Papers by Elena Dzneladze
... Dr. Oleksandr Symonenko and Dr. Vitalie Bîrcă do not exclude the possibility that this site b... more ... Dr. Oleksandr Symonenko and Dr. Vitalie Bîrcă do not exclude the possibility that this site belongs ... 1,6. Vasyurina Gora (after M. Rostovtsev); 2. Тenginskaya (after E. Beglova); 3,4. Novolabinskaya ... Zaytsev and S. Koltuhov); 2. Găvani (after V. Sîrbu and N. Harţuche); 3,4. Vesela ...
Summary.The large eye beads, found in numbers one to three, were excavated at scarce barbarian si... more Summary.The large eye beads, found in numbers one to three, were excavated at scarce barbarian sites of the North Pontic region (Tchisten'ke, Glinoe, Găvani). They were usually located near horse or human skeletons. All beads are dated to the 3 rd -1 st cent. BC and similar in their color, design, shape, dimensions, and eye structure. The closest parallels to them are the beads from the cemeteries of the 3 rd -2 nd c. BC near stanitsas Tenginskaya, Sereginskaya, and Novolabinskaya in the North-West Caucasus. A comparative analysis shows that this kind of beads is connected to a particular horse harness from the sites. The harness’ characteristic details include the bronze frontlets and breastplate sheets with pendants, and also the harsh bits with mouthpieces of cruciform shape; most likely, the eye beads were attached to the bridle and served as amulets. The horse harness of the described type was used in the 3 rd -2 nd c. BC by the North-West Caucasian barbarians (their tribal...
«Рум’яна» для небіжчиків (результати досліджень мінеральних артефактів із поховань Золотої Балки) («Blusher» for the Dead), 2018
V. A. Nesterovsky, O. S. Dzneladze, S. A. Gorbanenko, O. V. Andrieiev
«Blusher» for the Dead (the... more V. A. Nesterovsky, O. S. Dzneladze, S. A. Gorbanenko, O. V. Andrieiev
«Blusher» for the Dead (the Results of Research of Mineral Artefacts from Zolota Balka Graves)
The results of the studies of mineral artefacts from the graves of the Late Scythian burial ground of Zolota Balka were introduced into scientific circulation. At this site, 87 graves were excavated; in 10 of them mineral artefacts were identified. The latter one is the object of this study, while their significance and role in the funeral rite is the subject.
Analytical studies revealed that the vast majority of the mineral substances of red-orange colour is realgar (arsenic sulfide). It is a toxic substance with a detrimental effect on the organisms. Its deposits in Ukraine are unknown. There is an opinion in the archaeological literature that realgar was placed in burials because of the colour of this mineral. However, a similar colour is inherent in ochre, which is much easier to find in the surroundings. Taking into account the properties of realgar and given the need to deliver it from afar, we consider that it was used as a preservative for better storage of organic remains in the graves and for less reproduction of pathogenic flora within the family crypts, where later the dead would be buried again.
Keywords: Zolota Balka, Late Scythians, mineral substance, realgar.
Археологічні дослідження в Україні 2006-2007 рр., 2008
The article presents the preliminary results of a study of 115 sceletones that represent 40 % of ... more The article presents the preliminary results of a study of 115 sceletones that represent 40 % of total burials uncovered on the cemetery on the territory of Arsenal in Kyiv. The research program includes determination of sex, age, craniological and osteological parameters, determination of height, of morphological features caused by the professional activity, and study of pathologies on children's and adult's bones.
Archaeological investigations in Ukraine // Археологічні дослідження в Україні, 2016, 2017
Kherson expedition of OASU IA NASU conducted explorations along with the northern coast Lake Siva... more Kherson expedition of OASU IA NASU conducted explorations along with the northern coast Lake Sivash (Churyuk Dengis, Ulu Denis, Lyamen
Sapra, Chuvash, Rot-lake) in the zone planned the construction of wind energy facilities.
Investigated coastal area of the bay southwest of the village Vesnyanka (Genichesk district) and the area around the lake Overyanivsky
(village of Overyanivka, Sivashiv settlement council, Novotroitsk district). As a result of research has been installed GPS coordinates of settlements and funeral objects (barrows).
