
Материал из Википедии — свободной энциклопедии
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This is a historical list, intended to deal with the time period where it is believed that women working in science were rare. For this reason, this list ends with the 20th century.


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Marble herm in the Vatican Museums inscribed with Aspasia's name at the base. Discovered in 1777, this marble herm is a Roman copy of a 5th-century BC original and may represent Aspasia's funerary stele.
Hypatia by Julia Cameron
  • Абротелия (V век до н.э.), ученая в Древней Греции
  • Эмилия (300-363 год н.э.), врач из Галии
  • Изра Луканская (IV-III век до н.э.), философ
  • Аглаоника (II век до н.э.), первая женщина-астроном Древней Греции
  • Агнодика (IV век до н.э.), первая женщина-акушерка Древней Греции
  • Андромаха (середина VI века), врач в Древней Греции
  • Арета Киренская (V-IV вв. до н.э.), философ
  • Артемизия из Карийская (III век до н.э.), ботаник
  • Asclepigenia (4th AD), Greek Neoplatonist[1]:55
  • Aspasia (4th century BCE), philosopher and scientist
  • Aspasia the Physician (fl. 1st century CE), Greek physician
  • Axiothea of Phlius (fl. c. 350 BCE), Greek philosopher[1]:62
  • Beronice (1st AD), Roman philosopher[1]:118
  • Caerellia (c. 45 BCE), Roman academician[1]:219
  • Clea (1st-2nd century AD), philosopher[1]:267
  • Cleachma (5th century BCE), Greek philosopher[1]:267–68
  • Cleopatra the Alchemist - wrote the alchemical book, Chrysopoeia, or "gold-making"[2]:99[3]
  • Damo (6th century BCE), Greek natural philosopher
  • Diotima of Mantinea (4th century BCE), philosopher and scientist, ancient Greece (sources vary as to her historicity; possibly a fictionalized character based on Aspasia of Miletus)
  • Eccello of Lucania (5th or 4th century BCE), Greek/Italian mathematician and natural philosopher[1]:396
  • Echecratia the Philiasian (5th century BCE), Greek/Italian mathematician and natural philosopher[1]:397
  • Elephantis (1st century BCE), Greek physician
  • Enheduanna (c. 2285–2250 BCE), Sumerian/Akkadian astronomer and poet
  • Fabiola (died 399 CE), Roman physician
  • Favilla (2nd century), Roman physician[1]:436
  • Gargi Vachaknavi (7th century BCE), Indian philosopher
  • Hypatia (370–415 CE), mathematician and astronomer, Egypt[4]:137
  • Laïs, midwife[1]:735[5]
  • Lastheneia of Mantinea (5th century BCE), student of Plato
  • Leontium (3rd BCE), Greek philosopher
  • Leoparda (4th century AD), gynecologist
  • Macrina (4th century AD), Greek physician and nun[1]:828
  • Marcella (4th century AD), Roman healer[1]:841
  • Mary the Jewess (1st or 2nd century CE), alchemist[2]:128
  • Melissa (3rd century BCE), Greek philosopher
  • Merit Ptah (c. 2700 BCE), Egyptian physician
  • Metrodora (c. 200–400 AD), Greek physician and author
  • Myia (5th century BCE), Greek philosopher
  • Nicerata (c. 5th century), physician and healer
  • Occello of Lucania (4th or 5th century BCE), Greek natural philosopher and mathematician[1]:957
  • Origenia (2nd century AD), Greek healer[1]:965
  • Paphnutia the Virgin (c. 300), Egyptian alchemist[1]:978
  • Пола (347–404 гг. н.э.), римская целительница
  • Perictione (5th century BCE), Greek philosopher, mother of Plato
  • Peseshet Egyptian physician (Fourth Dynasty)
  • Pulcheria (5th century AD), healer[1]:1059
  • Pythias of Assos (4th century BCE), marine zoologist
  • Salpe (1st century BCE), Greek midwife
  • Sotira (1st century BCE), Greek physician[1]:1217–18
  • Tapputi-Belatekallim (First mentioned in a clay tablet dating to 2000 BCE), Babylonian perfumer, the first person in history recorded as using a chemical process[6]
  • Theano (6th century BCE), philosopher, mathematician and physician
  • Thelka, Iranian[1]:1278
  • Theosebeia (4th century AD), healer[1]:1278
Herrad of Landsbert
  • Abella (14th century), Italian physician[7]
  • Adelle of the Saracens (12th-century), Italian physician
  • Adelmota of Carrara (14th-century), Italian physician
  • Rufaida Al-Aslamia (7th-century), Muslim nurse
  • Maesta Antonia (1386-1408), Florentine physician[7]
  • Ameline la Miresse (fl. 1313-1325), French physician[7]
  • Jeanne d'Ausshure (d. 1366), French surgeon[7]
  • Zulema L'Astròloga (1190-after 1229), Moorish astronomer
  • Brunetta de Siena (fl. 15th-century), Italian-Jewish physician[7]
  • Hildegard of Bingen (1099–1179), German natural philosopher[4]:126
  • Sibyl of Benevento, Napolitan physician specializing in the plague buboes[7]
  • Denice (fl. 1292), French barber-surgeon[7]
  • Demud (fl. ca. 13th century), German physician[8]
  • Dobrodeia of Kiev (fl. 1122), Byzantine physician
  • Dorotea Bucca (fl. 1390), Italian professor of medicine[7]
  • Constance Calenda (15th century), Italian surgeon specializing in diseases of the eye[9][10]
  • Virdimura of Catania (fl. 1276), Jewish-Sicilian physician[7]
  • Caterina of Florence (fl. 1400s), Florentine physician[7]
  • Jeanne de Cusey (fl. 1438), French barber-surgeon[7]
  • Antonia Daniello (fl. 1400), Florentine-Jewish physician[7]
  • Clarice di Durisio (15th century), Italian physician
  • Fava (fl. 1322), French-Jewish physician[7]
  • Fatima al-Fihri (9th century), born in Tunesia, founder of world's first university in Fez (Morocco)
  • Jacobina Félicie (fl. 1322), Italian physician
  • Francesca, muller de Berenguer Satorra (15th-century), Catalan physician [11]
  • Maria Gallicia (fl. 1309), licensed surgeon[7]
  • Bellayne Gallipapa (fl. 1380), Zaragoza, Spanish-Jewish physician[7]
  • Dolcich Gallipapa (fl. 1384), Leyda, Spanish-Jewish physician[7]
  • Na Pla Gallipapa (fl. 1387), Zaragoza, Spanish-Jewish physician[7]
  • Sarah de St Giles (fl. 1326), French-Jewish physician and medical teacher[7]
  • Alessandra Giliani (fl. 1318), Italian anatomist
  • Rebecca de Guarna (fl. 1200), Italian physician[9][10]
  • Magistra Hersend (fl. 1249–1259), French surgeon
  • Maria Incarnata, Italian surgeon[10]
  • Isabiau la Mergesse (fl. 1292), French-Jewish physician[7]
  • Floreta La-Noga (fl. 1374), Aragonese physician[7]
  • Helvidis (fl. 1176), French physician[7]
  • Stephanie de Lyon (fl. 1265), French physician[7]
  • Guillemette du Luys (fl. 1479), French royal surgeon[7]
  • Thomasia de Mattio, Italian physician[10]
  • Margherita di Napoli (late 14th century), Napolitan oculist active in Frankfurt-am-Main[7]
  • Mercuriade (14th century), Italian physician and surgeon[9]
  • Gilette de Narbonne (fl. 1300), French physician[7]
  • Isabella da Ocre, Napolitan surgeon[7]
  • Francisca da Romana, Napolitan physician[7]
  • Dame Péronelle (1292–1319), French herbalist
  • Peretta Peronne, also called Perretta Petone (fl. 1411), French surgeon[7]
  • Lauretta Ponte da Saracena Calabria, Napolitan physician
  • Trota of Salerno (fl. 1090), Italian physician[7]
  • Marguerite Saluzzi (fl. 1460), Napolitan licensed herbalist physician[7]
  • Sara de Sancto Aegidio (fl. 1326), French physician
  • Juana Sarrovia (fl. 1384), Barcelona, Spanish physician[7]
  • Raymunda da Taberna, licensed Napolitan surgeon[7]
  • Théophanie (fl. 1291), French barber surgeon[7]
  • Trotta da Toya (f. 1307), Napolitan physician[7]
  • Polisena da Troya (fl. 1335), licensed Napolitan surgeon[7]
  • Margarita da Venosa (fl. 1333), licensed Napolitan surgeon[7]
  • Francisca di Vestis (fl. 1308), Napolian physician[7]
Margaret Cavendish
Geneviève Charlotte d'Arconville
Portrait of Émilie du Châtelet by Maurice Quentin de La Tour


