Friday, December 11, 2009

All done, at long last!

Please meet "Murphy", my new design for the 2010 WA Teddy bear Challenge!
Both of them are also wearing my new signature scroll tags around their necks, the first bears in 2009 to have them.
They will be on display at the Teddy Tree bear shop in Perth, Western Australia as of next week and the pattern will be available to purchase in the New Year.
I will post some more details and photos of both bears on my website soon on the "Patterns" page,
Hope you like them, if you have any enquiries, please email me at [email protected] .

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

At Last I'm Getting Organised!!

Well here they are, my new design, I'm pretty happy that they tie in the whole Russell Bears theme now.....I'm still working on my signature swing tags, but I think they are turning out really cute.
I am hoping to post them soon hanging around the neck of a new bear design that will be available as a pattern, and for those here in Oz, a competition scheduled for the middle of next year!!!
All the details will be available soon, so there will be plenty of time to get your entries completed on time.