In 2016, a research of Khrinnyky 1 site in Rivne region was continued (fig. 1; 9). In particula... more In 2016, a research of Khrinnyky 1 site in Rivne region was continued (fig. 1; 9). In particular, an object 27, determined as
a dwelling of Wielbark culture (fig. 2), was investigated. The dwelling was dated by stages С2—С3 (230—330 CE) according
to data of its ceramic complex (fig. 3, tab. 1).
An interesting set of finds, carried out due to water flotation of the bottom filling of the object, was obtained. It could be a
part of bead stringing or of another similar adornment. It includes a glass bead, three fish centra with through-holes and two
small pieces of amber (fig. 4). A glass bead is close to type Alekseeva 137 and is dated back to the 2nd—3rd centuries CE. By its
chemical composition (fig. 5, tab. 2) it can be characterized as low-quality product of local origin with the probable color of
dark brown hues. Dating of the bead corresponds with the dating of the object’s ceramic complex (fig. 8).
Fish vertebrae (fig. 6, tab. 3) belonged to the front tail part of the spine (vertebraeprecaudales) of pike (Esox lucius) not
less than 25 cm in length and with weight from 0.4 kg. The perforations could have been made with a thin point (an awl or a
needle). The traces of polishing by soft abrasive were also traced on the surface that could also remain as a result of constant
friction of beads on cloth. Probably the vertebrae played a role of seed beads.
According to the results of IR-spectrometric and optical analyses, the amber could be of a local origin (fig. 7). The data
of complex and context of the finds allow assuming the belonging of the amber fragments formerly to some product (fig. 10).
On the basis of data set it was suggested the local origin of the decoration (fig. 11) and the possibility of its manufacture
directly at the settlement of Khrinnyky 1.
В статье рассматриваются фигурные изделия из египетского фаянса (плакетки и подвески), найденные ... more В статье рассматриваются фигурные изделия из египетского фаянса (плакетки и подвески), найденные на позднескифских памятниках Нижнего Днепра. Дается их количественная и типологическая характеристика, сравнение с подобными находками в сарматской среде и у поздних скифов Крыма. Рассмотрены особенности проникновения и бытования этой категории украшений в сарматской и позднескифской культурах.
Статтю присвячено аналізу намиста з пізньоскіфського некрополя Червоний Маяк на Нижньому Дніпрі, ... more Статтю присвячено аналізу намиста з пізньоскіфського некрополя Червоний Маяк на Нижньому Дніпрі, який досліджувався Пізньоскіфською археологічною експедицією ІА НАН України у 2011-2013 рр. за участю автора. Розглянуто можливість використання намиста як хроноіндикатора.
The large eye beads, found in numbers one to three, were excavated at scarce barbarian sites of t... more The large eye beads, found in numbers one to three, were excavated at scarce barbarian sites of the North Pontic region (Tchisten'ke, Glinoe, Găvani). They were usually located near horse or human skeletons. All beads are dated to the 3 rd-1 st cent. BC and similar in their color, design, shape, dimensions, and eye structure. The closest parallels to them are the beads from the cemeteries of the 3 rd-2 nd c. BC near stanitsas Tenginskaya, Sereginskaya, and Novolabinskaya in the NorthWest Caucasus. A comparative analysis shows that this kind of beads is connected to a particular horse harness from the sites. The harness' characteristic details include the bronze frontlets and breastplate sheets with pendants, and also the harsh bits with mouthpieces of cruciform shape; most likely, the eye beads were attached to the bridle and served as amulets. The horse harness of the described type was used in the 3 rd-2 nd c. BC by the NorthWest Caucasian barbarians (their tribal identification is problematic). The finds in the North Pontic region probably reflect migration of a group of these barbarians to the West. Among the objects from the rare barbarian sites in the North Pontic region dated to the Late Hellenistic period one can find items that at first could look ordinary but their analysis led to the unexpected and interesting results. The North Pontic beads of a large variety are found in numbers from one to three near the horse skeleton, on the human skeleton, or nearby. They have been discovered in the kurgan grave near the village of Tchisten'ke in Crimea
Статья посвящена анализу бус из позднескифского некрополя Красный Маяк на Нижнем Днепре, исследов... more Статья посвящена анализу бус из позднескифского некрополя Красный Маяк на Нижнем Днепре, исследованном Позднескифской археологической экспедицией ИА НАН Украины в 2011-2013 гг. при участии автора. Рассматривается возможность использования бус в качестве хроноиндикатора.