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Biology or natural history

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Mary Anning
Ada King, Countess of Lovelace (Ada Lovelace)
  • Lise Meitner (1878–1968), Austrian, Swedish, nuclear physicist
  1. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Ogilvie, Marilyn. The Biographical Dictionary of Women in Science: Pioneering Lives From Ancient Times to the Mid-20th Century : .mw-parser-output .ts-colored-link[style] a{color:inherit}англ.] / Marilyn Ogilvie, Joy Harvey. — Routledge, 2003-12-16. — ISBN 9781135963439.
  2. 1 2 Ogilvie, 1986
  3. Brown, James Campbell. A History of Chemistry from the Earliest Times. — P. Blakiston's Son & Company, 1920. — P. 19–24.
  4. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Yount, 2007
  5. Pliny the Elder, Natural History 28.81-84. Irby-Massie , 'Women in Ancient Science', in Woman's power, man's game: essays on classical antiquity in honor of Joy K. King, Bolchazy-Carducci Publishers, 1993. p.366
  6. Women of science : righting the record. — First Midland Book. — Bloomington, Ind. : Indiana Univ. Press, 1999. — P. 301. — ISBN 9780253208132.
  7. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 L. Whaley: Women and the Practice of Medical Care in Early Modern Europe, 1400-1800
  8. Ogilvie, Marilyn. The Biographical Dictionary of Women in Science / Marilyn Ogilvie, Joy Harvey. — New York : Routledge, 2000. — P. 346. — ISBN 0415920388.
  9. 1 2 3 Walsh, 1911
  10. 1 2 3 4 Howard, 2006
  11. «Diccionari Biogràfic de Dones: Francesca, muller de Berenguer Satorra»
  12. Hoe, Susanna. Valletta // Malta: Women, History, Books and Places. — Oxford : Women's History Press (a division of Holo Books), 2016. — P. 368–369. — ISBN 9780957215351.
  13. "Sarah Whiting". CWP,.
  14. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Rayner-Canham & Rayner-Canham, 2001
  15. Rayner-Canham, Marelene; Rayner-Canham, Geoff (23 Feb 2009). "Fight for Rights" (PDF). Chemistry World. 6 (3): 56—59.