryNodes: { 'ol.posts li': { uri: 'h4 a', title: 'h4', container: 'div.commands' } }
ブックマークの一覧でもスターが出るように追加しました。 by koko1000ban
ノートコメント一個づつに☆つけようかと思いましたが、やめました。 by mattn
path: '^/url/[\w]+', entryNodes: { ' > h4': { uri: 'a', title: 'a', container: 'parent' } }
path: '.*', entryNodes: { ' h4': { uri: 'a', title: 'a', container: 'parent' } }
ブックマークの一覧でもスターが出るように追加しました。 by koko1000ban
ノートコメント一個づつに☆つけようかと思いましたが、やめました。 by mattn
uri をどうしたらいいか分からず。
path: '^/qa/question_detail/q\d+', entryNodes: { 'div.Extends-details': { uri: 'a', title: 'p.user-name', container: 'p.user-name' } }
path: '^/\w+/$', entryNodes: { '#recententry li': { uri: 'a', title: 'a', container: 'parent' } }
path: '^/', entryNodes: { 'article.entry': { uri: 'h1 a', title: 'h1', container: 'div.categories' } }
path: '^/a/*', entryNodes: { 'div.article-tab-nico': { uri: 'window.location', title: 'h1', container: 'h1' } }
path: '.*', entryNodes: { '': { uri: 'h3 a', title: 'h3', container: 'h3' } }
path: '^/wiki/[^&]+$', entryNodes: { 'div#globalWrapper': { uri: '#p-cactions ul:first-child li.selected a', title: 'h1.firstHeading', container: 'h1.firstHeading' } }
path: '^/archive/(.+)$', entryNodes: { 'div.entry': { uri: '#hatena-star > a', title: '#hatena-star > a', container: '#hatena-star' } }
path: '^/p/', entryNodes: { 'table.tasklist tr': { uri: 'td.tasktitle a', title: 'td.tasktitle a', container: 'td.tasktitle' }, 'table.taskdetail': { uri: 'ul.permalink a:nth-child(2)', title: 'td.tasktitle', container: 'ul.userset li:nth-child(2)' } }のコピーです
path: '^/photos/[@\w-]+/\d+/$', entryNodes: { '#photoswftd': { uri: 'window.location', title: 'h1', container: 'h1' } }
path: '^/photos/[@\w-]+/?', entryNodes: { 'td.PhotosColumn > table td': { uri: 'a:first-child', title: 'a:first-child img', container: 'p.Activity' } }
path: '^/explore/$', entryNodes: { 'div#Main': { uri: 'table.Interestingness > tbody > tr > td > a', title: 'table.Interestingness > tbody > tr > td > a > img', container: 'h1' } }
path: '^/2.0/javadoc/.*/(?!package-frame)', entryNodes: { 'body': { uri: 'document.location', title: 'pre:first-child b', container: 'h2' } }
path: '^/$', entryNodes: { 'h2.title': { uri: 'a', title: 'a.mytitle', container: 'parent' } }
path: '^/index\.php?', entryNodes: { 'div#maincol div.content': { uri: 'window.location', title: 'h2.title', container: 'h2.title' } }
path: '^/\w+/*$', entryNodes: { 'div.path': { uri: 'b a', title: 'b', container: 'b' } }
path: '^/\w+/?$', entryNodes: { 'div.path': { uri: 'a:first-child', title: 'a:first-child', container: 'a:first-child' } }
path: '.*', entryNodes: { '': { uri: ' a', title: '', container: '' } }
path: '^/entry/.+$', entryNodes: { '': { uri: 'p.permalink a', title: 'h2', container: 'h2' } }
path: '^/hl', entryNodes: { 'div.yntop': { uri: 'document.location', title: 'h1', container: 'h1' }, 'div.yjXL': { uri: 'document.location', title: 'h1', container: 'h1' }, 'ul.cptComment': { uri: 'document.location', title: 'li.hdTop span', container: 'li.hdTop' } }
path: '^/maname/$|^/maname/log/', entryNodes: { 'p table td:first-child table:first-child, p table td:first-child p table:first-child': { uri: 'a', title: 'td', container: 'td' } }
i'm feeling curious
path: '^/(?!idea(list)?)', entryNodes: { 'td.icontent': { uri: 'a', title: 'a', container: 'div' } }
path: '/', entryNodes: {'body': {uri: 'document.location', title: 'parent', container: 'parent'}}
path: '^/p/6182566$', entryNodes: { 'div#main': { uri: 'a:nth-child(1)', title: 'img', container: 'div#main' } }
path: '^/static/yajiuma/\d{4}/\d{2}/', entryNodes: { 'td.body-text > a': { uri: '', title: '', container: '' } }
path: '^/$', entryNodes: { 'table:nth-child(3) table:nth-child(3) table tr': { uri: 'td a', title: 'td a', container: 'td a' } }
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(id:kazyamaのコメント 09/04/01(水)更新)イッテミア前線のトップページの画面デザインの変更に対応しました。
なお、過去のコメントは、"Edit Logs"を参照ください。
path: '^/mission_search.php$', entryNodes: { 'div.summarySpread': { uri: 'a', title: 'a', container: 'dt' } }
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uriを'#p-cactions ul:first-child li.selected a'から'window.location'に変更(#p-cactionsがなくなった?) by Akkiesoft (2010/09/21)
'div#globalWrapper'から'div#content'に変更 by Akkiesoft (2010/09/21)
ノートページなどにも対応。 by Yuichirou (2007/09/28)
記号を含む記事にも対応。 by Yuichirou (2007/09/28)
path: '^(/$|/\??page=\d)', entryNodes: { ' li.presence div div': { uri: 'h3 a', title: 'h3', container: 'p.meta'} ,' li.comment div div' : { uri: 'p.meta a:nth-child(2)', title: 'p.comment', container: 'p.meta'} }
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for and .
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2009-01-29 00:30:34の状態に差し戻して一部編集
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実はこのjsonに"img: 'http://......./my-star.gif'"とか書けると面白いとおもった。by mattn
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path: '^/siteconfig', entryNodes: { 'h2': { uri: 'a', title: 'parent', container: 'parent' } }
Hatena Star Everywhereでは、path の正規表現は location.pathname と比較される。location.pathname にはクエリー部分は含まれないので、'^/siteconfig\?host=.+' ではダメ。
このh2と続くdivを束ねるdivが無いと、一覧のページでもスターを出す事が出来ないんですよね。アンカーが反応して良いならば、キーを"div h2"、uri、title、containerを全て"a"にすれば行けますよ。by mattn
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Hello users of hatena! I wanted to make a site for the users of hatena.
I guess I may make an upgrade to hatena.
Well,that's it!
path: '^/[\w-]+$', entryNodes: { 'div.log': { uri: 'h3.title a', title: 'h3.title', container: 'h3.title' } }
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".list .(right|left) img" の width/height が決め打ちされているので,やむを得ず div.list をコンテナに…
Stylish 等でマージンを調整すれば,なんとか見られるようにはなる
@-moz-document domain( {div.list span.hatena-star-star-container {margin-left: 12px}}
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google 検索が重くなるので削除しました。
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+2011-01-28 PVの後ろに★を付けるように変更
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path: '^/addons/.+/extensions/.+$', entryNodes: { 'div.corner-box dl dt': { uri: 'a', title: 'a', container: 'parent' } } dt要素の中なのがまずいのか、スターが巨大化してしまうので、無効にしておきます。
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2010/10/16: titleとcontainerをh1からp.video_titleに変更
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XxxZon Adult Website to Watch Videos and Movies Online Tube
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