The theme of this article arises from Reformed theology, namely, how did authoritative Christian ... more The theme of this article arises from Reformed theology, namely, how did authoritative Christian authors of the second to the fifth centuries AD think about salvation by Christ’s substitutionary and atoning death? How do their views relate to the ‘Christus Victor’ theology that is sometimes propagated nowadays as a more biblical alternative to the traditional Reformed soteriology, and which is considered the dominant approach in the ancient church? Can traces of Christ giving ‘satisfaction’ for God’s offended honor or for his wrath against sin be found in the first centuries? Did any church fathers hold that Christ vicariously bore God’s punishment for the sins of humankind? What was meant by the ransom that Christ had to pay, and to whom did he pay it: to God or to the devil, or were these considered invidious alternatives? This article demonstrates that in their interpretations of biblical texts, the church fathers did indeed address most of these questions. However, a continuous debate on such questions remained, so that the church of those centuries did not create a standard doctrine about the rationale of salvation by Christ, which testifies to varied understandings of it.
Revue d'histoire et de philosophie religieuses, 2002
Roukema Riemer. Cardinal Henri de Lubac, Histoire et Esprit. L’intelligence de l’Écriture d’après... more Roukema Riemer. Cardinal Henri de Lubac, Histoire et Esprit. L’intelligence de l’Écriture d’après Origène, Paris, Les Éditions du Cerf, 2002 (Œuvres complètes 16). In: Revue d'histoire et de philosophie religieuses, 82e année n°4, Octobre-Décembre 2002. pp. 463-464
Revue d'histoire et de philosophie religieuses, 2002
Roukema Riemer. Thomas Gerhard Ring, Die « unvergebbare » Sünde wider den Heiligen Geist in Mt 12... more Roukema Riemer. Thomas Gerhard Ring, Die « unvergebbare » Sünde wider den Heiligen Geist in Mt 12,31f nach der Deutung des hl. Augustinus, Würzburg, Augustinus-Verlag, 2000 (Cassiciacum 48). In: Revue d'histoire et de philosophie religieuses, 82e année n°4, Octobre-Décembre 2002. pp. 461-462
Revue d'histoire et de philosophie religieuses, 2001
Roukema Riemer. Tertullien, Contre Marcion Tome IV. Texte critique par Claudio Moreschini, introd... more Roukema Riemer. Tertullien, Contre Marcion Tome IV. Texte critique par Claudio Moreschini, introduction, traduction et commentaire par René Braun, Paris, Les Éditions du Cerf, 2001, (Sources Chrétiennes 456), ISBN 2-204-06585-4, 310 FF. In: Revue d'histoire et de philosophie religieuses, 81e année n°3, Juillet-septembre 2001. pp. 341-342
The origin of this book lies in Strasbourg, whereIworked as professor in the history of ancient C... more The origin of this book lies in Strasbourg, whereIworked as professor in the history of ancient Christianity and patristic studies at the Faculty of Protestant Theologyo ft he-then so called-Université Marc Bloch from 2000 to 2002.Iwas invited to participate in ateam that was to compose the volume on Micah in the series La Bible d'Alexandrie,which consists of French translations of the Septuagint,includingextensive annotations and introductions. My task would be to research the patristic interpretation of Micah, so that its results could be included both in the annotations to the translation and in the introduction. Iaccepted the invitation, and as ateam we continued to work on the project after Ireturned to the Netherlands, where-for the time being-If inalized my research. However, for reasons that are not relevant here, the completion of the volume Michée of La Bible d'Alexandrie was delayed. When it was clear to me that for the coming years its publication could not be expected, Idecided to rewritemyFrench document in English, to add detailed references to the ancient sources-footnotes that werenot required in the French series-and to expand it with other material. This has resulted in this book,whose scope considerablyexceeds my original French introduction and notes. Form yr esearch Ih aveb enefited from the help of several colleagues. My thanks go to JanJ oosten for drawing my attention to the book of Micah and for sharing his insights into its version in the Septuagint;t oM ats Eriksson for sending ac opy of his PhDt hesis on Hesychius of Jerusalem's Scholia on the Twelve Prophets;t oA delrich Staub osb for lending ac opyo fh is PhDt hesis on Jerome's Commentaryo nt he Twelve Prophets;t oT homas Scheck for sending the translation