Marcia Chemin
Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Paraná, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Teologia, Aluna no Doutorado em Teologia, área de concentração ético-social, ênfase em Bioética
Doutora em Teologia, área de concentração ético-social.
Mestre em Bioética.
Pesquisa temas ligados aos cuidados no final da vida.
Mestre em Bioética.
Pesquisa temas ligados aos cuidados no final da vida.
Papers by Marcia Chemin
Desafios se apresentam à Teologia na esteira do desenvolvimento tecnológico, em especial, devido às consequências que levam o ser humano mesmo gravemente doente a viver por mais tempo. A longevidade em si, também aumentada pelos efeitos do desenvolvimento das ciências médicas, traz à cena cotidiana cada vez mais idosos com doenças crônico-degenerativas. Todos, a seu modo, apresentarão quadro de doença crônica, que se estenderá por anos, e, muito provavelmente, ao entrarem em fase final de doença, serão pacientes elegíveis aos Cuidados Paliativos. A morte não se dará em um instante inesperado, ao contrário, será esperada e prevista. A vida que se alonga apresenta uma nova realidade: experiências humanas que não existiam no passado. Assim, uma nova reflexão teológica surge provocada pela realidade experimentada. A questão está posta à Teologia, pois implica o ser humano, sua espiritualidade e sua busca por sentido de viver. O cuidado humanizado e integral que respeite o protagonismo do paciente é preocupação da Bioética no auxílio à prática do cuidado médico. A partir de breve revisão bibliográfica, observou-se que há confusão entre conceitos determinantes como religião e espiritualidade, e que há necessidade de formar assistentes espirituais para atuarem no cuidado aos enfermos como facilitadores de tratamento.
Palavras-chave: Assistência espiritual. Cuidados Paliativos. Bioética. Teologia.
Challenges present themselves to Theology in the wake of technological development, especially due to the consequences that lead the seriously ill human being to live longer. Longevity itself, also augmented by the effects of the development of medical sciences, brings to the everyday scene more and more elderly people with chronic-degenerative diseases. All in their own way will present chronic disease that will last for years and, most likely, when entering the fi nal stage of illness will be patients in Palliative Care. Death will not occur in an unexpected instant, on the contrary, it will be expected and anticipated. The life that stretches presents a new reality: human experiences that did not exist in the past. Thus, a new theological reflection arises provoked by the reality experienced. The question is posed to Theology, since it implies the human being, his spirituality and his search for a sense of living. The humanized and integral care that respects the protagonism of the patient is a concern of Bioethics in helping the practice of medical care. From a brief bibliographic review it was observed that there is confusion between determinant concepts such as religion and spirituality and that there is a need to train spiritual assistants to act in the care of the sick as treatment facilitators.
Keywords: Spiritual Care. Palliative Care. Bioethics. Theology.
Palavras-chave: Bioética. Eugenia (ciência). Pessoas com deficiência.
Emigração e imigração.
Resumen: Personas con discapacidad: la eugenesia en la inmigración de principios del siglo XX Frecuentemente, las ideas eugenésicas resurgen poniendo en cuestión la aceptación de lo diferente. Travestidas de "mejoramiento", hoy retornan bajo la promesa de perfeccionamiento genético. En este contexto, es necesario resaltar los derechos de la persona con discapacidad, pues, aunque aparentemente ya no representan un "pro-blema" para la sociedad, el prejuicio y la discriminación permanecen. A partir del relato de un grupo familiar de inmigrantes portugueses que enfrentó dificultades para entrar en Brasil, debido a una hija con deficiencia visual, este artículo traza un panorama histórico de las ideas eugenésicas hasta los días actuales. Finalmente, se reafirma la importancia de constatar y combatir el eugenismo a partir de la reflexión ética.
Palabras clave: Bioética. Eugenesia. Personas con discapacidad. Emigración e inmigración.
Abstract: People with disabilities: eugenics in the early 20th century immigration Eugenic ideas reemerge intermittently, calling into question the acceptance of the different. Now, the term returns, this time disguised as genetic "improvement". In this context, it is necessary to highlight the rights of people with disabilities because, although they no longer seem to constitute a "problem" to society, prejudice and discrimination still remain. From the report of a family of Portuguese immigrants who faced difficulties to be granted permission to enter Brazil because one of the children had visual impairment, this paper outlines a historical overview of eugenic ideas to this date. Finally, the importance of identifying and combating eugenics through an ethical reflection is reaffirmed.
Keywords: Bioethics. Eugenics. Disabled persons. Emigration and immigration.
Palavras-chave: Pesquisa Clínica. Ética. Fases da pesquisa. Órgãos reguladores. Uso de animais em pesquisa. Pesquisa em seres humanos.
Abstract This goal of this literature review article is to discuss the ethical and bioethical alternatives in clinical research, showing their historical in the world and in Brazil, the development of drugs and agencies involved in its regulation and adoption. It also addresses, conflicts of interest in research, clinical trials, medical publications, the use of animals in research and research in humans. To rescue seriousness of clinical research, based on ethical and bioethical principles is a pressing need for the promotion of good health of human being to the maintenance of life.
Keywords: Clinical Research. Ethics. Phases of the research. Regulatory agencies. Use of animals in research. Research in humans.
Palavras-chave: Autonomia. Testamento vital. Diretivas antecipadas de vontade. Bioética. Teologia.
Abstract: In order to respect the autonomy of the sick person, so that their terminality may occur in a more humane, dignifi ed and respectful manner, a means arises on which one can count. Recently The Federal Council of Medicine has edited the resolution 1995/2012 which provides for the Advance Directives Will, which shows noted concern with the quality of life of the sick person affl icted with a disease in the terminal stage. This article aims to clarify the difference or not between Advance Directives Will and Living Will, making a historical review about the document, and at the same time showing its relevance.
