Papers by Ketevan Gadilia
Рецензируемая монография Илона Шульце и Вольфганга Шульце «Справочник по миноритариям Армении. Со... more Рецензируемая монография Илона Шульце и Вольфганга Шульце «Справочник по миноритариям Армении. Социокультурное и социолингвистическое исследование» (далее «Справочник») опубликована в Гамбурге в 2016 г. «Справочник» представляет результаты масштабного полевого исследования, которое было проведено в рамках соответствующего проекта в период с августа 2012 г. по апрель 2016 г. под руководством Вольфганга Шульце (Институт общего языкознания и языковой типологии Мюнхенского университета) при финансовой поддержке Фонда Фольксваген (Volkswagenstuftung).
This paper deals with the history of Bible translation in the Caucasus in connection with the cul... more This paper deals with the history of Bible translation in the Caucasus in connection with the cultural and geopolitical context, explores some areal peculiarities and puts together the set of factors which can bring to light the broad context during the period from the 4th C to 10th C.
The Bible Translator, 2011
Слово «эквивалент» имеет позднелатинское происхождение и означает «равнозначный, равноценный, рав... more Слово «эквивалент» имеет позднелатинское происхождение и означает «равнозначный, равноценный, равносильный». Этот термин не только является одним из основных понятий в теоретических работах по переводу, но и является базовым для переводчика-практика в его каждодневной работе. Особый вес этот термин приобрел в работах Юджина Найды, основоположника теории перевода Библии. «Динамическая эквивалентность», «функциональная эквивалентность» -выражения, уже давно ставшие хрестоматийными. Поиск и нахождение эквивалентов для передачи основных библейских понятий -одна из важнейших задач, с которыми постоянно приходится сталкиваться переводчикам Библии вот уже более двух тысяч лет.
This paper deals with the history of Bible translation in the Caucasus in connection with the cul... more This paper deals with the history of Bible translation in the Caucasus in connection with the cultural and geopolitical context, explores some areal peculiarities and puts together the set of factors which can bring to light the broad
context during the period from the 4th C to 10th C.
The title of this article came to my mind after I read a number of scholarly works (mainly in Eng... more The title of this article came to my mind after I read a number of scholarly works (mainly in English) about Georgian Bible translation. The peculiar jumble of correct and incorrect information, as well as outdated and stereotypical statements
about Georgia and Georgian Bible translation compelled me to exert some effort to improve this unsatisfactory situation.
![Research paper thumbnail of Truncated Imperative in Georgian](
This paper explores the truncated imperative in Modern Georgian, which results from the reduction... more This paper explores the truncated imperative in Modern Georgian, which results from the reduction and deterioration of the verb stem under the influence of intensive stress. Truncated imperative forms have been present in Georgian literature since the Middle Georgian period, mainly in poetic works like "The Knight in the Panther's Skin" by Shota Rustaveli (12 th century) as well as in the poetry of Davit Guramishvili (18 th century), Nikoloz Baratashvili (beginning of 19 th century) and others. In the 20 th century, the use of truncated imperatives became wider and today they can be found in colloquial modern Georgian, both in the literary language and in dialects. This paper describes the main characteristics of truncated imperatives in Modern Georgian, presenting an empirical basis for further and broader research into this area. Among the features described, I examine how the base segment (a meaningful verb stem) can be fully truncated, with the lexical meaning of the verb conveyed completely by the preverb. I also investigate derivational constraints on plural and polite forms that restrict the environment of their usage in comparison with that of full imperatives.
Категория определенности и неопределенности в контексте предикатноаргументной структуры предложен... more Категория определенности и неопределенности в контексте предикатноаргументной структуры предложения в некоторых западноиранских языках Регулярное использование артикля в одних и тех же синтаксических условиях способствует его позиционной закрепленности и дальнейшей формализации его основных функции. В статье описаны те маркеры (морфологические средства), которые с одной стороны, принадлежат к категории определенности и неопределенности (артикли, падежные показатели и др.), а с другой стороны, маркируют субъект действия (подлежащее, агенс) и объект воздействия (прямое дополнение, пациенс) предложения. В статье рассматриваются простые изолированные двусоставные и (реже) трехсоставные предложения персидского, таджикского, дари, гилянского и белуджского языков.
Drafts by Ketevan Gadilia
The abstract deals with the corpus of Georgian and Russian manuscripts originated in 1769-1795 du... more The abstract deals with the corpus of Georgian and Russian manuscripts originated in 1769-1795 during of intensive Russian-Georgian diplomatic negotiations. The corpus consists of 28 Georgian manuscripts (diplomatic correspondence and Georgievskiy Treat). The Georgian diplomatic correspondence was immediately translated into Russian. Despite Georgian and Russian texts have different nature (original Georgian and translation Russian) the analysis
reveals some essential tendencies of language contact which were established that time. Over 40 loan words and constructions found in Georgian corpus represents a high tendency of penetration of Russian concepts in Georgian language.
Papers by Ketevan Gadilia
context during the period from the 4th C to 10th C.
about Georgia and Georgian Bible translation compelled me to exert some effort to improve this unsatisfactory situation.
Drafts by Ketevan Gadilia
reveals some essential tendencies of language contact which were established that time. Over 40 loan words and constructions found in Georgian corpus represents a high tendency of penetration of Russian concepts in Georgian language.
context during the period from the 4th C to 10th C.
about Georgia and Georgian Bible translation compelled me to exert some effort to improve this unsatisfactory situation.
reveals some essential tendencies of language contact which were established that time. Over 40 loan words and constructions found in Georgian corpus represents a high tendency of penetration of Russian concepts in Georgian language.