of Jerome's Commentaryo nM icah before it was published;t o Hans van Loon for elucidatings ome passages of Cyril of Alexandria; to Frans van Liere for as can of Rahmer'sb ook on Jerome'su se of Jewishs ources and for his referencet oA ndrieu's Ordines Romani;t oL ucas VanR ompayf or his informationo nS yriac literature and some recent publications; to Gerard Rouwhorst for his comments on my earlier paper on the Improperia;t oS tefan Royé for clarifying my questions about the Byzantine Typika;t oB arry Hartogf or his remarks on Jesus' alleged quotation from Mic 1:7inJ ewish sources; to the librarians of the Protestant Theological Universityi nA msterdam and Groningenf or supplying manyb ooksa nd articles from our owna nd otherl ibraries; to the librarians of the TheologicalU niversity in Kampen(' Broederweg'), the University of Groningen, and VU University in Amsterdam; to Jacob Faberfor improvingthe English style of some of the shorter chapters;toAnthonyRunia who has checked and corrected my English in the whole book (though Ia mr esponsible for re
Revue d'histoire et de philosophie religieuses, 2002
Roukema Riemer. Pamphile et Eusèbe de Césarée, Apologie pour Origène, suivi de Rufin d’Aquilée, S... more Roukema Riemer. Pamphile et Eusèbe de Césarée, Apologie pour Origène, suivi de Rufin d’Aquilée, Sur la falsification des livres d’Origène, texte critique, traduction et notes par Renée Amacker et Éric Junod, Tome 1, Paris, Les Éditions du Cerf, 2002 (Sources Chrétiennes 464). In: Revue d'histoire et de philosophie religieuses, 82e année n°4, Octobre-Décembre 2002. p. 463
Chromatius, preached without any restriction concerning the identity and behaviour of the enemies... more Chromatius, preached without any restriction concerning the identity and behaviour of the enemies, although his exposition of Jesus' words was possibly destined for a limited audience. He takes into account that martyrdom may be the consequence of a Christian's love for enemies. He gives a spiritual interpretation of Jesus' instruction to go two more miles with someone who forces you to go one mile. If an unbeliever or someone who has not yet achieved knowledge of the truth refers to the one God, the Creator of all things, a Christian has to lead him to the knowledge of the Son and the Holy Spirit as well, since faith in God the Father is not sufficient. Peter Chrysologus, bishop of Ravenna, acknowledges that for a soul that is pressed down by the flesh it is impossible to love its enemies and to pray for its persecutors. Keywords: Ancient Christianity; Chromatius; Jesus; love for enemies; Peter Chrysologus; Ravenna
Revue d'histoire et de philosophie religieuses, 2002
Dans le christianisme ancien, le problème se posait de mettre en accord les passions de Yahweh, c... more Dans le christianisme ancien, le problème se posait de mettre en accord les passions de Yahweh, comme sa jalousie et sa colère, avec la philosophie grecque, selon laquelle Dieu est bon, impassible et donc sans jalousie. Marcion et la plupart des gnostiques préconisaient une théologie dualiste, distinguant entre le Dieu inférieur ou malicieux de l'Ancien Testament et le Dieu bon et transcendant proclamé par Jésus-Christ. En revanche, les Pères de l'Église ont voulu affirmer l'unité de Dieu à travers l'histoire. D'une autre manière que les gnostiques, ils se sont réclamés de la théologie négative pour exprimer la vraie transcendance de Dieu. Cependant, dans la pensée patristique, la transcendance de Dieu n'empêchait pas sa proximité envers l'homme créé à son image et à sa ressemblance 1 .
Revue d'histoire et de philosophie religieuses, 2003
Cet article analyse la réponse origénienne à la question de l'origine du mal. D'abord, sont expos... more Cet article analyse la réponse origénienne à la question de l'origine du mal. D'abord, sont exposées quelques réponses figurant dans l'Ancien Testament, les apocryphes juifs, le Nouveau Testament, les mythes gnostiques, les dialogues de Platon et l'oeuvre de Philon, car ces écrits ont influencé Origène. Ensuite, sont présentées les spéculations d'Origène sur la chute des créatures spirituelles dans la préexistence céleste.
... Gnosis and faith in early Christianity: An introduction to gnosticism. Post a Comment. CONTRI... more ... Gnosis and faith in early Christianity: An introduction to gnosticism. Post a Comment. CONTRIBUTORS: Author: Roukema, Riemer. PUBLISHER: Trinity Press International (Harrisburg, Pa.). SERIES TITLE: YEAR: 1999. PUB TYPE: Book (ISBN 1563382997 [pbk]). ...
