Rice University
Dominic Boyer has sought a distinctive path to a much sought-after destination. He wants to solve the mystery of German political pathology. Using the resources of the sociology of knowledge (from Gramsci and Mannheim to Bourdieu) as well... more
This special collection of AQ aims to spark new ways of thinking about formations and operations of modern power. Specifically, the articles explore how energic forces and infrastructures interrelate with institutions and ideations of... more
This is a first look at a new volume exploring how theory is used in anthropology and the human sciences today. It is a sequel to and extension of the intellectual project CUP's well-regarded "Fieldwork is not what it used to be" volume.... more
Discusses the potentialities and relevance of greater attention to electricity and electrification across the human sciences
How we must rethink what infrastructure is to address the challenges of the Anthropocene. We need to grasp infrastructure as potential or stored energy systems. But we must also avoid embracing the revolutionary models of the 19th and... more