Wednesday, November 17, 2010

whitney is growing up

Remember Lill Whitbit? when I started Blogging she was 6-7 years old...and a thumb sucker

Today she is.... a Happy 12 year old who is in the 7th Grade !!!!
Whitney has been very active at the barn still and now is showing a Saddlebred. she is an amazing rider who has blown her trainers away with her talent.

we are busy from May - October traveling to shows almost every other weekend. which is alot of traveling but so worth the miles.
whitney has her room bordered with lots of ribbons but her very last show of the season this lil Girl took home Reserve she is above riding Nikki ( show name Nic Nac Caramac) on her victory run with her champion ribbons. Whitney has worked so hard in her showing which requires daily training she has proven herself and now was asked to go to World Champs in Louisville KY which is a week long show in August. she is now doing fundraising and working at the barn and for her Grandparents business to help save for her Kentucky fund. she needs to know that these shows are not cheap and she needs to do her part.
Here is whitney here at home with our Horse Bull run...he isnt savvy enough for Kentucky but he is a great friend to have at home to hop on and get a ride fix on :)

there alot of videos of whitney riding ill post a few here and there... but here is one of Her Trainer TJ and her on a Horse we have been thinking about buying for her for Kentucky.. here is Whitney and TJ riding on Spranza. whitney is at the tail end of the video but here is a quick sample of her trying out Spranza...

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Tori...not so little anymore....

Rememer Lil Tori??? Here is Tori and Sandy in Charlotte North Carolina during the first Bloggy Meetup.....
Here is Tori wearing the dress Sandy sent her from Florida a few years ago.....

ready to see Tori today?

Tori is now 17...driving...and can you believe she is graduating this June from Highschool?? she starts at a tech collage here in town for phlebotomy. she wants to go into Law enforcement but can stat police academy until she is 20 so she will use her Phlebotomy skills for a few years until she can become a police officer.

she is active in a neighboring town's police department and will train for dispatching soon but for now she does ride alongs with officers and gets a feel of traffic stops, accidents, domestics, and more... she is anxious to become an officer someday.

but for now she will seek the medical field and go to school for phlebotomy..
Hard to believe she was just 11-12 years old when I started Blogging and here she is a senior in Highschool. she keeps me on my feet she is a teenage and she sure is caught up into all the teen age drama. she has has the same boyfriend for 3 years now. she is a cashier at a local grocery store. she grew up way to fast.... and not to mention we just got her report card and she made Highest honors...yep she got straight A's!

stay tuned for a Whitney update next :)

Monday, November 15, 2010

So glad to be back!

Ok...I've been gone for almost a year... Having trouble figuring out where to about you starting by asking questions? That should help guide me into where to start. Paige already asked how the pugs are doing... So here is a lil update on.....

Willow.. She just turned 5 in october. She is still the most laid back pug here. She is the Mother of all 3 she seems to be the one to be the most patient she loves to be down in the barn helping with the horse chores.
Belle...she is still the plus sized pug in the house, she is so chubby she is not very nice during feeding time..she will sit and watch the others eat when they are done she will bark and snarl at them and attack if the even Look at her food bowl! So she has to eat in another room by herself..
OMT...will be 15 in Feb. He has completely lost his sight. I'm looking for a dog halo for him to protect his face, he runs into everything and when he jumps off the couch he bangs his face on the sofa table, or runs into the vaccum or anything that's in his path. Other than that he seems happy and still runs around with the others out side in the pug yard.
Coal.... He will be 3 in December ...He is still called Monkey here, he is the most cuddly,loving pug, all he wants is to be loved, patted and strives attention...coal got pretty sick a few months ago..he had a stomach blockage and needed surgery spent a few days at the vet..he is much better and made a full recovery.

We lost our cat Alex back this past summer, he was 15, Tori,Whitney and I were with him as she was put to rest. Such a hard moment that was for us..

So ask away...I'll answer any questions you throw at me!

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Long time it's been 10 months....

It's been far to long...I feel out of the loop here in blogger land...facebook somehow got the best of me but I've been missing all my fellow blog friends....I'd like to catch up so much has changed and so much to share.... Any of You miss the pugposse? Want us back? Willow,Belle,Coal and Omt and I sure miss you all! I'm off to catch up on my fellow bloggers now..I'll be back !

Tuesday, February 02, 2010

love this place!

cant wait to come back! we had a great time visiting with my best friend and family..hope to fly back in April. a week just was not long enough...the weather was amazing...anywhere from low 70's to high 80s'
we went to Silver springs for an afternoon, Whitney was hoping to spot an alligator or 2

we set up a few Ranch tours for Whitney, there was one right behind where we were staying where they offered Whitney to come back to ride. here she is on "Bud" the only thing about this place I wasn't cool with is they don't wear riding helmets! I went to a consignment tack shop to get her one but they were closed. she did ok with out it..she even told me she felt uneasy with out wearing one.

During our stay...I got Night duty with Baby Aiden...I wanted to give my friend Cammy a break from Motherhood...I loved the midnight feedings and diaper changing.

Man I miss my lil man!

more to come....just to tired to post

Thursday, January 21, 2010


we are off to Florida for a week tomorrow morning...we are going to the OCALA area ( where I went last month) I fell in love with that is Horse capital! We have a a few Horse ranch tours set up for Whitney to enjoy..( her passion is horseback riding and showing) we have a few other day trips planned also... we are staying with my friend Cammy and her Husband and newborn baby( remember my post of Baby Aiden? when I went down for the arrival of him coming into the world?) that's who we are staying with... Belle is a little down and out tonight...she isn't too sure what to think of all the luggage near the front door.... and why Coal and OMT were hauled away in the car and we not with me when I returned....
Coal had to be a Brave Boy and go to the vet for Boarding while we are away on vacation. He is still on alot of medication from his intestinal illness 2 weeks ago, so having him stay at the vet he will get all his meds and the care he needs while we are away...

OMT is also joining his Brother Coal, OMT is on more medication than you can imagine...this poor Old man needs alot of TLC . He needs to be at the vet while we are gone also...he is old and frail ( he will be 15 on Feb 19th!) So he and Coal are sharing a run at the vet and can keep each other company all week by sleeping side by side and enjoy a good hardy Breakfast and dinner together...even get Potty walks together....they are the best of friends....

willow and Belle saying their good byes to Coalie-Boy

I had to wake OMT up for our trip to the vet. he sleeps a good 22 hours out of the day...he usually only wakes up to eat and I have to wake him to go potty...sometimes he will sleep right through potty time.. he is such a sweet old man. when we got to the vet tonight to drop him off he fell asleep while the tech was going over his routine and medications....

willow and Belle are missing their Brothers...but they will have alot of fun with their Papa and their Maltese schnauzer Cousin Kramer during the week... and Tori, Tori, sadly when we decided to go to Florida Tori did want to go due to not wanting to miss school and work, she also had plans to fly out to Florida next month with a friend to visit her Uncle but that plan fell anyway Tori will be staying with her Grandparents while we are away and get out of school at 11:30 each day so she will be home all day until she goes to work at 3 so willow and Belle will have their Human sister during the day and their Papa in the Morning for Breakfast and then again in the evening for Dinner and Play time with their fur cousin Kramer....
I wont be bringing my lap top so Ill be back next week with pictures and updates!