Saturday, October 22, 2011


Image by sp_clarke.


Colleen said...

That's pretty amazing actually. It's a great thing there are so many people on this rock.. Because we get all these great ideas that get made, like seed pods with friggin' glass eyes popped into them. It's so creepy and yet so cool... Awesome. Thanks for sharing! ;)

James Colton said...

It's almost cute.

MrsBitchface said...

love the picture!!


Autumnleaf said...


[email protected] said...

Drool! Gorgeously macabre - where do you find this amazing stuff?

Anonymous said...

Love it! Awesome work per usual!


Beautifully photographed, and so creepy. Rot, I miss hearing about the misadventures of the Scarecrow Contest, and your collection of Honorable Mention awards. I miss seeing your entry among all the boring safe scarecrows. There had to be many people who attended each year just to see your entry. If I lived back east, I would definitely be one of those people.

Frankenrock said...

Whoa! Its like the fortune cookie scene in It. Awesome!

Mr Black said...

I love this,I would love to see a video version where the eye looks around watching people walk by.

K.O. said...

Great shot--very startling and unsettling.