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative... more This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY
Revue d'histoire et de philosophie religieuses, 2002
Roukema Riemer. F. Ledegang, Mysterium Ecclesiae. Images of the Church and its Members in Origen,... more Roukema Riemer. F. Ledegang, Mysterium Ecclesiae. Images of the Church and its Members in Origen, Louvain, Presses Universitaires de Louvain / Peeters, 2001 (Bibliotheca Ephemeridum Theologicarum Lovaniensium 156). In: Revue d'histoire et de philosophie religieuses, 82e année n°3, Juillet-Septembre 2002. pp. 342-343
Revue d'histoire et de philosophie religieuses, 2002
Roukema Riemer. Origen, Commentary on the Epistle to the Romans Books 1-5, translated by Thomas P... more Roukema Riemer. Origen, Commentary on the Epistle to the Romans Books 1-5, translated by Thomas P. Scheck, Washington D. C., The Catholic University of America Press, 2001 (The Fathers of the Church 103) Origen, Commentary on the Epistle to the Romans Books 6-10, translated by Thomas P. Scheck, Washington D. C., The Catholic University of America Press, 2002 (The Fathers of the Church 104). In: Revue d'histoire et de philosophie religieuses, 82e année n°4, Octobre-Décembre 2002. p. 459
Interpretations by Marcion, Tertullian, Origen, Pseudo-Macarius, John Chrysostom, Ambrosiaster, C... more Interpretations by Marcion, Tertullian, Origen, Pseudo-Macarius, John Chrysostom, Ambrosiaster, Cyril of Alexandria, Hilary of Poitiers, Ambrose of Milan, Augustine of Hippo and more.
Page 1. BIBLICAL EXEGESIS & THEOLOGY Page 2. Page 3. THE INTERPRETATION OF EXODUS Th±s One ZA... more Page 1. BIBLICAL EXEGESIS & THEOLOGY Page 2. Page 3. THE INTERPRETATION OF EXODUS Th±s One ZA1K-LUE-W96N Page 4. Page 5. Edited by Riemer Roukema in collaboration with Bert Jan Lietaert Peerbolte, Klaas ...
The theme of this article arises from Reformed theology, namely, how did authoritative Christian ... more The theme of this article arises from Reformed theology, namely, how did authoritative Christian authors of the second to the fifth centuries AD think about salvation by Christ’s substitutionary and atoning death? How do their views relate to the ‘Christus Victor’ theology that is sometimes propagated nowadays as a more biblical alternative to the traditional Reformed soteriology, and which is considered the dominant approach in the ancient church? Can traces of Christ giving ‘satisfaction’ for God’s offended honor or for his wrath against sin be found in the first centuries? Did any church fathers hold that Christ vicariously bore God’s punishment for the sins of humankind? What was meant by the ransom that Christ had to pay, and to whom did he pay it: to God or to the devil, or were these considered invidious alternatives? This article demonstrates that in their interpretations of biblical texts, the church fathers did indeed address most of these questions. However, a continuous debate on such questions remained, so that the church of those centuries did not create a standard doctrine about the rationale of salvation by Christ, which testifies to varied understandings of it.
Revue d'histoire et de philosophie religieuses, 2002
Roukema Riemer. Cardinal Henri de Lubac, Histoire et Esprit. L’intelligence de l’Écriture d’après... more Roukema Riemer. Cardinal Henri de Lubac, Histoire et Esprit. L’intelligence de l’Écriture d’après Origène, Paris, Les Éditions du Cerf, 2002 (Œuvres complètes 16). In: Revue d'histoire et de philosophie religieuses, 82e année n°4, Octobre-Décembre 2002. pp. 463-464
Revue d'histoire et de philosophie religieuses, 2002
Roukema Riemer. Thomas Gerhard Ring, Die « unvergebbare » Sünde wider den Heiligen Geist in Mt 12... more Roukema Riemer. Thomas Gerhard Ring, Die « unvergebbare » Sünde wider den Heiligen Geist in Mt 12,31f nach der Deutung des hl. Augustinus, Würzburg, Augustinus-Verlag, 2000 (Cassiciacum 48). In: Revue d'histoire et de philosophie religieuses, 82e année n°4, Octobre-Décembre 2002. pp. 461-462
Revue d'histoire et de philosophie religieuses, 2001
Roukema Riemer. Tertullien, Contre Marcion Tome IV. Texte critique par Claudio Moreschini, introd... more Roukema Riemer. Tertullien, Contre Marcion Tome IV. Texte critique par Claudio Moreschini, introduction, traduction et commentaire par René Braun, Paris, Les Éditions du Cerf, 2001, (Sources Chrétiennes 456), ISBN 2-204-06585-4, 310 FF. In: Revue d'histoire et de philosophie religieuses, 81e année n°3, Juillet-septembre 2001. pp. 341-342
