Day 4: The meaning behind my Tumblr name. My Tumblr name is "BossyBookworm," (which is my profile name on most social media) and the meaning is just what is sounds like--- I am bossy, pushy, dominating, even intimidating, I've been told! And oh, yes, I am a bookworm. Like Scout Finch, I was born reading. Simple as that...
Day 5: Five places I want to visit. My dream vacay involves visiting great libraries & museums, especially the Smithsonian Institute, The Louvre, The Metropolitan, The British Museum, The Rock & Roll Hall of Fame. That's just ONE trip, someday... Now I want to go to Universal Orlando so I can see the Wizarding World of Harry Potter (and maybe run into Draco Malfoy....) . I'd like to go back to some of the places I visited as a child, like Mount Rushmore, or the Grand Mesa, or the Colorado National Monument. And I want to visit Albuquerque again. I miss New Mexico.
Day 11: What's your favorite quote? "Fall seven times, stand up eight." - Japanese Proverb
Day 12: Screenshot your desktop:

Day 14: Provide pictures of 5 celebrity crushes: (so ( I couldn't choose just 5. big deal..)
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Day 19: A list of all the places you've lived:
Born in Custer, South Dakota. Topeka, Kansas until I was 11, then Grand Junction, Colorado until after high school. I lived here in Portland for a year, then went back to Colorado and went back to college; after another year I moved to Nampa, Idaho to go to school there. Two years later I followed my family to Albuquerque, New Mexico, where my younger sister was attending the University of New Mexico; our folks moved down there so she could get in-state tuition, and so did I. New Mexico was home for enough time that I was finally able to finish my BA. After that I moved back up her to the Pacific Northwest, which has been home ever since. Mostly the Portland area, but in Vancouver, as well. That's it.
Day 20: Concerts you've attended:
Barry Manilow was the first, back in 1985. The Monkees, in 86 or 87. Reba McEntire & Brooks & Dunn. I had tickets to see Chris Isaak at the Portland Zoo, and was so excited about it, but we didn't get to see the show; my ex got sick, and we had to take him to the ER. And Jimmy Buffett. (This doesn't count all of the choral and choir concerts & recitals I've attended and performed in over the years!)