Showing posts with label horror. Show all posts
Showing posts with label horror. Show all posts

Saturday, January 11, 2025

Trailer: Oddity

My highest recommendation for this gem currently streaming on Shudder.  Oddity is everything I needed a modern horror movie to be.  We watched it last night and it was delightfully terrifying. 

Click below for the trailer (thankfully, it doesn't give away the entire film)... 

Friday, December 27, 2024

Trailer: The Damned

Click below...

Wednesday, December 4, 2024

And Scary Ghost Stories

To Fire You Come At Last - a 46-minute ghost story currently streaming on Shudder.  We watched this tonight and it was a perfect horror film, beautifully shot and brilliantly acted.  I hung onto every minute of it, wondering how it would end.  And unlike so many horror films these days, it didn't disappoint.

Apparently, Shudder is releasing one of these each December as part of their The Haunted Season series (would have been better to release more than one, but I'll take what I can get).

Click below for the trailer...
And click here for the amazing opening title sequence.

Thursday, September 26, 2024

The Living Dead Museum

After taking some photos of the zombie on the outside of the Monroeville Mall, we ventured inside to The Living Dead Museum.  Walking through the same spaces where Dawn of the Dead was shot was a very neat experience.  I tried to imagine Romero filming in those giant empty spaces.  And tried to picture motorcycles driving through there at some point back in 1977-78.  And of course - the zombies.

The museum is at the far end of the mall, right above Romero Square.  Tickets were reasonably priced and the items within were fantastic.  Loads of historical facts and artifacts relating to Romero's films, and other zombie-centric movies.  And a wall of autographs (and bloody handprints from their signers) - the Maul of Fame.

If you're ever in Pittsburgh, this museum is definitely worth the trip.  

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Final Girl Blog

Looking forward to seeing what the Halloween season brings for this blog from the golden age of blogging.

Click below for the always-funny Final Girl blog.

Saturday, August 17, 2024

Now Playing: Halloween 3 Test Room A

This is really fantastic.

Click below for some wonderful horror ambience...

Thursday, August 15, 2024

Saturday, August 10, 2024

Basket Case

You haven't truly SEEN Basket Case until you've seen it in a dark theater with a bunch of horror fans.  Truthfully, I never thought I would watch this one again.  It was one of the first horror films I rented as a kid.  Some friends and I went into the video store looking for a truly scary and blood-soaked nightmare-inducing film.  What we got was something so odd and campy, but shot surprisingly well (I didn't realize that fact at the time).  But the concept stuck with me for decades.

We had so much fun laughing and groaning at this one last night.  The applause at the end of the film lasted a long while.  As it should have.  A newfound appreciation for sure.  

Turns out this film was chosen by the Museum of Modern Art to be restored and preserved.  The director's comment regarding this fact is pretty great:
Hey, Basket Case fans. I’m both humbled and proud to announce that Basket Case is now part of the permanent film collection of the Museum of Modern Art. (And, yes, I asked them if they actually watched the film and they assured me they did.) It’s quite an honor and one that I’m still trying to wrap my head around.

Click below for a trailer...

Sunday, August 4, 2024

Children Shouldn't Play With Dead Things

My mother's mother was a cool lady.  She passed away when I was about eight, but she was perfectly placed in those formative years to introduce me to the joys of everything spooky.  She would visit on some Saturday mornings, with her pack of cigarettes and dressed like someone who was in a rockabilly band.  She'd bring us cool toys like rubber skeletons or a neat blood-dripping candle skull.  She'd also let us watch horror films.  Creature Double Feature to be exact.  Those days were glorious.  She was someone who was the opposite of my parents.  Someone who seemed to realize that a lot of life was silly and shouldn't be taken too seriously.

On one of those Saturdays, we watched a horror film with a strange long name (written and directed by the man who brought us Black Christmas and A Christmas Story - Bob Clark)I recall the film scaring us at the time, as it was made in 1972 and was low budget... so by default it had a grimy feel to it.  Shot entirely at night, it felt extremely claustrophobic.  And due to a surprisingly solid script and a very interesting story, it made the notion of people in a cemetery invoking a Satanic spell to raise the dead quite believable.  