The origin of this book lies in Strasbourg, whereIworked as professor in the history of ancient C... more The origin of this book lies in Strasbourg, whereIworked as professor in the history of ancient Christianity and patristic studies at the Faculty of Protestant Theologyo ft he-then so called-Université Marc Bloch from 2000 to 2002.Iwas invited to participate in ateam that was to compose the volume on Micah in the series La Bible d'Alexandrie,which consists of French translations of the Septuagint,includingextensive annotations and introductions. My task would be to research the patristic interpretation of Micah, so that its results could be included both in the annotations to the translation and in the introduction. Iaccepted the invitation, and as ateam we continued to work on the project after Ireturned to the Netherlands, where-for the time being-If inalized my research. However, for reasons that are not relevant here, the completion of the volume Michée of La Bible d'Alexandrie was delayed. When it was clear to me that for the coming years its publication could not be expected, Idecided to rewritemyFrench document in English, to add detailed references to the ancient sources-footnotes that werenot required in the French series-and to expand it with other material. This has resulted in this book,whose scope considerablyexceeds my original French introduction and notes. Form yr esearch Ih aveb enefited from the help of several colleagues. My thanks go to JanJ oosten for drawing my attention to the book of Micah and for sharing his insights into its version in the Septuagint;t oM ats Eriksson for sending ac opy of his PhDt hesis on Hesychius of Jerusalem's Scholia on the Twelve Prophets;t oA delrich Staub osb for lending ac opyo fh is PhDt hesis on Jerome's Commentaryo nt he Twelve Prophets;t oT homas Scheck for sending the translation of Jerome's Commentaryo nM icah before it was published;t o Hans van Loon for elucidatings ome passages of Cyril of Alexandria; to Frans van Liere for as can of Rahmer'sb ook on Jerome'su se of Jewishs ources and for his referencet oA ndrieu's Ordines Romani;t oL ucas VanR ompayf or his informationo nS yriac literature and some recent publications; to Gerard Rouwhorst for his comments on my earlier paper on the Improperia;t oS tefan Royé for clarifying my questions about the Byzantine Typika;t oB arry Hartogf or his remarks on Jesus' alleged quotation from Mic 1:7inJ ewish sources; to the librarians of the Protestant Theological Universityi nA msterdam and Groningenf or supplying manyb ooksa nd articles from our owna nd otherl ibraries; to the librarians of the TheologicalU niversity in Kampen(' Broederweg'), the University of Groningen, and VU University in Amsterdam; to Jacob Faberfor improvingthe English style of some of the shorter chapters;toAnthonyRunia who has checked and corrected my English in the whole book (though Ia mr esponsible for re
Revue d'histoire et de philosophie religieuses, 2002
Roukema Riemer. Pamphile et Eusèbe de Césarée, Apologie pour Origène, suivi de Rufin d’Aquilée, S... more Roukema Riemer. Pamphile et Eusèbe de Césarée, Apologie pour Origène, suivi de Rufin d’Aquilée, Sur la falsification des livres d’Origène, texte critique, traduction et notes par Renée Amacker et Éric Junod, Tome 1, Paris, Les Éditions du Cerf, 2002 (Sources Chrétiennes 464). In: Revue d'histoire et de philosophie religieuses, 82e année n°4, Octobre-Décembre 2002. p. 463
Chromatius, preached without any restriction concerning the identity and behaviour of the enemies... more Chromatius, preached without any restriction concerning the identity and behaviour of the enemies, although his exposition of Jesus' words was possibly destined for a limited audience. He takes into account that martyrdom may be the consequence of a Christian's love for enemies. He gives a spiritual interpretation of Jesus' instruction to go two more miles with someone who forces you to go one mile. If an unbeliever or someone who has not yet achieved knowledge of the truth refers to the one God, the Creator of all things, a Christian has to lead him to the knowledge of the Son and the Holy Spirit as well, since faith in God the Father is not sufficient. Peter Chrysologus, bishop of Ravenna, acknowledges that for a soul that is pressed down by the flesh it is impossible to love its enemies and to pray for its persecutors. Keywords: Ancient Christianity; Chromatius; Jesus; love for enemies; Peter Chrysologus; Ravenna
Revue d'histoire et de philosophie religieuses, 2002
Dans le christianisme ancien, le problème se posait de mettre en accord les passions de Yahweh, c... more Dans le christianisme ancien, le problème se posait de mettre en accord les passions de Yahweh, comme sa jalousie et sa colère, avec la philosophie grecque, selon laquelle Dieu est bon, impassible et donc sans jalousie. Marcion et la plupart des gnostiques préconisaient une théologie dualiste, distinguant entre le Dieu inférieur ou malicieux de l'Ancien Testament et le Dieu bon et transcendant proclamé par Jésus-Christ. En revanche, les Pères de l'Église ont voulu affirmer l'unité de Dieu à travers l'histoire. D'une autre manière que les gnostiques, ils se sont réclamés de la théologie négative pour exprimer la vraie transcendance de Dieu. Cependant, dans la pensée patristique, la transcendance de Dieu n'empêchait pas sa proximité envers l'homme créé à son image et à sa ressemblance 1 .
