Ok...I've been gone for almost a year... Having trouble figuring out where to start....how about you starting by asking questions? That should help guide me into where to start. Paige already asked how the pugs are doing... So here is a lil update on.....
Willow.. She just turned 5 in october. She is still the most laid back pug here. She is the Mother of all 3 she seems to be the one to be the most patient she loves to be down in the barn helping with the horse chores.
Belle...she is still the plus sized pug in the house, she is so chubby she is not very nice during feeding time..she will sit and watch the others eat when they are done she will bark and snarl at them and attack if the even Look at her food bowl! So she has to eat in another room by herself..
OMT...will be 15 in Feb. He has completely lost his sight. I'm looking for a dog halo for him to protect his face, he runs into everything and when he jumps off the couch he bangs his face on the sofa table, or runs into the vaccum or anything that's in his path. Other than that he seems happy and still runs around with the others out side in the pug yard.
Coal.... He will be 3 in December ...He is still called Monkey here, he is the most cuddly,loving pug, all he wants is to be loved, patted and strives attention...coal got pretty sick a few months ago..he had a stomach blockage and needed surgery spent a few days at the vet..he is much better and made a full recovery.
We lost our cat Alex back this past summer, he was 15, Tori,Whitney and I were with him as she was put to rest. Such a hard moment that was for us..
So ask away...I'll answer any questions you throw at me!