Keywords: Autonomy. Living Will. Advance Directives Will. Bioethics. Theology.
Desafios se apresentam à Teologia na esteira do desenvolvimento tecnológico, em especial, devido às consequências que levam o ser humano mesmo gravemente doente a viver por mais tempo. A longevidade em si, também aumentada pelos efeitos do desenvolvimento das ciências médicas, traz à cena cotidiana cada vez mais idosos com doenças crônico-degenerativas. Todos, a seu modo, apresentarão quadro de doença crônica, que se estenderá por anos, e, muito provavelmente, ao entrarem em fase final de doença, serão pacientes elegíveis aos Cuidados Paliativos. A morte não se dará em um instante inesperado, ao contrário, será esperada e prevista. A vida que se alonga apresenta uma nova realidade: experiências humanas que não existiam no passado. Assim, uma nova reflexão teológica surge provocada pela realidade experimentada. A questão está posta à Teologia, pois implica o ser humano, sua espiritualidade e sua busca por sentido de viver. O cuidado humanizado e integral que respeite o protagonismo do paciente é preocupação da Bioética no auxílio à prática do cuidado médico. A partir de breve revisão bibliográfica, observou-se que há confusão entre conceitos determinantes como religião e espiritualidade, e que há necessidade de formar assistentes espirituais para atuarem no cuidado aos enfermos como facilitadores de tratamento.
Palavras-chave: Assistência espiritual. Cuidados Paliativos. Bioética. Teologia.
Challenges present themselves to Theology in the wake of technological development, especially due to the consequences that lead the seriously ill human being to live longer. Longevity itself, also augmented by the effects of the development of medical sciences, brings to the everyday scene more and more elderly people with chronic-degenerative diseases. All in their own way will present chronic disease that will last for years and, most likely, when entering the fi nal stage of illness will be patients in Palliative Care. Death will not occur in an unexpected instant, on the contrary, it will be expected and anticipated. The life that stretches presents a new reality: human experiences that did not exist in the past. Thus, a new theological reflection arises provoked by the reality experienced. The question is posed to Theology, since it implies the human being, his spirituality and his search for a sense of living. The humanized and integral care that respects the protagonism of the patient is a concern of Bioethics in helping the practice of medical care. From a brief bibliographic review it was observed that there is confusion between determinant concepts such as religion and spirituality and that there is a need to train spiritual assistants to act in the care of the sick as treatment facilitators.
Keywords: Spiritual Care. Palliative Care. Bioethics. Theology.
Palavras-chave: Bioética. Eugenia (ciência). Pessoas com deficiência.
Emigração e imigração.
Resumen: Personas con discapacidad: la eugenesia en la inmigración de principios del siglo XX Frecuentemente, las ideas eugenésicas resurgen poniendo en cuestión la aceptación de lo diferente. Travestidas de "mejoramiento", hoy retornan bajo la promesa de perfeccionamiento genético. En este contexto, es necesario resaltar los derechos de la persona con discapacidad, pues, aunque aparentemente ya no representan un "pro-blema" para la sociedad, el prejuicio y la discriminación permanecen. A partir del relato de un grupo familiar de inmigrantes portugueses que enfrentó dificultades para entrar en Brasil, debido a una hija con deficiencia visual, este artículo traza un panorama histórico de las ideas eugenésicas hasta los días actuales. Finalmente, se reafirma la importancia de constatar y combatir el eugenismo a partir de la reflexión ética.
Palabras clave: Bioética. Eugenesia. Personas con discapacidad. Emigración e inmigración.
Abstract: People with disabilities: eugenics in the early 20th century immigration Eugenic ideas reemerge intermittently, calling into question the acceptance of the different. Now, the term returns, this time disguised as genetic "improvement". In this context, it is necessary to highlight the rights of people with disabilities because, although they no longer seem to constitute a "problem" to society, prejudice and discrimination still remain. From the report of a family of Portuguese immigrants who faced difficulties to be granted permission to enter Brazil because one of the children had visual impairment, this paper outlines a historical overview of eugenic ideas to this date. Finally, the importance of identifying and combating eugenics through an ethical reflection is reaffirmed.
Keywords: Bioethics. Eugenics. Disabled persons. Emigration and immigration.
Palavras-chave: Pesquisa Clínica. Ética. Fases da pesquisa. Órgãos reguladores. Uso de animais em pesquisa. Pesquisa em seres humanos.
Abstract This goal of this literature review article is to discuss the ethical and bioethical alternatives in clinical research, showing their historical in the world and in Brazil, the development of drugs and agencies involved in its regulation and adoption. It also addresses, conflicts of interest in research, clinical trials, medical publications, the use of animals in research and research in humans. To rescue seriousness of clinical research, based on ethical and bioethical principles is a pressing need for the promotion of good health of human being to the maintenance of life.
Keywords: Clinical Research. Ethics. Phases of the research. Regulatory agencies. Use of animals in research. Research in humans.
Palavras-chave: Autonomia. Testamento vital. Diretivas antecipadas de vontade. Bioética. Teologia.
Abstract: In order to respect the autonomy of the sick person, so that their terminality may occur in a more humane, dignifi ed and respectful manner, a means arises on which one can count. Recently The Federal Council of Medicine has edited the resolution 1995/2012 which provides for the Advance Directives Will, which shows noted concern with the quality of life of the sick person affl icted with a disease in the terminal stage. This article aims to clarify the difference or not between Advance Directives Will and Living Will, making a historical review about the document, and at the same time showing its relevance.
Keywords: Autonomy. Living Will. Advance Directives Will. Bioethics. Theology.