A local theater was showing this gem of a film on Friday night, and we went.  I hadn't seen it since that one time as a boy, so I had convinced myself it would be one of those so-bad-it's-good horror movies.  Turns out, it's even more enjoyable and interesting now that I'm intensely old and have seen a lifetime of zombie films.  There was a believable sense of dread due to the intelligent way the story was allowed to unfold.  A tension was created at the start of the film between the characters that felt incredibly real.  A group of actors (fearing job loss if they don't follow their theatre group's cruel director) agree to rob a grave and take part in his necromantic ritual.  It was the perfect setting for a zombie tale.  And, to date, I have never seen, nor probably will ever see, a Satanic spell that was so perfectly written and believable.  It felt totally real.

It's Saturday morning here, and if you click below, you can watch the entire film.  My grandmother would take smoke breaks throughout a movie, and she'd go into my parents' kitchen, open a window, and sit in the chair closest to it.  She wasn't allowed to smoke in the house, so this was her version of obeying the rule, blowing most of the smoke out into the back yard, with a smirk on her face.  

Here's to one of the giants from my past.

Click below...

Sunday, July 14, 2024

Blobfest 2024

Saturday was our second time attending the annual celebration of that hungry red monster from outer space - the Blob.  Phoenixville's Blobfest is essentially an open-air horror convention honoring that time back in 1958 when portions of the The Blob were filmed at the Colonial theater.  The event is a love letter to the film.  The color red is everywhere.  Restaurants and stores are decorated in red balloons, banners, and crepe.  Vendors fill the streets selling spooky merchandise and artwork. 

Each year the Colonial theater plays the original movie (and other classic horror films), and even hosts a "Run Out" where patrons are encouraged to reenact a pivotal moment in the film when the blob attacks the theater.  Folks go running out into the street, screaming and laughing.  

This year, instead of the original, we chose to watch the 1988 remake.  

This was a formative movie for me back in the day, as the practical effects are still some of the best (and most brutal) in the business.  

The theater was packed, and the mood was light and excited.  We all laughed and groaned and cheered as the movie unfolded in the very theater that started this wonderful tradition.  

We had a fantastic time... got to try some Blob jello shots, purchased a tiny ceramic Blob, had a great meal and cocktails at a local restaurant, and got to photograph an amazing cosplayer decked out as one of the members of the biological containment team featured in the film.  There was a costume contest earlier in the day and I'm really hoping this guy took first place.

The restaurant was playing The Blob...

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Zacherley's Vulture Stew

Firft, get a head. Fimmer thoroughly in broth for three dayf, to which muft be added juice of deadly mufhroom (ufe feveral), a handful of mandrake rootf dug at full moon, alfo deadly nightfhade a goodlie quantity, three toadf and a black widow fpider. Now add your vulturef (at leaft two they are meagre birdf though ftrong in flavor). Be careful that they are firmly tied or they will flop out of the pot and caufe a great commotion. Three hourf before midnight of the fifth day, remove the vulturef from the broth, ftuff well with henbane and fet afide. Now fift the brew of featherf (fifting if eafier than plucking and befidef fome monfterf are ticklifh) and combine brew and ftuffed birdf for another three hourf. On the ftroke of midnight, ferve your fupper with a garnifh of fried locuftf, followed by blood pudding for deffert.

Monday, June 24, 2024

Thursday, June 20, 2024

Revisiting The Autopsy Of Jane Doe (2016)

Here's a film you don't often see on people's top ten lists.  We watched it recently and it still holds up.  It's suspenseful and genuinely scary, with a really interesting story.

Click below for the trailer (though it gives a lot away)...

Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Trailer: Longlegs

The official trailer below...

Sunday, May 12, 2024

Trailer: Psycho III

One of my favorite horror films.  Beautifully directed by Anthony Perkins himself.  

And always perfect for Mother's Day.

The fan trailer below captures the feel of the film if you haven't seen it.

Monday, April 29, 2024

Final Girl Blog

Remember blogs?

Those wonderful online depositories where you could find someone's rantings about all of their favorite things... so different than contemporary social media.  A place to actually READ content, on your own time.  At your own pace.  

One of the giants was Stacie Ponder's Final Girl blog - hilarious musings and terrific film reviews.  
And she's still posting new entries.

Click below for some old-school blogging...