keskiviikko 31. maaliskuuta 2010
maanantai 22. maaliskuuta 2010

FOR TODAY March 22, 2010
Outside My Window... the clear blue sky. It cheers me a bit. I'm tired after yesterday, when I was carrying the boxes down- (51 stairs here) and upstairs (36 there). But it continues today...
I am thinking... what shall I pack next?
I am thankful for... the sunshine and the light touch of Fenix tail, when he goes by.
From the kitchen... only few cup of coffee.
I am wearing... dark blue pyjama, with a fox in the moonlight print.
I am creating... almost desperately trying to stitch the next block of the Girl's Day Out quilt. It must be finished till next Wednesday.
I am going... to... I think you already know... move, move and move...
I am reading... Helsingin Sanomat - it's a finnish newspaper. With it I usually enjoy my morning coffee.
I am hoping... more strength!
I am hearing... noice of the cars from the crossing near-by.
Around the house... totally chaos... empty and full boxes everywhere.
One of my favorite things... is coffee, which is cooked in coffee-pot, not in coffee-maker.
A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week: busy week is coming, maybe I have to take a block and blog break...
lauantai 20. maaliskuuta 2010
Don't look IT too close!
What a Friday night it was... I had huge sweatdrops on my forehead!!!

I have posted the first blocks of the Euro Bee to France.
Sylvie was a host in this month and her dream was
a pinwheel quilt with amish style.

You'll find more pinwheel blocks from here.
Have a nice weekend!
I'll go and pack some moving boxes...
perjantai 19. maaliskuuta 2010
Tonight - Friday Night Sew in
I have never tried to needleturn pieces as small as these are. It's to be feared that the finished block will not be a success! HMM..
The pieces seem to be bigger in the picture. But for example the diameter of inner circle of posie is about 1/4". Very Scary!!!
let's spend a nice evening together!
keskiviikko 17. maaliskuuta 2010
JellyRoll Sampler - block 2

Sometimes it's utterly impossible to take a photo
WITHOUT Fenix...
Sorry, poor quality of the photo!
I usually scan my blocks, but these JellyRoll Sampler blocks are too large (12" x 12") for my scanner...
so I have to use the camera
and I'm not good at with it:(
maanantai 15. maaliskuuta 2010
The Simple Woman's Daybook - week 11

FOR TODAY March 15, 2010
Outside My Window... two hours earlier the beautiful sunset. Can you believe no snowing today?
I am thinking... my winterholidays and moving. ONE DAY at work and then...
I am thankful for... the next thirteen days. Hopefully I'll find enough time to relax, because I have no summer vacation in this year:(
From the kitchen... chicken with the caribbean style vegetables and rice. Mmm... spicy and exotic.
I am wearing... tan blouse, velvet trousers (lila) and woolsocks.
I am creating... blocks of the two interesting quilt alongs: the Jelly Roll Sampler and the Pinwheel Party.
I am going... to buy some piece of furniture for the new lodging.
I am reading... catalogue of Ellos. It arrived today.
I am hoping... no more bad luck in this week!
I am hearing... I have hummed one finnish song all day long - called: Jos sä tahdot niin. I think it's lyrics is one of the most beautiful love (?) songs. (You'll find it at myPlaylist. Let's hum together;)
Jos sä tahdot niin (Säv & san: Hector)
Jos sä tahdot niin - olen sulle joku aivan muu.
Jos sä tahdot niin - olen virhe, joita tapahtuu.
Jos sä tahdot niin - tulen jouluksi kotiin.
Jos sä tahdot niin - en enää lähde uusiin sotiin.
Jos sä tahdot niin - jään vahtikoiraksi ovelles
tai painan pääni sun povelles...
Jos sä tahdot niin - et enää koskaan ole levoton.
Jos sä tahdot niin - kaikki minun myöskin sinun on.
Jos sä tahdot niin - otan sinun uskontosi.
Jos sä tahdot niin - on mulle valheesikin tosi.
Jos sä tahdot niin - muutan kirjoille Andorraan.
jos vielä siellä sut nähdä saan...
Sillä ilman sinua hukun öihin sekaviin
ja ilman sinua - no niin;
ilman sinua olen puolitiessä helvettiin...
Jos sä tahdot niin - nimeäsi enää toista en.
Mutt' vaikka tahdot niin - kuvaas mielestäni poista en.
Jos sä tahdot niin - tulen kallioiden läpi.
Jos sä tahdot niin - whatever makes you happy.
Jos sä tahdot niin - tuon sulle Tiibetin vuoteeseen,
tai siirrän pohjoisen luoteeseen.
Ja aina uudelleen ja uudelleen.
sun muistan joskus mua suudelleen...
Mutta ilman rakkautta hukun öihin sekaviin
ja ilman rakkautta - no niin;
ilman rakkautta olemme puolitiessä helvettiin...
Around the house... what's this smell? It's like a tunny. Oh my, where is Fenix? Has he found his goodies?
One of my favorite things... is to watch American Idol -competition. It's exciting to follow how those young singers develop during the weeks.
A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week: I'm going to spend a lot of qualitytime with Fenix;)). He has been so much alone recently. And maybe we have a birthday party on next Saturday;)) Can you guess who has birthday...??
sunnuntai 14. maaliskuuta 2010
Recovering Items
She and Cousin Lula lost even more heavily than mother and I in clothing, for we only sent off our best things but they sent everything except two winter dresses a piece and hardly a change of underclothing, and not an article to begin Summer with. Our underclothing was all of homespun and our stockings home-knit, so we kept them. The silk dresses so carefully treasured during the war are entirely irreplaceable. Aunt Josie and Cousin Lula lost 24 before them. How are we to get clothes? - when even calico is from $25 to $30 a yard -
(quote from Civil War Diary quilt book, written by R. Youngs)