НАУКОвА СЕРІЯ -зАСНОвАНА У 2010 р. вИДАєТЬСЯ чОТИРИ РАзИ НА РІК СтарожитноСті раннього залізного ... more НАУКОвА СЕРІЯ -зАСНОвАНА У 2010 р. вИДАєТЬСЯ чОТИРИ РАзИ НА РІК СтарожитноСті раннього залізного віку РЕДАКЦІЙНА КОЛЕГІЯ: Скорий С.А. (головний редактор), доктор історичних наук, професор Г орБАНЕН ко С .А. (відповідальний секретар), кандидат історичних наук Б оЛТрик Ю.В., кандидат історичних наук ЗАЛ іЗНяк Л.Л. , доктор історичних наук, професор іВА кі Н Г.Ю., член-кореспондент НАН України к рижицький С.Д. , член-кореспондент НАН України к УЛА ко ВС ьк А Л.В., кандидат історичних наук Моця о.П., член-кореспондент НАН України оТ рощЕН ко В.В., доктор історичних наук, професор, професор ПЕТ рАУС к АС о.В., кандидат історичних наук ПоТ єхіНА і.Д ., кандидат історичних наук С оН Н. о., кандидат історичних наук ТоЛо Чко П.П., академік НАН України ЧАБА й В.П., член-кореспондент НАН України АРХЕОЛОГІЯ І ДАВНЯ ІСТОРІЯ УКРАї ІНИ Наукова серія з проблем археології та давньої історії
Cimitirul Chervony Mayak este singura necropolă a sciților târzii încă disponibilă pentru cercetă... more Cimitirul Chervony Mayak este singura necropolă a sciților târzii încă disponibilă pentru cercetări sistematice. La săpăturile din 2013, singurul mormânt intact din zona cercetată a fost mormântul nr. 119. În catacombă erau îngropate două femei mai în vârstă. Scheletele erau întinse pe spate, pe direcția nord-vest, pe un pământ de culoare închisă (probabil resturi de pâslă). Bunurile găsite în mormânt (ceramică roşie, fibule, mărgele, produse de îngrijire personală) permit cercetătorilor să dateze mormântul nr. 119 în prima jumătate a secolului al II-lea p. Chr. Printre locuitorii de pe teritoriul actualei Ucraine au fost şi aşa numiți sciți târzii. De la începutul secolului al II-lea a. Chr. și până în mijlocul secolului al III-lea p. Chr, în timpul perioadei romane, aceștia au locuit în sudul Ucrainei și, conform autorului grec Strabon, își numeau țara Sciția Mică (Μικρά Σκυθία). Cei mai apropiaţi vecini ai lor erau sarmații în zona de stepă, bastarnii la nord, geto-dacii la vest și grecii din provinciile pontice (Olbia, Chersonesos, Bosfor) la sud. Sciții târzii au participat activ la evenimentele dramatice de la sfârșitul secolului al II-lea a. Chr., când regii lor Skilouros și Palakos au încercat sa cucerească Chersonesos, care a fost apărat de regele Pontului Mithradates IV Eupator. Aceste evenimente sunt cunoscute datorită faimosului decret în onoarea lui Diophantos găsit la Chersonesos. În afară de lucrările autorilor antici greci și romani, singurele mărturii legate de istoria sciților târzii sunt dovezile arheologice, descoperite în două categorii de locuri – în aşezări fortificate și cimitire, concentrate în trei regiuni ale Ucrainei actuale: de-a lungul ambelor
Books by Elena Dzneladze
На розі двох світів. Історична спадщина України та Литви на території Херсонської області. / С.О. Біляєва, К.С. Гуленко, О.Є. Фіалко, М.М. Ієвлев, О.В. Грабовська, О.В. Манігда, О.В. Чубенко, О.В. Симоненко, О.С. Дзнеладзе, Д.М. Сікоза / Київ – Херсон: Гілея, 2018. – 72 стор., 2018