Revue d'histoire et de philosophie religieuses, 2003
Cet article analyse la réponse origénienne à la question de l'origine du mal. D'abord, sont expos... more Cet article analyse la réponse origénienne à la question de l'origine du mal. D'abord, sont exposées quelques réponses figurant dans l'Ancien Testament, les apocryphes juifs, le Nouveau Testament, les mythes gnostiques, les dialogues de Platon et l'oeuvre de Philon, car ces écrits ont influencé Origène. Ensuite, sont présentées les spéculations d'Origène sur la chute des créatures spirituelles dans la préexistence céleste.
... Gnosis and faith in early Christianity: An introduction to gnosticism. Post a Comment. CONTRI... more ... Gnosis and faith in early Christianity: An introduction to gnosticism. Post a Comment. CONTRIBUTORS: Author: Roukema, Riemer. PUBLISHER: Trinity Press International (Harrisburg, Pa.). SERIES TITLE: YEAR: 1999. PUB TYPE: Book (ISBN 1563382997 [pbk]). ...
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative... more This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY
Revue d'histoire et de philosophie religieuses, 2002
Roukema Riemer. F. Ledegang, Mysterium Ecclesiae. Images of the Church and its Members in Origen,... more Roukema Riemer. F. Ledegang, Mysterium Ecclesiae. Images of the Church and its Members in Origen, Louvain, Presses Universitaires de Louvain / Peeters, 2001 (Bibliotheca Ephemeridum Theologicarum Lovaniensium 156). In: Revue d'histoire et de philosophie religieuses, 82e année n°3, Juillet-Septembre 2002. pp. 342-343
Revue d'histoire et de philosophie religieuses, 2002
Roukema Riemer. Origen, Commentary on the Epistle to the Romans Books 1-5, translated by Thomas P... more Roukema Riemer. Origen, Commentary on the Epistle to the Romans Books 1-5, translated by Thomas P. Scheck, Washington D. C., The Catholic University of America Press, 2001 (The Fathers of the Church 103) Origen, Commentary on the Epistle to the Romans Books 6-10, translated by Thomas P. Scheck, Washington D. C., The Catholic University of America Press, 2002 (The Fathers of the Church 104). In: Revue d'histoire et de philosophie religieuses, 82e année n°4, Octobre-Décembre 2002. p. 459
Interpretations by Marcion, Tertullian, Origen, Pseudo-Macarius, John Chrysostom, Ambrosiaster, C... more Interpretations by Marcion, Tertullian, Origen, Pseudo-Macarius, John Chrysostom, Ambrosiaster, Cyril of Alexandria, Hilary of Poitiers, Ambrose of Milan, Augustine of Hippo and more.
Page 1. BIBLICAL EXEGESIS & THEOLOGY Page 2. Page 3. THE INTERPRETATION OF EXODUS Th±s One ZA... more Page 1. BIBLICAL EXEGESIS & THEOLOGY Page 2. Page 3. THE INTERPRETATION OF EXODUS Th±s One ZA1K-LUE-W96N Page 4. Page 5. Edited by Riemer Roukema in collaboration with Bert Jan Lietaert Peerbolte, Klaas ...
De uitleg van Paulus' eerste brief aan de Corinthiërs in de tweede en derde eeuw, 1966
A monograph on the interpretation of Paul's First Epistle to theCorinthians in the second and thi... more A monograph on the interpretation of Paul's First Epistle to theCorinthians in the second and third centuries
Jan Joosten, Philippe Le Moigne, Riemer Roukema, Les Douze Prophètes. Michée, La Bible d’Alexandr... more Jan Joosten, Philippe Le Moigne, Riemer Roukema, Les Douze Prophètes. Michée, La Bible d’Alexandrie 23, 3 (Paris : Cerf, 2023). Avec la collaboration de Laurence Vianès (épreuves non corrigées)
Papers by Riemer Roukema