This must be the worst of my CWD blocks - so far. The seamlines are still SO wonky, after sewing them again and again... maybe I'll redo it someday...
Oh, I need some recovering after this... Sunday.
All has gone so wrong from the beginning; first I drove overspeed to the work (got a fine), then one of my teeth cracked more (it's aching), driving back home was unpleasant (because of hard fall of snow) and this unsuccesful block!
A horrible Sunday!!!
two days and then... ;))))
torstai 11. maaliskuuta 2010
Guerrilla Warfare --- one day later

I planned to sew Guerrilla Warfare - block yesterday, but I had only strenght enough to cut the fabrics...
blue is Paula Barnes' Bonnie Blue Basics tan is designed by Jo Morton, I don't know the collection of it white little flowers on white is also unknown range to me
But today was the other day....
In Civil War Diary quilt book this block is with the note written by Emma Florence LeConte Furman. She describes in her note - dated 10 of March, 1864 - her Uncle's conversation with a Yankee officer. I'll continue with Emma's notes on next Sunday.
maanantai 8. maaliskuuta 2010

FOR TODAY March 8, 2010
Outside My Window... dark, the leafless branches of the birch are swaying in the wind.
I am thinking... Euro bee block. I received the very first fabrics today from France, from Sylvie. I have promised to sew one or two pinwheels to her. I'm thrilled!
I am thankful for... at my working place all the greenhouses in which we are growing the roses only in the summertime are now ready for the next spring and summer. Because of that my fingers, wrists and elbows are aching - TOO much cutting work recently.
From the kitchen... In this evening a cup of coffee and snacks. No healthy, but I'm too tired to cook anything...
I am wearing... black / green striped blouse, black pants and grey socks.
I am creating... pinwheel on the black background for Sylvie
I am going... to count days to the winter holidays... starting now 8...
I am reading... instructions of the pinwheel blocks. It's amazing how many different pinwheels I have already found
I am hoping... and waiting SPRING!
I am hearing... silence. Can you hear it?
Around the house... here and there holes on the book-shelves. Some of the books are already in the new house.
One of my favorite things... are roses. Although I'm going to stop working with them - they are always my favorite flowers! Oh my, I'm missing them...
A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week: I won't plan too much this week; the moving takes time and I'll go to work at the next weekend - to cut roses;) But I'll TRY to make two CWD block this week - on Wednesday and on Sunday.

perjantai 5. maaliskuuta 2010
JellyRollSampler Quilt along - block 1
maanantai 1. maaliskuuta 2010

FOR TODAY March 1, 2010
Outside My Window... foggy and gray, even the snow is dirty and gray. But it's slightly melting - few + degrees.
I am thinking... the Olympics and last two weeks. The finnish athletes were not so good as they hoped. The goal for the medals was to get 12, but they received only 1 silver and four bronze.
I am thankful for... that I have made a decision about the new job. I'll take it. Let's see what will happen! I'm going to start there in the middle of the April.
From the kitchen... Chili con carne with taco chips and glass of beer.
I am wearing... black blouse with white retro flowers and black pants.
I am creating... the birthday card.
I am going... to cut the pieces of the block #1 Jelly Roll Sampler Quilt Along. I'm late, because I totally forget that the first block is released today. So I won't be in draw tomorrow:( By the way my Jelly roll is Dandelion girl from Moda.
I am reading... Tule takaisin, pikku nalle (Come back, tiny teddy bear). It's a children's book written by Tuula Kallioniemi. I heard it once at the radio. It was so funny and touching story that I wanted to read it too.
I am hoping... that I have made the right decisions recently.
I am hearing... the noise of the computer and Fenix's breathing. He is sleeping on the keyboard table. The keyboard is on my lap...
Around the house... silent. I'm nearly falling asleep too.
One of my favorite things... quilts with appliques. You'll find gorgeous applique projects here. Janet is really talented appliquer. I'm a permanent reader of her fabulous blog.
A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week: Deliver the first boxes of the books to the new lodging. Sew some blocks;) Finish the first block of the Le jardin