The monograph publishes the materials of complex investigations of the Southern Medieval Expediti... more The monograph publishes the materials of complex investigations of the Southern Medieval Expedition of the Institute of Archeology of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine of monuments of national significance. There are Tyagin fortress near Tyaginka village (head- doctor of historical sciences S.O. Bilyayevа) and tower of Vytautas near the village Veselе (head- the doctor of historical sciences O. V. Symonenko) of the Beryslav district of the Kherson region. Its emergence and functioning is associated with the activities of the Grand Lithuanian Prince Vytautas in the late XIV – early XV centuries. Excavations have been important discoveries in the study of the history of the Turkic peoples, Ukraine and Lithuania, and the relations between different civilizational centers of the East and West. The research results recognized by the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine as the outstanding scientific discoveries of the year. The work was carried out thanks to the charitable assistance within the framework of the project "Protection of the Historical Heritage of Ukraine and Lithuania on the Territory of Kherson region" funded by the Program of Development Cooperation and Democracy Support of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Lithuania.
Серед численних старожитностей Херсонщини помітне місце посідають городища на дніпровських кручах... more Серед численних старожитностей Херсонщини помітне місце посідають городища на дніпровських кручах та розташовані поряд з ними ґрунтові могильники. Ці археологічні пам'ятки залишені своєрідною людністю, що населяла обидва береги Дніпра від Нікопольського рогу до гирл Дніпровського лиману в сарматський час (ІІ ст. до н. е. -ІІІ ст. н. е.). Через певну подібність із культурою скіфів попереднього часу ця археологічна культура отримала назву пізньоскіфської (Елагина, 1958, с. 53). Її пам'ятки концентруються у трьох регіонах України: на Низовому Дніпрі, у Криму та в пониззях Дністра.
Conference Presentations by Elena Dzneladze
Organized in the context of the research project:
Papers by Elena Dzneladze
«Blusher» for the Dead (the Results of Research of Mineral Artefacts from Zolota Balka Graves)
The results of the studies of mineral artefacts from the graves of the Late Scythian burial ground of Zolota Balka were introduced into scientific circulation. At this site, 87 graves were excavated; in 10 of them mineral artefacts were identified. The latter one is the object of this study, while their significance and role in the funeral rite is the subject.
Analytical studies revealed that the vast majority of the mineral substances of red-orange colour is realgar (arsenic sulfide). It is a toxic substance with a detrimental effect on the organisms. Its deposits in Ukraine are unknown. There is an opinion in the archaeological literature that realgar was placed in burials because of the colour of this mineral. However, a similar colour is inherent in ochre, which is much easier to find in the surroundings. Taking into account the properties of realgar and given the need to deliver it from afar, we consider that it was used as a preservative for better storage of organic remains in the graves and for less reproduction of pathogenic flora within the family crypts, where later the dead would be buried again.
Keywords: Zolota Balka, Late Scythians, mineral substance, realgar.
Sapra, Chuvash, Rot-lake) in the zone planned the construction of wind energy facilities.
Investigated coastal area of the bay southwest of the village Vesnyanka (Genichesk district) and the area around the lake Overyanivsky
(village of Overyanivka, Sivashiv settlement council, Novotroitsk district). As a result of research has been installed GPS coordinates of settlements and funeral objects (barrows).
a dwelling of Wielbark culture (fig. 2), was investigated. The dwelling was dated by stages С2—С3 (230—330 CE) according
to data of its ceramic complex (fig. 3, tab. 1).
