“Be a Light unto this world; a source of wisdom and inspiration. Use your presence to bring joy to those around you. And let your life be proof that good people do exist. ” ~ Luminita D. Saviuc
Be a Light
You can be a light in this world. You can bring hope to the hopeless and love to the unloved; peace to those who are tormented and love to those who feel all alone. You can be a source of inspiration for those who believe that good people no longer exist…
15 Ways to Be a Light in a Too Often Dim World
1. Be a light in this world and live gladly.
Seek to live each day in joy, peace, love, and harmony.
Do all things from a place of honest love. And let your light and presence be a gift to the whole world.
2. Be a gift unto others.
Shine your light on everyone you come in contact with. And let your love transform the world.
3. Help those who are in need of help.
Be there for those who feel lost, lonely, abandoned, unloved, and unworthy.
Offer them your love, time, guidance, help, and support. And help them realize that they are not alone.
4. Be a voice for those who believe they no longer have a voice.

Be the voice of those who have lost the courage to speak up for themselves. Address the things that trouble so many souls. And let your courage bring back their own voice.
5. Do no harm.
No matter how many horrible things others might say or do, and no matter how hard they might try to provoke you, to go down at their level, to swim in the same sea of darkness that they are swimming, please don’t!
“Give evil nothing to oppose and it will disappear by itself.” ~ Lao Tzu.
Rise above the darkness and choose to dwell in the Light. Be a light.
6. Speak no evil.
All minds are joined. All souls are connected. Therefore, what we say about a person – even if we say it in secret, it will be felt, and known – by the Truth of who they are, and by the Truth of who we all are.
Speak no evil. Do no harm.
Talk only about that which is loving, good, and kind. And if you can’t do that at the moment, just sit in silence.
7. Be a light in this world and judge no one.
Since you cannot truly understand why certain things are the way they are and why some people behave in ways that are dark and painful, it is wise to refrain from negative comments, judgments, and harsh criticism.
Goodness isn’t always good. And darkness isn’t always dark.
Focus on your own journey. Do your best to learn your own lessons. And trust others to do the same.
8. Give focus only to that which is life-giving.
There are no idle thoughts. With every thought, we think and every word we speak, we give life to that which we focus on.
If we focus on that which is undesirable, painful, and negative, that is exactly what we will call upon ourselves.
However, if we focus on the things we love and want to experience in our lives, that’s exactly what we will draw upon ourselves.
“Concentrate all your thoughts upon the work at hand. The sun’s rays do not burn until brought to a focus.” ~ Alexander Graham Bell
9. Pray with all your heart.
Spend at least 5 minutes each day in communion with your own Soul. Ask to be guided on the right path for you.
Pray for wisdom, courage, clarity, and compassion.
Pray for humility, truth, and honest love.
Pray for your peace and the peace of all mankind.
Pray for your own healing, and the healing of the world.
Pray with all your heart to know your Self, to love your Self, and to honor your Self.
Pray for all those things that can bring you peace, love, joy, and happiness. And believe that it is already done.
“Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.” ~ Mark 11:24
10. Be a light in this world and honor your temple.
Your body is the temple in which your soul resides. Honor your temple, and your temple will honor you.
“Our body is like armor, our souls like the warrior. Take care of both, and you will be ready for what comes.” – St. Amma Sycletice
11. Nurture your Soul.

“Nourish the soul, otherwise you will breed dragons and devils in your heart.” ~ Carl G. Jung
Your Soul is the essence of your Being, the Truth of who you are. It is the bridge between you and the Source of all Life. Between you and all human beings.
When you nurture your Soul, you nurture life. And when you nurture life, you nurture the whole world.
12. Find your Sacred Center.
There is a place within your heart that is pure and free from any pain and darkness. Free from hatred, fear, anguish, loneliness, and free from any feelings of unworthiness.
Seek to find that Sacred Place.
13. Be a light in this dark world and laugh a lot.
Laugh as much as you possibly can and as often as you possibly can.
Let your laughter awaken the hearts of all those men and women who have lost their way and who have forgotten the sweet taste of joy, of hope, and of love.
Know that there is great power in laughter. When you laugh, you turn your back to a world of pain and step into a new world of faith, beauty, love, joy, and happiness…
14. Dance through life.
To dance is to celebrate the gift of life and the beauty of who we all are. To dance is to come back to life.
“Dance, when you’re broken open. Dance, if you’ve torn the bandage off. Dance in the middle of the fighting. Dance in your blood. Dance when you’re perfectly free.” ~ Rumi
15. Do all things in the name of Love.
Whatever you say and do, do it all in the name of Love.
Do it all for the good of your own Heart and Soul.
Do it all for the benefit of all mankind.
Do it all for the Love of Love...
And this is how you can be a Light in a too often dim world…
I hope these words will inspire you to open your heart and share your light and love, not only with the people close to you but also with the whole world.
~love, Luminita💫
What about you? What is the one thing you can do today to be a Light onto this world? You can share your comment below 🙂
Luminita D. Saviuc
Luminita is the Founder and Editor in Chief of PurposeFairy.com and also the author of 15 Things You Should Give Up to Be Happy: An Inspiring Guide to Discovering Effortless Joy. For more details check out the 15 Things You Should Give Up To Be Happy Book Page.
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