- Funds from our grants are available to you after you have been invited to travel by the foreign officials, and are exclusively available for international adoptions. Qualified uses for these funds would be airfare, agency fees due at that time, in country expenses, and other related expenses. Funds are NOT available to help with upfront costs such as home study, USCIS, notary/apostille, mailing, translation, dossier submission, initial agency fees, etc.
- Funds are first disbursed directly to your travel & child placing agencies, and any remaining funds are sent to you personally via PayPal or check (no fees either way) to take as cash to pay your in country teams and travel expenses.
- For CHINA adoptions ONLY: When LOA (Letter of Acceptance) is received from China, the family can request a check be sent from their grant funds to their placement agency. The funds may *ONLY* go to the agency, towards the fees owed. The remainder of grant funds will be disbursed to the family when Travel Approval is received, and may be used for any other adoption expenses.
- Families can get a list of donor names upon request from Michelle.
- Reece’s Rainbow has no control over how much is donated to your family’s sponsorship fund.
- All children posted on our site are eligible for inclusion in our Family Support Program (FSP).
- For Older Child Grants: The grant funds will be allocated to the Waiting Child’s name (and posted on their profile) when the family’s application is submitted completely and approved. Older Child Grants are dependent upon available funds.
- Please join us on Facebook! We have a wonderful community for support and information.
- To be approved, all applicants must have health insurance that will cover the adopted child immediately upon finalization of the adoption, with no pre-existing conditions restrictions and no delay in eligibility waiting for a COC or SSN. Families who are members in Samaritan Ministries or other cost-sharing groups must have written approval from SMI *for that child and their specific needs* prior to a commitment.
- You must have funds available to pay for the initial costs prior to commitment: home study, USCIS application, upfront agency fees, documentation (approx $5000).
- With your submitted application and application fee of $25, we will set up your family’s FSP (Family Support Program) profile. You will receive an email, when your family’s profile is published on the website.
- We have only one application — this covers both the Family Support Program (FSP) and any Waiting Child Grant the child may have or be eligible for (such as an older child grant).
- There is a $25 application fee, to be submitted with the application forms, either by check or PayPal (button below). We respectfully request a love offering of $250; this gift goes to our Voice of Hope fund, which keeps us operational. Reece’s Rainbow functions entirely on private donations to serve these children!
- If your HS is not approved, or something changes in your family and prevents you from being able to continue, your $25 application fee and $250 love offering is non-refundable. The donations your child earned in your sponsorship account will be remain as a GRANT for that particular child, in an effort to locate another adoptive family quickly.
- Should your intended child become unavailable at any time during the process (adopted domestically, taken into foster care, adopted by a family outside of Reece’s Rainbow, or passes away), funds can be transferred for you to adopt another international waiting child with diagnosed special needs.
- Reece’s Rainbow does, in all good faith, provide the most accurate information about each child as it is given to us by partner adoption agencies. We can not be held liable or accountable for any changes in a child’s status.
- There are no faith-based restrictions on our grants.
- You are welcome to use whatever agency or independent facilitator you choose. We do have recommended adoption partners available to serve you for the children listed on our site.
- Regrettably, families who have had a revoked home study and/or a rescinded USCIS approval for any reason are not eligible to apply for grant funds through Reece’s Rainbow.
- You must be actively engaged in or have an approved home study from a licensed home study agency, to set up an FSP for fundraising with Reece’s Rainbow. Reece’s Rainbow reserves the right to request a copy of the completed homestudy at any time prior to grant disbursement.
- The Family Support Program is only for families adopting internationally, children with diagnosed special needs.
As of Oct 2019, we will also approve FSPs for older children (teens), even without a diagnosis.**
- If a child was listed on Reece’s Rainbow as a waiting child, the family may apply for that child’s waiting grant and an FSP (family support program profile) up until their court date (Or until LOA is received, for China).
- For families adopting a SN child not listed on our site confirmation from your child placing agency is required prior to accepting your application.
- If a child was NOT listed on Reece’s Rainbow as a waiting child, the family may apply for an FSP for fundraising, up until their dossier has been submitted to the foreign country. They can then fundraise until their child is home. If the dossier has already been submitted, the family will not be eligible to submit an application for further family fundraising.
- Due to the current changes in adoption, we will set up your FSP (Family Support Program) profile as “A Child for the … family” until you have your completed homestudy & are officially matched from the foreign country. Once your homestudy is complete & you are matched, we will add the child’s alias name and photo to your FSP.
- For countries where the official match doesn’t come until later, this means the child will not be added until a referral is accepted. A family with an FSP can still share “This is the child we are hoping to adopt”.
- The child’s grant will remain open until the match is official. Donors can choose to donate to the family’s FSP or the child’s grant. Child grants will not be released to the family until after the referral is accepted.
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**At Reece’s Rainbow (RR), we understand that every adoption should be considered ‘extra needs’. Adoption is always a loss for a child, even when the world would like to view it as a gain. Children are not resilient to this loss and this is why it’s important to understand how childhood adversity affects our mental and physical health across the lifespan. For this reason, RR is moving towards supporting older child (13 years and older) adoption through FSPs. We understand the extra needs and hurdles that often come with a child who has not had family during early childhood.We hope to come alongside older child adoption in this simple way, to say we support you and this child.
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