An interesting set of finds, carried out due to water flotation of the bottom filling of the object, was obtained. It could be a
part of bead stringing or of another similar adornment. It includes a glass bead, three fish centra with through-holes and two
small pieces of amber (fig. 4). A glass bead is close to type Alekseeva 137 and is dated back to the 2nd—3rd centuries CE. By its
chemical composition (fig. 5, tab. 2) it can be characterized as low-quality product of local origin with the probable color of
dark brown hues. Dating of the bead corresponds with the dating of the object’s ceramic complex (fig. 8).
Fish vertebrae (fig. 6, tab. 3) belonged to the front tail part of the spine (vertebraeprecaudales) of pike (Esox lucius) not
less than 25 cm in length and with weight from 0.4 kg. The perforations could have been made with a thin point (an awl or a
needle). The traces of polishing by soft abrasive were also traced on the surface that could also remain as a result of constant
friction of beads on cloth. Probably the vertebrae played a role of seed beads.
According to the results of IR-spectrometric and optical analyses, the amber could be of a local origin (fig. 7). The data
of complex and context of the finds allow assuming the belonging of the amber fragments formerly to some product (fig. 10).
On the basis of data set it was suggested the local origin of the decoration (fig. 11) and the possibility of its manufacture
directly at the settlement of Khrinnyky 1.
Books by Elena Dzneladze
Conference Presentations by Elena Dzneladze
«Blusher» for the Dead (the Results of Research of Mineral Artefacts from Zolota Balka Graves)
The results of the studies of mineral artefacts from the graves of the Late Scythian burial ground of Zolota Balka were introduced into scientific circulation. At this site, 87 graves were excavated; in 10 of them mineral artefacts were identified. The latter one is the object of this study, while their significance and role in the funeral rite is the subject.
Analytical studies revealed that the vast majority of the mineral substances of red-orange colour is realgar (arsenic sulfide). It is a toxic substance with a detrimental effect on the organisms. Its deposits in Ukraine are unknown. There is an opinion in the archaeological literature that realgar was placed in burials because of the colour of this mineral. However, a similar colour is inherent in ochre, which is much easier to find in the surroundings. Taking into account the properties of realgar and given the need to deliver it from afar, we consider that it was used as a preservative for better storage of organic remains in the graves and for less reproduction of pathogenic flora within the family crypts, where later the dead would be buried again.
Keywords: Zolota Balka, Late Scythians, mineral substance, realgar.
Sapra, Chuvash, Rot-lake) in the zone planned the construction of wind energy facilities.
Investigated coastal area of the bay southwest of the village Vesnyanka (Genichesk district) and the area around the lake Overyanivsky
(village of Overyanivka, Sivashiv settlement council, Novotroitsk district). As a result of research has been installed GPS coordinates of settlements and funeral objects (barrows).
a dwelling of Wielbark culture (fig. 2), was investigated. The dwelling was dated by stages С2—С3 (230—330 CE) according
to data of its ceramic complex (fig. 3, tab. 1).
An interesting set of finds, carried out due to water flotation of the bottom filling of the object, was obtained. It could be a
part of bead stringing or of another similar adornment. It includes a glass bead, three fish centra with through-holes and two
small pieces of amber (fig. 4). A glass bead is close to type Alekseeva 137 and is dated back to the 2nd—3rd centuries CE. By its
chemical composition (fig. 5, tab. 2) it can be characterized as low-quality product of local origin with the probable color of
dark brown hues. Dating of the bead corresponds with the dating of the object’s ceramic complex (fig. 8).
Fish vertebrae (fig. 6, tab. 3) belonged to the front tail part of the spine (vertebraeprecaudales) of pike (Esox lucius) not
less than 25 cm in length and with weight from 0.4 kg. The perforations could have been made with a thin point (an awl or a
needle). The traces of polishing by soft abrasive were also traced on the surface that could also remain as a result of constant
friction of beads on cloth. Probably the vertebrae played a role of seed beads.
According to the results of IR-spectrometric and optical analyses, the amber could be of a local origin (fig. 7). The data
of complex and context of the finds allow assuming the belonging of the amber fragments formerly to some product (fig. 10).
On the basis of data set it was suggested the local origin of the decoration (fig. 11) and the possibility of its manufacture
directly at the settlement of Khrinnyky 1.